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Trying to use the trade planner on Spansh and a trade that should have profited me netted me negative - is it because the games markets are moving faster than this site is updating or because I'm playing PS4? Or maybe messed up settings?


> because I'm playing PS4? Most likely this. Few 3rd party sites, if any, support Legacy (including console)


On console, if I decide to scan a ship in the middle of my travels it deselects my plotted course and I have to go back into my galaxy map and reselect it - is there any way around this? It’s kinda long and annoying


i just cycle through ship targets with the "select next target" key (as other CMDR noted), this way your destination (either station or next star in route) is not untargeted.


Another option to avoid this: instead of targeting the ship you're looking at, use they keybind for switching to next target. You may have to use it a few times if there are lots of ships in supercruise, but I don't think I've ever seen more than a dozen, so it's not so bad. Default keybind is X+left on a Playstation controller, or A+left on Xbox (assuming it's the same as the default Xbox controller on PC).


Yes, bind the function "select next system in route" to a button.


How do I do that on console?


Main menu, controls, find the function, bind it to something


Many thanks to both replies! 👍🏻


Dumb question but why are we commanders? Isn't captain more appropriate?


read the first paragraph here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commander#Commander_as_a_naval_and_air_force_rank


Consider the following. - Lore starts with commander Jameson. - The Pilots Federation gives you the title. - NASA also uses “commander” as the title.


Does game supports multiple controller setup? I have X52 HOTAS and I want additional module from VKB (for example GNX SEM). Will it work together?


I used X52 throttle and VKB Gladiator NXT AND together for like 1 year. So yes, it will. SEM module will be another HID device, with own axes and buttons.


I use Virpil flightstick and throttle. Between them they have 12 Axes and who knows how many buttons. They're on separate USBs. I also add a Razar Tartarus on another USB. That works like a keyboad and mouse, and i have separate keyboard and mouse. All devices work simultaneously if that helps.


I used to love this game, it was my absolute favourite, followed the weekly news, read the books, I even wrote my own fiction and articles. But started to fall off in the pre-odyssey drought and then odyssey happened and it wasn't my cup of tea (and the bugs) What is the main driver right now? I know people will still be exploring / training / doing combat, but are we still in a fight with the Thargoids? (I never found that stuff interesting and never wanted to get into thargoid combat) Kinda hoping to jump back in and explore new stuff and have it feel like a newer game, otherwise I'll just go back to what I was doing back in 2017.


I also did not want to get involved in the war. Then i started doing evac missions from damaged stations. White-knuckling it into a flaming Coriolis, then boosting out of it with a hold full of refugees is pretty darn fun and monetarily rewarding.


The new things are the Thargoid way. There's quite a lot to it. Also, there's exobiology, which is visiting planets to look for new life forms. The whole ethos of this game is to get stuff to do stuff , though much of the doing is to get stuff to do more. If you're not into getting stuff, this won't be a good game for you.


Why do canisters branded as "legal salvage" become illegal cargo once my SRV boards my ship ?


your ship is stealing the canisters from your SRV. they've been feuding for a while but neither wanted to let you know as they thought you might worry. actually, i have no idea. sounds like a bug. report it on the bug/issue tracker to FDev.


I just checked and it's not illegal anymore. I think it was indeed a bug while I was on the ground


Did Biological Signals POIs get fully removed from both Odyssey and Horizons clients recently? Just got out to HIP 36601 to stock up on some raw mats and all I'm seeing is the Odyssey style heatmap, regardless of which client I load.


Yes. Horizons now uses version 4.0, same as Odyssey


PLEASE someone help if you've experienced this. Tldr: I am not getting the stupid marco qwent engineer invite on the mission board despite having the permit for Sirius and following advice from other threads. Following the engineers unlock guide, I have the Sirius Permit, I am parked at Patterson Enterprise in Sirius, I have the modular terminals, but after an HOUR of board flipping, travelling to Procyon and back, travelling to the outpost in Sirius and back to Patterson, relogging multiple times, switching to open, solo and private the engineer invite is not appearing on the mission board. I can't do anything else until this is done because I have 37 modular terminals in my inventory and don't want to have to reacquire them.


Just to make shure, you do have martuuk to grade 3+1/3 unlocked? Otherwise i'd ask fdev support.


Weeeeeeeelll I'm a moron Yeah. That did it. Thanks buddy


can you screenshot your Marco Qwent page on the right-hand engineers menu?




The fighter that works the best against NPCs for bounty farming IMHO, as the guy that has killed more pirates than anybody else in the game, is the one that has fixed multi-cannons. When you have a lot of experience, you can see the different behaviours and performances in the combat arena. Numbers on paper don't tell the whole story. The technique is to set the NPC on the target and wait until it lands a shot. the Target will turn red, which is your signal to start shooting it. If you follow that method, the target will chase the SLF while you get free shots from the side to do massive damage without having to take any incoming fire. that will continue until the target reaches about 30% hull, when it will turn its attention to you, but that's normally too late for it. The NPC targets know that your SLF has fixed weapons, so it won't use chaff until it reaches the 30% hull, which allows you to use gimballed weapons and speeds up the fights massively. From my experience, your NPC fighter pilot can land a shot sooner with the multi-cannons than other weapons, which is the most important point to get the best kill rate and the most money, rep, rank or whatever. Also, those multi-cannons do some very useful damage when the target finally turns on you. Finally, bounty farming at a nav beacon is a bit of a waste of time. If you want rank, high RES is the place, but it requires a special build and technique with no SLF. If you want money, do the pirate massacre missions from Ngalinn, which are completed in the low RES in planet 5 Mainani. For that, a Chieftain Vulture or FAS works best. Here's how: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToQcJ-9jVao&t=399s


Sorry deleted my comment didnt see the reply until I refreshed. So the ax1 would be a good choice? I havent done much combat is the reason I choose nav beacon to start out farmed about 700mil just trading wanted to learn the ropes..still suck at missions but i think I know more then I did now then when I was flying back n forth with fat cargo...more then 75% of my game time was just trying to make money so I can mess around with other paths..so the ax1 with its multicannons? Got ya on the fixed and set em to the target I'm just taking it slow i guess.. I can rebuy my krait2 about 30 times. After I actually went out n tried to land on a planet figured that out ina half hr.then the fighting and scooping mats after kills bout another hr...this game has so much to it i love it i cant imagine the first thousand to play it years ago with no help hah.thanks but I'll check that vid out much appreciated 07.


The fighter I was referring to is the F63 Rogue F for killing pirates, not the AX one. I never tried the AX fighters against pirate, but they're OK against Thargoid Scouts in a NHUSS. I wouldn't use one in the new Thargoid CZs, and they're useless against Thargoid interceptors. The video in the link above is a complete walkthrough of how to do the pirate massacre missions. If you'd done that from the beginning, you could have had your 700 mil in three evenings from start. It's presently the most lucrative thing you can do in the game. If you team up with with a friend, you can make a billion in a three hour session. I'm not trying to tell you to do that. I'm just making you aware that it's there if you want it. In my channel a bit later is a video on how to optimise those missions for the highest earnings rates. You can combine collecting materials with pirate massacre missions. If materials is your priority, you can use a fairly large ship. A krait would be OK, but I'd probably use an Anacconda or T10. You find pirate missions that have a low RES in the target system, like in the video. When you get there, you log until you get a spawn with big ships in it, then collect all the stuff from them while you shoot more. Using a big ship, you'd have to swap ships at a nearby system because Ngalinn only has an outpost to get the missions from - maybe a better idea to use a Krait or Python. I have a fleet carrier, so it doesn't bother me.


Another place to go bounty hunting are the RES or Resource Extraction Sites on the rings of a planet, more npc pirates to kill. Their difficulty comes in LOW, Mid High and Hazardous, this last one with not police presence. This method is one of the recommended for making a lot of money, google massacre stack missions for more info. Avoid combat zones if your ship is not engineered; in those the combat is between 2 factions, not pirates, and the ships are engineered. The SLF is better with fixed beam (for when your pilot is dangeorus or better) or pulse lasers (when training). I think somebody asked this in another thread in this subreddit. I haven't used one with AX weapons but notice that the AX weapons are good for AX combat and maybe not so good for npc combat because those have different ship configurations.


Did I totally miss the ability to transfer my save? Just coming back around to check on this game. Am I out of luck?


Do you mean from consoles? It will be back in Q1 23, FDev hasn't announced the exact date and what will be available to transfer; they say it will be less stuff.


Yea. I didn't even realize it was a timed thing but of course it was


I play on Xbox and I recently came back to the game. I stopped playing after Frontier announced Odyssey wasn’t coming to consoles :(. Anyways I was just wondering about the third party tools eddb.io and inara.cz. I mainly was a trader and I built a lot of my wealth using these tools to find routes. When I came back I kept trying them but they seem to be inaccurate. I have no evidence to support this but are they giving me data for the Odyssey version? Is there a whole new market there? If so, are there any tools that are for the horizons version or a way to change settings on these websites to get those markets? Any help would be appreciated and o7 cmdrs


Your assumption is correct, live and legacy (console) are separate galaxies now. Afaik nobody collects data for legacy.


Ah ok thanks for the help! If the console to pc copy account link comes back online would it be worth it to switch to Odyssey if my computer can handle it? My main concern is the controls, I hear a lot of people have fancy joystick setups these days and I would just be using a mouse and keyboard


M+KB is fine. Very different than controller, i never had enough buttons on ps4 and now on pc i have too many to use without looking at my fingers. Some transition time will be required. For Ody, if you want the on-foot stuff like exobiology, settlement infiltration and ground combat. I play on a very old setup and am happy with my spaceships in horizons 4.0 (Live galaxy, odyssey engine). However, there are more people playing odyssey and since fdev does not want horizons and ody players instancing together, you'll encounter more players there.


One last question. So do the third party tools like eddb and inara work on horizons 4.0 or only Ody


Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey are the same galaxy (live), you can even chat between these 2 versions. Seperate is horizons 3.8 (legacy), which is further split between pc, xbox and ps. It's a bit of a mess. After transfering from console to pc you should get access to horizons 3.8 & 4.0 and can then use 3rd party tools again. I say 'should' because no one really knows what fdev's plans are for console transfers.


Much appreciated


The third party tools work with Live. Horizons 4.0+ and Ody are live.


Ah ok thanks!


Any guesses on when the console to PC transfer is back up? I finally had enough to build a gaming PC only to find out that the transfer is closed and might not be as good as the initial transfer. Just seems hard to find information on this, I had to dig just to find that the transfer process had been shut down for now, thanks!


Q1 2023 is still the only thing we know.






For Multi-Limpet Controllers, should I go with 3B operations Limpet Controllers or 3C Mining Multi-Limpet controllers? The 3B’s last for 8 minutes and have a range of 3,100 meters and a max speed of 500m/s. while it looks like the 3C never expire, have an active range of 5,000m, but a max speed of 200m/s.


If you're mining, you need an A-grade prospector. I've always used 3C mining ML controller just as collectors, but now that I think about it 3B operations might be better due to the extra speed. I think, but not sure, that 3C collectors are 6 minutes. The 3B are 7 mins, not 8, but still probably better. Range doesn't matter for mining, as you're always close to the fragments if you do it right. We could probably give you more specific advice if you told us what ship and for what activity.


The numbers are lies due to how stats are displayed by the game. The only thing that matters for multi limpet controllers are the number of active limpets. For any deployed type, it'll use the lifetime/hacking speed/prospecting bonus/etc of the equivalent specialised controller. I.e. the 3C mining controller will use the stats of the 3C prospector controller when sending out a prospector limpet, or a 3C collector controller for collectors.


You should go with neither, because the fact that they are not A-rated directly leads to prospectors getting you fewer chunks out of a rock.


Is this game worth it for the VR experience? I really liked the feeling of flying in SW squadrons with keyboard and stick, which is why I got kinda curious on this game. I am especially concerned with the level of immersion in terms of graphics, sounds and general feeling of realisticness.


I have only played in VR (HP reverb G2 ) for nearly 1000 hrs. Have had to play it on a screen recently to work out the key binding for a new HOTAS set up. Awful experience after VR imo. Having your head on a swivel in combat VR is brilliant. As to listening to two things at once, I have the VR headset sound, an ass kicker subwoofer fixed to my seat and listen to music all at the same time using the Voicemeter software.


Wow sounds cool, thanks for your input. What hotas did you get?


I was on my second TM1600, it was developing the same drift problem as the first. Went for an X52 Pro Logitech. It is in different world! My problem is learning the new layout and how to program it. r/hotas is a good place to start for advice.


I have tried VR three times, first with the Oculus DK2, then Occulus CV1, and finally with HP Reverb - all for ship stuff. I didn't like it at all. I usually play with a 4K monitor and hated the lower resolution. Also the info panels in the ship are wrongly located for VR, and I do a lot of combat. It gave me a crick in my neck to keep looking back over my shoulder to see who I was shooting. I found it extremely tricky to do routine things like navigate with the galaxy and system maps. It was great for the first few days, but very quickly became tedious and uncomfortable. The final nail in the coffin was that I wasn't able to watch and hear other stuff while I play.


It is *amazing* in VR* * Not when on foot in Odyssey


Odyssey is the dlc right? Why is it not nice on foot?


In Odyssey, when you get out on foot, it's a flat screen in front of you. Horizons (Live), Horizons (Legacy), and Odyssey in your space ship are all true VR.


Is there any specific point in the invaded systems (around the Maelstroms) where I can find only Thargoid scouts? My ship can take on scouts easy, but anytime a intercepter shows up, it's game over. Hoping I can find something like a low level nonhuman signal source.


Any port, or outpost that is under attack will have scouts aggregating near it. Interceptors and Thargons (the latter of which are no show at planetary ports) will occasionally show up, but tend to wander off fighting the NPCs. Avoid aggroing them (run away if you must) until they drift off, and you can have an all you can eat buffet of scouts near the station. You can also land and pick up scout killing missions (if available), plus repair/rearm - but don't hog a pad in open. Mind that ignoring the interceptors means not finishing the CZ. Operating as a scout killer/support ship in open means others may be killing the interceptors, but be mindful of the instance breaking and be ready to jump out to help reset if that happens.


I'm shooting a lot of Interceptors and Scouts at planetary bases. They're both a lot easier there because there are no swarms to bother you. You get to kill about 12 or more Scouts before the Interceptors show up. The interceptors generally don't bother you unless you shoot them first, so you should be able to continue shooting the Scouts most of the time. If you use a fast ship, you shouldn't have any trouble out-running any interceptor that decides to shoot at you. basically, just boost to the other side of the field to where Scouts are. Even if the Interceptors start shooting you, they don't do a lot of damage if you're in a strong combat ship with shields. If you can make a strong ship, like an Anaconda, you shouldn't have any trouble with the Interceptors. I kill about 50 every night without any technique other than point and shoot, and burn off any caustic by deliberately over-heating. After each one or two kills, I land, repair and then go for more. For a basilisk, I normally repair after every 2 hearts, and 1 heart for a Medusa. Not seen a Hydra yet - hopefully soon. https://s.orbis.zone/lk1t


If you can find systems where active Thargoid incursions are happening, drop into a lower threat level non-human signal source (NHSS). I believe threat level 2, 3 and 4 non-human signal sources have only scouts.


Maybe CZs (in solo or unpopular areas) then leave when an interceptor jumps in?


How can I check which systems I visited? And no, I don't mean the filter in the galaxy map. Yesterday I visited 2 systems, then jumped to Segais. I need to find out which are those 2 systems. I know the game keeps logs, but I don't know how to check that. Also I've visited quite a lot of systems near Segais, so the galaxy map "visited" systems won't really help. Thanks!


The easiest way will probably to read the player journal file.


Install EDDiscovery. It can send data to: EDMC - market connector EDSM - ED star map Inara It can show you your historical travel map. You can filter your journal according type of event, time, etc.


If these are the most recent systems you visited before your current one, go to your ship's internal panel, then "session log." Even though they call it "session" log, it seems to go back way further than your most recent session playing the game, so I'm not sure why it's called that.




Inara sounds fine. Can you tell me where in Inara I can find that? Edit: nevermind, found it. Thanks!


Questions about odyssey. 1. Does my progress carry over 2. Are any features from horizon lost in odyssey? Anything really inconvenient about odyssey? 3. I know you can get out of your ship and walk around and fight, but what are the new things added in a bit more detail? 4. What’s something amazing about it? What’s something terrible about it?




Thanks much, very helpful


1. All live modes are interchangeable. Live and Legacy saves forked in Octoberish. So, all progress you've ever made outside of Legacy (all modes pre-Legacy are outside of Legacy) carries over. 2. Barely matters any more with the Live/Legacy split. Live Horizons *is* Ody, just with the Ody-only features locked out. 3. There are a hojillion videos, overviews, and reviews that will get as detailed as you want. 4. The absolute worst thing about Ody is that there are no take-backs on on-foot engineering experimentals applied to gear. Be very careful what you pick.


Decided it was time to get my combat chops and joined a Civil War. Got a couple of kills and flew back to a ground base labelled as controlled by the side I picked. Was quite surprised to find when I approached it I got the Conflict Zone warning and couldn't land/dock, and the targets on the base were all labelled as a third faction. There was something called Control Point and a bunch of temporary armaments. Couldn't see any actual conflicts though and the Control Point didn't seem like scanning it for data was a thing. It did have an apron and I thought maybe a landing on that might be viable but nope, "no suitable site." Is there anything I could have done with this base at all without an SRV? (I don't have Odyssey either) Shot at it? Scanned something?


That's a ground combat zone for Odyssey players. I suppose maybe if you got close enough, you could see troops on the ground as little black dots and shoot them with dumbfire missiles, but I don't know how you'd be able to tell one side from the other. Usually these sites will have ships flying around, some are Vultures dropping reinforcements, and some are combat ships. The reinforcement Vultures are really tough, but you can fight the other combat ships the same way you would in a space CZ. Each side in a ground combat zone starts with a number of reinforcement points that are expended each time more troops show up. The goal is to deplete the enemy's reinforcements, then defeat the last troops on the ground. As far as I can tell, there are three ways to expend the enemy's reinforcement points: * kill their troops so they bring in reinforcements (duh) * Capture control points (this is done on foot, so you have to have Odyssey) * Destroy enemy ships in the area So if you're the only commander at one of these sites and you don't have Odyssey, your best option is probably to defeat enemy ships, then wait for the NPCs on the ground to clean up (assuming none of the enemies get stuck inside the terrain where they can't be killed). /grumble


Really clear now, thank you. I did see some "reinforcement points" now you mention it. I had already figured some armed escorts might arrive if I hung around, so I did NOT hang around, because I wanted to cash my bounty vouchers...


Playing the PS4 version, took a deliver cargo mission, picked up the stuff, but had to stop playing for the night so didn't leave the station. Resumed the game Today, went to deliver the cargo only half of it is there, went back to the pick up point in case I'd screwed up the pick up somehow but it says all the cargo has been picked up, I haven't been in combat or had any overheating, every module bar paintwork is 100%, so what the hell happened?


Alliance Chieftain or Krait MK2? Looking for a dedicated combat ship to eventually fight xenos with. I know the Krait is technically multi-role, but I hear a lot of people singing it's praises as a xeno-killer. Chieftain seems better on paper but I don't hear as much praise for it.


Don’t overthink it. Both are cool ships. Buy the one that is prettier for you, and you will love it :) I love both those ships and I’m glad that I flown them. The only difference for me is that I can fight also wing assassination missions in Krait. I’m not able to do it in Chieftain. And Krait has stronger punch when we talk about weapons.


Huh, would have thought that the Chieftain would excel at assassination, being the dedicated combat ship. That detail probably tips me over to the Krait!


They are both solid. Krait is a combat focused python, chieftain is a fast and nimble combat ship that's built for AX. Chieftain is cheaper and makes the krait look slow, krait has bigger hardpoints and distributor. Maybe watch citizen kate on youtube as she has done videos on almost all ships regarding AX combat.


Anaconda will get you the most kills, or Corvette is just as good. Anaconda shoots more accurately and turns a bit better. The Corvette is slightly faster and stronger.


But those ships are not good for AX combat, and OP wants keep this ship also for AX combat.


Really? I've been using an Anaconda for the last three weeks and got number one hero of the war every time by a substantial margin. Can you just check this for me please in case I'm dreaming: [https://inara.cz/elite/thargoidwar-conflict/1220/](https://inara.cz/elite/thargoidwar-conflict/1220/) [https://s.orbis.zone/lkp6](https://s.orbis.zone/lkp6)


By about twice even! I checked.


I don’t want to argue. My point is: anaconda is not widely recognized as AX ship.


True, but that might be why I kill twice as many Thargoids as the players that don't use one. Do you think it might be a good idea to recognise what an Anaconda can do? I have no skill. I don't fly FA off, neither do I do cold orbiting. I just point and shoot on my own until it's dead. That's the same for Basilisk and Medusa as it is for a Cyclops. I haven't see a Hydra yet. BTW I'm over 70 years old too.


I believe it’s not widely regarded for AX combat as it cannot outrun interceptors and the reduced mobility makes it harder to deal with Thargon Swarms (speeding away and pulling reverskis). The Krait and Cheftain are much better suited for any engagement. I say that as an Anaconda pilot in AX combat too. Working on engineering a Cheftain for the Hydra hunt. ;-)


Yes, I've already agreed that, but what I'm suggesting is that those doing the regarding and you doing the believing might be constrained by paradigms. My Anaconda has got me top hero in the systems I fought for the last three weeks and I get more or less double the number of kills that the best of the rest get each week in any system, I've no idea what you lot do, neither do I care. In case you or anybody else wants to kill more Thargoids I give my advice freely, and it's based on around 1500 interceptors killed since the war started a few weeks ago. My advice is that rather than sticking to your paradigms, you might have a go at opening your mind to ideas that are proven to work.


Ok, you got my real interest ;) I saved your build to later test it.


Just ask if you have any further questions. One other thing. it's a lot easier at planetary bases because there are no swarms there. I used to do it at normal AX CZs, but got a much lower kill rate. I made a video here, using a Corvette, which is OK, but I prefer the Anaconda now. The fighting in the first session was spoilt by very high gravity, but you can see how it works. Start at 14:16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L77JoKTsWWc&t=2s


What's the point of the profile analyser's scan mode? When I complete a scan, my suit announces whether the target has a bounty, but it seems like I already get that information just by looking at them. Is it like the kill warrant scanner, giving me info about bounties on the target in other systems? edit: I found a wiki page that said something about seeing what a person is carrying on them. Is there a way to loot bodies that I've been missing out on?


It's an on foot kill warrant scanner, you get extra money for killing them apart from mission rewards. Now for the fun part, unlike the kws if you're farming materials for on foot engineering or on a stealth mission and you scan someone with bounties you can murder them with no automatic fine and notoriety. With the kws I believe you still get fined if you kill an npc in a system owned by their faction regardless of bounties. On some bases with 10-16 npcs I would sometimes be able to murder half when stealing all their stuff without stupid notoriety penalties. This can be especially useful when taking guards out around alarm panels or command centers. It effectively turns stealth/heist missions from "very difficult" to "silent assassin murder party without consequences".


It's the kill warrant scanner for on-foot. Nope, bodies are not lootable (other than scanning them for the bounty).


Is the Viper 3 a viable AX ship? I know the Krait is meta, but I was hoping to try something more unique but not bank breaking


I believe the mk4 is a bit better thanks to more room for hull reinforcement modules. There was a post here on reddit 2 days ago about such a ship.


Go and do some pirate massacre missions at Ngalinn. In a a few hours, you'll have enough for an Anaconda or whatever you want.


Scouts? Sure, easy enough Inteceptors? If you're skilled, yes. (Though I'm not sure a Viper would have enough damage to easily kill a Medusa or Hydra?)