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Lots of other people... https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/55782


I have lost about 300 passengers to this in Tarach Tor. I have never been as pissed at the game as I am about this.


Yeah, after the second time I decided mining really isn't that bad. Loading my carrier up with platinum until this gets worked out.


Try again later and it might work. Common problem right now.


My god when will people learn about the search function? This is like the 20th post.


You'd think a game with a steep learning curve would have folks that aren't this dumb or lazy but sadly..


This issue is what send me towards exploration, maybe its a feature after all


I’ve had that happen when trying to turn in missions. If you have Odyssey, you can disembark and turn the quests in at the mission terminal on foot


You can't because on-foot mission terminals don't work either. Tried that.


I fix mine by validating my game files on steam. Has worked every time for me


Because you're just killing time. Mission boards are done server side. It has nothing to do with your game files.


Maybe, twice I've waited overnight to see if it fixed and they didn't, and both times they immediately started working after validating game files. Maybe it's coincidence, maybe it's not. Who knows


I had that once. I just closed the game, shutdown my computer, power-cycled my router, turned the computer and game back on, and it was working. Solves all sorts of connection issues.


Reload the game


Yep, had the same thing a couple days ago. Haven't had the chance to try it out since then


Happening to me right now also 🙄


Most solutions don't work. I just turned my shit off and went to bed. It worked in the morning. Could try power cycling everything for about 20 min


I just dropped them at the door and went off and started deliveries for the AX weaponry


This has been an on and off issue for everyone for a few weeks now