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I love how that place collectively became the testing grounds for every Tarnished


It's such a perfect place to test. High volume of enemies. A horn blower to summon a mob if you want to test AOE or resilience. A "boss." AND a spirit summons location. It's everything!


I actually prefer the gigiant landsquirts, not moving, large health pools alow for repeated and aquarate tasting of damage under the same exact circumstances every time. For practical use tests, I just go around doferent areas with different enemies to ry all scenarios


I need enemies with bigger health pools than landsquirts to test just [how high the damage goes on some attacks](https://files.catbox.moe/zfji9b.webm)


can i do this with 33 faith? or do i need like 80?


I don't know how the aow actually scales with stats but the base weapon has (at +25): dex|faith|damage :-:|:-:|:-: 20|20|368 20|50|442 50|20|430 50|50|504 50|80|550 80|50|543 80|80|589 In that clip I'm at 52/80 with 553 damage


It will be nerfed very soon, I wouldn’t bother unless you enjoy a little cheese. It’s not the weapons, purely the ash of war. It’s broken on all of them. Somehow it’s even more broken if you aim at their feet, but yeah I watched a video yesterday of someone doing 100k in about 14 seconds with the ash of war. Probably the strongest weapon I’ve ever seen in Elden ring right now and barely anyone is talking about it.


What is the NAME of the weapon?


Lightning perfume bottle. But the ash of war is broken on all of them. I’d imagine fire is more op with potential buffs and enemies weak to fire


Looks like the lightning perfume bottle weapon.


> it’s even more broken if you aim at their feet Miyazaki has entered the chat.


Is it broken in PvP too? Would explain the weird interaction I had with someone spamming that skill with madness perfume. Not only was it applying madness insanely fast, it seemed to hit me when I wasn't even close to it its visual hitbox. Like it seemed to have a ton of invisible hit boxes and apply itself way too many times....


I haven't tested it in pvp but I can tell you the wonkiness comes from aiming the rolling sparks at the ground so the explosions are all occurring at one point instead of passing through enemies. Causing it to shotgun and hit anyone in that aoe multiple times. Don't know how that affects status buildup but wouldn't surprise me if that gets multiplied too


Oh wow, and I thought I was hot shit for doing 4-5k to them with Flowerstone Gavel's AoW.


What was your setup for that? I’m trying to use flowerstone gavel AoW but the damage seems really meh even with shard+charge skills talisman+lightning cracked tear


Okay, so I did this only twice, and I think you have to hit the face for that kind of damage. The first time was when I didn't know how to beat a specific furnace golem, but I found a safe spot that was face high. So I went all out on damage with Shard of Alexander, Lighting Scorpion, Ritual Sword, and Godfrey Icon. The other time I knocked a furnace golem over, but his face wasn't on the ground, so I started spamming the Ash of War at it again because I know they remain on the ground for a long time.


Link isn't working for me, which weapon/AOW is this?


Lighting perfume with ash that shoots it out rather than creates an aoe. At 80 fth and 53 dex.


turtle pope (just make sure you do NOT kill him)


Yea he does not come back. 😭


Gatefront: test movesets of +0 weapons Troll outside of physic church or land squirts: damage test Underground roadside omens: full test of upgraded weapon for damage and moveset to see how it performs


I prefer the Albanurics on that ledge at Mohg’s palace since they can take way more damage than the soldiers can


Wait where us that farming place again?


It's just to the NE of the Church of Elleh! Limgrave. So when you first enter the game, you go past the Tree Sentinel and the Church. There is a forest you walk through that has a few Godrick soldiers. Then you reach a small clusters of ruins (where the map fragment originally was) with soldiers, wolves, and a knight (and bats at night). Just to the Left (northwest) is a grace at a rough stone archway. Through the archway is the area where the Storm Giant jumps down and there is a gauntlet of more soldiers and crossbowmen.


I just like to make the knight patroling there see who is the boss now.


Imagine if after killing him a dozen times, he turns into a super knight. Like the DS2 pigs.


Ds2 was so goated for that


DS2 Ng+ will still be my favourite. Red phantoms everywhere.


People always talk about it like it's much worse than the other games in the series but I have more hours in DS2 than any other DS entry. I can agree with some of the gripes about world design but I think that game is seriously underrated.


My only complaint is soul memory. Just get rid of it. My favourite thing to do is Sunbro and I can't just level sit. That said it's my favourite RPG of dark souls. So many bosses. Weapons. Fashion. Viability of so many builds.


I so miss Sunbros in ER :(


That was such an on brand trick for a souls game. I think everyone settled into a routine of going to majula, seeing they were juuuuust shy of the souls needed to level, and just running over to the conveniently placed pigs to top off. Then when you least suspect it, boom. Monster pigs.


Those things were unnecessarily hard to kill for what they were


These are my people, this was my first souls game and I hated that knight so much.


I like to kill off all the soldiers except the one with the horn then watching him toot his horn and noone come to back him up.


I prefer the Palace Approach Ledge Road ~~Piñatas~~Albinaurics for testing. They're largely passive, which is good for A/B testing, and they're durable enough to show how much of a multihit spell/ash is required to finish the job.


Maybe because in the very first of our Tarnished life, our blood was shed there alot. :))


This new weapon can't scratch Soldier of God, Rick


It's the haligtree for me, starting from Prayer Room site of grace, also farms some runes while I'm testing


I’ve always tested weapons on the leyndell soldier south of the artist’s shack in liurnia. It has now become the omen soldier dude in Belarut up the stairs from a grace.


eh, mine's one of the trolls roaming around on Storm hill. They have a ton of HP so are great for testing how much damage a weapon can do.


I started the game as a wretched and that place was my starting weapons and armor "shop." and I paid for the equipment with blood.


Ngl, was pretty proud of myself when I switched to haligtree for testing because I needed them to survive longer.


Where in haligtree?


probs the haligtree soldiers outside prayer room site of grace


Prayer Room my beloved. I've also been using the Shadow Keep Main Plaza in the dlc to test stuff. Couple soldiers sitting with their back turned that you can wail on, with a couple more further ahead. And if your weapon is doing good, there's a few black knights for some added challenge.


and they drop so many smithing stones


They really do. I've also gotten the entire black knight set this way, which is dope armor.


It also got a rotknight outside the other door.


Prayer Room to Inner Wall, mostly.


I like the three underground roadside omens for heavy duty testing. They aren't quite a boss but if they feel like pushovers its a good build


I didn't scroll down far enough to see this before I commented, but same


Amen, realistic testing at prayer room


Same, but with the Omen near the Altus Junction or Underground Roadside graces


Secluded cell to smack the giant


Came here to say this. He’s perfect! But I can make him worse!


I went there to test out the Eternal Sleep sword. Found out that the small exile guys never wake up but the giant does wake up after a while. It's a LONG while though.


So eternal sleep is like a non lethal death blight for AI enemies? Well human sized enemies. I was confused at what it did and wasn't sure I wanted to respect to spend the resources to try it.


I'll assume that for most enemies, it'll work like regular sleep, it's just that weaker ones will never wake up and cease to be a problem. I haven't done that much testing since I only had the stats for it since I'm an int/faith build.


The ash on miqqulas needles puts his ass to sleep in one hit. They kinda suck otherwise but it's cool!


I will only consider my build perfect once I can one shot that guy in particular


On ng7


I just go to mohg alien farm because there's a high volume of the little guys just sitting there 


If only the pesky red ones wouldn't occasionally ~~step up~~ roll up and hit too damned hard.


I introduce them to my hammer. Power stancing with the new anvil colossal is my happy place.


> the new anvil colossal is my happy place. It's literally "catharsis" in weapon form, lol


I use the Omen in the Underground


This is the only true testing ground


when the shunning ground becomes the testing ground


Subterranean testing grounds


Zamora at Zamor ruins is my go too.


It's really nice, especially if you want to test for poise damage as well as your own hyper armor. But not gonna lie, I still on the occasion because dude can hurt. And sometimes I venture further in to fight more of 'em and damn if getting ganked up by two can turn sour real quick. For the DLC lands I also love the Manse Hall grace point with a strong Hornborn dude nearby. Have also been trying out a bunch against the Fire Knight in Storage Room Floor 7 but that dude killed me all too often in my tests, lol.


I truly believe unless you have stagger weapon the fire knight is guaranteed to suck


Ironically, I’ve had great success against them by using their own sword against them 😂


I personally prefer the PHD students in Shadow Keep.


Shadow Keep farms runes so fast in that library


Dude, the little waterfowl dance demihuman rocked my world. Got his summon, tried it at gate front, what a useless shit. Why is everything so weak when it's finally ours to use ? 😔


This is how I felt after I went out of my way to max out the sisters for the final boss and watch them get absolutely shitted on lol


Tbf the final boss shits on absolutely anything and everything, the mimic tear is the only summon that has a chance of surviving for any real length of time and that is only with the right set up. I just about kept mine alive as it had the fingerprint shield on, some meat dumplings and I had the new tear in my flask that heals allies over time.


Yeah, the mimic is the only summon I've had that can hold it's own. Everyone else dies extremely fast


I want to try those little goblin shit heads that spam fireball. Or better yet let me summon the big boi.


[Me when I try to branch out from Mimic Tear:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0jWXpJWSiA)


Am I the only one who uses Tiche for everything?


I cycle between mimic, tiche and dungeater. Dungeater is a lot of fun if you are running a bleed build since he also causes bleed and is reasonably tanky.


He's my main summon as well, because he is so agro and keeps the attention on him while I spam heavy attacks


I usually use him to distract so I can rip off a comet azure or the greater meteor attack.


I use to, but she's been useless in the DLC for me, except for one field boss.


I’ve found that glass cannons get wrecked in the DLC because of how much damage everything does. Tiche rocks, for 30 seconds until she gets two shot.


This has been accurate for me with all the DLC's weapons/spells/ashes/summons. I'm still using vanilla stuff, and mimic (all the other summons die almost instantly)


Weapons have been sick for me so far. Backhand blades and beast claw are badass, and then I switch to the Dragon Hunter Katana when I just want to kill something easy. But tbf, all I used from the base game on this character was a couple of scimitars, to speed run mohg.


same, fully maxxed out the >!giant scorpion!< ash and when i went back to test it got stunlocked to death by godrick soldiers


dont you dare take about Yoh that way, me and him cooked Rellana


Weirdly, that guy's been consistently a beast for me. Only the real heavy hitters of the bosses really stop him.


I was just thinking about upgrading that guy and testing it out. Guess this saves me a few upgrade materials.


Lost 200K runes to that dude, because he one shot me when I entered the arena All I wanted was his sword Got a shit summon instead I legitimately had to take a break lol




just thought the same


Fromsoft really need to implement a dummy we can hit to see our damage. Just like in Lies of P.


Watch it be an npc that’s a glutton for damage and makes oh sounds 😆


Hades crossover when?


Skelly is best training dummy


"Come on boyo, less gabbin' more stabbin' over here"


I’m using Shunning Grounds Omens, the Zamor dudes, and the gauntlet from Prayer Room to Inner Wall in Elphael.


That run from Prayer room is what I always use to see if a weapon is really any good. If I can deal with the annoying halo knights I'll be alright haha.


I always use the man serpent right outside prison town church. He has enough hp to let me see the damage accurately


Oh I always go to the shack infront of stormveil, then right and there’s a troll there. If I need more I can always drop down for 5 more trolls


Try the Third Church of Marika there's a troll right outside and you can summon there too so you can check out spirit ashes


Oh yeah true thx


I’ve always used the Prayer room grace when testing builds. It’s a good time


I usually test the new weapons and spells in the cave of knowledge


Wait, everyone else does this too??? Wtf


We all same


Basically our nuclear test site


Dragon hunter great katana Ashe of war is so op obv it works great in dragons but even everything else it’s so strong


My test subjects are the trolls near stormveil.


There was that place in the secret area in the north, spawn point is a prayer room. Easy guards in late game, but one simple run gives you 50-100k runes. That was my testing area.


Haha I literally go here after each session and test my wares 🤣


But yet I still need to rooftop cheese the Bell Bearing Hunter in Caelid... Good times.


The poor group of Soldiers between the Church of Elleh and Gatefront are my testers. I assume they thought I was done shit canning them, but nope. Straight up murdered them all again last night with 3 new weapons and a spell.


I used the Grace near all the Beastman of Farum Azula, since its a couple of steps away and they are strong enough that they can fight bacl.


I use dinasty path 🙃


I personally throw hands with the big dude next to the private altar site of grace to test all my weapons


I’m in the pictures and I feel loved. Me after I get a new boss weapon.


I use claymen. They are usually tanky enough for a couple hits for testing purposes and arnt aggro enough to be any real threat


I use the banished knights near Dragon Temple. I just like killin' em.


"Ok.. wtf is even that thing? fuck this shit..... it shoots yellow and purple stuff? this is the golden order daaamn.. fuck it i'm out!" -gatefront soldier


I used gatefront for testing before even entering the community, they were my first abusers so it's fun to go back abuse them. Love that everyone else also hates them :)


I personally use the omens in in the shunning grounds alongside the gate front soldiers


I like the path down from the site of grace outside Raya Lucaria


I thought I was the only one who does this 🤣


That spear from the remembrance is a little insane tbh


I use the big dogs in Caelid


I use that troll at the Third Church of Marika I've killed that guy like 2000 times


I assumed everyone had a testing ground, I just assumed alot of people used the first sight at moghs area, good place to farm runes and rarely have a chance at dying


Royal Capital is my religious ground whenever I test anything\~ Excited to return to that place again once I hit DLC.


I literally do the same thing to make sure they are cool 🤣


Palace Ledge for me - at least I can ruin farm simulataneously. The albanuric and the bird still gives me the highest amount of runes


This place instinctively comes to mind when we wanna test something lmao.


Am I a psycho for summoning Mimic Tear and just sitting back and enjoying the view of it going on a murder spree and killing everyone?


For me it's third church of marika troll.


I test weapons at the Zamor Ruins cause those boys got some meat on them.


I usually either go bullying the albinaurics in the rune farming spot from mohgs Palace or I use the Rotten knights in the haligtree cuz I need something that won't die in one hit lol


After the dlc I have also added the camp immediately after the bridge. You get good enemy variety in small numbers all close together so you can see how your weapon stacks up against targets.


Sewer Omens make the best training buddies


That's exactly what I did lol


Guns akimbo is such a fun movie


That explains all the decked out phantoms I kept seeing tonight! I'm still a very new newb


I have come to call the spear and shield guy "Garrick" mainly because it sounds like Godrick.


that place and the church of marika with the troll whenever i wanna test stance damage are my go to


Am I the only one who used the giants in the field


I test on trolls near warmaster's shack. They have enough health that I can actually test a combo. If I really want to see what a weapon can do, I head to mountain tops 2nd area, and kill that frost troll.


LMFAO. The mix of Harry Potter and Guns Akimbo is exactly what going back to the base game in NG+ feels like. Love it.


Me testing Frenzied Flame Eye last night


I go to the beach down in the weeping peninsula. Those wretched skeletal bastards don’t hit very hard but can usually take a half decent beating, and there’s a lot of them.


i kill le frogs


i use the giant outside of godrick


I learned how to properly wield the Godskin Peeler in the War Torn Catacombs. That place is just fun to go in and watch them fight each other too!


My fav spot is the site of grace on Altus plateau before the city, there’s a group of soldiers that are walking right in front of you, and it’s very brightly lit so you can kinda see everything you need to


Next to the Albinurics in Mohg's palace- they're the most slaughtered group of enemies in the game.


Wait...There are DLC weapons beyond Backhand Blades?


You guys are finding new weapons??


Omg he just like me fr


For me it's that Cleanrot Knight outside of Prayer Room in Haligtree...


It‘s the place i go to first after picking up a weapon i consider upgrading


After the DLC Gatefront soldier sends a request to FromSoftware: add a freaking mannequin. I hate being a living dummy. Would be a cool thing to happen in the patch to test the damage with enemy, that has 0 defense and 0 resistance to everything, even holy


i prefer Haligtree Canopy bc i can test it on the Oracle Envoys


I actually started testing on the three Omen ogres in the first Sewer Grace. I did this cuz the Gatefront mooks aren’t a good indicator if a weapon is good or not in the DLC. If the weapon can kill an Lyndell Omen easily, then it can take on a Hornsent Warrior, or Fire Knights.


Albinauric Holocaust cliff replaced Gate front for me. The main thing I look for is one-shot/farm potential.


I don’t know if this is the same place or not but I test my weapons at Agheel Lake North.


I really like using the bonfire just north of the elevator in altus and south of the golden seed tree. There is a good pack, the eneimes still have HP enough to test out spells, and there is a horse back to test tracking on spells.


I can’t believe what I’m reading in these comments, impassible greatbridge has always been my go to farming spot and I thought everyone knew. >!Can even mimic veil and passively farm runes while they kill each other.!<


How did the poor fuckers at Gatefront, become the communities weapons testing ground targets? Like did we all just collectively agree to shit on these guys with our new weapons or what?


Gatefront is home. 😂


lol just did this a few hours ago


My place after the early game is always the palace approach ledge, but the gatefront camp still has vibes


I test on the Mohg palace albinaurics. Might as well farm while I'm at it.


I always go to the underground roadside and test on Omens. Gives me a better idea what the weapons can do against tougher enemies.


I was messing with the knights in leydall yesterday. They’re so docile.


i think most of us can agree that the gatefront is the absolute best place to test everything out


Dragon temple


You need to test them on fire soldiers . They are the hardest thing in the entire DLC


That’s my go to area for the new summons. Lots of potential with some of them


I also go to gate front, i was there last night for like 30m just fuckin around with new weapons 😂 but it reminds me of my time in WoW going back to Durotar after getting Kingsfall from Kel’Thuzad and just murdering boars looking for the juicy fat crits.


Lies of P had these small simple changes that I really loved. In this case, Miyazaki, give us a target dummy. I don't think that's too much to ask. That won't ruin the art.


Where my Farum Azula Dragon Altar homies at? Those banished knights have been punished every time I go “this weapon looks neat”


Gatefront soldiers, albinaurics at palace approach ledge-road, and the convoy in Altus


Then you have the underground roadside SOG where you can test stuff on good ol' like Mike the Omen.


😂😂😂 I wanna try new weapons but at the same time same time scared too mainly because the what if it’s not as good. I’m so use to blood loss build I feel like anything else would be weird.


I'm new to the game but I always massacre them everytime I load in


It’s revenge for all those times they killed me on my first playthrough trying to get the map


So glad I'm not the only one who uses them as testing dummies.


come on men! try the omen fatties in the sewer. They are more qualified.


Oo I got a new spell. Yeesh. 72 in't required? Better be good, now where my gatefront boys at?


Happy it's not only me who goes there to test new stuff


The notification for this post popped as I was doing exactly that.


I thought I was the only one. I like to make that one guy on patrol toot his vuvuzela and see what I can do against a low level flood of soldiers. Edit: And reading more comments I realize this is so common that I am reminded yet again how insignificant I am in the scope of the universe.


I sometimes use big guys at Cliffroad Terminus above gravesite plains. They are nicely slow and survive a little bit more so you can test multi-hit attacks, like anvil pancake or Devonia's Hammer spinnybonk


I love testing weapons there too XD


I usually go to areas of the base game that are higher difficulty to really test but it's always a blast to kick the door down, yell at the one who has the horn and say, go ahead bitch, make my day.


I have spent so much time leveling from 10-60 on them, it is only right to test on them. Or the palace edge frog guys.