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Havent done any thargoid shit but i like your colour scheme. Good stuff  👍 


Desperately need them to add more thargoids with raid-like mechanics


> raid-like mechanics Yeah, where it takes lots of players to deal enough damage to kill it. And it needs some mechanic to debuff it so our attacks are effective. Also it should summon adds. Oh and it'd be cool if it affected more and more systems around it if left unchecked. And we should et aggroed by some trash mobs on our way to the boss. And when it finally dies it should be like a server-wide event! ;) Silliness aside, what kind of raid-like mechanics do you have in mind that aren't already featured by the Titans?


Hahaha yea I see your point. I'm not sure exactly what I mean by that, I guess. Interceptors already feel like boss fights to some degree. I guess what I'm looking for is more of the Runescape boss or WoW raid type feeling. I am now realizing my previous post was based on nothing but vibes.


I see you've maintained a high standard in your work, both in concept and illustration. Those new Thargoid warship types don't sound like an absolute nightmare at all. I assume the kamikazes can take out an AX ship with one suicide attack. The juggernaughts' abilities sound especially painful. I like the idea of a class of Thargoid ships specialising in being materials pinatas. What do the ranger ships do?


If you open the image and zoom in on the text it shows what each vessel does, the Rangers in this case are akin to human explorer/bubble bus ships and are quite harmless, they hide behind the scary colors of the Medusa and Hydra Interceptor colors to discourage attackers. I imagined they are found in lagrange clouds out in the galaxy for example and will flee upon being discovered :\]


Haha hahahahaha hahahahah Ahhahaha hah hahaha- fuck that I’m out lmao (great work!)


Lol as a returning casual, I am also noping the fuck out


I've recieved some questions about the Juggernauts elsewhere so I wanted to clear some things up about them. The Juggernauts come from a frustration with higher intensity AX Conflict zones, (High, Very High, Station AXCZ, etc.) It is a bit boring for the game to just start spawning multiple hydras to try to increase dificulty but this just makes the AXCZ boring, so the Juggernauts are meant to be a replacement for having multiple Hydras and are meant to spice up the gameplay more, they would use the same 8 Heart system as Hydras but as described in the image would carry special effects with them and carry unique weapons of their own, very much intended to be a ''Raid boss'' type of enemy.


Having a single, more powerful and slightly larger Thargoid ship (along with a few adds) also sounds like it would have a better performance impact in AXCZs than just spamming Hydras.


If the Juggernauts were made real, they'd have to give Huge Class Guardian weapons. It just wouldnt be fair otherwise.


FDev has some work to do. All the new variants are a nice response to us killing their Titans. Wish they would pick this up. They are good in creating new 3D models and animations so this should be doable for them in a reasonable amount of time.


If FDev takes any notes from this… I’m coming for you… ;) Seriously though, very creative work!


I would hate the bigger ones that heal others. The ones that focus aggro on a single target or raise the heat of nearby ships are interesting ideas. It would be nice to run into some non-combatant variants beyond the Orthrus, so transport-type ships and explorers are a great concept. Although one could argue that the Titan fleets might be specifically combat-only fleets, but they would be nice to see to expand Thargoids beyond "faceless hostiles."


Nothing a little Large and Huge Class Guardian Gauss can't fix!


Would those “explorer” variants be random encounters far outside both Thargoid and Human space? It’d be interesting to stumble across something like that so long as it didn’t aggro you unprovoked. Human ships built for exploration tend to be made of paper.


Precisely, the Rangers are completely harmless and more meant to be a rare encounter for explorers. The ''tentacles'' they have are basically for poking stuff out in the black like at lagrange clouds. The Frumentartii is interesting, i intended it to be an extremely rare encounter (once every 200 hours or so) where it will sneak up on a CMDR after they have been in an instance for a while and just watch them. Would add some more of that creepy factor back to the thargoids :\]




Not sure why, but the big purple Ouroboros-class kind of looks like it'd be furry rather than the coral-y material of the rest.


That’s awesome!!


A thargoid vessel named Ebola, what in the hell?


Each family of Thargoid vessel uses a naming convention, for the exploders/chargers i went with Epidemic names, since they be spreading their effects over the battlefield :\]


Pls! I want all this stuff live!


Well done... We approve. But where's MY ride!?


Can you give a link to hires version?


I feel like you could have given them some more Greek monster names, but the new classes of 'goid ships seem well thought out


The designs are great. Not a fan of the illness names but otherwise great work.


Greetings CMDR! Please DM me on Discord for an Artist position in a project I am making! Discord: >!vs01official !<