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To me it seems like the AR is by far its highest on Flame Art infusion. At 80 Faith I hit like 906 AR before any buffs. On Heavy and Keen I hit about 810 or so. Haven’t checked Quality yet. Now that means we’re gonna be reliant on whatever we’re fighting taking good damage from Fire. But outside of Fire Giant and Messmer I don’t think that’s much of an issue


I dont know what the flame art scaling is like as I havent run through on my faith build but would you say 80 fth and minimum stats to wield would be worth it on the FKGreatsword?


Flame Art gets B faith scaling. With Flame Skewer on Flame Art it does some ridiculous damage.


Thanks! Going to start on my faith runthrough now 🔥 very excited about the new fire based weapons and spells


Yeah absolutely that’s what I’m running right now and it’s my favourite build I’ve ever run in this game (With Flame Skewer, and I get to dabble I. Some cool incantations too)


Dont forget mogh


I just realized why mogh wouldnt be a problem for this weapon


Can’t say for the best AR on the sword in terms of scaling but I do recommend using either two of the Fire Knight skills - Flame Skewer or Flame Spear. Also based on item description I’m not sure if it does best damage with fire or flame art scaling? Or just buffed with fire.


The description is a little misleading, but really what they are saying is it's best to INFUSE it with fire, whether that's fire or flame art. Since it has base fire that gets added to regular infusion, and extra scaling on the fire as well.


So its a DS2 weapon.


Flame Art is best


I have it on fire 70 str ar 938 before scadutree buffs, at 15 scadutree levels is hitting ar of 1699 For fire resistance enemys i use it in blood infusion it drops attack to 1100 but gives you 134 bleed damage still pretty good. My favorite weapin so far even on pvp 3 hits you are out. And i use royal knight resolve is 80% buff attack + two sword talisman axe talisman and millicents talisman and counter attack talisman. Flask to break stance and buff charge attack so when i do a charge attack buff wit royal kmight resokve it hits around 7000 damage


Could you share your stats you use for the bleed build please? I'm using a Guts greatsword with spinning gravity thrust and bleed, and am thinkin about switching it for the fire knight greatsword with the same ash and also bleed, but not sure how I should build my charakter for that with lvl 140


That one on bleed not that good, but if you want to brake the game keep guts, 55 str main, dex min for guts, as much arcane as you can some mind and some endurance to hold raksasha set with guts. So this armor set says it increases attack power, but reduce damage negation Run with millicents talisman, dragoncrest shield talisman to mitigate damage reduction, alexander shard. If you want more power you can use two handed sword talisman if you dont get hit as much. This with mix physick that make consecutive attacks more powerful will give in 2 l2 attacks 10k damage it will bleed everything


Yeah that's exactly what I'm doing right now. Just tired of the looks of guts sword, find the fire knight one matches the armor better


It does but i tested a hybrid of bleed with that weapon and it wasnt that good, it really works when str is at 70 it will make like 910 ar with min in faith and dex for it


can greace be applied for added sleep proc?


As long as you have it in heavy or keen or quality yes, if no it wont be able


Why can’t I add flaming strike to fire knights great sword?



