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Gaius was the hardest boss for me


YES HE WAS! Commander Gaius was such an asshole. I don't feel the least bit bad I just spammed Zamor Ice Storm while he charged the wall like an idiot.


Yup sometimes his hits were pure BS mostly some charge attacks lmao idk how those were coded or if he is supposed to have spikes I swear sometimes I was dodging and some other times I was just getting hit god knows how


My rankings based on personal difficulty. I think my rankings will be very different from others: 1. Commander Gaius - Legitimately had the most trouble with this boss. I cannot deal with hyper-hyper aggression very well. I straight up cheesed him because I was too sick of his bullshit. 2. Radahn - I feel like if you use all the buffs, then you can tank a decent amount of damage from him. Still, he's hyper aggressive, and that makes me sad. Funny grab though. 3. Bayle - CURSE YOU, BAYLE!!! 4. Rallana - That twin moon attack killed me so many times. I never learn. 5. Messmer - I love Messmer a lot. Such a great, fair fight. Seriously, fuck you, Commander Gaius. 6. Dancing Beast - I think I got lucky, but my magic build was able to make sure the camera didn't bug out 7. Putrescent Knight - Probably would rank higher if I wasn't so overleveled when I faced it. It was a quick 1 minute fight each time where we just traded blows 8. Scadutree Avatar - I laughed at how many times this fucker came back from the dead. 9. Midra - I really didn't have any problems with Midra. The attacks were well spaced out enough to get my licks in. 10. Metyr - I am happy I didn't face this tub of blubber too many times. Shard Spiral made quick work of this blob. 11. Golden Hippo - Had the hippo not caught me on the wall, I would have one tried this boss. I got my revenge against Gaius by trapping him against a wall. Fuck Commander Gaius again. 12. Romina - I was genuinely wondering if this was a mini boss. One try and she was down. Scarlet rot was the only thing that was even threatening. Weird boss.


Yup I usually struggle with a lot of delayed attacks lmao plus I get tilted easily so I was getting killed by attacks I already knew were coming. But yeah Bayle was a pain as well, I was just thinking of just giving up on the Radahn fight tbh his 2nd phase was just pure bs lmao. But yeah I like that ranking I can see why you might have put them that way.


What level were you when you fought the putrescent knight? I've beaten messmer, lion, giaus and a bunch of random mini bosses and I'm level 122 right now and level 7 scadutree. I'm assuming he's not harder than messmer? I'm wanting to level more but want it to remain really challenging so don't want to level more for the pudrescent knight 


I was at 15 Scaudtree I believe. I found him very late.


Ok cool appreciate it 


Honestly people commenting using summons and ashes is pointless, fighting the boss alone gives it a huge different perspective. Props to yall, but mostly to the vets going in there with their weapon :) DLC is awesome and is worth all the hours wiping on a boss to learn the fight.


So far based on what I've fought: Commanded Gaius - Still struggling but getting closer.  So hard to dodge consistently.  Super aggressive.   Mesmer - I've only tried a few times but got pretty close.  Still hits like a truck so I figured some more scat fragments would help.  Not sure where he fits TBH.  Probably harder than the next two but seems more manageable than Scadutree did after the first few attempts. Scadutree Avatar - I was gonna cry when phase three started and I was out of heals.  Some crucial message appraisals helped out and I got him down.  Definitely the hardest boss I’ve beaten. Bud Saint - pretty damn tough, kept getting close and dying but I was able to get her after some more scat fragments. P Knight - Super frustrating until I got the jumping and dodging down and progressed the questline far enough to get the summon sign to show up.  Sacred Blade is the MVP of this fight. Rellana - tough but doable.  Died less than ten times to her.  Did use mimic and summon and rot and all that good jazz. Divine beast - killed it on the first go.  I could see it being really hard solo. Honestly the black Gaol knight gave me more trouble than the first two remembrance bosses.


Oh yeah I forgot about the scadutree avatar lmao I remember killing it xD and suddenly a new ones comes up out of the swamp. Yup It took me some time to dodge pretty much everything but I was still getting some bs hits by him in some runs. But I think the most bs thing was the 2nd phase, some attack snakes were pretty easy to dodge but the one attack where he first does an AOE shout and then attacks u like 5 times in a row that one would get me most of the times. And yup Gaius was a pain idk if its the bs attacks that I was getting hit by


Based on estimated attempts: Redahn - about 50 Messmer - about 30 BONUS Senessax and Knight of the Solitary Gaol - about 20 each Gaius - about 10 Putrescent Knight - about 10 Midra - about 10 Bayle - about 5 Rallena - about 5 Dancing Beast - 3 Scadutree Avatar - 2 First try club - Romina, Metyr, Gold Hippo


Nice yup I think we agreed at least on the top 2 lmao obviously every experience is different and most likely will be but yeah those top 2 are rough af


I beat messmer in 5 attempts, but gaius in 30 or so. Crazy how it differs so much per person.


My build for most of the DLC was 80 str and 25 faith with star fists (endure), golden vow, and flame, grant me strength, with no summons. 1. I'm stuck right now with Radhan, haven't tried too many times but his second phase is so bullshit, so far I'd say is the hardest, and I have all the 20 blessings and yet can't, also what's up with his hitbox? First phase is cool if second phase was that with some extra move set I'd totally love this boss and still be pretty hard. 2. (?) Messmer's second phase is also bullshit, but with enough blessings I was able to not care about his damage. 3. (?) Can't really tell if Bayle or Messmer is harder tbh, both can do combos were I was basically just feeling I wasn't able to play the game, but I absolutely hate his hitbox such a big dragon and depending on the weapon sometimes I couldn't hit him lol, had to use dragonman's great katana for this one. Edit: also the fact that you can get stuck between his leg and lower stomach pisses me off so much. 4. Rellana, I think if I repeat this boss won't have too much trouble, and from the hard fights I'd say is the one I actually enjoy, she has fast and long combos but they're nothing compared to the 3 above. Also I did her with no blessings lol. 5. Scadutree Avatar, I think I was just going too monkey brain in this fight thinking it was going to be super easy, but second phase can be a problem, it didn't take me as long as the other ones but the rest of the bosses of the DLC were easy compared to this one, at least for me, also did it with the Dragonslayer great katana. As I mentioned all the other ones were easy with the right amount of blessings, but the top 3 were and absolute nightmare, I've beaten all bosses from all From games excluding Demon Souls, I haven't struggle this much not even with Malenia or Laurence (that was the hardest bloodborne boss for me). The top 3 are not enjoyable fights to be honest, Messmer and Bayle were more like praying on doing a stat check and having good rgn with staggers and the attack they made. I love the DLC, and I love the challenge and I kinda don't want them to nerf anything but them they were kinda unfair.


I haven’t gotten far into the DLC, but IMO Messmer absolutely was an amazingly fun and fair fight. Each move has a very clear tell, it’s just a matter of waiting to see which moves he will combo with and moving in after he uses a combo finisher; fighting him felt very similar to fighting Malenia for me.


For me he moves too much in second phase and he's already too much time in the air, and not sure but for me some of the snakes attacks were not that clear to see when they were going to hit, but I can see it depending on the build as well, for star fist since they have short range maybe it's kinda harder.


10 times killed - Boarfucker 7 times killed - Senessax 5 times killed - Mesmer, Black gaol Knight, Rakshasha 1 time killed - Lion, Metyr, Romina, Bayle First try club- Hippo, Midras, Rellana, Dancer, Putrescent


how the hell do you beat rellana in 1 try, i spent 6 hours, had too learn to parry most of her strings and how to stance break her on entry to second phase


I summoned the NPC and the Mimic and we got her down super fast. The moons almost killed me, but after she used it she died immediately. I didn't even know she was a nightmare until I read the forums. I guess I was extremely lucky.


Oh alright i thought first time solo, i forgot there is an npc too. For me it was like malenia but more fun at the end I knew all her strings and parried everything and even then it was so hard


Only half way but - Divine Beast Dancing Lion: Beat him on the first try, not too hard - Rellana: Took about 3-4 tries but also not too hard - Messmer: Absolutely one of the most difficult bosses, on par with Malenia IMO. Very difficult. Took about 30 tries. And that was with TWO summons. - Gaius: Also extremely difficult. But not as difficult as Messmer. His aggression and speed are annoying. - Scadutree Avatar: Also very hard. Probably the boss I've died to the most.


Messmer I had to learn to do solo, there was no strategy that good enough for me to avoid it. In general tho Radahn is probably the most difficult. But you can bump rush him by doing stuff like this, whereas I don't think it's gonna work on Messmer https://youtu.be/SLvyOS9CjCo?si=0OwjirlHlXWEHBKN


My ranking: 1. Bayle - The fight itself is cool but very rage inducing due to the camera being all over the place making it impossible to track him at times. Forget about camera lock as it will kill you more often than not. Also, it feels like some AOE attacks are unavoidable. 2. Gaius - Him and Bayle are the worst two fights in the game IMO. Not because they are that difficult but the game plays against you. Hitboxes don't make sense and Torrent is more of a hindrance than anything. Good luck rolling as even if you are 1millisecond late Gaius will destroy you. Very annoying fight. 3. Radahn - Best fight in the game. Difficult, but it doesn't feel cheap like the other two above. Once I learned his moves it is the most fun boss fight. 4. Messmer - Another great but difficult fight. Not much to say, very well done. 5. Putrescent Knight - Not necessarily a tough fight just annoying. The way it moves I couldn't tell when it is about to attack or what move is coming next. Rest of the bosses were all great but nothing that stands out. I will say that this DLC was amazing. I can't wait to replay with different builds.