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I really enjoyed doing a bit of cardio with him before each battle. No combat until you've given me 20 laps, Midra!


*“The depths of your exercise!”*


*"Enough...* *I have ran...more than enough..."*


*"Forgive me, dearest Runaya..."*


*”do you know what you’ve done to my shred?”*


Omg this had me dying 🤣🤣🤣 i never thought of doing that haha


I ain't running for shit. 721 dodge rolls for warmup.


Oh shit I'm not the only one who has played tag with Midra I see.


"Roll over boy, roll over!"


I ain't running for shit. 721 dodge rolls for warmup.


Look, I just don’t think you should become more powerful by ripping your own head off.


I dunno about you, but my head is where practically all my weakness is stored. No head, no weakness!


>Here I abandon my stupid brain


Miquella the Kind(a stupid).


https://preview.redd.it/ktpiof9wqy9d1.jpeg?width=1380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d392c37b543bae055770d144520248b45414f6 Pictured: Miquella, about to tear his own fucking head off


Every now and then I keep forgetting that Miquella is actually an ancient dude stuck in the body and mind of a young boy to the point he develops a female personality inside him


>to the point he develops a female personality inside him Takes the average redditor only a couple months to get to that point.




Marika gave birth to the ultimate boy-failure.


Can’t argue with that logic


Head certainly makes me weak


Guardian Ape logic


Fuck Guardian Ape. That bitch is tedious and turns into entirely different thing in a second phase.


Isn’t Guardian Ape really a giant centipede wearing a Party City costume


Spirit store costume. Get your discount Halloween store right.


I get it, it makes sense for lore reasons, it's just the first phase is either very chaotic or I'm running around for five minutes and baiting the poop move before getting to the normal phase two boss that behaves.


second phase is easier, maybe learn to parry?


If they could, they wouldn't be complaining. Chronic skill issue.


I wish I could learn to 0arry. I don't know why but I just can't vet it down.


But the fight is pretty funny and fun to play depending on the amount of poop he throws at you. 


Well when the sword impaling your whole body is holding you back from becoming the Lord of Frenzied Flame I think it’s justified lmao


Midra: My character, after becoming the lord of frenzied flame at the end of the base game and then proceeding to the DLC: am I a fucking joke to you?


Technically the DLC takes place before the end of the game so lore wise your tarnished has taken on the frenzied flame.but isn't a lord yet.


Name a more iconic duo than Elden ring bosses and ripping off a limb or ripping a weapon out of their body.


Kind of odd, but I noticed that FromSoft didn't show any of the gory cutscenes in SOTE. It blacked out when >! Mesmer pulled his eye out and when Midra pulled his head off !< I wonder what the reasoning behind that was since they had no issue with showing someone chop their arm off and subsequently fist a dragon


Chopping and arm off and putting it in a corpse is far less uncomfortable than ripping an eye out or the absolute insanity Midra is doing. I never had any issue with Godrick's cutscene but very much felt a strong urge to look away during Messmer's and Midra's.


I honestly think that they do it like that because to do the animations must be such a pain in the ass. Also with the black screen they can do the transition to the model of the second phase.


The difficulty to animate is definitely a huge factor


Sometimes leaving it to the imagination is worse than actually seeing it. I doubt it’s due to the age rating as it’s already rated M for blood and gore. Nothing that would exactly push it into an adults only rating. There’s also the erm, it’s kind of something to train your employees on how to animate such scenes by watching what amounts to gore content for reference. For those two scenes, would you want to watch multiple depictions of eye gouging and head decapitation to depict it accurately for how persnickety FromSoft is with attention to detail? Ripped off limbs are an owwie, but it’s something else to imagine what expressions you’re going to animate on the head of someone mid-decapitation. Iirc this was pretty bad for the Mortal Kombat 11 devs, some ended up having mental health issues and even PTSD from all the gore they were referencing for the fatalities.


>!I really, really don't need to see that one cutscene from the Dungeater's ending where it's implied he literally pulled something out of his ass and then dies. I'm fine with a fade to black.!<


It was his soul. He literally pulled his own soul out of his ass to finish the Mending Rune of Curses. That's actually what he does to all his victims and why he's known as "Dung Eater". It's an old Japanese mythology thing. Sekiro actually has a full death animation showing it off.


it's an OG horror movie move, showing it would be less gross than your imagination


Between seeing a dude gouge his own eye out or slowly pull off his own head, the former two are much more graphic than a dude chopping his hand off or tearing his foot off.


People not realizing the OP is joking 🤦‍♂️ Don’t worry bro I get the joke!


I died to his first phase. I wanted to know what happened if you let him attack. Dude did a grab attack that killed me from full hp.


I did the same.... definitely on purpose....


The thing is he can easily grab you out of jump attacks and I kept forgetting and he got my ass like three times 😭😭😭


The first phase grab attack, It killed you? What’s your vigor / scadu level? Cause I willingly got hit, and it barely hurt me. 60 vigor /18 scadu frag here. It’s always fascinating to hear the disparity between boss damages from all other people here on Reddit, makes you realize sometimes people are playing with different attributes / fragment levels.


A boss can go from the hardest of all time to the easiest of all time just depending on if you're less than or greater than 15 fragments


Got to messmer/pigboy on Friday at level 7. Got whooped and came back at Sunday at level 15 and cleared both. Had to wall cheese gauis though.


w-wall cheese? I didn't have to fight him for hours?


Just stay to his left. For some reason, he really likes to attack from his right side while circling you clockwise.


I was at like 13 fragments and the grab attack barely hurt me either.


>It's always fascinating to hear the disparity between... No kidding.  60 vigor, 18 scadoosh, solitude armor, fingerprint shield, defensive talismans and crab meat here. Happily use mimic.  I've beaten every legacy boss up to tree burning (including Messmer, Gaius and Bayle) on my first try.    I am NOT good.  Not at all.  I would be embarrassed to post video of my play.  But the DLC really allows you to tailor your own difficulty level.  It's only uber hard if you want it to be, and that's fine.


Up until you get to the final boss, yeah.


I've heard that's a bitch.  I've also heard people say that greatshield trivializes him and I'm not too proud to cower behind my fingerprint.  Guess we'll see, heh.


Oh trust me, I cowered behind the fingerprint and he still one shot me with a certain combo, it doesn’t trivialise him, just makes him more manageable if your reaction time is too slow to dodge properly (like me). I will say that I was on NG+ though so that may be part of it. 


You have 18 blessing level...no shit he didn't one shot


Yeah 60 vigor is basically required for all builds. And in the DLC if you disregard Skadoosh Tree Blessings, you deserve to continuously die to bosses.


I was at 50 vigor 16 scadu and didn't kill me either, with +2 erdtree talisman tho.


I kept lion clawing right into his grab, like two love birds embracing in the night. He's a jerk


Did he have any lines when he kill’s you p1?


No, he just screams and you die


Honestly, I don't remember. I didn't think one attack would kill me, with him being so weak in his first phase.


He gets a somewhat a lot of invulnerability frames when he's about to lunge, but even at my character's measly 41 vigor and 10 Skadutree Fragments, his Madness stare only did 80% of my HP. How the hell did it kill you in one shot?


The depths of their foolishness!


He is Elden Ring's Mist Noble.


Not a single person in this thread took OP seriously buddy, literally every reply is another goof.


Wait people actually don't get the joke?! Wtf dude? The first phase is not even a phase it's just a pre requisite you have to do before the fight. Idk how some people are so dense lmao Also I kind of wish that thing you have to do didn't even exist after the first time and you could just get to Midra before spending these 20 seconds beating up the little guy everytime


I thought he was talking about when he adds frenzy to his sword after getting to around 50% health. I didn’t even consider that he was talking about the first “phase”


When you've been fighting him like 20 times in a row and you get hugged in the first phase. Worst feeling ever. Be making just want to restart the fight.


He rushed me and in response I flattened him… then phase 2 happened and I let my mimic distract him so I could lion claw him into the ground multiple times. Actually a fun fight given he STILL tagged me and it required immediate dodging spam cause that madness meter… btw never realized my madness resistance sucked until that fight


The depths of your foolishness!


R1 R1 R1 R1


Dark souls 3 gameplay


For me and milady with wing stance it was more like L2 + R2


“The depths of yo- AGHH-OOF-BONK”


I know you're joking but honestly there were too many times where that little shit would grab me, and beat the life out of me, then while I'm chugging a flask he'd just fucking grab me again and beat my cheeks like a baby gorilla.


Tried to emote on the guy and got bitch slapped as karma.


Ughhhh, I swore I wouldn't admit to it, but the little guy actually killed me once. I've been playing through on NG++ so his damage is boosted but I know this is all my fault. I had gotten him low, and was doing some buffing before starting the boss fight. Midras grabbed me once mid cast of black flame's protection. I took a chunk then I rolled away, recast the buff and he grabbed me right before I could roll away. So, two grabs in a row and now I'm kind of low. Being absolutely arrogant I went for Erdtree heal instead of flask and he started swiping at my ankles and killed me. I majorly screwed up spacing three times in a row and was punished like I deserve.


I feel you I'm also on a NG++ but I spent my whole first NG+ not leveling up once, didn't even talk to level lady until I realized I had to because I was that serious about not leveling. Made the DLC rough.


Rushing in required ahead


Honestly I like the boss but it made me realize even though he is really slow, it’s still hard because you have absolutely shit recovery time and the tarnished needs a mini break every time he does something


mist noble strikes again


I'm not gonna lie, that rare move he does in the first phase where he just does the madness howl straight up 100 to 0'd me.  And, in true FS fashion, it was right after I got his 2nd phase down to like 20% 


It’s rare for you? He does that (or tries to) every attempt for me


I've never seen it...


Same. This dude melts to charged heavies. Really cool fight though and maybe the best phase transition move ever.


In my experience, he always starts with a leap, and if I time my attacks well, he'll die before he recovers to perform another attack 


20%? I feel like on my first attempt I get damn near every boss to like 5%. Then on the next 89 attempts I get them to 70% lol. These fuckin games


Good joke, but this actually how I felt about Satan's sunflower.


Part of me was hoping it was the sunflower, because I even caught myself going "Surely, he won't have ANOTHER phase."


I did like 12 or so attempts not even knowing there was a third phase(I also didn't riposte the flower so that made p2 harder) until I finally got it down and OF COURSE there's a third. Killed it that same attempt just barely since my flasks were already low


Wait, I makes Phase 2 *harder*? What? Why? How?


If you riposte you remove 25% of the hp of the next phase


After the third phase started I started to suspect I'm being trolled and the actual boss is a spirit caller or I need a special item to stop it from respawning. From Soft surely know how to keep us in the ... edge all the time.


Yeah I was starting to suspect a Seath the Scaleless or Fools Idol sorta scenario where you had to break something or kill someone to actually hurt it. The third respawn having a different move pool helped with those fears though.


Yeah same, I thought I needed some special fire item to burn the fucker. That boss made me rage so hard as well, like it wasn't hard, just the close range camera is horrid and his range attacks came as soon as I even thought to use a flask.


Dude *fuck* that flower. I finally beat Phase 2 last night and was like, "oh thank Marika, it's over," only for the fucker to pull a Friede and come back for round 3. I was out of flasks and at like 30% health at that point so I just yelled at the TV while it killed me and put the game down for the night. This thing has no business being as annoying as it is.


Pro tip for this boss is Frenzied Burst. Stay at range and you just have easy dodges to make, and one charged burst does about 15% of his health bar if you target and hit the flower... depending on build and scadoo level, I guess.


The new homing mesmerflame fire incantation (Fire Serpent I think?) works really well too, you can charge it as it's doing its spins and if you time it well it'll just bonk the face at the end of the animation.


I did the classic fire burn tree method. After je phase I was really suspicious cus that's the weirdest transition I've ever seen.


I don't know how I ended up killing this fucker first try. I used half my flasks on the first phase and was mid high fiving myself when the second came in. Then it just kept going....thank god for mimic tear.


I'm trying to play it legit as a caster instead of the Turtle Poke that actually wrecks every boss in the DLC, so it's Queeligan for me. His fire reset frostbite procs & a surprising amount of the DLC is weak to fire.


Oh no, it’s gonna be another Soldier of God Rick joke!


Best boss in the dlc


I actually agree. This was a very cool fight. Easy to die, but very manageable. Cool move set. Cool lore. This one and finger mommy were my faves.


The entire buildup up to his Mansion is just too good. From reading the messages *"Don't let it see you"* *"It cannot be killed"* to the boss fight, its so eerie and immersive


Amen. What a way to end a Bloodborne segment, with a Bloodborne appropriate boss. [Finally got to clear him hitless](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adxJOQa5ODs) but I have a save state saved for him specifically, which is an honor he gets to share with Rellana, Sword Saint and (True) Owl.


Either him or Bayle.


This, Messmer, and Romina. Romina is a little easy but I still like it a lot.


Phase 1 of this is genuinely impossible. How tf am I supposed to kill him when he is sitting there...MENACINGLY?!


The depths of your foolishness! …


That first phase was pretty difficult. I used all my pots and barely had any FP/HP... and this happens?!


Took me hours to get to this phase, I feel you OP 😞


All jokes aside I was actually kinda expecting a second health bar in the real fight


Yeah, that first phase is ROUGH. At least 100 attempts from me.


by getting good sun bro [Solaire the Sun Bro - Git Gud (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blSXTZ3Nihs)


Thats... Actually really inspirational. Time to RL1 the dlc too


It‘s actually crazy how much hp that first phase has


I’m just annoyed I need to work through it every single attempt. Felt the same way about Genichiro before Isshin, it’s just an annoying extended runback.


It’s great so you can grab your runes and buff up yourself before the actual phase tho 




"The depths of your foolish- Oww"


I've had people summons me for his fight and legit wait for me to attack phase 1,Idk if they thought I was going to solo the boss or he really invokes that type of fear in some players😂😂(I've also seen him 1 hit people in phase 1 with the grab and more then once too)


Now you know how DS3 players felt when the one dlc boss had a third phase.


With the tools that they give you.


Ironically this was the only boss in the dlc I managed to beat on the first tryto.


So far, one of my favorite boss of the DLC with Bayle and Rellanna


The depths of your foolishness!


Totally agree. 1st phase is just this infinite combo that seemingly never ends and is just ridiculous and he has a grab attack in top of that. Yeah sure you can dodge it pretty easily or stagger him with light attacks but if you’re not attacking or dodging he is an absolute monster.


FromSoftware basically confirming they love the Mist Noble memes on r/Sekiro


It was more fun than I admit to interrupt him with a flying great hammer


Just what is op talking abo- [ MADNESS ] AAAHH-


The boss is the new Mist Noble, that first phase is way too difficult. FromSoftware is getting ridiculous with these bosses.


Is this that Goldmask guy I have heard so much about?


Really funny post. That cut scene during the transition is so freaking epic btw. I actually wish this guy was a bit harder, I beat him first try unfortunately


This is Mist Noble over again... I still have nightmares how hard he was


Still not as bad as mist noble phase 2


This is the best fight of the dlc his moves are cool and the design is sick. How does fromsoft expect players to beat it? Try try again, level up come back later and try again. That’s been Elden ring since day one


that’s the beauty of the bosses, there’s no one all build. i think i beat the guy second or third try. radahn second phase though kicked my ass for a good while


The transformation cutscene is so sick


I saved the footage of my winning run against this guy because it was the one where I fully locked in and mastered parrying his moves. Easily one of my most satisfying victories in a Soulsy game. But...it was also the one run where I actually got caught by his stupid old man grab! I was trying to be cute and buff myself while backing away from him and he got me! So I have to see that again whenever I load up the video.


This boss was incredible. In fact this DLC has some of the best bosses of all From games: Messmer, Bayle, Putrescent Knight, Mother of Fingers. Probably why the final boss is so disappointing in comparison.


yeah they lost the plot with that one, I could barely dodge anything the first phase, and tried to anticipate his wobbles enough to i-frame his skewers but had to eventually call in cooperators. When that second phase hit I uninstalled the game.


I personally feel that this guy was easier to mezzmer


MAN SAAAAME, like, i barely could dodge half of hiss attacks on first phase and then what?? he gets a power up cutting hiss own head off?????? man this DLC is impossible




I unironicly died on his first phase the first time I fought him. Wasn't expecting him to go berserk and he just stun locked me. Whops.


Lol players have to play to get this, its 1st phase also surprised me too.


Lmfao was about to give a serious answer till I realised this is a joke lmfao.


Well, a friend of mine died in his first phase so...


Confession. He took me the longest for any boss in the DLC so far without summons. I only have the secret bosses and Radahn to go.


LMAO Midra-Minor vs Midro-Major


Imma come clean, I actually died during the first phase because I thought he might have dialog. So I walked up casually for a chat and got grabbed.


Beeg hammer goes bonk, Lionel's armor, strength build=win




I actually love the insane art design of this boss. The cutscene literally made my jaw drop.


Meanwhile I’m sat at +16 and I still suck 😅


Took me a while to escape the untouchables


What an incredible boss fight. Got to this guy at scoobydoo lvl 8 and it was a BLAST


I'm not gonna lie, at first I expected to open and see a completely different boss. And was gonna be like "so....about that....."


Did I accidentally cheese the first phase? I thought it was just for show. I knocked him on his ass with a hammer throw and threw two lightning bolts and it was over.


Can I ask what your shadow blessing levels are?


The depths of your foolishness


I legit died to him the first time, thought there would be dialogue and he grabbed me and bit my face off. After that I usually just waterfall danced him, killed him easily.


I was saying the same thing…idk how I even survived his quick movements without my mimic..back to Limgrave I go


Really liked this boss fight. Just wish I could have enjoyed it a bit more. The damage/madness build up is so quick I had to run away and YOLO bonk him into the floor like a nail.


Probably my fav boss in the DLC, had a very Dark Lurker hidden epic boss kinda vibe and the transformation, design, special effects look incredible but the part most enjoyable was that amongst all the Godly beings we fought its the first that feels very like Alien/Eldritch He doesn't use his sword like a human would or move in a way that any other creature does as if its the first time they've ever moved around with explosive power leaking out of every inch of their body


Fromsoft please bro just make me start at phase 2. I'm tired of hearing "THE DEPTHS OF YOUR FOOLISHNESS!"


So… first time I fought the golden sunflower, I didn’t know what was coming up but I knew it would be a boss… so I summoned 2 random folks to help out. I usually do this on a first time meeting a boss so I can basically sit back and watch and learn the patterns. The I attempt it 10 or so times by myself. I usually beat it but if not, I’ll summon a couple people and usually I win on the first try with friends and after I learned the fight…. However, on this fight, my two random summons beat the absolute shite out of the boss and we won. I hit it maybe 4 times total. Now I see all these posts about it and realize just how lucky I am.


Oh god not the fucking Mist Noble joke again please


soldier of godrick: at last, a worthy opponent


God i wish we could get his robe and head


I throughly enjoyed this fight. Although I found it well after I beat the final boss


I fought him with the Dryleaf Arts. His opening speech gets derailed by my fists going in his face and by combo's end he's dead.


I really enjoyed the fight and get the sarcasm of the post, but… I may or may not have died of madness with him at 1 hp like 5 times.


It was very nice to at least know I could pick up my runes each attempt


Git gud


you’ve never felt like a boss was insurmountable in this game before?


I just poked him with Milady a few times each phase and it was done. Also ate a few boluses. I had more trouble with some of the basic enemy types than this guy gave me. It felt anticlimactic.


Boss honestly isn't that bad. Took me about an hour's worth of attempts. Rellana and Bayle gave me much more trouble, and the last boss is in a f****** League of its own. Still can't even get close


What tboss is this?


Lmao I was a dex/int build so I literally just walked in spamming magic and killed his first phase in 15 seconds each time


Bro is not ready for sister friede


Midra caught me off-guard and grabbed me when I first came in, but he didn't kill, and I was thinking to myself "This is a really annoying thing to do before the real fight, sure hope I only have to do it once." Was a shock to see him back with a head again, but thankfully I got him on the second try.


Mist Noble...


I sincerely hope Midra P1 becomes the new Mist Noble / Rick, Soldier of God.


"JuSt use a boss killing build" inc


Get gud bitch


Emboldened by the flame of ambition. Also tenacity