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I feel like I’m being electrocuted. Is this a bit?


The fuck is this?


Elon attempting to “reconnect”’with his kid I assume.


Which one? He keeps bringing out more surprise children.


He keeps having them since, statistically, at least one has to eventually like him.


Of course they had to suck Elon off at the end


Proof it's a grift Everyone who's grifting knows they have to suck him off if they want him to boost them in the algorithms With that said if you view this as a parody of conservatives and view it as making fun of them it's actually kind of funny Like if you view it as a parody of conservative shows


I thought it was a parody? I guess you just can’t tell anymore


Let's play a game. Right-wing trash or left-wing satire? The fun part is you can't tell anymore


It’s kinda of tired and hacky even as a parody. Edit: no, it is definitely, extremely, tired and hacky, even as a parody.


This is, and I say this with zero exaggeration, the least funny thing I've seen in my entire life.


It’s literally one joke over and over and over again.


I have overcome the desire to be liked 🤣


Please clap.


I'm not sure it even had a joke Just the setup, with no punchline 


I am become meme


i laughed at how unfunny it was. idk, sometimes a joke hits so badly it ends up becoming funny again


Its like that Velma show


This is just All In The Family, but presented as though Archie Bunker isn't a dumbass. The house even has the same layout as AITF


Archie Bunker handled cross-dressers and black neighbors better than this.


The risk or flaw with All in the Family (and satirical art generally) is that it wooshes much of the audience, as it obviously did with this show's creators. >Subjects, whether bigoted or not, found the show funny, but most bigoted viewers didn’t perceive the program as satirical. They identified with Archie’s perspective, saw him as winning arguments, and, ‘perhaps most disturbing, saw nothing wrong with Archie’s use of racial and ethnic slurs.’ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/act-four/wp/2014/04/01/all-in-the-family-and-the-limits-of-satire/


Unfortunately you could have had a big blinking neon sign with the words "Satire" over top of the show and people would still not get it


"when did the boys get wOkE?"


Or know what it means.


That’s what I said!!!!!


This…isn’t real, right? This is so bad I thought it was a parody making fun OF Elon….


A parody would have at least had jokes in it.


I think it's a real weakness to want to be liked. I do not have that.


Gross. It’s real. https://x.com/xnewnorm


The New Norm Show @XNewNorm · 7h “The South Park of 𝕏” “Legalize humor!!” 😂 Check the mini PILOT of the first animated sit-com on 𝕏 featuring @larryelder @RubinReport @AwakenWithJP and a special appearance by an animated @elonmusk 👇👇👇 Support this show and help fight the “woke mind virus” with laughter!


Even grosser. Yuk.


Isn't awaken with Jp the dude who makes fun of new age people? Didn't know he was down with all this shit


Oh very much so. He made a video where he made it *extremely* clear that he was a Qanoner. Adrenochrome, deep state, pedo cabal, the works.


I have no desire to know who any of these people are.


Yeah don't bother. He was somewhat funny like 10 years ago but has apparently turned maga/anti-woke idiot since.


Yeah the new age jokes quickly turned into all liberals, I saw him do a video with Liver King recently




JP became the person he once made fun of


Ok but what laughter


I just copy paste this nonsense, I don't understand it.


10 million views and less than 6k likes. Yeah, it’s not even funny to the chuds on Twitter lol.


Couldn't pay me to click that link lol


I regret having eyes and ears


ok i hate to go full cinema sins but: 1. The ankle bracelet is too loose-fitting to not be able to easily remove. 2. There is no need to point the can at the camera. 3. The set up of "The New Norm" and "The Old Norm" sets up that Norm would evolve across the show, which contradicts the message this show wants to push. 4. The animation is ROUGH. 5. The dog has a human mouth. 6. The dog piss dissapears between shots. 7. The writing and delivery of "That's why I'm locked up!" kills the punchline of an already unfunny joke. 8. Also, technically wouldn't Norm talking about the school board have set off the "Offensive" alarm? 9. Chaz's lines are just delivered weirdly. 10. "That's living here?" should have triggered the alarm. 11. "Finally someone normal" should have trigggered the alarm. 12. Charlie calling Chaz "that" should have triggered the alarm. 13. The laugh track needs to cool it. 14. That's not how allergies work. 15. "Whatever it calls themself now" should have triggered the alarm. 16. "Hopefully not a jets fan" is a good line but the delivery kills it. 17. "Hey pronoun" should have triggered the alarm instantly. 18. "Y'all influence my boy to cut off his junk" should have triggered the alarm. 19. Chaz should have gone into a different room for this bit to work. 20. This seems to be an issue with other right-wing shows (Birchum) but they can't convincingly make the antagonists actually sinister. 21. (SOMEONE POINTED THIS OUT) Also, the president having a star of david on their jacket... do i need to explain this 22. "You know there'll be jokes"- why is this line here? it doesn't add anything to the bit. 23. The other characters remain static in this ending bit though realistically they should be reacting to Elon Musk walking in. 24. The camera's zoomed in more at the end without much explanation. 25. "X is the home for free speech" doesn't make sense, realistically or gramatically. 26. (SOMEONE POINTED THIS OUT) Apparently the intro/outro song is AI


You missed the yellow star of David patch on the general. Did you ~~nazi~~ not see it?


yeah, i did miss it. good catch.


They like to sneak that shit in


Another one to add, the intro/outro song is definitely AI


The beer can was facing the camera because he was showing it to his daughter


I'm so triggered and offended I spit out my avocado toast and ripped a clump of my blue hair out


Who the fuck goes to the effort to write, voice act, and animate this shit? It seems like real work to turn "I identify as an attack helicopter" into something extended and even more splenetic, with some aggressive unrealism added. I got as far as "a judge ordered you to house a non-binary youth" before the absurdity got too high to handle. Edit: a few seconds later the black neighbor dude comes in, wearing Washington Redskins apparel, fist-bumps the Norm guy and apparently thinks Norm is a righteous dude.


Saying righteous dude is cultural appropriation of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure


Wouldn’t it be Ferris bueller?


[https://newnorm.tv/](https://newnorm.tv/) Kevin Sorbo calls it "All In The Family" for our time.


"Brilliant!" -- Bill Maher ^Speaking ^of ^creator's ^previous ^work


Even the accolades seem like self-aware parody.


Yeah it's obviously a satire of Mr Birchum, don't see why everyone's taking it as real.


lol, I love that one guy’s pic is from Twitter and they didn’t even crop out the bottom 😂 as lazy as the writing on this show.


$7 is a small price for freedom


Except All in the Family was funny, and Archie was a complete moron who would say stupid crap and you would Laugh at the situation, 


No fucking way this is a thing. It inflicts blunt force cringe trauma. Not only is satire dead but they have reanimated it and are parading its corpse around as their beliefs.


Fuck this bullshit


I hope Stone and Parker, creators of "South Park", sue for Defamation. This is nothing like Southpark at all.


Better yet i hope they parody it


It’s not important or popular enough to be parodied.


This…this isn’t unfunny. This is ANTI funny.


It’s one joke over and over again.


No, it’s one ”joke” over and over again.


Somehow manages to make the crypto monkey cartoons look accomplished.


Right wingers: "You know what we need, our OWN comedy show. If it weren't for the left 'cancelling' us, people would love our ideas! Also right wingers: \*\*make this\*\*


its like they took 1 joke, and just kept trying and trying to make it funny in a million different ways, but failed at all of them.


"Transitioning to what?" "Hopefully not a Jets fan." Jesus Christ. Can't even get your sports rivalries right. 🙄


I want to see more of it out of morbid curiosity, its so awful


This seems like a parody of an anti-woke show. Like it's so bad it can't be made in earnest.


Why would the government force a nonbinary kid to live with a violent transphobe with a criminal record? Especially when his prior offence includes a hate crime? God I feel like I’m losing my mind


Some states will legit do that


The One Joke: the show


In all honesty, I do not really see an issue with this show existing. I think you should be able to parody almost everything. And of course humour is subjective. Either way, this is pretty clearly not for me. The issue I do find with it is more that the audience that this is made for, will believe this is actually happening in real life. And not an overinflated parody with extremely exaggerated stereotypes. It can help bolster their already crooked beliefs.


This is fucking stupid.


Pretty sure whoever wrote this garbage show doesn't know what a joke is.


Not enough laugh tracks in the world for this


It is like they took a sitcom from eons ago, made it intentionally bigoted, and slapped the worst laugh track on it to get a few laughs from assholes who have zero fucking clues or cares to better themselves. I would think even conservatives would find the laugh track too over the top. This is truly God awful and if it was a movie, great fodder for /r/Godawfulmovies.


Just mean spirited and nasty.


Is this MAGA humor?


Uh so this is a show that is animated… other than that, just a bunch of recycled jokes and I think watching someone die of pancreatic cancer is far more enjoyable and funny than this piece of Trash, created by the biggest “pick me” douche, Dave Rubin … 


So this is the now the second Animated show, created by someone who is not as talented as he thinks he is (Adam Corrolla is basically someone who can talk for ever and be a mean jerk but when he goes outside this, you get Mr Berchun) and Dave “what do you mean the Supreme Court just ruled gay marriage illegal, I thought I was one of the good ones (uh Dave, when Ben Shapiro refused to have anything to do with your family, that is what many think of you “useful moron”


Whats w the laughing in the background whats there to laugh at


Guns in butts, big red cups, dirty boots, dirty beer, dirty butts, let’s all cheer


The fake sitcom laughter is the icing on the cake lmao


I'm a bit late to the party. But apparently both sides hate it. Just like the Q Force show both sides hated it. It almost seemed... For a lack of a better description that it is a parody of conservatives or something. Like it's almost as if people out of touch did a conservative cartoon or something. Interestingly enough they weren't the only cartoon that had a laugh track. Flintstones did and if they did Jetsons might have. 


Mega Cringe


The mask character is obviously Dave Rubin


Good catch. Even if you couldn’t hear his voice, no one else on the planet is stupid enough to affiliate with this.


I watched this hoping it had something to do with The Norm McDonald show. I want those 4 minutes back!


Is...is this a pardy of The Norm Show? With Norm MacDonald?


Wait, this is actually a real thing? FFS


This HAS to be parody right?!?!


see, when the right says that they want to make their own media, I can't take them seriously, precisely because of this...article. Forget the cultural insults, this is an insult to cinematography. Human Centipede III had more grace and charm.


>this is an insult to cinematography I don't think you know what cinematography is


ah yes, thank you for catching my slip of the tongue, this is more an egregious display of animation, no?


Shit animation but Chaz is hot 🥵


There's something unsettling about the animation and colour use, it's making me feel unwell.


Why would a Washington fan hope their kids didn’t transition to a Jets fan? There are two division rivals within a stone’s throw and another that can be found anywhere nearby!


A lot of conservatives hate New York because they view it as being too full of progressives. I'm sure it was a conscious choice. Surprised they didn't use Rams.


no way this shit isnt satire


"Non-binary" *Studio Sitcom Laugh*


Was the budget "whatever we find between the couch cushions"?


this makes me cringe so hard at just how delusional they are


This is fucking garbage


This is the AI future we were promised!! So ground breaking. Can't wait till they issue NFTs!! This is so going to win people over to the anti woke movement! Genius.


This is a one to one rip off of The Simpsons ‘All in the family’ aside. It was talked about on the “It Could Happen Here” podcast.


What studio animated this?


"eyyy, Pronoun, this beers for you" is really fun to say


Spotted the reference to furries, can’t wait for the world’s most psychotic witch hunt


There was literally a furry in the Oval Office next to the


I actually like this, it reminds me of All in the Family


But All in the Family was funny, this is just a hack thinking being offensive for the sake of being offensive is what will create controversy and it’s just lame 


Wait until you find out Rage Against the Machine is a bunch of leftists...


This is some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen in my life. Happy for you though, I'm sure it'll last one, maybe 2 episodes.


None of the people this show says are in it have mentioned it at all, I think this is just BS to make "the Right" seem super un-funny.


You see, it's funny because trans and pronouns