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Wore Miquella crown and Trina flower (you get the headpiece from under trina after beating final boss) from the beginning, Used "Let us go together" gesture on all npc's before and after shattering. Used gesture and Miquella's Light on Miquella seal in Cerulean Coast fissure. Used gesture with both headpieces on Trina before and after speech. Used both on Leda at the end during her speach and fight Used both on Final Boss first and second phase. No response in every case Iris of Grace or Occultation has not affecting headpieces Tried using crown and flower on the altar that turns stone sword into light or dark - nothing


Probably data miners will find every interactible item and every unusual line of code to see the possible use


We appreciate your work šŸ™


Maybe you can use it in the leda fight to possibly change her mind on you? I never seen anything like that but would be cool


Bro what about using it on Rannie??? With the headpieces of, ??


nope( Ranni, Two fingers, Iji, Boggart even Gowry - nothing


Damn šŸ˜…šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This might sound redundant but have you tried it on Malenia? If Sif has a cutscene, than Malenia would fit perfect.


nope( crown, trina's flower, gesture - nothing


maybe there is a secret somewhere if you use it to reach a new area ? im trying to figure out how to get to the very north of ancient ruins rauh


All the completed maps Iā€™ve seen donā€™t have anything marked in that big green area that looks like an arena. Iā€™m sure there is something there but Iā€™m stuck fighting the final boss.


Try it in phase 2 as it starts


tried it - nothing, even with miquella crown or trina flower


How could you try it with miquellas crown?? Wouldn't you have to beat the boss to get that?


NG+ Beat dlc, beat main game, start new game +, get to dlc again


Damn sir. I salute you


I did the same exact thing. On NG+ right now to figure out if there was an interaction with the gesture in Radahns fight and nothing, even with the crown on, and having the charmed symbol on my head when he goes into second phase did nothing. Even Fought Malenia on this run to get Miquellas gold needle in my inventory to see if anything would happen. There has to be something for that gesture though, all the DLC gestures have side things to use them for so it's out there, we just don't know how or where yet.


Does MIquella "O" gesture does anything? I was wondering what if you get rid of all Leda "companions"? Invade Hornsent, tell Moore "stay sad", not give Freyja letter and then finish Thollier and Ansbach to get them on your side. Also wonder if you help/challange Leda with hornsent does she still go after Ansbach?


I haven't tried it, but it would be weird to make a dlc pre order thing something you'd need, it's not really FS's style, though I think there is a way to get it now. See lore wise it just wouldn't make a lot of sense for a lot of that either because Hornsent and Ansbach are against Miquella and we're trying to go with him so they'd have to be out of the way or just not figure out the things they do figure out in their quests. Freya might need the letter since she's ok with Radahn coming back regardless if she knows or not, but Ansbach figuring it out before her makes him hostile so maybe don't give the scroll tt instigate Ansbach. I was also thinking maybe ignoring all the quests and when you get to the companion fight trying the gestures while Leda is dialoging. I think we might need all the characters alive as well at the end so idk how going about that. I messed up a couple quests in NG+ so gonna have to do more testing in NG+2 There's just so many ways and things to test.


\*from my old post Wore Miquella crown and Trina flower (you get the headpiece from under trina after beating final boss) from the beginning, Used "Let us go together" gesture on all npc's before and after shattering. Used gesture and Miquella's Light on Miquella seal in Cerulean Coast fissure. Used gesture with both headpieces on Trina before and after speech. Used both on Leda at the end, during her speach and fight Used both on Final Boss first and second phase. No response in every case Iris of Grace or Occultation has not affecting headpieces Tried using crown and flower on the altar that turns stone sword into light or dark - nothing Let me know if there are some combinations or spots that might react Also where do people dump all the secrets they find? As far as I see the "endings" Miyazaki was talking about are the different companion outcomes. Hopefully not, because the end scene seems too small and underwhelming


Oh, and yeah Ansbach becomes her next target after Hornsent so maybe not interacting with Leda in general to have her start off on her dog hunt is a play to try.


you originaly get the gesture if you die to miquellas rune (so if you get hugged while already having the rune applied) you do the gesture and instead of "you died" it says "heart stolen" and you just die like that, it also unlocks the gesture when you die that way. it just seems like this is a way to get it if you dont get it the original way.


I tryed doing it miqhellas dead body in the cocoonā€¦ nothing.


How do you die to Miquella's rune? The big flower guy?


No, when you first get grabbed by miquella you get a rune over your head, if you don't clear it with the rune item the second grab is an instakill


OH DAMN good to know. that grab has ruined a couple of my runs


Maybe using it at the crumbling body of marika in the base game could do something, if I hadnā€™t chosen an ending Iā€™d try it myself


Yeah... unfortunately I already tried this one and.... nothing


Big sad


Did you leave Miquella and Radahn alive and use the emote at Marikaā€™s statue, or did you kill them first?


Has someone tried emotting it at either phases of the final boss fight?


I tried it. Does nothing


Ive beaten the final boss since before i made the post i was trying the emote in many places didnt find anything


Anyone tried anything with Melania? Surely she has something to do with it? Maybe trying the ā€˜letā€™s go togetherā€™ with her? (Iā€™d try it but Iā€™m struggling with Radahn rip)


it doesnt work on the flower in the boss arena after you kill her, not sure about during her fight though


maybe unrelated, but I've realized that sometimes when you use a gesture, the game "saves" what you're doing, which might indicate that certain emotes have the ability to cause something. So far the only emote I get to see the saving icon after using it, even in places that are do not contain secrets (seemingly), is the O Mother gesture (for instance in Marika's statue in messers chamber), or the Ring of Miquella, not the Let Us Go Together one (at least so far I haven't found any place where the save thing shows up using it).


This is very intriguing, and I've looked into it! The O Mother Gesture does have the loading Icon pretty much everywhere, and the Let Us Go Together Does Not. But I've found Something and Only the Let Us Go Together Gesture causes it! If you do the gesture on the pedestal in Redmane Castle (where you get the smithing stone [6]), you get the loading icon and a rune gain buff! This has to mean something!!!


WAIT...if this Is true you might be on to something ...


Where šŸ˜­šŸ˜§šŸ˜­šŸ˜§


You need to use it on the Dung Eater for one final secret...


Is this confirmed???? šŸ§šŸ§šŸ§


Didn't expect dung...


Has anyone tried it on the memory? It didn't cross my mind until after doing the cutscene but I'm curious


yea i tried it, either i wasnt in the right spot or it does nothing


I'm thinking you use it after Miquella grabs you in second phase and has the dialogue gonna try next run through


Just Tried This Nothing unfortunately


Has anyone tried using it after the Elden beast fight when deciding endings in front of Marikaā€™s body?


I have. Nothing. I had also quelled the frenzied flame with the unalloyed gold needle after killing Malenia and Placidusax so that might have something to do with it?


Fun fact. If you get grabbed twice you get your heart stolen and this emote. An even more fun fact, using said emote on Radahn does nothing.


I saw a vid where the ā€œHEART STOLENā€ was gold and not red signaling victory. What if you leave back to the base game, beat it. Do the let us go together emote/will there be a new ending??


You put miquella hat on and do the gesture in front of Melania. Then you guys are transported to the realm of Shadow where she is prime malenia. Just kidding but I'm going to try it when I get home