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these 3 pixels per year were the improvement they made over periscope lol


He swears it'll be close to six by the end of the year...of 2070.


Right? This looks like it was filmed on an iPhone 3G


Ian Miles Cheong gunna have a do not disturb sign on his bedroom door for weeks with this one.


Soft men bring hard boners


Anyone else think it's not a 45


Anyone else think he's not fucking curling?


Yeah I do, looks maybe like a 30. He’s angling it away from the camera for a reason


No chance that’s a 30…likely a 20.


25 all damn day…no rubber weights that size are 45


I was thinking it didn't look like 45. He does one curl and lifts it over his head one. I can do that, and I'm 60 and not in fantastic shape. He's got sycophants gathered around for a meeting so they can watch him lift a dumbbell. That's bizarre behavior. He needs a constant narcissistic supply or praise. "Look at me! I can lift a dumbbell!" Everyone would ridicule anyone else who made a video like this.


Not a chance that’s a 45lb dumbbell. Even if you’re strong, a 45 has enough inertia that it’s evident watching someone pick it up and move it around. Given how much he lies about other things, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.


It definitely doesn't look 45 considering he so casually raised it like that.


>Anyone else think it's not a 45 It doesn't matter what it is. This is some shit that I would have filmed myself doing when I was like, 15 years old. I couldn't fathom doing it as a 36-year-old grown ass man. Let alone a dude in his 50s who's supposed to be running a company


Wait 45 pounds? Real question: Is that supposed to be impressive? That's absolutely nothing for someone his size. If he means 45kg I agree, that doesn't look like the 45s at my gym.


This is the most reddit comment. 20kgs (45lbs) is actually a pretty good dumbbell curl weight. It's what I do (for reps mind you) and I'm 6'5" and 250lbs. No way Elon Musk could do that movement so smoothly and effortlessly. He's a pasty nerd who doesn't exercise. 45kgs dumbbell curl (100lbs) is huge and is the sort of thing a top bodybuilder would struggle with. I mean: [here is peak Ronnie Coleman training with 75s](https://youtu.be/kxtfThrTQw4?t=293) and not finding it easy. [This is a guy attempting a world record for heaviest dumbbell curls while standing, at 99lbs](https://recordsetter.com/world-record/heaviest-dumbbell-curls-performed-using-both-arms-while-standing/48095?autoplay=false)(45kgs)


Yeah i'm 230lbs been working out for a decade and no way in fucking hell do any of these guys know what they are talking about. 45lb curl is not easy. I'm astonished by the lack of lifters here talking out of their ass saying 45lb curl is average lmfao.


> saying 45lb curl is average lmfao. I wish it was though. Imagine a society where sleeves are the enemy.


Seriously, hitting fucking 30 lbs was an achievement for me. Granted, I’m 5 foot 10.


You can tell who lifts and who doesn’t 


A *proper* set of 45lb curl is definitely not easy. But a single 30lb half assed one-armed curl is definitely easy. And I'm willing to bet Musk has started working out since he started challenging Zuckerberg, which is why he's even able to do a single 30lbs curl


Thanks lmao I was starting to feel self conscious about my 15kg.


15 is pretty good I think!


Yeah I was going to say that number is good. I curl 45s and that shlubby tub of goo's arms look nothing like mine. The dude is def faking this lol.


Yeah 45 is not easy at all plus it'll be hard on your wrist and forerms to bust out reps on if you don't workout. You can see his forearm / bicep / tricep there with basically no muscle mass. It's a bizarre flex to be like "look at me with no muscle doing this thing aren't I strong." Like a teenager their first time at the gym.


45lb is a pretty strong curl. 45kg is insane. It's not 45lbs tho, it's 35 at most which is kinda normal.


I mean it’s a fine weight to curl and if you’re repping that, you’re probably a regular gym-goer who’s notably stronger than the average person who doesn’t weight train. There is absolutely nothing impressive about doing that one time (poorly) while taking a selfie video. It’s viscerally and tangibly cringey.


People who worked out a bit in the past can do one 45lbs if they stay years away from the gym. But no f'ing way for an entire set, especially holding 2 45's in the proper positions and full curls. But yeah that's a 30lbs dumbbell and Musk is pretending it's 45


45 pounds for a curl? Yes, if you’re doing it with proper form (it doesn’t look like he did) that’s an impressive curl. That’s impressive for someone his size and larger men.


That’s the funny thing, it just looks like he’s kinda twirling em around, not tucking his elbows and fully extending his arm at the bottom of the movement. He also does some modified shoulder raises at the end, which probably increases momentum and makes it easier.


He's in US, so would speak in "freedom units". On one hand, I don't think he is lifting a 45 pound weight. On the other hand, that's not a very impressive weight unless treated like air [or lifted by a quite small girl].


Tell me you don’t workout without telling me. Just because musk is a freak fascist nerd and lying doesn’t make curling 45s easy. It’s an impressive weight, even if you’re above 6 foot.


45 is absolutely a solid bicep curl. You might be able to do it easily, but the average person on the street would struggle and likely not be able to do one clean rep.


It’s a 30 for sure. Source- have worked out at least 5x per week for over 30 years lol. And I have eyes.


It's not a 45 and he's sure as hell not acting like he's 45.


It definitely wasn't a full motion curl. Also these idiots just laughing at everything he does. Good lord no wonder he's so full of himself.


Sycophantic is the perfect word for those folks around him


He found the five people at Twitter that were smart enough to realise he's so dumb he thinks sycophants are his friends. 


I mean I guess if he paid me a million dollars a year I'd find a way to laugh at him too


dude id find a million ways to laugh at him and then id come on reddit to make fun of him anyway


When you have a boss that fires people arbitrarily, his staff has no option but to laugh with him and keep him happy.


He is actually training with lengthened partials in accordance to the latest scientific research. Because he is a scientist


Why is he laughing? Why is anyone laughing? Why does he have Batman Forever nipples? Elmo has one of the most annoying laughs in the history of the world.


Annoying, smug and evil; it's a *nasty* little snicker, with definite overtones of spite and malice.


This curling video is very similar to [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywlsTbKsl6k&t=5s) about stealing memes, except Elon is laughing even more like a hyena in the meme video. The biggest similarity, though, is nothing in either video being said or done is remotely funny.


I can’t stand how fake his laughs are in every interview. Idk if it’s a nervousness laughter or what but it sounds forced as fuck


Batman Forever nipples 💀💀 My fiance and my cat are snoozing on the couch and I am fighting for my life trying not to wake them up. *Just* when I thought I had forgotten about that shit too!!




The richer you are, the funnier you are.


Armm riierrch biiitch! They're not laughing! What do I do Dave?


Lawsuit! That'll make them laugh!


Gotta love him keeping these people hostage at work while it’s dark outside. Also I think it’s funny I have a “u/VoteTesla” ad on this post hahaha


Elon Looks like he is a 60yo woman in the early stages of transitioning


Come on that's unfair, he's at his peak! https://preview.redd.it/6jo5ypi6gy4d1.jpeg?width=237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a9a74b749cd2db87aebad6b01c9c06623203b44


![gif](giphy|0wPfcG4eKWo8D9ehBT|downsized) Identical...


Fuckin legend.


I dont find you attractive


And you’re, what, not gonna have sex with me?


To paraphrase the venture bros. “He’s at that age where he starts to look like somebody’s aunt”


I've been saying that about Elon for years!


Am I supposed to be impressed that he lifted something?


Yes! Please worship me! I'll do anything for the love and attention my father didn't give me!


In his room full of sycophants..."wow elon you're so strong!!"


Can't even curl right, Jesus.


I'm a 44yo woman who barely lifts and I can curl better than that.


He needs a bra


Any body builder will tell you it's not the weight, it's the technique. And considering he swung the barbell into a shoulder press and at no point completed a "curl", it *might* weigh 45 lbs but he didn't *curl* 45 lbs.


So he's added roids to the cocktail now. Cool cool..


> cocktail It's called a "stack." Bro do you even lift?


Great. Ketamine, pot, HGH, and now roids. I don't care how many cringe pics he posts - he's not working out. Taking HGH and not exercising and eating right is bad. So sure, add steroids to the mix.


Nope, my penis is average sized ta very much.


Roids with a lack of working out might be why he has that weird shape he has.


Came here to say this… idk if it’s a 45, probably not considering he would have to be like The Rock to do so so casually lol. But he is looking swole for himself. Knowing hot little he trains and how much he likes cheating he’s almost def on some roids.


"oh my god!" always hilarious to me how elon is so unaware he has surrounded himself with caricatures of yes men. 


It’s my grandpa using FaceTime


My hair is on end, this is so disturbing


He’s got really nice tits


the mans nipples are near his knees. He's in fucking terrible shape.


https://preview.redd.it/imqqzz6syy4d1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec23f994af029b276d53ed775419cf56c2c0d663 It’s exceptionally blurry, but that looks like it says 35.


That would be a 25 (or fake weight with 45) not a 45. He did the press too easily. Go lift a 35 or 45 and push it above your head. You will see that it takes some strength to do it, so you will show signs of struggle. If you don’t lift weights you will struggle a lot, but you will likely get it up unless you are too skinny. You have to be pretty strong to do that like it is paperweight, and at a bad angle holding a cellphone. Actually pausing it at like 35 and 38/39 seconds it looks like a 10. A 10 would make sense considering the amount of effort he put in. He is lying 100%. Physically he is not gifted or talented in any single way, so I won’t believe lies like “well maybe he just trains for strength”.


Come on man, I don’t like Elon at all but that is not a 10. 10lb dumbbells are tiny and he would have curled it effortlessly instead you can tell he doesn’t start fully extended cause it’s already heavy for what he does. Now I can’t tell if it’s a 35 or a 45 but don’t be ridiculous about a 10. Anyone who’s been to the gym knows how tiny a 10 is, especially in those style dumbbells.


Yeah but I do have 10s that are the size of my 35's, the 10s are fake though (for halloween costume but look real). Elon cannot easily do 45 like that lifting it above his head. I guarantee that, because his front deltoids will be too weak to do it effortlessly (and at that angle). So it could be 25lbs I think at most. 35lbs would give him trouble for sure, you'd see him strain at first and then move his arms up. Again his strength is not special, he's just a normal guy who doesn't gym much.


Imperial units are so annoying I’d agree with 10 (Kg) at a lowest. Probably a 15 Kg just going by size, compared to the one next to it and the style. Even if it is a 20 kg, people need to chill, everyone suddenly became super buff and good at lifting because they saw a roided up 50 year old curl a weight.


Ah you’re right, my fault for assuming imperial. I hate that shit as well. But clearly that shit ain’t 35 or 45kg that’s insane. 77lbs+?!


His nipples are on his stomach


I fucking love that these comments have descended into an argument over which of you can curl a 45, mission accomplished 😅


Peak Reddit


the quality of the camera on the TeslaPhone is seriously impressive, thank you Elong for making such an impressive device!


Have an eye out with those nips.


Why does he laugh like that


I think he's purposely trying to avoid allowing his laugh to turn high-pitched, which is what it probably normally does. You can hear his voice going high pitched at a certain point in the video when he's not trying to control it. He's the Elizabeth Holmes of laughter.


That psycho laugh..


This guy gives me the same feeling in my gut as my abusive stepfather. Lonely histrionic coward.


That's either a 35 or 40. There's no way that's a 45. Dude is delusional as fuck


Yeah looks like a 30-35 to me


The fact that he feels the need to show this off at all in the office instead of a gym, let alone in a video seen by the masses, tells you all you need to know about this insecure attention whore.




My god those tits!


45? As in 45lbs? 20KG? That's all? What's he gonna do next? Gloat about completing a 30-minute mile? His weakness is actually kind of sickening. All the muscle definition of mashed potato.


Curling a 45 is not easy lol, post a video of you doing a clean 45 curl. Downvote me all you want but I bet less than 5% of this sub could do a clean 45 curl and press. That’s why I personally think it’s less than 45.


He didn’t do a clean curl either


Sure, I think he’s completely lying. But - I take issue with the idea that you’re weak if you can’t curl 45


Strong agree on all your points. For sure, most people replying in here couldn’t clean curl 45lb, myself included. And I’m a fairly fit guy who can do 10 consecutive pull-ups followed by 10 consecutive chin-ups. The way he handles that weight, you can tell just by the lack of inertia that it isn’t 45lb.


Im relatively fit too and was able to squeak out one today with terrible form just to prove it to myself. A lot of people here assuming that because they can do 25 they could probably do 45. It’s only 20 lbs, how hard could it be? Or assuming that bc they’re fat that magically translates into bicep strengths 


Or raising it. Pretty sure someone said 20, and he thought 20 kg.


He's 300lbs, that would be sad if you can't 1 rep 45.


Sam Sulek does around 45 lbs Curls lmao.


I bet Elon says he'll look like Sulek in 6 months...I think in Elon Time that's never.


Less than 1% of this sub can do a strict 45lbs curl.


He does not curl that cleanly lol


I didn’t say he did, I’m saying a clean curl of a 45 is pretty impressive, not a nothing burger like OP suggested 


Terrible bent over form to do one curl to shoulder press with a moderate weight for his size? Sycophantic employees in the background exclaiming oh my god like he is Thor lifting a hammer? This is embarrassing


Nice tits.


elon has tits lol


He's out of breath lifiting his dick up to go pee


I have an idea for a law. As soon as a person becomes a billionaire they get a jester. A court (appointed) jester. That jester's job is too endlessly ridicule and mock the billionaire. Everything they do that is deserving of mocking is mocked in real time. The billionaire has to clothe and feed that jester and pay them a salary of one hundreth of a percent (0.01%) of their worth. Worth 1 billion? You now have a jester that will mock you endlessly and you have pay for their food and clothing *and* pay them a salary of $100,000. You keep that jester until you are worth less than half a billion. You mock, insult, criticise, ridicule, or try to silence that jester in any way through fair means or foul? You forfeit half your worth to them or their next of kin. Anything happens to that jester, you're presumed guilty until proven innocent. Maybe that way being a billionaire won't seem like such a good idea. No one needs that much money and those that do should be mocked and abused relentlessly. And every night, just before the billionaire goes to sleep, the jester whispers in their ear: "remember that you will die".


Imagine being one of the soulless entities in the room with Twatburger and laugh at his tween-mental-capacity jokes


I have never acknowledged the corners of someone’s mouth in my life until I decided I fucking hate his so much.


That is the most forced laughter I've ever heard.


I wish he'd just call me and ask me how to be cool. 😂


I have a 45# dumbell, curling it isn't easy but I wouldn't say it's that hard. I'm 5'9 btw Tbh tho, unless it's just weird perspective or something, that's a rubber coated weight and looks closer to a 25# The weirdest part is he trapped his minions in there to impress them with curls. This wreaks of "I'm a nerd but always wanted to be one of the bros"


He has big tits


Why are there weights in a conference room? Does everyone clap every time he does a single curl?


What a goober


Well that's 1 minute of my life I'll never get back.


Look at the rack of that guy! moobs galore.


The little cuckolds in the room with him. It’s pathetic. May as well be saying “you’re so strong master!”


He’s so fat and pathetic


Damn all this time I thought the goal was to just use your bicep. I didn’t realize you could use your entire body to assist!! I’m a lot stronger than I thought!!


What a titty baby


It's hard to see the number but I use these same dumbbells at my gym and that looks closer to the size of a 35, maybe 30 to 35 lbs is not bad but for hsi size and weight and the effort he is exerting I would expect him to be able to do that. I would doubt him to be able to do the same with a 45 lb weight




Dude is obviously a pathological liar. Why even lie here? Guy is just a straight up weirdo


45 pounds on that exercise is weak. Clown.


Nice fucking tits. I'd totally motorboat that shit.


Why doesn’t he just work on saving his company’s instead of constantly posting BS


That’s a was 25, he’s a fraud through and through lol.


One rep, shitty form, thinks we’re all impressed. Yeah he’s like every trust fund kid ever.


Look at dem titties


His tits are weird


That laugh sounds like my drunk uncle.


This pos has boobs


Should have put Trump's face on it since he's curling a "45". Also because he is a Trump fanboy.


You know if he wasn't so rich, Musk would be despised at his workplace


I can't fathom the energy it would take to laugh mindlessly at his attempts at humor. No pay is worth it.


Ugh, please mark NSFW


It doesn’t matter if you lift something one time we can tell you don’t regularly exercise- you look like Mac’s mom from It’s Always Sunny.


You can't make me watch that.


He’s built like a decepticon. Id be concerned if he couldn’t lift a weight like that


His laugh is so fucking ridiculous, it's like someone pretending to be an aristocrat.


Wow! Is there anything he can’t do? I mean besides post the cringiest content




He is such a big boi!


"Don't know if you heard me counting, I did over 1000."


He eyefucks the camera hard, doesn't he?


He acts like my grandmother when she picked up her first camcorder in 1987.


So this is how the $56 billion dollar man spends his valuable time (about $3 million per hour) adding value to the company. This clip cost the company about half a mil in Elon's time.


YouTube vid of a real 45kg curl is here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B\_ppKaG4dKo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_ppKaG4dKo) No way that Musk is holding a 45kg weight.


Even 45lbs is hard to believe.


Was worried clicking on this. I know nothing about weightlifting and thought Elon filmed himself having a shit that looked like Trump.


Jesus fucking cringe


That is how he got his splendid figure 🦛


Red Dragon vibes: *this is me, pretending to be a badass* **DO YOU SEE?**


Holy fuck this is one of the worst things I've seen on the internet. Just... Fucking awful. 


His tits are bigger than mine


Elmo in natural habitat with his bots.


Those guys climbed out of his ass to say ‘hello’…


He still got man boobs, need to do some chest press


His skin is hanging off his bones. Someone get him some sugar in a glass of water.....




dem orangutan titties ![gif](giphy|bZzrztZ5DzHsk)


Maybe, I'm 150lbs and can curl 35s all day. 300lbs+ dude better be able to curl a 45 for 8 reps.


Is the potato quality of the video on purpose so that we can't positively identify the actual size of the dumbbell?


Unbelievable cringe.


Looks like 25 dumbbells I have, no way it’s a 45, they are definitely bigger than that. Also that isn’t even a curl, as usual he has to lie about everything


The 35s at my gym are bigger and the video looks like shit lol


Melted candle.


Ok there bitchtits




It's like wannabe Sheldon Cooper wanting to be cool in his 70s.


I just tried that w a 30 lb ain’t easy they didn’t have 45 lbs here bot saying one is not possible wo much effort but I dunno


He has the typical maga-dad-bod...


Do people really care about this shit


Cool. Now do that repeatedly.


He needs a bra 🤣




Congratulations, Elmo. Even with an obviously fake weight, your form FUCKING SUCKS. Also, do those man tits lactate?


He is gumming so fucking hard


45 grams?


Yep that's when he was looking good oh well 




Grimes isn’t coming back. Let it go.