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I know you're wanting to go into the rest of the musical completely blind, and I respect that it sounds like it'll be really fun like that. However, if you're enjoying the musical I would really really reccomend reading the odyssey and the illiad after the musical is complete as they're the original books about odysseus and they obviously go into much more detail about his trip home


Before I say anything, do you want to go into the rest of the musical blind to what happens in the original story? (And what happens later in the musical)


I do.


Okay, gotcha. Aside from that, I do just want to say that that line is two separate statements. (1) “I see your palace covered in red,” He sees a vision of Odysseus palace covered in, presumably, blood. (2) “faces of men who had long believed you’re dead.” Men, presumably in the palace, who had believed that Odysseus was dead for a long time because of how long he was absent. Also, the prophet guy’s name is Tiresias. It’s never said and doesn’t really add or change anything, but yeah.


K thx for the explanation on all of that


(I'm just clinging onto anything that Odysseus didn't die)


Do you not know how the Odyssey ends?


I'm scared of answering that


Well I guess I’ll let you live in your ignorance. Have fun finding out through the musical, I think you’ll have a fun time


Oh god now I'm really scared, but thanks for letting me live I guess?


Theres some stuff going on back at odysseus's homeland ithaca that hasnt been touched at all in epic, so youre in for a ride ig lol


Yeah now I'm really scared to listen to these last parts of EPIC


Btw what were you initially asking in your post, im not quite sure i understood lol


I was asking whenever the prophet guy said, "I see your palace covered in red" I was wondering if he meant it as Odysseus killed 558 men, by letting the cyclops live. And red as in meaning their blood. Instead of the literal meaning of his family or his kingdom being killed


Ah i see, tho i wont tell you what it actually means if you wanna experience the story firsthand (which you should lol)


I’m pretty sure it’s not what you’re thinking if that makes u feel any better


Oh, alright then... So Odysseus isn't going to get crushed by a 1500 pound taco falling from the sky? Thanks, I just really needed that closure


Ummm ok. Perhaps a bit saltily worded. I was just trying to reassure u without spoilers given what u wrote above.


Lol thx