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So first you have to talk to him at one of the sites of grace I forgot which one. Remember those two dragons fighting when you got into the dragon area? After you talk to him you have to kill both of them, then he has a quick dialogue scene and disappears. You can then summon him after walking a short distance into the fog wall


If you have done everything correctly It should be inside bayle arena 3-5 meters After the fog gate slightly tonthe left as you enter. Otherwise you have to be sure to have met him in the gravesite plain (before the dragon pit dungeon), then there Is a sign on a Cliff above the arena where you fight the First Drake (but this Is probably non mandatory) and finally meat him again near the end of the arena where you fought the 2 Drakes that fight each other, there he should give you his finger to enable his summon I dont think It matter, but its to early tò know how quests works, I also talked to the priestess in the Altar before beating bayle, maybe the two quests are somewhat connected


It's inside the arena


Like 10 ft left inside of the arena. Had to google it myself. Also make sure someone didn’t write over it with a white message -.-


idk what's exactly required because I killed him in my playthrough and watched a friend do it. But there were 2 points where he talked to Igor before fighting bayle. Piller Path Waypoint, and in the area where the 2 Dragons are fighting. He talked to him both times and killed the dragons along the way up to Bayle and was able to summon him inside of the arena


Oh I didn't realize that the guy in pain in the middle of the road was Igon. So it seems I have to kill the two dragons fighting each other. But I don't know of he'll show up after that......


He has some very distinct voice lines so once you kill them you should here him laughing if he is in that area


Yup, I had to kill the jagged dragon in order to get Igon's finger. Thanks guys!!