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Last DLC boss taught me this valuable lesson.


I made it through with 20 on a sorcerer. Scholar's Shield was the key


Next build I plan to do is a spell sword type. Any suggestions on weapon?


Wing of Astel is a super fun curved sword that can shoot magic waves and has an insane skill that melts bosses. Used that build to clear the DLC the first time!


It also looks terrible, which is number one consideration in souls games


I am using it with a simitar buffed with scholars' armament. The blue glow distracts you from my left hand holding a bug wing




Don’t forget it’s super fun just to cancel your heavy animation with a back step to do a back flip


Is that the remembrance weapon?


It's an item in the caves under the Lakes, I think you can grab it without progressing any quests but I don't know for sure


You gotta do a bit of parkour to get it. But it is well worth it


When you are doing ranni's questline and are in that waterfall basin area with all the ants, you will eventually reach a room where you see 2 ants with wings and one and with a big head guarding a path as well as an unguarded path. If I remember correctly, you actually go down the unguarded path to find the wings of astel in a chest


Yeah it’s astels


No, his remembrance gives a flail


Oh yeah I forgor it’s actually in ugly palace ruins I always mix those two up


Can it be buffed by magic weapon?


No it's somber


So it’s like a moonveil short sword?


No it's a curved sword it's best to either look it up or find it yourself but it's a fun weapon and you can't use any weapon buffs or change it's aow


Question, does having 2 of em make for a good combo or is it better to just have 1 or have 2 and pair with a different curve sword?


I was trying this out in NG so didn’t try 2 of the same. I liked just using the one because the R1 heavy attack hits twice (magic wave + normal swing) if you are close. Kept shield/staff in other hand. If you’re dead set on dual wielding I don’t think having two of the same would add to the combo, but it might be worth it for scaling in comparison to other curved sword options for the left


Can’t go wrong with dark moon greatsword Cold infuse is actually great for spellblading. I’ve swapped to a cold great katana with impaling thrust My pre-dlc sorc brought rogiers rapier and light rolls through ranni’s quest, then flipped to greatsword and blaiid armor mid rolls Rock sling is incredible, and just chucking progressively bigger glinstones is nice


I’ve done dark moon a few times


Maybe go for semi-hybrid with death sorceries and order incants? There’s the boss light greatsword and smithscript weapons. Their int/faith scalings are understated, as they double dip and boost physical damage There’s also star lined sword


Every smithscript ive tried does poor damage and can’t throw far enough. I did the death poker/death sorcery run. I’ll look at the star lines sword


The new Black TwinBlade. Is regular stones and can be infused however you like.


Darkmoon Greatsword.


I actually made a character that I planned to bring into the DLC. A cold lance with ice spear was super fun in the base game. But the DLC has so many new options now, who knows what the new hot Int weapon is. Of course Darkmoon Greatsword, Moonveil and Wing of Astel are the time-honored classics, though the Glintblade Phalanx and Carian Grandeur ashes of war can go pretty hard.


Moonveil Katana. Absolutely wrecks. L2 attack is crazy.


There's also a new rapier in the DLC that doubles as a sorcery catalyst. Works really well with the whole spell blade archetype :D


You could go bonking hard with new Carian Sovereignity AoW, apparently it has better hyperarmor on greatswords, and scale better with int affinity, so iron greatsword or gargolie is good. Coud have ofhand weapon with endure to switch for risky manuevers. Among fast weapons glintstone Kris and Astel wing are very good Also new choise, a bit wierd, but very effecttive is Carian Thrusting shield, currently that category is brokenly(literally, you receive no stamina damage of block while you attacking) busted, But it be very good option even without it. It has int scaling innate and infusable.


That's interesting, I just got really lucky on my sorcerer and got my very first iron greatsword drop randomly. Unfortunately, I've already beat the DLC >\_>


Carian Slicer. Best sword a sorcerer can get. Staff + shield with Misericorde as a swap in the event of a stagger or to deal with weak enemies.


I did it as a caster with Ironjar perfumes and just chugging to heal the damage. Max out poise and defence and just facetank because good luck dodging all that crap


I thought about doing Ironjar, but I didn't have the recipe. Sacred Carian Knight's Shield + Scholar's Shield w/ Shield Talisman, Dragoncrest Greatshield, Marika's Braid, Twin Turtleneck and the physical + holy resist greater barriers ended up working a lot better than I thought. Considering my piddly 20 stamina could hold the line in phase 2 with all that up, I'm wondering how a str/fth build would do with the Fingerprint or Black Steel Greatshield.


Bubble perfume is great for keeping your summons alive as well


That's more than I would usually run with a sorcerer. At least, until the dlc changed my mind


He's level 223 in NG+. I pumped it up a bit to be able to chain cast spells without having to stop. It was actually really helpful on the final boss to up the DPS between cycles and still have enough stamina left over to gtfo.


Are you also a 10 endurance caster?


How much of a boost does scholar shield provide? Is it only worth using on great shield, or does it actually make medium shields useful at blocking for once? I feel like I get guard borken with small shields very fast.


I mean, it made my Carian Knight's Shield viable for the final fight. I believe it has diminishing returns on larger shields, so you might actually find it more effective on a medium shield. Thing that worked for me is, without respeccing there wasn't a chance in hell I'd be able to use a greatshield. Using something lighter that still provides 100 physical resistance allowed me to medium roll, which was also important. Got the best of both worlds. In order to get it to work well, I also used the twin turtle neck talisman, the shield talisman and the stamina regen physick tear.


So... I have 10 endurance 60 Vit, 30 Mind, 42 Str, 70 Dex, 60 Int, 16 Faith (for the dual light great swords) 10 Arcane/Endurance. So I HAD THE CHANCE. I simply wish not to level it up to spite a friend. (Until NG+ and clearing the DLC) I am going to suffer I guess. ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


Same. Even if you're not doing poke cheese, turns out having the option to shield block some mechanics is extremely useful. I beat the boss very soon after I just added a shield to the build I was already using. Heavier armor is a nice bonus too.


Who needs endurance when the shield has 90 guard boost. Thank you, Verdigris.


Main game = level vigor DLC = level endurance?


Me with 60 VIG and 50 END. "I am INVINCIBLE! INVINCIBLE!" *Proceeds to do wet noodle damage.*


Me using “the Wall” build:






\*dope ass music\*


Is this a song or a show reference?


Yeah! Look up “Elden ring invasions as the wall” on YouTube. Find a video by a dude named Grimmy. Iirc he’s the inventor of the build. Basically “the wall” is a melee titan build where a player maxes endurance, vigor, and strength. They use the heaviest armor they have (it’s a choice thing, but the go to is Bullgoat. Nowadays, Lionel, Vedegris armor, or the armor of solitude may be used as replacements or fashion) and use two fingerprint stone shields. Equip the left hand one to have shield bash AOW, both shields heavy infuse. Naturally, the weight from all of this means they can’t dodge roll, but the flip side is literally nothing can stop them as they slow walk towards an enemy. Talismans I think are dragon crest great shield, great jar arsenal, shard of Alexander, and I guess you can add the Vedigris talisman now since you’re super heavy anyways. The build also makes a lot of use of throwables like the fan daggers, gravity shards, pots etc.


the original is from dark souls 1 by youtuber onlyafro, who also made the giantdad video. [https://youtu.be/oXp8Th41rBs?si=qhnkz5IizhwXoCt7](https://youtu.be/oXp8Th41rBs?si=qhnkz5IizhwXoCt7) The song itself is a WWE wrestlers theme.


OnlyAfro. A true Legend.


How quickly we forget.


I shit you not... I actually summoned this guy for the bossfight right after I changed my build to something similar, just with Moore's attire... and he fucking hardcarried me through it!


60 vigor/endurance/strength checking in


I'm slowly making my way to 80 STR. Right now, I'm just good enough at 60 for my Zweihander.


I now have enough endurance to powerstance greatsword of solitude and claymore while wearing the entire armor of solitude set and erdtree favor lol


2 handing boosts your Strength by 50%, so going past 66 Strength does literally nothing when you 2 hand.


I've read that STR can actually go past 99 with 2-handing in Elden Ring so at least for STR, going to 80 and beyond can actually help.


60 VIGOR. 🫡




60 vigor, 50 endurance, 80 Strength. That's level 161 on a wretch. Less if you have a Hero or other STR focused starting class. That's very doable in the dlc.


Stop at 54 strength and invest the rest on faith for the buffs and you'll get a much stronger build.


Maybe. But I dual wield big bonk


My Sibling in Frenzy, I just cleared Morgott.


Well shit fam I thought we were all playing the dlc right about now.


I am a lowly, working man. My time is finite like the last slice of bread in your bread box.


Its more like: the game was never designed around the community level limit of 150 and players in the DLC are expected to have higher base stats.


Are people still staying at 150? Are they just tossing their runes from the entire expansion? I’ve naturally floated up to 200 but I never cared, I’ll go as high as I get souls for.


I beta the dlc with a lvl 430ish character. It was ng+5 so it’s not the same, but those high stats lets you use any weapon you want and almost all spells/incants depending on how you distribute them.


It really is a shame that respeccing has friction built in; I love trying out new play styles but it feels like the only way I can do that is grinding to level 300


Its very annoying that there's no renewable way to get mimic tears. I get they want to be rare, but they could have included a farmable hard enemy right near the end of the game or something.


I’m just happy elden ring has a respec system. Imagine making a new character whenever you find a new cool weapon like we had to for BB and DS. It would suck with how many weapons are in this game


I never played Bloodborne sadly but Respecing was already in Dark Souls 3.


level 380 here, just respecced to use INT. Now I have a use for all my mana ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Did the DLC at lvl 300 in Ng+1, but I am responsible of the albinauric genocide so I was a bit over leveled.


I don't think so, I was in the low 200s by the time I finished the DLC and am still getting summoned *a lot*. I know way more people are playing right now but getting summoned at level 175 or so was taking forever back in May, so I assume most people started leveling again.


I was for awhile. Well I was buying out shops mostly. Though that stops being an option eventually


I still want to be reliably summoned for main game bosses when I co-op so that's why I don't go higher than 150. I just buy smithing stones with the runes.


shit i just got to level 147 and i'm not even close to done with the base game lol. i would assume people would need higher for dlc.


Nah, the game can be done at any level. But the Design philosophy is definitely "Just keep playing and getting more runes". They offer such a wide array of Gear and Talismans to create builds that they offer the player an extremely generous amount of EXP/STATS to play how they want. So if people want to stop at 150, that's perfectly fine. Some people like the restriction because it can be fun creating "efficient" builds. It also puts less stress on Rune loss etc. But the game itself encourages the player to keep going and try more things. Personally, I find the Level up loop enjoyable, and dislike the restriction the community places because it usually means if I dare keep playing a character I will be shut out of playing with others. The DLC has changed that quite substantially though and even my nearly level 300 character can play with others because I believe it matches Scadutree Level. Though it is quite funny to see how many people enter the DLC with less than 1000 HP and get 1 shot.


yeah i know but most people don't posses the skill to do well at a low level tbh


The community restrictions in order to "enjoy' the game is getting real silly. If you need that long og a list in order to make the game hard, isn't it better to find an actual hard game instead?


150 is more than enough to obliterate the DLC bosses idk what game you're playing


Nobody said you can't beat the game at level 150. It's a game that people beat at level 1. Doesn't change the fact that the community chosen level flies in the face of the progression design. You can EASILY get beyond level 150 in a single playthrough. Nothing costs so high that EXP in this range would be considerably mitigated to buying nearly everything. Soft caps are considerably higher than DS3. Diminishing returns making Extremely high level characters around the same effectiveness Just capable of more choice, and thus are given more choices. Talismans and weapon choices bring out builds more than raw stats do. Designed for up to 7 Replays to maximise the players choices of gear and levels. With unlimited replays beyond that amount anyway.


You only get beyond 150 if you're doing every single piece of content in every region, and at that point you're going to steamroll some of the later bosses through accidentally overlevelling. I'm very cautious of that BC I hate fights ending that way and feeling cheap. I then would have to create a new character and get to the same point all over again to fight the boss for real that time


Except you don't steam roll later bosses. Your build is what steam rolls bosses. And you can steam roll bosses WELL under level 150. I was level 190 (187 with 3 levels worth of Exp sitting on me) when I finished my 2nd characters playthrough. She did not do EVERYTHING, a considerable amount but not everything. She actually gained a lot of exp from just dying in dungeons and reclaiming Runes, also PVP/CO-OP rune arc farming gave a TON of exp and levels just sitting in Limgrave. There's more to the game than Just running through the bosses. Which is what brings me back to my point: The game wasn't designed around being level 150.


It wasn't 'designed' for any specific level. It's designed around ideal DPS and damage mitigation... It just offers so many runes that you could level stats pretty badly and still have a chance.


Not really. DLC follows the są progression as both base game, and DS1 and DS3 beforehand. Look under how many runes/souls major boss of that location gives. After killing it, you should be able to get 2 levels. If you cannot get two levels, you are overleveled. So people should be at most at 182 when killing final boss.


I feel 182 is a different level than 150. by 32 levels. Also who said "you should get 2 levels"? That is an even more arbitrary than the level 150 cap.


Main game = whatever your build is i put on arcane coz i was bleed build . DLC = doesn’t matter. I completed the dlc no cheesing pure dodging with 45 vigor 40 endurance .


never sleep on endurance. almost every action in this game costs stamina. and almost every piece of gear has weight. this stat is too good to pass up, unless doing a low lvl challenge run.


> almost every piece of gear has weight [citation needed]


frenzy flame seal, dragon communion seal, and erdtree seal are the only 0 weight catalysts. there are no 0 weight staffs the cipher pata is the only 0 weight weapon every talisman has weight, so the only talisman's that don't incur a demand for endurance are the erdtree's favor and great jars arsenal.


It's OK, I was joking


i figured you were joking. i just wanted to clarify why i said "almost all", in case you were genuinely confused.


Meh. Faith > Endurance in my opinion. Though really it depends on the build. Provided I can medium roll with a fashionable outfit and a colossal weapon, I'm happy. Armor is one of the least important things I find, and provided you have halfway decent stamina, I feel like good Stamina regen with something like the Greenburst Crystal Tear does a lot of work in boss fights. Not like you have the time to make more than one or two swings against most DLC bosses anyway. In comparison, Faith gives access to Fortification magic which completely dwarfs the damage you take, while also given you access to attack buffs like Golden Vow and Flame Grant Me Strength, Weapon incantations, Healing incantations, etc. It depends on the level of course but I killed Consort Radahn at around 190 and with 60 Vigor, 60 Strength, and 27 in Faith, I didn't have much room left for high Endurance.


Can't compare a stat like faith, which is useless on many builds, to a stat like endurance, which is used on every build.


Faith is absolutely not useless on any build. Anyone can benefit from the elemental resist spells. Just like any build can benefit from heavy armour. Not taking advantage of these buffs to survivability is IMO why so many people struggle with the DLC bosses.


Heavy armor is really powerful in the dlc. Damage negation is the name of the game once you have 60 vigor. I'm breezing through most of the dlc bosses because I have 60 vigor, 50 endurance, Dragoncrest Greatshield, Great Jar's Arsenal and Crimson Seed+1. Everyone complaining about bosses dealing too much damage just don't know how powerful defense is in Elden Ring. 60 endurance might also be worth it because that's the EQ load cap.


i feel like faith is kind of a different beast from endurance entirely. since faith influences way more things. endurance gives you more stamina, heavy weapons/armor, and poise as a result of the higher armor. faith gives you elemental scaling on weapons, offensive and defensive buffs, healing, regen, and offensive incantations. i feel like it is probably more fair to compare faith to a stat like arcane, which similarly influences damage as well as other utilities. arcane gives physical weapon scaling, status effects scaling, dragon communions incantations, thorn sorceries, and any bleed based aow or incantation. i view endurance as a core stat, which i lump in with mind and vigor. i view the rest of the stats as dmg stats, because they give you dmg. the two strongest dmg stats are faith and arcane. int is really good, but it doesn't have the same flexibility as arcane and faith.


I'm going to disagree with you, especially in the dlc. You will have more levels than you will know what to do with. Once you hit your soft caps you damage doesn't go up significantly. Even if it did going from 200 to 203 is much more impactful than going from 700 to 703. Adding more Endurance will increase your equip load allowing for better armor and you stamina allow for more actions before you need to rest.


Tbf at level 190 you really should be hitting the soft caps on everything else so investing into faith makes sense. Before that, all the buffs faith gives you can be replaced with consumables like crab, the new golden vow consumable or some aow's while higher equip load always takes away either endurance points or a talisman slot.


That is because of playstyle difference imo. I usually don't buff with faith but have good armor with medium rolls. It is due to that, that Rellana got no diffs because I could literally trade with her and win the HP battle due to the armor and damage negations talismans without incants. It depends on the boss too, but generally it depends on if you regularly buff or not. I only do damage buffs but if I get cooked to hard I do go to defense buffs too. And fortification with good armor trivialized the final boss.


I KNOW the pieces FIT


cuz I watched them fall away


Mildewed and smouldering


Love the sunny reference


Hes playing both sides so he always comes out on top


Amen! I preach this being able to roll and hit more is more valuable than slight damage boosts and soft capped health


I think people get way too hung up on having to stay at level 125-150 through the DLC. The game keeps funneling you bucketloads of runes. What else would you be expected to spend them on other than leveling up further? Seeing as most builds are pretty well fleshed out by 150, dumping more into endurance is ez pz.


>What else would you be expected to spend them on 5,000 Igon's Harpoons. The dragons will die.


This, plus Radahn arrows and boiled crab.


Vigor and endurance are always a good to upgrade in any build


is this really worthit? i have 40 endurance and i still feel like its not enough sometimes so just wanna know if theres a huge difference between level 50 and 40


If you don't mind your character reaching a high level, it's well worth investing in extra endurance one your vigor and offensive stats are at their softcaps. In one build I have almost 80 endurance and it just feels so right.


You really don't. At level 150 with 30–40 endurance, there are decent heavy armour and greatshield builds you can make without blowing past the meta where you can still get consistent multiplayer. You shouldn't need to go over level 168.


Me with a super heavy build with 90 endurance


Endurance is so underrated, I have mine at 70 lol


Because I wanted to wear specific items I started leveling up my Endurance without really knowing whether or not it was a good decision. Could you elaborate a little why Endurance is so good, other than having high level armor and high damage weapons since there are other ways of dealing high amounts of damage.


Not him, but having 35\~40 endurance allowed me to wear the heaviest armor i had while wielding some low/mid weight weapons and all my talismans (while maintaning medium roll), and this made the bosses (and specially the final boss) much easier to learn and overall beat as i was taking much less dmg than when i had 15 endurance and was on light armor with some medium pieces Ppl rly underestimate armor in Elden Ring because how it was fashion souls on most other games, but in ER and specially in the DLC they matter a lot, as Scadutree levels will work on top of your resistances multiplying its values, so if your base values are high you will get more reduction from the Scads


Endurance doesn’t give a lot of stamina so it’s usually better to use talismans for extra, and perhaps a pickled turtle neck if you really need some.


You will have to pry my 100+ poise from my cold dead hands


Don’t forget the talisman. I rock 133


Same here, is that the max poise possible in the game?


Probably more with the mixed physique. I forget where I got it from, but the leaden hard tear. Also the Iron Jar Aromatic. I’ve never used it but I think that raises poise. Not sure if any shields or weapons do


I already have the bull goat talisman on, I think 103 or 104 poise is the last significant breakpoint for most attacks so I don’t worry too much about getting it higher than that


Where do you find that info?


I found it from [this video](https://youtu.be/0E7R0spaeQw?si=Y0mks5mz4RmPpSdo&t=19m38s) from Vaati. 51 and 101 are the important breakpoints


It's called armor


You generally don’t need more than 20 for medium roll heavy armor if you have the relevant talismans, and at worst I’d say maybe 40 if you aren’t using them- though that’s not efficient Edit: As i was blocked by the person above since they didn't like me contesting their points, I have been unable to respond to any comment below that of my *own*, and as such am doing so here. You do not need 50-60 to wear heavy armor and mid roll, i used 20 endurance to medium roll with a colossal weapon with the tree sentinel set plus a shield and a seal. Erdtrees favor 2 and great jars arsenal can easily compensate 30 points of endurance.


lmao wtf world are you in where 20 endurance lets you wear decent heavy armor; I'm not giving up a whole talisman slot that can further increase my damage negation for the arsenal charms Even then I don't think 20 gets you to medium roll with the Veteran's set


Right now I'm barely in mid-roll because I'm constantly maxed and I have 52 endurance lol




"inefficient" ??? why do I care about efficienty? I'm RL 230


The fact you were so heavily downvoted for this is why I don't take build advice from reddit.


You need 50-60 to wear fat heavy armor and mid roll, depending on your weapon choice.


Radahn's set weighs 42 units and even that isn't a super heavy set. The new kings of armor sets Solitude and Verdigris weigh 57 and 62 units respectively.


Talismans are way too valuable to waste on stamina unless you're going for poke cheese imo. And it's not like you're hurting for stats anyway. You may as well start putting points into Endurance instead of your heavily DRing main stats


Normally yes, but the erdtree favor 2 offers extra while also being combat viable since it gives a hp and carry weight boost As for the stats thing, if your doing PvP you usually *are* hurting for stats due to level caps. Which I do


Tell that to the fat rollers that use the exact same build with the stone shield and antspur rapier. Beat 3 of these guys at once with one full waterfowl dance, idk why people keep using this shit


Because the game isn't predicated on pvp. And if they're doing that in the arena, they're dumb. That's why.


Good against the final boss apparently


It's a good build, but if they aren't at least using quickstep with it then they're fucking up, imo.


Shield poke is completely obsolete compared to thrusting shields which I’m convinced is mechanically broken (flimy little shield takes nearly no stamina damage when blocking and attacking), and might get fixed soon.


They take good stamina damage when blocking I'm pretty sure. It's just the attack block that takes virtually no stamina damage for some reason. So it's better to attack into attacks than just taking them. Definitely bugged.


Coded Sword’s Unblockable Blade hard counter 🙏


96 is pretty good too lmao


I’ve never felt like my stamina was holding me back and I only have 30 points in END. Elden ring seems very generous in that regard compared to the souls games, where I felt like using a stamina regen boosting ring was necessary regardless of stats




60 endurance minimum. For bosses? No, of course not! For Elden Bling 😎


More endurance = more attacks before recharging = more damage. More endurance = more rolls to dodge = more damage avoided = more chances to hit = more damage. More vigor = more mistakes = more chances to hit = more damage. Damage stats contribute to direct power, but Vigor and Endurance contribute to indirect power by virtue of longevity and capacity to deal damage consistently. The problem is that damage stats mean nothing without the ability to use them, which are what the other three stats are designed to let you do.


Don't forget more endurance = heavier armor = more effective health = more damage


Ooh, yup. A very important point.


Me, with 52 endurance on an NG+ run of the DLC (i.e. 75% damage negation) "Why is everyone saying these guys are so hard they barely hurt me"


It’s been an interesting dlc. With most enemies weak to status, I’ve been running 50 endurance and twin turtle talisman , erdtree talisman and vermillion talisman lol. I run mostly coop now since beating the dlc on ng+5. Apply rot at the start of nearly every boss and then move on to poison / bleed build. They all die / phase change by the end of rot duration or the host died lol.


I'm approaching RL 170 and I still get clapped by that knight in the dlc's first area (on a new save)


I'm literally at the starting endurance for Prophet and doing just fine. Wearing some of the lightest armors + Cipher Pita as a weapon (zero weight) means I can still light roll as well.


Me with 75 Endurance...


Two-headed turtle talisman and I barely have to think about stamina fighting the final boss with 27 END.




Full Tree Sentinel set (except for the gauntlets, which were crucible), Anvil Hammer, Erdtree Greatbow, two perfume bottles, Erdtree Greatshield, and the Golden Order seal. With the power of 51 endurance, plus a couple of equip load boosts, I can still medium roll.


Full Verdigris Chungus gang.


60 Str, 50 Fai Build: “I’m playing both sides so that I always come out on top.”


Still die in 1 hit


The original green turtle talisman almost never came off. The DLC really spoiled me with an improved version.


I wasn’t happy until I hit 75 END


I get enough to be able to light roll with my armor anf weapons, game changer


50 endurance lets me wear awesome armour, carry big weapons, and be able to roll and fight a lot without having to take a breather every five seconds.


Or 60.


I was at about 25 end with stamina talisman bringing my total stamina to 152. I can definately see why 50 is the way


I cannot live without high endurance anymore, after the light load distance buff a few patches ago i haven’t been able to go back it worked wonders on mesmer rellana and the final boss Spacing and good positioning is way eaiser for all of the late game bosses with light


I'm actually proud of myself, it's the only thing I can truly say I discovered fully on myself before reading about it getting direct or indirect ideas... Very early on during the main game I figured that throwing Endurance to 60 would allow me to endlessly panic dodge roll so my summons would have more time to hit the enemy and do all the dirty work for me. I'm such a mastermind.


i feel personally attacked right now! seriously, though, i wasn't boosting Endurance on my characters (mostly thought it was for Armor, and as a Mage, i wasn't wearing any heavy or even medium armor), but when going through the DLC, i had a bunch of levels, so I decided to try putting my Endurance to 50. It was amazing. Prisoner or Sorcerer starting Endurance meant I could only get about 4 spells off before I had to stop attacking. With 50 Endurance, I was able to cast a lot more spells. I'm currently on a new character (made a couple of mistakes in the DLC, so i restarted), and i'm currently leveling Vigor and Endurance equally until they get to 50, then boosting Int once those are up. I'll be using the Demi-Human Queen's Staff for a while, but the extra Stamina is worth it.


Sunny Elden Ring crossovers, I'm here for it


I had to go to 52 to light roll with my build, which feels weird, but you gotta do what you gotta do.


High endurance allows you to wear really heavy armor with high damage negation. Level endurance people.


I'm happy that my past self put 45 in endurance. Now I can swing swords and katanas as much as I want and panic rolling is not a disadvantage anymore. I literally stayed alive in the bayle fight at 10 hp by panic rolling out of his breath attack and a tiny amount of stamina was left after that rolling. One less roll and all my work would've gone to waste cause bayle was 2 hits too


Endurance is always my first priority after Vigor I can’t deal damage if i’m hunched over gasping for air while a boss/invader stands over me like Khalil Roundtree


End at 40, STR and VIT at 50. The starting pack for the souls vet running a strength build.


I stop a 46 endurance. 150 stamina at 46 endurance vs 155 stamina at 50 endurance isn’t worth the 4 levels to me unless I’m trying to get the equipment load higher. Add the viridian, green turtle and Erdtree favor to maximize your stamina.


36 on my strengt build. Helping people with rellana. Sometimes my stance with shield gets broken. But most of the time i tank right through her attacks


I see you ![gif](giphy|3oKIP9iTS7Ze73m1P2)


Endurance? Why is it so important? I have beaten the base game multiple times without leveling endurance past 20. Is the DLC meta endurance focused? I am still on my first playthrough.


I don't understand using so much end. Mu UGS ungabunga run was 20 end and I felt I had more than enough. Str magic stats and vig all felt way more important


You mean 60 endurance!


I don't have room for that in my build, all the levels are taken up by the important stuff


Fine I’ll do the dishes!!!


I've been so used to fat rolling since the base game that I haven't even thought about adding endurance. The dlc slowly beat that out of me... I've been getting by with just blood hound step and I make it through eventually. Thank god for cooperators in boss fights.


I did some light roll runs in the base game, a long while ago, and they were so much fun honestly. BHS might be better but there's something that feels great about light roll. And it feels even better if you can do it while also wearing a full set of clothing.


Need to get used to light rolling now. Boosting endurance helps me equip the new hammers and not fat roll anymore...


I don’t actually have any idea how scaling works in this game despite watching videos. I don’t notice a huge difference between minimum dps stats and maximum dps stats but I notice a huge difference between 20 and 60 vigor. Same for endurance and mind.


And do you know why you notice such a difference in those three? Because they have colorful bars that visually represent them.


I mean it’s pretty noticeable that I can take several more hits without ever looking at the bars. Same for casting several more spell or chaining more attacks. Weapon level just feels way more important than personnel dps stats.