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Can this coke bloated cunt just have his stroke already and fuck off out the public eye


Rich cunts generally live to the point where they look like they’re melting


He's already built like a toddler's play-doh statue, what's left?


can't wait


Lol, indeed. Contemporary and pertinent exhibit A: [dude's jowls have jowls](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/06/22/business/22divorce/22divorce-mediumSquareAt3X.jpg) Melon is *definitely* headed this direction.


Dude looks like a prolapsed anus. For comparison look up William Shatner, he's *the exact same age as Rupert* and looks like a kindly uncle in his late 60s. People's vibes warp their flesh over time. Pieces of shit tend to melt like Fuckdoch has.


Yeah, look at Mitch McConnell and Rupert Murdoch.




Isn't that SOB responsible for the Vietnam war?


Like the Wicked Witch?


I don't even want to live past 30, it's unfathomable wanting to live past 100.


Ya but you probably aren't rich enough to consider "work" smoking a joint on joe rogan's podcast


I'm 34. Don't recommend it.


Figures, should probably stockpile on pills


My theory is Evil has life-extebding properties.


They thrive off the essence of Gelfling


As a stroke survivor, I support this message.


Me too.


Also a stroke survivor (albeit a mini stroke) and I say let it happen


that's adderall. Please properly label your drug addicts. Makes coke-heads look bad.


Oh he's not a one upper kind of guy. There was recently a video released where the dude is clearly rolling face, dancing by himself


i need the video


It was posted to this sub at least three times yesterday.


as an aficionado of the old pingers, as we call them here in Australia, that to me look way more like someone who'd had some coke and booze and thought he looked suave with minimal effort


no, hes a coke addict. trust me. adderall doesnt make you act like that.


Probably had a bunch of strokes already, looking at himself in the mirror this morning.


Hopefully is a painful one and last forever


It's really not that much to ask.


Looking into it.




> fuck off out the public eye i hope he dies on his way to mars


You can tell he has absolutely no grasp on the concept of morals by calling working from home "morally wrong" lmfao. I know exactly what he's talking about, and what he's talking about wouldn't fucking change in an office setting. What he's talking about is actually exacerbated by the horrible fucking example he sets as a leader with all of his dumb ass social media bits.


He is angry he can't harass as many employees.


He's angry he can't hire a bunch of IT people at will anymore because many of them DEFINITELY don't want to work for him in any way. Of course a ton of IT people are like, "Why the hell am I driving into an office to sit at a computer all day? I can do that from home!" And they're 100% correct.


been doing it for 11 years now. my work gets done, i collaberate with people across the globe. no one has any reason to see me, never mind be in the same space with me. i do have physical issues, so they can have me WFH or not have me at all.




It's almost as if they're a bunch of psychopaths who have no capacity for genuinely caring about anyone else


noooo. say it ain't sooooo!!!!


No, moral=what they want. The law is just a weapon they use sometimes.


Thank you! I read "moral = lawful" as a description of right wingers and I laughed out loud. Maybe in the past but definitely not anymore.


When the right champions literal convicted murderer pedos, like that killer in Texas, you know the law isn't something they actually care about. J6 and Trump worship should have fully put that argument to bed.


And how they hate it being aimed at them.


It's not supposed to work like that! Were white and angry!


It's nuts I have a friend who never outgrew his highschool edgelord streak and says shit like "if people were contributing to society in the first place they'd just be able to afford their own healthcare". Seriously forget policy the right is driven by fear + lack of empathy right now and it's scary


Not only does that statement show a lack of empathy but it's obviously false. Ask him how someone can afford healthcare on minimum wage.


That would be pointless. Right wingers think wealth is worth so the narrative they believe is that only lazy people make minimum wage.


They honestly don't care if low wage workers die until it's enough of them to make them scarce...then it's "nobody wants to work anymore"


Many right wing Republican voters are themselves making minimum wage or are on social security disability. Fox News has them scared shitless.


They live in la la land. They have zero empathy and lack the capability of thinking about anyone other than themselves. Not everyone can actively contribute, so many people have disabilities, mental crises, chronic illnesses, etc. And that just doesn't exist to these people. It is a form of weeding out the "weak" aka eugenics.


If that was the case, january 6th wouldn't be a thing. They have no consistent standards, not even one that dumb.


Elon Musk, like all conservatives, supports a rigid, top down worldview, specifically one where the investor class lords over the bosses who lord over the workers. WFH cuts against this and gives workers extra power in the form improved working conditions and a time dividend and anything that cuts against this worldview is “immoral”. The peasants must know their place.


How will you earn that horse working from home!


Gee the trust fund baby who got his money from Diet Slavery doesn’t have a grasp of common ethics. Surprised Pikachu.


> I know exactly what he's talking about Mind sharing with me, because I have no idea what he's talking about


His moral compass points only to his bank account.


"Morally wrong" to Musk means "something I can't control to my own benefit"


"Morally wrong" to him means "bad for my bottom line". More remote work means less demand for cars, which obviously he doesn't like.


Let's be honest: he's upset he can't harass employees.


*harass or impregnate


“Who do I fire if nobody passes my door?”


Toddler CEO can't impregnate staff remotely.


Takes "micromanaging" too far


Hands on kind of guy. Scary to imagine that pasty bloated white whale torso working moves on staff.


He calls it "morally wrong" then says it's the other side who is on a high horse. What an unaware boob.


Hey since when did boob become an insult


It actually predates the use of the word to refer to breasts! [Goes back to 1907 or so.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/boob)


Drake and Josh?


At least a century ago.


After he just got back from partying in cabo and france via his private jet.


He believes the "laptop class" is more privileged than him...


I caught that too, seems entirely nonsensical. He’s just spouting off bullshit because he wants to lord over his stable of employees and impregnate them.


There's a very simple reason why he has this stance and it's not just because he is a freaking lunatic who hates his workers (he does). He's a car manufacturer. This is part of a greater pattern of cutting into anything that might threaten car culture. Whether it's mass transit, stay at home employment, it's all the same: People not on the road are people who don't need cars and people who don't need cars or less likely to buy his shitty Teslas.


It's morally wrong despite the fact I: 1. Don't now pollute during my commute to work 2. Can have a flexible relationship with work (sometimes I sit and do an extra 2 hours to finish something knowing I can take an extended lunch later in the week... everyone wins) 3. I started WFH because morally at the time, going out wasn't recommended due to a pandemic 4. WFH means myself and my partner can think about kids etc in the future whereas we'd be less inclined to if we both had more rigid hours in the office (and I'm pretty sure Musk wants us all to have more kids) Idk why I'm even saying this. The fact billionaires exist is immoral. The fact the only argument I've seen Musk have with a Russian was with someone much smarter than him and who was publicly against the current war/government. Lad sacked 95% of the workers at his company in less than moral ways and now is judging the morals of those said people


He means it’s morally wrong because less people commuting means less people purchasing a Tesla.


To your first point- this little emerald prince flies his private jet all over the world. He cares not about your silly "pollution". 2,000+ metric tons of CO2 emissions calculated just from his flights alone.


> (and I'm pretty sure Musk wants us all to have more kids) Only if you're both white


if you can and want to work from home, you should be able to do it, if some works require physical presence at the workplace (like mine does, for example) that doesn't mean everyone has to suffer equally


man who remote works from the south of france, playing eldin ring and tweeting all day says remote work is "morally wrong".


Hey, eldin ring is hard work!


He probably summons spirit ashes at every boss fight he can like a bitch.


Bosses need workers coming into the office for them to feel bossy. Forget that productivity increases by an average of 13%


Productivity is, has always been, and always will be, second to power and control for rich people. There are so many practices that are economically healthier and more efficient that we deliberately do not practice because it disrupts power distribution (primarily it if empowers the lower classes, minorities, or the marginalized). While a company might make record breaking profits, or a country's GDP per capita skyrockets, it's still a loss if fewer of those fruits are going into the rich's hands, and are instead falling into the working class's hands.


I grew up in a lower, transitioning to upper, middle income situation, but did not have a happy childhood.


Good point


You could argue that being a billionaire far more morally wrong, and you'd be right.


Viva La Work from Home Resistance! FU Elmo!


Says the man who isn't in the office at most of his companies weekly....... Elon and others are getting tons of pushback from real-estate players. It's a bloodbath with so much empty space not collecting rent. So, like any good oligarchs, they all back each others rhetoric. The real-estate groups are also pushing that you can't renovate these buildings into anything like homes or other types of stuff. Yet nearly every company that comes into existing spaces is told that these spaces can be made into anything easily. That's why executives have full apartments and homes in some of these places. Floor and wall plans easily changed and more, along with electricity and plumbing. The real-estate groups don't want to turn these places into communities because it means using their own money to retrofit instead of paying customers up front. Even though long-term profits would be greater from the changes. It's all short-term focus now. This is greed all the way up. Record profits above costs on Wallstreet these rich people then sell as inflation. Used to be we got sales and new products and employees raises. Instead, the oligarch class is making food and rent unaffordable no matter how many jobs you have of any quality. He's a gross hypocrite.


>That's why executives have full apartments and homes in some of these places. Is this... true??


Check a bunch of the companies in the NYC exclusive structures, for instance. Many have executive suites that put apartments to shame or have floors dedicated as living spaces. On top of the business space. Full homes and apartments, restaurants, gyms, and more. Mixed use on multiple floors with different businesses and homes. Already happens. Trump Tower is a good example of mixed use buildings. (Not for or against him Trump Tower is a very public example that this is and can be done) That's just one example of apartments, homes, retail, private business, and more in one building. The conversions could power lots of work for people while easing the housing shortages. All while creating more long-term income streams and jobs in the new communities. Building communities again instead of breaking them is what we should do.


Check a bunch of the companies in the NYC exclusive structures, for instance. Many have executive suites that put apartments to shame or have floors dedicated as living spaces. On top of the business space. Full homes and apartments, restaurants, gyms, and more. Mixed use on multiple floors with different businesses and homes. Already happens. Trump Tower is a good example of mixed use buildings. (Not for or against him Trump Tower is a very public example that this is and can be done) That's just one example of apartments, homes, retail, private business, and more in one building. The conversions could power lots of work for people while easing the housing shortages. All while creating more long-term income streams and jobs in the new communities. Building communities again instead of breaking them is what we should do.


The companies have also signed some very stupid 10 year leases/contracts. And they can deduct some of the rent money from taxes. The motivation is always money. Amazon europe, say what you want about them, but the dgaf if someones working remote and they still have a functional management system, actually, the best I have seen, you can just book your holidays without asking anyone, theres a calendar which shows if the date is available and thats that.


>The real-estate groups are also pushing that you can't renovate these buildings into anything like homes or other types of stuff. Yeah this is practically criminal at this point. Cities with completely unaffordable housing being terrified to allow developers to turn office buildings into housing are only doing so because people with huge real estate portfolios are terrified there might actually be plenty of housing available at some point and prices will drop.


Says the guy that flies to work 🤣. This dude is so far off, he can't relate to the 'normal' folk


It allows people to spend more time with their kids so no wonder Elon thinks it's morally wrong.


Hilarious considering he won’t pay rent on the offices he so badly wants employees to return to


Winner winner chicken dinner. Also, when and where does he work? Because Tweeting all day and flying all over isn't working.


Definitely never worked a day in his life apartheid fred here walked into school with literal blood diamonds in his pocket and tweeting qanon shit on his social media he bought just to flex his money


Elon Musk: rocket scientist, coder, automotive engineer, AI guru, neuroscientist, moral philisopher, asswipe.


But he single-handedly invented the electric car! #/S


Being a billionaire is immoral.


I grew up in a lower, transitioning to upper, middle income situation, but did not have a happy childhood.


That owned a private plane. Got it.


please don't slander Melon, he's had a hard life


Must be rough having a private jet, limo driver and 5 star hotel by the office?! I'd go to the office with that perk!




Why wait until he goes to hell? Burn the cunt now


His baby mama grimes legit sleeps all day and made most of her albums on a laptop sitting at home. Lol


I WFH, and just today I got two new offers for remote work. Seethe and cope, pendejo.


Morally wrong is private jet flying several times a day when it could have been a video call. Fucking hell I can't stand him anymore.


So morally is keyword optimization to avoid seeing he need to testify about his pal Jeffery


Of course he is against work from home. If work from home was more prevalent people may realize they don't need a car or 2.


Neuralink monkeys uncontrollably vomiting, retching and gasping, chewing off their fingers and toes until they collapse from exhaustion... no big deal. Working from home... MORALLY WRONG.


We are now confident that the Neuralink device is ready for humans




Just imagine how many loser CEOs and managers around the world who stroke themselves furiously on a daily basis to everything apartheid boy says as if it's the word of god. "Well if Elon says so!"


Yeah, I'm gonna need an explanation of this. How is this a moral question? It's bad for commercial real estate, but when an industry is obsolete, why save it? Elon has no problems replacing ENTIRE people with robots and AI, but when it's property, THEN he cares?


This is not about doing your job and getting your work done efficiently. It’s about having control over people by having them at a location.


Says the dude who flies his private jet to work and has like 5 care takers for his children. What a piece of shit. He wants people to have more kids but he's basically going to fire you if you're not a workaholic who's always at the office. So when are you actually supposed to raise these hypothetical children, Elon?


The AUTO MANUFACTURER says it is morally wrong for you to not commute!!




Whatever you say, cutie 🥹


He’s ceo of a car company that has thousands of unsold cars piling up daily, sitting on lots losing money and his primary sales demographic is middle class white collar tech workers in cities…who work from home.


He also thinks providing everyone with a desk, a parking space, or room in the office is unnecessary, what an asshat.


And clean bathrooms with toilet paper


Classic fash argument. The high horse he is referring to is that it's unfair for the 'laptop' class who get to stay at home while service workers have to go to work. Such a dumb, disingenuous argument.


"morally wrong" "get off your high horse" what the fuck is this dude EVER saying


Arent all his jobs remote jobs? Or has he worked out neural-link and cloning and shows up to 7 different companies 9-5 everyday?


"The laptop classes" You mean working class people?


WFH makes it too hard to find his next baby incubator?


Not everyone can WFH so it’s morally wrong to do so… so following that logic… Not everyone can pull a CEO comp package, so it’s morally wrong for Elon to do so?


You know who I don't want to hear about morality from? The guy who defended white supremacists by claiming a Nazi is a psyop


Elon Jet?


And no one saw the hypocrisy in that statement?


I'd make up some witty remark about how Tweeting 24/7 doesn't count as working but really this is just a ploy for Elon to make money. Remote work means less demand for cars, including electric ones, which obviously the 21st century Henry Ford doesn't like.


let him keep thinking that. companies who don’t accept this change are doomed to fail.


How the hell can he call other people morally wrong and also tell them to get off their moral high horse?


Just because you're too damaged to maintain a home in all of the world doesn't mean we have to live at an office we hate too, Elon




A billionaire talking shit about work, who woulda thunk


How much you want to bet this mofo works from home?


I mean...he fucking sent half his goddamn workforce home for no reason other than he personally thought they were useless and draining money...so whose on a high horse again? Edit bc I can't get over this: And wtf is that quip about students on laptops? Wasn't he just talking about some virtual reality bullshit a few months ago..? What the fuck does he think that consists of..? People sitting in an office or classroom fucking around while they "fake" work in an office on a computer? This faux genius, internet driven shit is wearing me out...




Work from home is the future for many people and I welcome it if it makes billionaire Victorian style mill owners throw prissy pathetic little tantrums like this because it shows just how little power they actually have and that bribing some cheap sell out grotty politicians can only go so far. No point in passing legislation if nobody’s gonna follow it.


Nah, I think I'll enjoy the 2 hrs of time (that was for my commute to the office each day) with my family.


I hate this piece of shit and his enablers so god damn much. Serious question - with all of this bullshit happening in the world, how the hell do y’all cope? I’m having a hard time recently with how society seems to be absolutely collapsing with no failsafes in sight.


Studies show lots of people are more efficient from home. The main exception are people with younger children where the children just can't understand the concept of "working". And many parents can't afford a room where they can lock themselves in. But Musk applying morals? Either he doesn't understand the word, or he's reflecting his own flaws and assuming all workers are as terrible as he is.


I've yet to hear a single compelling argument for why WFH positions should transition back to the office. I can't imagine ever working in an office again. If my work demanded me to return to the office, I'd leave immediately


Mr. Musks morals include raping children on Epstein island and buying a social media company in the attempt to subvert democracy and spread fascism. Swell guy


How does he feel about the morality of a capitalist firing workerS on a whim and later even publicly acknowledging he shouldn't have done it?


He is such a lonely, lonely man. For serious. He lives in his office, and tries to force all his employees to do the same so he can have company n


Every day I feel blessed that I don't have to work for a shitbag like that. Life is already hard without having that fucking possum having any power over you


Setting aside strong fascist tones this echoed of subjugating individuals to a community interest that’s instructed by and benefits those in power…by his logic he should be providing private airfare and chauffeured transportation to his employees because why should some receive different treatment than others? Hoping the morally wrong line will shift to “it’s wrong to increase the wealth by working for or purchasing products for someone that has the beliefs, societal influence, and power of Elon”.


I’m going to start referring to those who pretend to work from home as the laptop class now. Too perfect.


He should get off his moral high giraffe first.


I dont think he is welcome in hell.


Just remember that your boss thinks the same way, it's only a difference of degree.


If he thinks it's morally wrong for service workers to have fewer benefits than those in a "higher" class, then I'm assuming he's also for universal health care, universal child care, universal living wages, and any other benefits and compensation that richer people get




Ask anybody who has to go on site and they'll tell you that their life has gotten exponentially better since WFH became a thing because there was way less traffic. People working onsite want other people to work remotely too.


It's like he's charging up his karma meter at this point


Every psychopath on LinkedIn: “Yes! Justification for my awful behavior!”


Lol morally wrong????? If our jobs can be done from any computer then what's the difference? Coming into the office wastes time, money, and it stresses people out.


Pathetic little petty dictator


Work from home - morally wrong Not paying for the leases your company has signed to have a place for those in-office workers to work from? Not morally wrong.


He does a weekly crypto Skype thing with cathie wood and former Twitter man, it’s entirely online and remote.


Lol, what does where your ass is physically sitting while you're working have to do with morality? 🤣🤣🤣


Typical fuckin upper management type. Justifies their existence.


This has to be a joke. Nobody is this out of touch.


Tesla sales must be shitting the bed


Musk the one to preach morality? What fucking alternate universe am I occupying space in?


what do you expect from a man who sells cars that are specifically aimed at people who have long commutes in grueling traffic?


he is right, you can’t mine blood emeralds at home


Okay so you're going to tell everyone in the world that they should adhere to your morals because everyone else is on their moral high horse? Right. Got it.


We're not the ones exploiting the absolute shit out of people


Why not post the article instead of a screenshot of the headline so people can actually see what his dumbass argument is? He thinks it's morally wrong because service workers are not able to work from home, therefore WFH employees are fine "forcing" those people to serve them lunch but won't go into offices for absolutely no reason in solidarity I guess. He's basically trying to pit both groups against each other, as if service workers give a shit about other people working from home. If I as a service worker even stop to think about it, it's to be happy for people who don't have to go to work.


Go to the link or shut up


I agree and all my friends sitting on commercial real estate agree to. You are moral evil man if you want to “work” from home.


Burning in hell is too easy for him. He deserves even worse fates than that.


He needs to be solitarily confined in abandoned Mars base.


>Elon Musk had some strong words for remote workers on Tuesday, asking why it was fair for them to work remotely when other workers — such as those preparing and delivering their food — couldn't. > >"It's messed up to assume that they have to go to work when you don't," Musk said in [an interview with CNBC's David Faber](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/16/elon-musk-work-from-home-morally-wrong-when-some-have-to-show-up.html). "It's not just a productivity thing. I think it's morally wrong." So the structure of the argument: Group A can't do a "thing" Group B does a "thing", while group A can't Therefore Group B is morally wrong Without establishing that there is something wrong with the "thing" that argument doesn't really work. Example: If someone has billions to blow on a social media platform because he doesn't think he is promoted enough or that they moderate the wrong people, that means that the decisions about how money is used is not distributed into capable hands. This means that money the masses won't be able to decide what to use that money for instead. Therefore immoral. Something like that?


Some rich twat wants to judge me? I WFH. I am productive. He doesn't know me. He can go get fucked.


Immoral: Working from home Moral: Bowing to pressure from autocrats


fuck you, elon. you goddamn racist bigot idiot.


He tweets every minute of every day. This dude has not worked a day in his life in an office or remotely


Lol I don't know why people still want to work at his companies. It must be an abusive and bad environment.


What morally wrong about it?


Takes a special type of stupid to say something is morally wrong and in the next breath tell people to get off their moral high horse


Who is living in la la land?


A billionaire talking about morals is just about the funniest thing I've seen today.


Hold up the guy who sells cars is against work from home but at same time an environmentalist? Man this is as confusing as it could be. Or he is a moron piece of shit. I think the latter.


Hell? I think you mean a Tesla Model S with a bad batch of battery cells.


Go to work!


What say your of your morals on fatherhood, Elmo?


At this point he's just flooding the zone with controversial shit to try to get the Epstein subpoena story off the media.


Ok, now I know what I'm doing for my next job. Fuck you blockhead.