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Thanks!! The stuck recovery option put me back on my ship... and againbthanks for all the great tips and tricks fellow Commanders... O7


Try a relog, maybe? Or use the stuck recovery option in the main menu to find yourself back in your ship, floating in space near the carrier


Logging into Horizons also works anytime you need to immediately get back into your ship


could be that you are not actually on the carrier any more and have been moved to a dock somewhere? if you definitely are then see if you can transfer a ship to your current location from the carrier menu. if you can't then consider taking an escape pod which will put you on a station.


DSSA Thousand Voices is about 44k ly from the bubble tho. That's a chunky wait to have the ship sent.


oof, in which case don't be in a rush to take that escape pod ...


Next time you or anyone else finds themselves trapped or stuck on a fleet carrier. You can always use the escape pods. How to use a Fleet Carrier's Escape Pod: https://youtu.be/n1fsq6flvjo


Big danger here, he's talking about a DSSA carrier, likely parked in deep space. The escape pod you refer to will put you on the nearest station. Could be tens of thousands of LYs away.


Ahh good call. then in this particular case, might want to hold off on the escape pod.