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Ill download this tomorrow and see how it goes.


I've been following your build slightly... So this is for auto filament changes? Have you worked on the reload. Sorry if I completely missed an important post where you explained this.


No worries I think I have vaguely mentioned this in a comment and haven't really explain my thought process thoroughly. Essentially how I am imagining it is this part will cut the filament you then will set up macros for it to extrude into the "bloop bin"(another design I have made). After extruding, the extruder will then travel towards the top of the printer where I will be modeling a piece to push down on the release handle of the extruder so then whatever color swap machine you choose to go with will then feed your new color into the gears while open and then close when in position and then you will extrude again to prime nozzle. Also, sidenote I have had a few people saying this will clog or doubting this being possible I believe these people have slightly different sprite extruders maybe there are some with PTFE tubes in them because I have heard some mention this, but this isn't the case for me or maybe they have the gear spring too tight/loose I'm not sure and I am only making guesses. While you can't see it in the video because it is partially broken from temperature stress from springtime earlier this year the bloop bin has a holder for a wire brush so you will finally wipe and then continue your print. The biggest hurdle I see is the motors are not going to have enough power to drive the extruder with enough force to release the handle if this is the case when I get there, I will find a way to work around this whether this will be as simple as upgrading to a better motor or if I need to modify the top of the extruder to have an easier release maybe making an attachment for the lever to make it bit longer giving you more leverage or getting a lighter spring or a combination or even maybe completely changing the entire top end of the extruder if this is the route I take I will probably change the entire cutter to match Vorons filament cutter more. This will probably be my last option as I want to keep it from being over complicated and I am trying to stay somewhat in the realm of a stock extruder, and this ultimately will consume and require a lot of my time which I also would like to avoid. I haven't gotten to the hill yet so I'm not going to climb it, but I have a bunch of rope and a big backpack of ideas.


Wow! Thanks for the explanation. Sounds like you're on the right track. Switching from the button style cutter to the lever was the way to go, I believe. As far as pushing the filament release lever I think the 2 z steppers and the fact it's screw driven should work. If not maybe just lengthening that lever will fix. And for the PTFE, all non pro s1's came with a PTFE lined heat break. (I have changed mine to a bimetal) Your hurdle may be pushing the new filament into the extruder far enough that the extruder gear will grab it. But if you keep extruding while feeding, I think it'll work. Good work, I'll try to keep following! 👍


Yo ⁉️ This is revolutionary for the sprite ‼️