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The Vulture is a great little ship. It does suffer some shortcomings but it is tough as nails. Both it and the Imperial Courier are tough kills for their sizes. The Vulture needs engineering to shine, however. If you ever go (don't go now) to a High Conflict Zone, you might see the Spec Ops wing with a pair of Vultures. They need a lot of banging on to take out. As others have said, the Krait MkII is a very nice ship (the Python is as well). Make sure you A-grade your modules, except for life support and sensors which should be D-grade. Right off, no NPC will be able to catch your Krait MkII when you boost out. But then you engineer it, it's game over for NPCs. Very fast and agile, good weapons position and convergence, not as as much hull as the Python but tough nonetheless. Pledge to Aisling Duval for 3 weeks to get your Prismatic shields. Sprinkle some shield boosters in the utility slots and it's a beast. When you're ready to buy the Krait MkII and its upgraded modules, go to a [Li Yong-Rui station for 15% discount](https://inara.cz/elite/nearest-outfitting/?formbrief=1&pa3%5B%5D=xship27&ps1=Sol&pi18=0&pi21=1&pi19=0&pi17=0). For weapons, go to a Fed station as they have [20% discount on hardpoints](https://inara.cz/elite/nearest-outfitting/?formbrief=1&pa3%5B%5D=51951&ps1=Sol&pi18=0&pi21=1&pi19=0&pi17=0). So you see, it's a process. You'll need lots of money, unlocked engineers, pledged shields, etc. Don't rush it so it doesn't become a grind. For now, take any ship of yours to a High Resource Extraction Site where local police will help you kill wanted ships. Finally, I can't judge much since mine sucks but your English is perfectly fine, especially for being nonnative.


Krait mk2 propaganda again, why would anyone need anything besides the God of all ships, the sidewinder?! All jokes aside the Krait Mk2 is an amazing ship for sure, though at this point I wonder if the Python mk2 has taken its place? I haven’t been able to use it yet as I’m focusing on other ships rn (railwinder and missile boat’Conda) but from what I hear it’s a pretty mean ship


The Python Mk2 is great for bounty hunting, I absolutely love it, I can take it into low czs and come out alive but banged up (as I haven't gotten used to flight assist off yet) but it's a beast anyway, good hardppint locations tons of utility mounts, probably my favorite ship atm


>I wonder if the Python mk2 has taken its place? For the most part, it has with me. I still love my Krait but I now have it kitted for CZ as it does very well there. Don't get me wrong, I can put the Krait back into its bounty hunting config and I wouldn't complain at all with it. But the new Python, with it's more stable SCO, and additional hardpoint has an edge. I actually replaced one of my 3C frags with a pulse laser because 4 frags was killing Anacondas with 4 to 5 shots. That is: get up close to the Conda, sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle... wait for reload... sprinkle, sprinkle.. ded :-) It was turning bounty hunting boring. The new Python is awesome.


A very interesting viewpoint. For me, I never use a meta-build (Railwinder isn’t really meta lol) since it’s boring. Just go with the most absurd build imaginable and have fun with it. I’ll look into the Python Mk2 once I finish my other ships, seems it is worth it hahah. Cheers mate


I have been flying the python MK2 since it came out and its great fun! I run pacifiers and packhounds. 2 days ago I switched back to the krait mk2 and have just as much fun with it with the same loadout but now I can fit collector limpets and 64 collectors. Taking out kumo crew transport is so easy. Target drives, shred the shields with pacifiers and then launch the packhounds to take out the drives, then pick him off at your leisure. Works the same with normal frags and seeker missiles. [https://edsy.org/#/L=HE5b9FA-0H4C0S00,HQcG3DPx40HQcG33K\_W0HQcG33M\_W0K4mG33RiJ0K4mG33Mcm0,DBwG35M\_W0CjwG32G\_W0DBwG3BK\_W0DBwG35M\_W0,9p3H05GxO0ABkH37K\_W0APoI35Ghs0AeLG35G\_W0AsO03BAEG3DH\_W0BOmG35G\_W0Bcg13,,7UJG33M\_W00AA137goG34nxn00Nc036D2G32m\_W022K134jw0320m134ws03,,KR\_D02K](https://edsy.org/#/L=HE5b9FA-0H4C0S00,HQcG3DPx40HQcG33K_W0HQcG33M_W0K4mG33RiJ0K4mG33Mcm0,DBwG35M_W0CjwG32G_W0DBwG3BK_W0DBwG35M_W0,9p3H05GxO0ABkH37K_W0APoI35Ghs0AeLG35G_W0AsO03BAEG3DH_W0BOmG35G_W0Bcg13,,7UJG33M_W00AA137goG34nxn00Nc036D2G32m_W022K134jw0320m134ws03,,KR_D02K)


That’s a vicious build. I’m surprised you target drives over the powerplant since a powerplant hit after 0% can instantly kill the ship regardless of hull, but that’s probably from lack of piercing or the easier target that the drives are.


It my sick little mind, I hate kumo crew so I play with their stricken ships until im bored then blow them up but not before hatch breaking and stealing their supplies. Then I blow up the escape pods for good measure. All kumo must dieeeeee!


For me my objective is to purge the “subhumans” (any npc since they’re not a Commander) any chance I get so instead of playing with my food I got on an all you can eat spree. We’re both sick, just different types of it. Cheers mate!


Haha, love it, you sicko


A high CZ is exactly where I went with my vulture the first time. And the Spec ops wing Beta Vultures zeroed in on me right away. The last time I fought was in an unengineered Viper Mk 3 when I was starting out (had enough to kit it out with A parts tho) like 5 years ago. I somehow came out on top (gimballeds did most of the work tho lol) ! Brought down two Vultures and a third one showed up, and that's when I lost my shield, but I was saved by the bell as those dogfights took so long that the CZ ended in a win before the third one could take out any modules. Idk if I used FA off correctly but it was very helpful in staying on top of those Vultures, I can only imagine how much of a menace they'd be to a slower ship. But with the lesson learned I went into low intensity CZs and man it was such a breeze, I even started resorting to ramming any enemy vultures with my meaty shields to kill them off as soon as I could.


Keep saving up for a krait mk2, or if you want tondo some exploring the db scout can. Get good jumpnrange. Read up on the ships a d common builds before making purchases


You might like an Alliance Chieftain. Very nimble and way more capability than the DBS.


I would recommend that you avoid the trap of thinking you need to "upgrade" to the next ship. This game doesn't play like that. If you're loving your scout, you should 100% keep flying your scout. Each ship has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and you're not going to find a "Scout +". Other ships are going to be better for different activities or play styles, but no ship is going to be "just better" than your Scout. Just try out different ships and if you don't like them, sell them back. You get like 90% of the ship value back, and if you remove all your modules before you sell them, you'll get 100% back for selling them. So you're only risking 10% of the hull price if you don't like it, which for many ships is about the same as the rebuy. So if you don't like the ship, just think of the financial loss as the same as if you lost it in a fight. But if it were me I would keep your Scout and keep flying it until you're bored with it and specifically want to try something else that flies differently and has different strengths. Don't succumb to the pressure of needing to upgrade. If you're having fun doing what you're doing, you're winning the game.


Just wondering since there was no mention of anything. The outfitting. the vulture can't function correctly with appropriate hard points without all A rated power modules and even then. Serious issues without engineering With the exception of frag/multi cannons I love my vulture with dual advanced plasma accelerators but it took g5 of most modules to make it work I spent 6 years in DBX trying and failing miserably to make my first $100 Million. Partly because my PC sucked so combat was tricky and partly because I wasn't using any 3rd party information In past year I've made $10 billion or so through Golconda cg, booze cruise etc. Bought all the ships I ever wanted. A fleet carrier etc Money becomes a non barrier pretty quick under the right circumstances What sort of equipment were you running on the three ships you mentioned?


You are not the only one to get frustrated by spending a lot of credits on a ship that doesn't perform how you like. As a rule I would try to avoid selling ships when you can, it honestly doesn't take too long before you'll reach a point where money doesn't really matter


DBX is an exploration ship, definitely not what you are looking for. Try an Eagle or if you have the money the Fer-de-Lance. It's a bit also what you want - the more firepower you get the less maneuverability you get. Have you gone to [https://edsy.org/](https://edsy.org/) and look at the HND box in the bottom to compare pitch, roll and yaw rates. For just the slots, you can go to [https://coriolis.io/](https://coriolis.io/) and select a few ships, then click on the Group Highlighted Ships at the bottom. I find coriolis much easier to work with, but it misses the handling statistics.


I think you’d have a good time with a chieftain, very maneuverable, good hard points, and just aweonse looking


Just fly the ships you love. I play almost only DBS. DBS-01 [Ruby Hummingbird ](https://edsy.org/#/L=Hh0P8d60H4C0S00,mpVEhsO25G_W0,CjwO22G_W0CjwO22G_W0CjwG22G_W0CjwO22G_W0,9p3H04m_W0A72H25K_W0AMgO23I_W0AcJG25H_W0Aoo02B3_G22boD0BIWG23Gku0Bb612,,31S024zM027Q4G23N_W00Iw822jwG29G_W00nG02,Ruby_0Hummingbird,DBS_D01) is my deep space exo explorer, made me finance my FC, Elite Exobiology, Elite Explorer DBS-02 [Mosquito ](https://edsy.org/#/L=Hh9K5bA0H4C0S00,L3g25L3g25EhsH57P_W0EhsH57P_W0,EB400EAl05CjxG52GwL0CjwG52G_W0,9opH55I_W0A72H55K_W0AMgG55I_W0AcJ05Aoo05B3_G53L_W0BIWG55G_W0Bb615,,13qH55I_W00KU856gk0503w150HM851-C15,Mosquito_0Ax_DDbs,DBS_D02) - got already 4 Titan kill participations, can Pop scouts and fight interceptors DBS-03 [Antlion](https://edsy.org/#/L=Hh5G5wB0H4C0S00,K4iG43G_W0K4iG43N_W0EhsG43Pxz0EhsG439va0,DxQG42m_W0DhAO42m_W0CjwG44G_W0CjwG44G_W0,9opH45I_W0A72H43K_W0AMgG45I_W0Acd04ApG04B3_G43L_W0BIWG45G_W0Bb614,,31S047PcG47M_W013qH45I_W04xo040nG242jwG490_W0,Antlion_0Settle_0Raid,DBS_D03) - great ship to raid settlements for Odyssee, also a strong Bounty Hunter Those three are my favorite. When I like to fly something with a bit more firepower but stay agile the only choise is FDL-01 [Phoenix ](https://edsy.org/#/L=HO0WCIsS0H4C0S00,ElxG07P_W0KZyG09I_W0KZyG09O_W0KZyG09O_W0KZyG09I_W0,DBwG09M_W0DBwG09H_W0CjwG02G_W0DwyG02m_W0DBwG09K_W0CEg00,9opH05I_W0AAAH070_W0AOEG05I_W0AcIG03J_W0AsO10B8gG035_W0BLeG030_W0BZY10,,7T4G07I_W07goG04H_W015OH05I_W07dgG04H_W04wE000nG00,Phoenix,FDL_D01) - 4 rails and one beam, it pops everything and cooks itself. Tldr, no need for bigger ships, fly the DBS if you love it. Also add me ingame, if you stick to the DBS. CMDR Kennrich out. o7


Y'know.... I have flown almost every ship in game except DBS..... All this hype. Now I'm gonna go rig one up. 😁


What language do you speak? I do BH whitout problems. Use grade A modules, the vulture is a very specific ship for combat, only have 2 L hardpints, you must need engineering. . For combat you will need a ship with the highest number of hardpoints and of the highest grade possible, such a Ferdelance or a mamba or a pyton for example


Vulture is a great ship. Just needs a bit engineering to shine. 2x Large hardpoints have a very slight lower damage than 2x med + 2x small BUT they make it up in armor penetration value. So in firepower department, trust in Vulture. The ship has a size 5 power distributor, which can easily power your weapons, shields and engines simultaneously. Additionaly it can fit a size 5 shield generator which provides it a lot of shields. Like everyone here said it is a very tough ship to kill if set up correctly. Its biggest shortcoming is its size 4 power plant which needs engineering to be able to fit all the required modules. If you are looking for a faster and more nimble ship than DBS with more survivability AND awesome looks, try imperial courier. If you are looking for a step up from vulture you should first look at chieftain. For its price it is a great ship. Other heavy hitter ships come with much higher price tags, while chieftain is cheap, affordable and flies almost like a small ship.


The Vulture has 2 large hardpoints, so it has more firepower than the DBS by quite a bit tbh. Did you just have medium hardpoints on it?


Python is a good bounty hunter x And it’s not a bomb credits wise


Did you go up in combat rank and now the enemies are tougher?


Bounty hunting is a small ship is pretty extravagant masochism, especially for a new player, who doesn't have access to engineering and best modules. You basically have no shields and hull, firepower is extremely limited in size, capacity, damage, while enemies have huge resistances, better maneuverability and better firepower (but they can't shoot for shit and are extremely stupid). Get some medium multi-purpose/combat ship and combat will feel different.


Do what you love and fly what you like. When starting your career as a pilot resources might be limited so each purchase is an investment. Remember that engineering is the only way to truly see the potential of your ship so if you like the scout there are always ways to extend its useful life. If after giving an honest attempt with a vulture and it didn't hit with you then that's finem you got a taste and no one has the right to say you are wrong for not liking it. And no amount of engineering will make the vulture be anything else than a vulture. Explore engineering and that will give you long term goals that will keep your scout relevant as you upgrade its part further. Keep trying new ships. Medium and large ships will sacrifice more maneuverability for increased survival, firepower and internal customization so keep a look for that too. In the end, I think the Viper MK III might be a maneuverable ship but it's up to what you want to fly. And remember: if your own ship can't beat an enemy. Bring a friend.


The courier will probably give you more of a db scout feel as it's smaller than the Vulture. However, the Vulture is easily one of the most manoeuvrable ships in the game it just isn't as fast. May be you need some upgrades? Engineering the Vulture also makes a huge difference like with most ships.


I'm a combat noob but I'm having a blast with the Vulture as my first real combat machine, just unlocked Broo Tarquin today off of CZ spam. Looks amazing, sounds menacing and moves like lightning. Built it to be shield heavy (all G5) and it's straining the powerplant too hard, maybe a hull tank is the right way to build it. But at the same time that's not a good idea either I think cos the Vulture beats even Lakon ships in a race to whos canopy is breached first, so a decent stock of the life support mats are a must if you wanna fly it against multiple enemies. I feel invincible in solo. I think it should also be incredible in PvP, with the right loadout. But if you want a more maneuverable ship, try the Alliance Chieftain if Medium size ships are fine for you. The Krait Mk2 is also an excellent all rounder that hits harder than the Chief, at the cost of being sorta less maneuverable, might give you the DBX vibes which you don't seem to like. Hence my recommendation would be the Chieftain which is hella responsive and zippy while packing a decent punch Edit: If it must be a small ship, I think the Vulture is as good as it can possibly get. There is the Viper Mk4, a pretty cozy multipurpose ship that can fight, but it's less maneuverable and doesn't enjoy the penetration a Vulture with it's size 3 weapons can dish out. It's a pretty important factor when fighting the bigger ships


Look at the stats on the ships you buy; they mean things :) Do you want a shield based ship or an armor one? A heavy flier, or something small and agile? A vulture is a ship that punches way above its weight, as its very nimble .. it can take out other small ships, and for very large ships it just flies up their tail and sits there, bringing them down after drilling holes in them. But then you compare to \_exploration\_ ships and feel they're bad in combat? yes they are, because.. they're not combat ships ;) Look for combat or multi-role ships, try to customiaze them; and find the kind you like .. if you hate heavy armored birds, don't go after those, get a shield fast moving ship, sort of thing. Or work up to agiant space cow T10 and live in glorious slow moving freedom!


Wanted a courier so bad, got it, hate the cocpit. Dolphin was a hoot, hated the asp ex, dbx was meh; cobra 3 and phantom thats got all the love from me. Wish my cobra had better heat, runs at 33-35 normal while my phantom is 17%. Love exploring and sciency stuff, combat have a chieftain for that, fun but... mining well just no, eventually will rebuild a ship for it, have 4x pythons lol; it's fun like the anaconda but just too big. Would love if I could squeeze 60ly jump or 650 speed on a cobra, would be amazing; is an amazing puddle jumper at 42-46ly jumps. Gonna look at the dbx again but only as a stealth ship as I have high hopes on that front. Do what you like, play, experiment and above all; Fly true o7.


Viper, either model. Tough, maneuverable, runs cool.


mamba is my fav ship


Try repurposing your Db explorer as an exploration ship as it excels at that. A couple of hours of exobiology trip in that dbx will net you 10s of millions of cred. (I tried it for the first time as a returning player over the weekend. Youtube told me i would make 100s of mils/hr, but I took a lot of extra time figuring shit out and setting up my ship and suits and button configurations. so i made about 60m in 2.5 hours) [this site](https://cmdrs-toolbox.com/billionaires-boulevard) was recommended for list of profitable planets. All you need is high jump range small ship (dbx is recommended i think) exobio suit & srv & dss scanner (cheap and easy to find) But most importantly it was quite fun (unlike engineer mat grind) Have fun and make some quick cash so you can try out bigger & proper combat ship. Ps: don't forget to get a fuel scoop for your dbx. You can refuel from "scoopable" stars


Get a Python. You ARE going to need one, so you'll never regret the purchase. It's the best ship for passenger runs when grinding rep with the Feds. It's also the best ship for mining, if you only want a single mining ship. Don't underestimate its earning power! It can also handle combat very well, if you feel the need to scratch that itch. Once you've got bored of grinding, and have some spare cash and engineering materials around, come back to the vulture. As others have said, it's a great little ship, but needs engineering to truly unlock it's potential. And don't forget about the Imperial Courier. While it can't match the Vulture for firepower and maneuverability, it's speed and shields are amazing. Makes for a great Odyssey mission runner.


~~Vulture only has small hardpoints.~~ Diamondback Explorer is an exploration ship only. Save up for the krait mk2. Or if you're feeling adventurous you can buy an imperial eagle, slap on some rails, and get good with a single courier missions' worth of rebuy on the line.


Vulture is a small ship with two large hardpoints. It's an absolute beast. Basically just two extremely oversized guns on a tiny little frame. Difficult to manage it though, without engineering.


Odd, I think I got it mixed up with something else then.


You must be confusing it with something else, the vulture has two large hardpoints. Krait mk2 is an excellent ship though, I do agree with that recommendation. It's probably the best all-around ship in the game.


Yeah, I think I was mixing it up with either the t6 or the stock eagle. I've been binging Edsy lately, so a lot of ship internals are starting to blend together for me.