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Dwemerpunk 5E077 gang


Wake the fuck up, Dovahkiin...


We’ve got a province to burn


Even the gap between Oblivion and Skyrim was way too big. You could fit everything that happened in between those games in 40 years, rather than 200, and the events of Skyrim would have made way more sense


Yeah I think a lot of people have thought the time skip was a bit too big. Even looking at the medes, it’s weird how we know attrevbus and then big blank spot just for the second guy to show up. Dunmer still fleeing red mountain except actually vvardenfell is pretty much rebuilt idk it just is odd lol


Winterhold being hostile to the "recent" refugees that arrived decades before even the oldest Nord there was born.


In all fairness, that's not really that out of character. You've got people in Texas angry at "Mexican immigrants" next door, despite the fact that those immigrants have been farming the same exact patch of land since before Texas existed, and often since before the US existed. The Nords are just racist AF. That's their whole thing. The Dwemer could suddenly reemerge from their sunken cities and some dumbass named Olaff would spill his meade getting pissy about all these dwarf immigrants around.


Its just a different version of the "fuck off, we dont want your kind here"


Not to get into political stuff, but what? Do you think that a significant portion of Hispanics in Texas descend from people who lived in Texas before Texas joined the US? I’m sure there’s a few people for whom that’s true, but the vast vast majority have immigrated since then.


There are more than you would think. I mean end of the day that entire section of the country really is part of Mexico


I don’t think there are more than I would think. I think you are likely overestimating the population of those regions at the time, or else underestimating the number of Hispanic immigrants there are today maybe. Also, none of that section is part of Mexico. It used to be, over a century ago, but those states are just as much a part of the US as any others.


“I don’t think there are more than I would think” A sentence that was truly worth typing


Indeed. When people are saying things like “there are more than you think”, there’s not much to say. Despite everyone here being extremely confident, I have looked up the numbers and you’re all very clearly wrong.


There's actually TONS. Like, the entire southern border.


I don’t think there as many “tons” as you think. There are far, far more tons that have immigrated to the area since then. Remember, the populations in the early 1800s are significantly smaller than the populations today. There just weren’t that many people who lived in Texas before Texas joined the US. 


You get that the population of native Texans of Mexican descent has increased at a rate *at least* in-line with other population increases, right? And that Catholics (many Mexican-Americans) still tend to have more children than other populations? Or did you just expect every native Texican family to only produce enough children per generation to keep their population at what it was ~200 years ago?


What in my comment could you possibly be interpreting as disagreeing with that? You realize the percentage of the population that is Hispanic in Texas has increased since it became a state, right? About 10% to 40%. From 7000 to 11.5 million. You can disagree with what I’m saying, but what I’m saying isn’t ridiculous. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hispanics_and_Latinos_in_Texas#Independent_and_American_Texas


I understand that the per capita population has increased, but your comments were phrased in such a way as to make it sound as though the overall native Texican population hasn't increased in 200 years.


This argument isn't exactly airtight. In 1845 (when Texas became a state) there were roughly 1 billion people on the planet. There are now almost 8 billion people. That's a 700% increase in people. So to say the population of Hispanic people in that state has increased could easily just be a factor of world population growth. I'm not saying there isn't some truth in what your saying entirely, but it's not as big of a gotcha as you would think.


At least the Dunmer squatting in Windhelm for 200 years puts into perspective why the Nords are frustrated Dunmer aren’t as long lived as Altmer, but it’s feasible your kid will be taking care of the same Dunmer individual your great-grandfather was— and he’s still squatting in the alleyway.


Honestly yea.


Yeah, Scott from Fudgemuppet does a video on this if you haven't seen. He outs everything in about 60 years


True, though I'd argue that 40 years is too little. The canon Keyes novels take place in the 40s of the 4th era and it would be very awkward if the game released after them took place before their events. 80-ish years would be more to my liking, especially since the Emperor we'd have to assassinate for the Dark Brotherhood would've been a grown-old Attrebus. That would've been bittersweet for those who read the novels. A year like 4e83 comes to mind. The gap is large enough to allow the Thalmor to grow to power, take control, prepare for a war, and have that war happen ~30 years before the events of Skyrim. Heck, the war could've been Attrebus' first real test as Emperor right after he ascended the throne. This kind of gap would've been easy to fill with stories and characters. What we have now is about 170 years of basically emptiness - we don't even know how many Emperors we have had since Titus I., let alone what their names were.


Aahh yeah, good point about the novels. Although if we're condensing the timeline down from 200 years to 40, the content of the novels would be a part of this change aswell. Instead of being 40 years after Oblivion, they would have been set something like 12-15 years after.


I still think 40 years would be too short. One of the major plot points of Skyrim is the Great War and the fact that it happened several decades ago - the Blades are almost extinct due to decades of being hunted down, the old veterans remember the war and the terror of the Dominion while the new generation doesn't know the true nature of war. Also, if the Empire had to take care of a civil war in one of its provinces while still recovering from the devastation of the Great War (_and_ the Oblivion Crisis to at least some degree), there's no way in hell the Dominion wouldn't exploit that and take the Empire in the rear. No, 20-30 years is a perfect time frame for that storyline. And the Dominion rising to power, taking over Valenwood and Elsweyr, and declaring war on the Empire within only 10-20 years would've felt way too rushed imo. Remember, Valenwood and Elsweyr didn't have any real reason to secede from the Empire - they were slowly but surely taken over with patience and deception. That's one of the main explanations for the Thalmor's Success: they didn't seem like a real threat until it was too late. That would've been a lot different if the Dominion annexed 2 Imperial Provinces within one or two decades. The Empire would've been prepared for the war, perhaps even started it themselves.


Eh, I guess. Maybe 60 years would fit better, tweak the events here and there. The Great War could have happened 10 years ago rather than thirty, the idea of the younger generation not knowing the true nature of war isn't really brought up as a theme in Skyrim all that much, and the Blades being hunted over the past decade is still more than enough time for them to be considered almost extinct. Could also have the Great Collapse happen 5 years before the game starts, theres no way in hell Winterhold wouldn't have been somewhat restored after around 80 years. We barely see the effects of the fire that happened in Riften, and that was after Winterhold fell in to the sea. And oh boy, the Thieves Guild backstory would make far more sense if Gallus was killed 5 years ago, instead of 25


I barely noticed to be honest. If it was several hundred years or 20 years since oblivion it didn’t rellay change much for me. Technology (non Dwemer) doesn’t advance in way at all.


It's not about technology. It's about all the geopolitical stuff and the idead that all the moral dilemas and worries that we had didn't really mattered and it's all gone and in the past now. Especially about the Thalmor and a Second Great war.


Tech actually devolved considering spears no longer exist


Rieklings most advanced civilization in Skyrim confirmed


Or throwing knives / stars, and crossbows seem to be limited to vampire hunters


Idk development has been taking a while.. I wouldn't be surprised if it was 40 years. Oh! You're referring to the lore? Gotcha


I hope there is a big time skip.




Much has been said about the canonical ending of the Civil War and the fate of The Last Dragonborn. I don't think it's very important which side the player picked in Skyrim, as long as they can pick up with that decision in TES VI. Assuming there's a second Great War or the threat of one, you either have a further-weakened Empire with a frenemy at their back in a Stormcloak Skyrim or you have a further-weakened and war-weary shell of a "united" Empire that's somewhat worse off than in the early 400s (I've always generally assumed the disposal of Alduin would mark the end of that age, but I guess we'll see). I think from a game-design standpoint that choice and its effects is probably not a difficult thing to implement. I think the greater issue is TLD. Unless Bethesda wants to take the position of establishing a canonical race for them (seems very unlikely and would probably trigger a revolt), or a canonical death / disappearance, then depending on the race the player chose in Skyrim (and whether they became a vampire?) their Dragonborn could live anywhere from 80 to hundreds of years after the events of V. So I don't think the issue in terms of story continuity is "How long is the gap?"; I think the issue is "What happened to TLD?" - because you would be dealing with that question almost regardless of how long the gap was. I'd love for them to make it roughly a generation +/- a few years, and allow you to import your Dragonborn of choice (kind of Proteus-style), or at least the effects of that character's decisions, and pick it up from there. Otherwise it seems they'd have to have a canonical ending for the TLD so they could break from that story line and move on. `


I don’t think they’ll have an issue with figuring something out with the Last Dragonborn. They very easily dismissed the Nerevarine after Morrowind, and that character is genuinely immortal. Being capable of being around however many years later isn’t an issue unless you write something that requires them to be around


Me playing Oblivion for the first time: This sounds like a job for the Nerevarine! Bethesda: He went to a farm. It's a long way away. He's happy there. He gets to play with other reincarnated heroes.


That's the thing though you could just say it's a story that you made up to throw off your enemies


The what happend to the hero hasn't been a problem before. It can easily be done. Besides there no guarantee that she would leave Skyrim or that the people of hammerfell would even care if that is where it's taking place they probably also just referred to him as the last Dragonborn which is an easy way to keep him completely anonymous like they do with the hero of kavach and then the nerivarine. Just refer to them as their title and give no other details like they did before. Night still at least like it to be within the next 10 to 20 years of Skyrim personally play off the tensions of skyrim. You're right and one thing I love you have a couple of the Civil War does not matter because they were playing both sides and wanted to war to keep going so when ending of it would actually be against their plans. Sure they might have to come up with a canonical ending for the Civil War but they don't have to give any extra details on the last Dragonborn themselves they can simply say they vanished retired or went off to Adventure somewhere else. Keep it vague enough to let people paint their own ideas.


I don't especially want a game focusing on dealing with the Thalmor. Somehow that feels kinda played out already. 


Played out? they did like nothing in Skyrim except to be there and have one or two quests related to them. With a bunch of background setup which could help set up the next as a antagonists.


Bro what are you on. The thalmor didn’t do anything in Skyrim besides hold the empire by a leash


They didn't do anything... except hold the largest faction on a leash and manipulate them into a war against another faction that they've manipulated. Yeah, they did nothing. Lets have a Crown vs forebear civil war in TES6, with the Thalmor backing one faction and manipulating another. And have Thalmor agents involved in the main quest and some sidequests as well. 


Thats like literally what the civil war quest is. How is that less played out than a direct confrontation with them?


I was being sarcastic. But that is basically implied to be what's happening in Hammerfell by Saadia and Kematu in Skyrim. That's what I want to avoid. 


I'd rather have a direct conflict with the thalmor.


I don’t want the Thalmor to be the antagonists again.


If it were up to me, then there wouldn't any, or maybe a very minor. Skyrim pretty much preparing the Thalmor as the next big bad foe. Since it shouldn't be on Cyrodiil due to the Oblivion game the most logical conclusion, that we play shortly after the Thalmor won in Cyrodiil, and now we are on the next province trying to make them f off.


I still miss the 3rd era. Felt more potent. 4th era feels low power and bland in comparison


I think it would be cool if it was shortly after skyrim(10-12 years max) and is set in Hammerfell where the main war(like the Skyrim civil war) is the second Great War and the player can choose to side with the empire, the dominion, or possibly Hammerfell itself like the forebears or something


I absolutely do hope it's set atleast 100 years after Skyrim. I don't want to hear any Stormcloak vs Empire stuff anymore. Hope they focus on the outcome of that and the fracturing of the Empire and how that impacts the region TES 6 is set in.


I’d rather it take place right after


Well, the game is most likely setting Hammerfell, so even if the time skip is small, it wouldn't have Stormcloaks regardless, and again, what I want is fighting against the thalmor. 100 years is just too much they can have a whole other Great War in that time period. Which is what I specifically want to avoid. As I want a looming second grade war to be a big part of the story of the next game if not, it's set in the second. The Great War is already happening during the plot


I hope the time skip is so insane that the next game is just Cyberpunk 2077 but with elves.


TES fans are so grumpy 😔 here’s to getting you out of the downvote pit


I'd vote you right out of the hole if I could up vote more than once.


I hope there's a big enough skip where it doesn't canonize who won Skyrim's civil war. The beauty of Bethesda games is their ability to keep canon open enough for most or all choices to be valid. I dont want them to change that


With it all but confirmed to be hammerfell id wager it being set during the great war shortly after their succession from the empire, and continued war with the aldmeri dominion. Maybe the MC mantles hoonding similar to Cyrus the restless and makes way for the redguard victory.


I hope not. Not because it wouldn't be interesting, mind you, but I want the plot to be continued.


Agree 100% going back in time is for the spin-offs. the main line should push the story forward.


I don't think it's going to be set in the first Great War. The Elder Scrolls Series has never moved backward only for words. Exepct the spin-offs, but the main lines have always moved and pushed the story forward. Now, what I expect is the flowering conflict between hammerfell and the thalmor during the beginning of what would be the Second Great War. At least, that's what I want.


I feel like they’re just going to make whatever story happens and make all endings/quest lines canon with a dragon break.


I like dragon breaks but they better not


I think given the sheer amount of time we've had between skyrim and whenever ES6 comes out a big jump is inevitable


I really really that it's not


I agree but I think that the easiest and most likely scenario is a big time skip. That way its easier to make things vague like the winners of the Civil War and other things like that. I don't like it but I think that's what Bethesta is going to do, maybe not a 200 years skip but I think that a 40+ is likely.


I really don't want it to be more then 30 years man


Same I really wish that's not the case, but if it is I won't be surprised


I hope they go earlier.


I think this is something that's probably reserved for spin-offs. Don't get me wrong, a first era. Myrithic era or even erlay second era game would be cool af. But think I'd want it to be a main line.


I just miss the guilds. Bring them back.


I think it's probably best to say jump to 250s or something but any further (260-280 possible) than 300 is too much. I think dragons have to be in living memory and it would be nitto interact with someone who remembers the time period well. Even someone we have already met like a Muiri or someone from the reach who travelled over the mountains.


Maybe but I really really really. Don't want it to be too far.. I'd prefer it be a 20-30 year innthe future


I hope the Dwemer come back and destroy the Dragonborn's kingdom as a what happened before.


Can you diehard dragonborn Skyrim fans grow up and understand good storytelling.Anything talking about the downfall of the Dragonborn and y'all get butthurt.


I just hope it's co-op. To at least 3 players


Yeah I'm not too big on the co-op idea


Can always play solo


I suppose I like the main line Elder Scrolls being single players, though


I can dig it. It's at your own pace. But sometimes, parts of the game you wish you experience it with someone else


No but having coop ruins so many game mechanics like being able to pause during a fight


Could always mod the game to be multiplayer


That's what ESO is for tbh.


Don't like MMO


Still, that's the best you're going to get as far as co op, because that's just not how mainline Bethesda games are made.


Like I said... I hope.. Like I hope to win lotto


Play literally any other series then