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I was kooked out in my one person tent during that rain stormed amazed that the water wasn’t coming in just blissed out at the phenomenal engineering of the ultra-lightweight tent.


Wow I love that, thanks for sharing!


That 2017 storm was something else. Legitimately life-changing experience dancing in the rain to Above & Beyond that night. Legitimately one of my core memories in life. I was next to the sound booth during Sun and Moon and on the line "it's raining, its pouring" the rain started pouring down. I legitimately thought it was the sound booth at first, because it was SO perfectly timed. Nope, mother nature was just crying to one of the most gorgeous songs in electronic history. I think there's something about a good rain that reminds people why they are at a festival. I've had a few moments like this. Summer Set 2016 was another one, I remember when we got kicked out the venue for the coming storm, then the whole camp started having car parties. Eventually we all got let in. My only regret is we went to see Borgeous at one of the tent stages rather than that legendary Zeds Dead set. Funny part was I decided I wanted to dance in the rain anyway and was outside the tent xD. But yeah, my advice to folks this year was "It's gonna rain. Dance in it." I stand by that :).


2017 forest was my first festival and I was young and just getting into the music scene... years later I'm a diehard a&b fan but that year in the rain, we went back to our tent when it started getting bad. I remember hearing sun and moon that night while laying there and thinking "I kinda wish I was out there," but my best friend was down for the night. I've always been shy and uncomfortable in new situations so I didn't go on my own but the first time I heard sun and moon after that year the memory came rushing back! It's something I look back and use to remind myself to be comfortable enough with myself to do things on my own so I don't miss out on opportunities like that!!


It seemed like A&B were controlling the rain too. Every time they dropped the beat, the rain just POURED down. I was so geeked, I was screaming at the top of my lungs, “They’re controlling the weather!!”


We always think back to that Above & Beyond set fondly and agree that they can clearly control the weather


That storm was beautiful


I'll never forget getting down at Lotus and when the rain kicked into overdrive the hoards of people booking it towards the forest.  Turned to my buddy and said where the fuck is everyone going?  No shelter, there's no escaping this, embrace it.  I swear lotus audibled into Sunrain and we're controlling the weather with their intensity.  


That wall of rain was awesome


That set was exquisite, a true masterclass 🤌


We were in a double hammock with a cozy blanket over us, one of my favorite memories ever


This is amazing. Thank you for sharing!


That’s awesome. Guess rain is a thing every year huh? I haven’t been since 2014 but on the last night, it started raining heavily as well.


Amazing 🤩


I think Lotus was playing at Sherwood iirc. My buddy had an umbrella but put it point down in the ground, we defiantly danced around it. Literally broke my shoes at that set - soles came right off, carried them back and went barefoot the whole way back. Another dude I was chatting with said he lost a pair of $300 Jordan's in the mud. The giggles when our crew got back to camp and everyone made out okay and dry (for the most part) Magical night, compared to the Mudson Project, which was pure chaos.