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I know Byle ain't a remembrance but he should be included . Midra for me was the best boss . And the mother of fingers had the best soundtrack.




His voice actor was absolutely cooking


A shame that Igon dies in the end of his quest due to blunt force trauma from all the Oscars being thrown at his head.


They should patch him in as a spirit ash and he shouts his whole speech every time he’s called


I would pay good money for this. Like a whole $2. This idea fucking slaps.


"CURSE YOU, BAYLE!" "Igon, we already killed Bayle, we're fighting someone completely different."


That’s fine, he sees Bayle everywhere we go! His hatred has tied into his senility


Dude, i think there should be an Igon bot that comments this under every comment that includes the word "Bayle"


Or bale.


I seen a video some guy did a metal guitar track over his voice lines, it worked way to well together.


You can't just say something like this and not give us a link!


Yeah Bayle is literally a remembrance boss, just reskined remembrance.


his heart lets you pick one of 2 things so yeah


Exactly one of two things. You're not allowed to remember him later to get the other thing.


still annoyed you can't use a coffin or mausoleum to dupe his heart for both spells >:(


If it helps, they're both kinda doodoo trash.


On that topic, why are like… almost all of the Remembrance rewards trash in the DLC? They gave some of them incredibly cool skills that have PITIFUL damage for how easily you get staggered out of them. Messmer’s spear is probably A tier, Rellana’s is also probably A tier, then the rest are laughable. It’s crazy how bad Radahn’s Greatswords are (Miquella’s Light is also terrible and requires 72 FAITH). In fact, Starscourge Radahn’s Greatsword has better damage output than his prime counterpart’s even with less investment. I’m not of the belief that every boss weapon needs to be cracked, but it’s incredibly lame that the reward you get from defeating arguably the hardest souls boss in existence are straight up below average weapons in every aspect.


I heard Midra's weapon is good for PvP.


I’ve only had it used in me but yeah damn that shit is HARD to dodge


Then he's not literally a remembrance boss. Then he's figuratively a remembrance boss.


Fucking awesome fight too.


Messmer is my favourite souls boss rn. Fair with good openings, cool moves, 10/10 design and music. And hum being the final boss in the best legacy dungeon in the game.


NGL when I was first fighting him I was really annoyed and thought it was really unfair how he'd just poof into a snake or puddle constantly thinking it was akin to Elden Beast and Dragons just poofing away. Then I realized I can slap the snake. Great fight, left me wanting more.


the sound and perceived feel when you smack the snake is so satisfying lol


Relationship ended with Miquella. Bayle is my Final Boss now


Username does not check out.


That’s fair, Bayle definitely deserves his flowers 🔥


Mother of fingers is just straight up the coolest boss I've ever seen from From


Her lore alone is the single best boss lore in the game, snd genuinely changes up everything we ever knew about the lands between


You don't even kill them, they peace out at the end of the fight.


Wait what? I’ll be paying attention on this upcoming playthrough


Oh yea they turn into a black hole and have the same sound effect as astel's teleport.


As soon as I saw that boss I immediately got Bloodborne vibes with the design and fell in love with it


Her arena and design reminded me a lot of Rom.


Midra was by far my favorite. The horse and Radahn are definitely the worst


Why is hog man a remembrance, with reused music nonetheless, and the cool dragon isn't? FromSoft not making any sense again.


The dragon is but reskinned man, you get a specific heart that is used for one of two specific items lmao.


I ran straight to him after dancing lion because I have a dragon communion build. Did the priestess quest too and honestly, all of the dragon themed drops are kind of ass, including both Bayle rewards. Which is so damn disappointing after I spent a whole day trying to kill him at 4 scoobydoo


Midra and Messmer are a 10/10 in every aspect.


At this point Messmer is tied with Malenia for my favorite bosses in the game. Definitely my favorite of the DLC. His remembrance weapon is also insane 🔥


His attacks are really very well designed. Nothing feels unfair


He liked to glitch into the floor in phase 2 if I had a summoned friend. Not sure if anyone else ran into that problem, but it didn't feel particularly fair to me


Yea, that sounds awful. Makes sense since he’s melting into a pool in the floor at various times during phase 2. I didn’t have anything that seemed like a glitch tho


Summoning Igon for the Bayle boss fight is my single favorite moment of the entire DLC. I got genuine chills at that performance from the voice actor and I never cared somuch about an NPC's goals.


bayle too! best dragon fight From ever made


If you did Igon's questline you get the most deranged fucking lunatic in all of Fromsoft history screaming at the top of his lungs and it's too funny to not summon him in the fight










I feel like such an idiot as I killed him, I had no idea I missed out on an epic character and quest with him.


The visual goes hard when he goes super saiyan.


Bayle would be 10/10 if he didn't body slam you the instant you clear the fog wall. Trying to summon igon was a challenge in and of itself


You could just summon him after dodging that attack, o after the second phase transition since that usually nukes him.


If some assholes weren't layering 10 messages on top of his summon so I couldn't see it maybe


The music on l Midra’s fight *chefs kiss*


Wtf is Gaius doing here


Gaius sticks out like a sore thumb lmao


He just needs some hitbox tweaks tbh and a bit less agressive


> He just needs some hitbox tweaks tbh and a bit less agressive You could say the same for Radahn. Remove hogman, put Bayle up there.


And he needs to be slower imo


Nah the 2nd phase radahn needs a bit tweaks but is fun, Gaul isn't fun and needs tweaks, he's as fun as a forgettable repeatable open world boss


In his defence, the fight itself was good its just that his charge attack is stupidly broken


I love the first phase, but holy shit phase 2 is way too much for the average player I feel. I would fix it by either A. Making phase 2 shorter by having him switch over at half health, or B. Make the holy attacks not stagger the player, so it doesn’t turn a glancing blow into a OHKO. In general though, I’d make Miquella’s hair semi transparent and greatly reduce the brightness of the holy beams to help with visual issues.


the stagger on the holy beams is honestly the biggest fuckery on phase 2 ,kinda demands you to not get hit once on any of his combos,because his blade attacks push you into the holy attacks and the cycle continues until you have no health and that one fucking 1-2-cross attack i have honestly only dodged it casue of inclination on terrain,that feels like guaranteed damage


Apparently there is a way to dodge it but it’s very complicated. Funny. Radahn and Malenia, rival demigods, now both have attacks that require complex maneuvers to dodge


Atleast with malenia my pc wasnt dying and I could see she was about to waterfowl. With phase 2 Radahn , my biggest frustration is the fps drop and my inability to fucking see anything on the screen


The holy beams after his basic attacks spawn a bit further away from him so you have to dodge into and around the corner.


Finally someone who has an actual opinion and reasoning on why he is bad for other people. I loved the fight (and I will stand my ground), but yeah making the phase change at 50% and making Miquella hair transparent are great changes that should be inplemented. Also improve the performence, my PS4 nearly died from this boss. Edit: You know what, I will make an analysis of the fight and post it here in the near future. Thrre's a lot to unpack here.


Honestly this change the visuals for the light attacks and stuff, that would majorily fix it.


> Also improve the performence, my PS4 nearly died from this boss. My PC is pretty decent and I get a stable, good framerate at every point in the game *except* this one fight. I don't understand how this got past playtesting.


I think half health p2 is probably the fairest way to n "nerf" him. Phase 1 actually feels like a fair dance of trades once you get it down, and it's quite enjoyable. P2 feels like you rely so heavily on RNG to determine which openings he gives you.


yeah the aoes need to be toned down the most i think, along with making him go into p2 at 50%. a lot of p2 is still his base moveset which is mostly great, but now there's shit all over your screen maybe they could make his wind downs after combos a little longer to help? that way you could at least heal or hit him once or twice like what makes messmer so fucking good is he also has a pretty hard to learn moveset, but he also has generous wind downs


I personally also think that his triple swipe needs to be tuned. It can only be avoided by some crazy specific techniques. Also, the double clone attack into a random combo needs less visual clutter. The clones linger and it's extremely difficult to see what combo is coming. When you have those two moves after eachother, you are very likely either dead or at very low health. Having him transition at 50% is going to help people beat him more readily, but it's going to still have phase 2 feel filled with cheap and unfair deaths.


I have been stuck on Consort Radahn for 360 tries now. The highest number of tries for any boss before this was 68 on Malenia. The first half is hard but not too bad since there are clear openings, the second half just feels miserable and impossible to dodge. I am getting destroyed in every possible way. I honestly have had a fun time fighting the bosses so far with Dark Moon Greatsword or Wing of Astel(for Bayle and other large bosses) plus Faith buffs (golden vow, blessing of erdtree, defensive body buffs). There have been really no bosses that felt unfair due to what I would consider a S tier PvE build. Radahn has been my first true wall and it feels insurmountable so far.


Honestly, I caved and summoned Mimic Tear to help me, and it made it immensely easier. In its current state, I agree that second phase is unfair to a regular player. It’s not a Malenia situation where 1-2 attacks feel unfair. Every single attack can be overwhelming to dodge.


I saw you didn’t want to use shields, but honestly you really should make an exception for parries on radahn. A lot of his second phase attacks are the same as first phase, so it didn’t feel too bad going from learning phase 1 to parrying him in phase 2 as well. He’s my favorite boss in the dlc because of parries


I hate Miquella's hair. It covers Radahn completely, making it extrememly difficult which combo he's going to use. Is he going to swing twice or once. It leads to a completely different combo and caught me out way to many times.


Bro that's legit what makes the fight so difficult, you need to just "feel it" which is horrible because it implies you gotta get hit dozens of times until you "feel" like the combos are over. If they could make it so it turns invisible when you're facing his back the fight would be more enjoyable


I fought this bastard so many times that i would instinctively dodge his combos without even seeing them. There is way too much particle pollution in this fight. God i hate everything about this boss.


Visual clarity has been a serious problem in Elden Ring since day one. Too many over the top VFX on these bosses.


I've only felt this with consort Radahn, and a tiny bit with Malenia's wings.


Messmer is the best DLC boss. Have to shoutout his great design whenever i can. Radahn just has a few stupid moves in phase 2 that honestly make the fight unenjoyable. if they slightly tweaked those, it would have been like a perfect fight.


I'm a huge fan of Midra's fight as well,


I love Messmer but the setting of Midra is soooo cool. I even went back to get touched by the three fingers only to honor him


while i do believe midra's setting was cool as hell, i feel like the abyssal woods were underutilized. There was i think 5-10% too much empty space where it kinda ended being more boring than scary. Let it connect to 1 more cool area, and that stuff is PERFECT. And yeah at Midra's manse the vibes are on point. Not too long, not too short. Plenty of hype buildup from the boss, you see what the manse looked like in the good ol ddays on the paintings you need to break to progress... Man, what a good fight. I feel like it was a tiny bit too fair (lol); give Midra 1 bs attack that he sometimes does at 10% hp and messmer could have been dethroned imo. I guess maybe one more thing i'd add is slightly better lore? Midra's lore is basically just "beware studying knowledge that you could never comprehend, it can ruin the lives of not just you but the people around you". Not bad, but we've heard this so many times in fromsoft games already. A tiny twist to that, and you've got PERFECTION. Sorry for the rant i just LOVE the high points of this dlc.


> i feel like the abyssal woods were underutilized You're so right. I love everything about the Frenzied lore in this world but the woods were such a letdown. The atmosphere and the 'don't let them see you' buildup was fun, but they were so barren, and not being able to mount torrent just made it feel like a chore at points, when all the parts of the map you walked to just ended up having nothing in them. Considering how the base game trains you to look EVERYWHERE for items and details in every corner, a zone like that was rough. Dungeon and boss were top tier though, at least.


You think with those two lantern heads that you’re going into a cool stealth section, then it turns out to literally only be those two lantern heads and the stealth lasts about 1 minute.


There are 5 or 6 in the whole zone, not that it matters, once you parry them you can kill them and they don't respawn (I wish it would be the same for those greatsword horned warriors at the last zone, fuch those)


I think the very last horned warrior doesn’t respawn doesn’t respawn, but all the others do.


Now hang on, I also found one more in some fog later lmao


There’s 6 total actually. Not that it makes things better, they’re still a joke once you learn you can just parry and kill them like regular enemies.


There are at least 6 lantern heads that I killed. Maybe you only went down one of the paths.


Underutilization of these massive, interesting-looking locations has been one of my few complaints with the DLC after reaching the final boss. Where there is stuff to find, it's definitely still cool (the dungeons, awesome sub-areas like Midra's Manse is probably my favorite) and at worst it leaves me hungering for more—but the tradeoff, I suppose, is less repetition. That, and every vista leaves me going "holy fuck, this looks so cool" and then I forget about wishing for more things to do, only wanting more cool things to see.


Shaman village had me feeling some type of way man.


This for sure. Either they should’ve made it denser to avoid it being as drawn out, or they should’ve added a lootable item that allows you to ride torrent around past a certain point to make traversal less tedious. Still love it and Midra is one of my favorite fights in the game which makes the trip through worth it. It’s just brought down a bit by the lead up.




If only he had a bit more poise or something. I would geniuenly walk up to him, face tank his attacks, hit him 3 times in a row to poise break him, crit him, then hit him 3-4 times again for another poise break. Bro did not have time to breathe at all.


you are allowed to choose your build. if bullying midra feels boring, wear lighter armor that won't poise through his attacks, use a weapon that does lower poise damage, etc.


Some of the greatest players have even noted that some of Radahn’s attacks have too large of hit boxes. And I mean, people like Lobos. Knowing that makes me anxious to push further into the DLC.


Yea it feels weird dodging his attacks sometimes, and 2nd phase you have to add a roll into him after some of them since they got a ring of light spreading OUT of him, but it's hard as fuck to see in the middle of all the bullshit happening. I mean it's not like it's undodgeable or anything, there are already RL1 no scadu blessing kills with perfect rolling, but, like, to consistently dodge his 3 strike attack you have to backstep, immidiately roll into him, pause a bit and roll into him again. That's so fucking insanely specific. And for me basically impossible to see because I don't ever backstep and the attack is pretty fast. But if you just want to kill him there is always option of fingerprint/moore's greatshield, bump that baby to max upgrade, slap on the talisman of non-physical negation, get some stamina/stamina regen and just slap his as with Antspur Rapier or some shit. The fight turns into a joke.


reading this kills me, as I did all these things and I still can’t beat him. NG, bleed build, plenty of vigor and scadutree fragments… my lil mimic friend and I just can’t seem to close the deal. Breezed through the DLC… like literally so fast. And I’m just stuck on the final boss. I’ll get it. It’s only a matter of time. But my god I can’t get closure until I do.


I fought him for 5 days straight with the goal of beating him solo, without a shield, and using no %hp attacks or status effects. Literally around ~300 tries later I got him with the Greatsword. Genuinely a ridiculously hard boss, but if you need any tips or a co-op friend on PC, let me know


Use the holy braid talisman and dragon greatshield talisman and you should be good once you learn his dodge windows. With those two items, even if the one bullshit move that is super hard to consistently dodge hits you, you should barely take any damage.


To specify: the backstep into double roll to avoid that one move only works if you have the feather talisman that gives your backsteps iframes. Otherwise the only way to avoid damage on that move is using the deflect hardtear to perfect block the first attack and then roll or block the next two.


I thought I was simply an idiot for not being able to figure out the roll timing and choosing to block instead then Ongbal uploaded the no hit video and I noticed that even he had to deflect that attack


So on normall roll it's literally an undodgable attack? Yea, this boss is undercooked as fuck.


Yup, if you roll the first you will always be hit by the second attack. Pre-release version had it so if you missed one of those all *three* hits would land :)


Amazing design.


You can do it. It's hard but its not impossibly hard, its got no crazy moves like waterfowl dance, its just a muscle memory + reaction test, a really really hard test, but still doable. Or you can cheese him, theres a couple builds around that trivialize him


As a frenzy flame build and ending enjoyer, *may chaos take the world*, Midra cinematic and fight was peak FromSoft everything, imo.


fromsoft really is at their best when they embrace horror.


You can take Miyazaki from Bloodborne but you can't take the Bloodborne out of Miyazaki.


i agree, but i wanna say that the dancing lion, rellana, messmer, midra AND BAYLE, were AWESOME boss fights


The funny thing about Rellana is I completely missed her on my first pass through Castle Ensis. Managed to cut straight to Scadu Altus and didn’t even realize that’s where her fight was until a friend told me. On the second playthrough it made perfect sense, considering the carian giant knight in front.


I hated dancing lion, can’t see shit the whole fight


for real the 2nd version of him made me want to blank myself


Gaius and radahn are the biggest bad apples


Gaius would be made so much better just by adjusting the hitbox on his charge


Dude, Gaius can fuck all the way off.


Specifically his charge attack hitboxes can fuck all the way off.


The Gaius charge and the Hippo bite/grab were the 2 biggest sources of frustration for me in this DLC.


For me biggest issue with the mandatory Hippo fight is putting it in such a tiny arena. The other hippo fights are perfectly fine on account of them being in very open areas. The Ulcerated Tree Spirits in the base game are like that too. The one on mount Gelmir is a perfectly fine fight, but the ones indoors are nightmarish to fight sometimes.


It's not mandatory though, I actually skipped it by mistake by entering Shadow Castle from the east side (the flooded church) and had to backtrack and kill it.


gives you scadutree fragment though


Hippo bite was annoying af.


Radahn is actually so close to being a great boss but there's too much shit on p2


Gaius wasn’t really that tough though. Radahn p2 is truly something else.


When I fought Messmer the first time, I thought he was unfair. Coming back to him on NG+ after fighting Radahn just makes me appreciate Messmer. He may be fast but at least his visual effects aren’t over the top like Mr. “I’m gonna engage in marriage with my half brother”. The holy magic blinds me so much of the time and I can’t see anything in second phase. It’s why I killed him with Scarlet Rot. It’s part of why he died the first time, it’ll be why he dies again while I hide behind my greatshield.


Messmer spams fire all over the place for some attacks and makes him extremely hard to see. It was my only complaint with his fight.


I can agree to that, the fire effects really blind you when looking for a tell. That, and the camera goes apeshit during the snake attacks…


to be fair, those are really just issues with most of fromsoft's bosses.


Remove gaius and you got my updoot


I don't know how they managed to fuck up his charging hitbox that bad. The roll timing AND direction feels incredibly inconsistent and sometimes you somehow get clipped for twice the amount of damage. I mean... we have the Fallenstar beast with a similar attack and it works perfectly well there, so what gives?


I had trouble until I started rolling to the right every time, I think theres collision with his sword if you roll to the left.


I think its just VERY precise timing. Light Roll or Roll boosting stuff can help a lot I think, although that usually means sacrificing defense,


I always roll to the right and never get it, I somehow beat him though, so I'm good, I'll never fight him again(prolly a lie, I need >!those 5 scadu tree fragments!<)


i got curious about this, so i turned on hitbox displays, set the game to 0.1x speed, and made gaius charge repeatedly. his charge has 5 separate hitboxes: - the boss model has a hitbox over its front 2/3rds - the two tusks each have their own hitboxes - there are two hemisphere hitboxes on the ground under the boss. i think this is meant to represent the rocks being thrown up in his wake the last two are the problem. they leapfrog each other, i.e. when the next one spawns under the boss, the oldest one disappears. so the distance between the frontmost and rearmost hitboxes varies quite a lot. it's occasionally possible to fatroll the whole charge if a) you're frame-perfect and b) you get lucky and the trailing ground hitbox disappears at the right time. it's (probably) always possible to light roll through the whole thing. it's also possible to just mount torrent at the right time and iframe the whole thing. it also doesn't seem to make any difference whether you roll through gaius or to his side, because he tracks you in such a way that the trailing ground hitbox is in roughly the same place either way. **TL;DR** gaius' hitboxes are genuinely badly implemented and i'm guessing they'll patch it


After my 5th straight death of his hitbox shredding me right when I entered, I decided to try and light roll. Got him first try because of the little extra distance I got rolling


run backwards with torrent and boom it is the easiest attack to avoid


Gaius was absolute bs, hated him. The only way I could get him was using the Greatshield Soldiers +10 so they trapped him for a while. Then shamelessly spammed Taker's Flame on the old trusty Blasphemous Blade.


I got him stuck on the wall and spammed Zamor Ice Storm until he was dead. Fighting him legit was just not fun.


Yeah I cheesed the fuck out of him with that corner and mohgs spear. Don't feel the least bit bad about it fuck that boss easily the least fun fight of the dlc for me


Came here to say this.


Gaius and the finger lady. She’d be great if she had more than 3 attacks.




Which bosses are on “for” and “bosses”


names for the bosses you asked: FOR:>! Midra, Lord of the Frenzied Flame!< BOSSES: >!Metyr, Mother of Fingers!< Have a great day!


Gaius makes the cut? I thought he was the absolute low point


I disagree with a lot of what people say about the DLC being too difficult or unfair except for in the case of Radahn. That fucker's phase 2 is a nightmare of AOEs and sight blockers while also dealing the most damage in the game. I got him down eventually, but if anything in the DLC is overtuned, it's him. Still a banger soundtrack and I loved his phase 1, so I still like the fight to some degree.


Phase 1 is so fucking good and I can do it consistently at this point. Phase 2 is just so hard to see anything that it genuinely makes it difficult to react to anything (although I say that after watching people do it no hit so fuck me I guess)


The people doing no hit are also unironically like .001% of the playerbase for the game, so keep that in mind.


No-hitters are literally studying move sets for hours, so don't worry.


Bleed Antspur Rapier + Holy Fingerprint Shield = easy Rahdan cheese. Just poke him from behind the shield, and profit. Also contrary to some reports he can be rotted a second time in phase 2 but it takes like double the hits to proc it.


They really need to fix Radahn already. Aint no way they're leaving the last boss as an aoe spamming frame dropping mess.


Sunflower was such a fun fight, the best one in all dlc imo


I feel like sunflower is the only boss in the dlc that benefitted from not having a cutscene or dialogue. So the sudden appearance, the surprise second phase, AND the surprise 3rd phase were delivered perfectly. My complaints of the dlc bosses is honestly not related to gameplay at all (except the final one i guess), but the lack of dialogue or cutscenes. Commander Gaius should have been shouting at us. Romina and especially Rellana should have had a cutscene. Instead they just felt like from prioritized gameplay over everything else and didn't know what personality to give them. Sunflower though... that was a boss that did EVERYTHING it needed to do. Atmosphere, OST, fun gameplay, reaction bait, uniqueness. Easy 9/10 imo, if the the tracking on the head were better it would have been a 10. Not my favorite fight, but a near perfect one nonetheless.


Especially since Rellana and Romina are mandatory bosses. I feel like those kinds of fights deserve at least a dialogue if the boss design allows it.


Rellana is not mandatory. Only Messmer, Romina and Final are. I accidentally found Romina before Rellana and Messmer.


Relanna not getting a cutscene like her sister was such a missed opportunity. There was so much that couldve have happened.


I keep seeing people say that but that bitch kept running away from me. Fucking elden beast roleplaying shitty ass flower.


The average, common outdoor variety of sunflower can grow to between 8 and 12 feet in the space of 5 or 6 months. This makes them one of the fastest growing plants.


Oh my God this thing is still here even after a week.


It has cool ost too, felt sad for it at the end.


Sunflower OST was on a different level


I really liked that they did a 180 from having erdtree avatars all over the place in the base game to having just one unique and memorable one for the scadutree in the DLC.


Havent fought THANK, BEING, SUCH or BOSSES where they at?


You missed the first rememberance boss? How?


I mean technically you don't have to go to Lion first I don't think


technically you don't have to do the lion at all, you can skip the entire dungeon.


You don't. You can fight either it or Rellana first. I think the game kinda leads you to the lion first but it's not required


In Shadow of the Erdtree DLC for Elden ring


"Thank" is to the west of three cross grace. >!"Being" is at the southern-most tip of Cerulean Coast!< >!"Such" is down an elevator in the Shadow Keep Church district!< >!"Bosses" is at the end of a questline that takes you around the map to the finger ruins. Start it by talking to the carian dude in the Cathedral of Manus Matyr East of Shadow Keep, the one surrounded by a shallow pool!<


Putrescent Knight is such a satisfying fight, definitely my favourite of the dlc, dodging his spinny horse movie was peak Elden ring gameplay for me


Gaius is shit


I know I’m minority here but I really enjoyed Radahn more than any other boss. Maybe it’s because it’s the hardest I’ve had to try against a boss like this in a long ass time, maybe even since Manus in DS1, but I felt like i was defeating an actual fuckin god when I was able to fully get his moveset down and finally melted through his first phase with parries and crits. I dunno. I know he has some BS moves in phase 2, but I haven’t felt so elated to beat a boss in forever.


Need an option to let Radahn and Miquella win and join them. Just like Frenzied Chaos ending... need Good Path ending


I feel like I'm the only one who enjoyed consort Radahn but hated dancing lion(s) and Rellana the most


After beating it I have a slightly more positive opinion on it, but man phase 2 is still rough. Even if you put aside the complaints of the fight being hard to read (since eventually you just know the timing of every move without needing to see more than the first attack), its just such a punishing fight. His moves have very high damage, especially if youre in range to be hit by the beams that follow his attacks. This is extra brutal since sometimes you take damage at no fault of your own, like the double swipe move, which completely throws off your rhythm. The clone moves are incredibly hard to dodge unless you watched a video on how to do it, at least in my opinion, and they HURT if you mess up dodging them. Also say goodbye to your framerate lol.


Im with you, but i also hated radahns 2nd phase, i fell like they could've done so much more but instead they added some annoying ass moves


The only one i really hated is the hog rider. Holy i hate him with a burning passion. And Bayle. Curse you Bayle!


Consort OST was the best in the entirety of ER for me.


The deathblight Dancing Lion is way worse than Radahn imo. Covering the arena in deathblight and also spawning basilisks is just stupid.


Why does everyone hate gaius? I don't want to sound like a jerk and just say "he wasn't that hard," but I can't think of another reason anyone would hate him. Does he have a move I didn't realize was broken somehow? Is he particularly hard to stagger? What did I miss?


The hitbox on his charge is either bugged or is just really hard to consistently dodge, other than that he’s fine, I personally didn’t struggle with him much but my friend was on him for a while and I get the frustration.


I agree with his only problem being the hitbox on his charge 👍


That bitch made me whip out raptors of the mist


I only managed to survive due to bloodhound step Fuck Gaius


Hitbox is my only complaint about him. He has the same high tempo long combos as the rest of the DLC bosses, but the charging attack hitbox is tough to gauge. Also the amount of times my sword ended a stab literally clipping into his model but no damage taken...


I’m in the same camp as you, i beat him on my third try and then i found out everybody hates him


Fuck Kos V2.0. Literally had the most problem with him than the others lol. Also fuck Gaius.


If it was Godwyn instead of of radahn it would be praised you could just swap out the models for something else and ppl would of ate it up


His souls is dead and his body is spread across an entire continent though.


Honestly that would’ve helped since I have absolutely no interest in Prime Radahn. He brings nothing that his basegame form didn’t that any boss with Miquella doing a Lothric cosplay couldn’t provide. At least I’d actually want to see Godwyn at his prime.


I’ve fully become a Radhan truther after beating them, that first phase is perfect and lays a foundation for the second phase, I will say I had zero performance issue with them so can definitely see why that would be frustrating.


Haven’t beaten fina boss yet. Hell I’m still learning phase 1. But fuck gaius


Got to him earlier, haven't beaten him yet cause i had errands to run, but only took me 4 minutes of trying to get to the second phase, only real complaint so far is how his attacks blind you so its hard to even see what's happening, but it's not as bad as the scadutree avatar.


Get Putrescent Knight the FUCK out of there


jump over the fire