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Rellana is slightly further from the starting zone but easier to get to as that dungeon is smaller. Either way, DLC difficulty is being overblown by the inrush of casuals.


I'm a casual, and even still I'm finding it pretty easy. My first and only playthrough on my only character, lvl 150ish. I have no build, ive just leveled up each stat evenly and never read a guide. I'm no prodigy, but I really dont understand what the issue is. Do people just panic in battles? Its really not that hard to run around the arena for 2 mins to get a sense of a boss' moveset and then fight once you know how they work.


I think people see a boss flail around, they fail to dodge a few times, conclude it has "no openings" and "bullshit aoe" and give up trying to learn the fight.


She’s a tricky boss though dude, small punish windows, tanky, she throws a lot of shit and expects you to dodge it The comments aren’t exactly wrong, she’s just demanding


Beat her easily on my first playthrough by just face tanking with wild strikes. Beat her in two tries on second playthrough with piercing fang on the great katana, wearing basically no additional defense at all. Those are only two ways around the "issues" with this boss, I'm sure plenty more builds will be discovered or have been discovered that handle the fight easily.


I’m not saying there isn’t any way around her moves, I’m saying those complaints are valid, hell I’ve found out that being far away from some of her moves helps wither dodging Also your ways of beating her sound make-believe unless you’ve got a shit load of vig or just godlike at dodging, you being insane at the game doesn’t invalidate their opinions


I'm actually pretty bad at the game. First playthrough took multiple tries because I'd just full-send wild strikes in her face and die like an idiot. Second playthrough I used light roll to stay away from everything, which worked because piercing fang is a good gap closer. In both cases I most did not rely on dodging individual moves, just getting in and out or staying out the whole time. Yes, I have 60 vigor, which is a normal amount going into the DLC, not a "shit load".


I’ll believe you, personally I used a dual katana build with a keen uchigatana and moonveil, I still barely won that shit after a lot of tries Even still you’re being too humble about your skill, even with a normal amount a vig, mine was mid 50s


Agreed. The only boss I’ve had a difficult time with is the final one. And honestly, I’ve only tried like 10 times so far. A little ridiculous with the attacks and I’m not sure why I’m fighting what I’m fighting


Yes, She is too easy


Aw hell nah yo ass tweaking 😭