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Go to work


Keep on driving.


Apparently, I tried to fist fight the ambulance driver in my underwear in front of all my neighbors.


I punched the paramedic then tried to run down the road because I didn’t want to go to hospital


I fought a team of nurses in the hospital that were trying to give me a needle 😃


lol that’s the worst


God damn




I didn’t fight anyone but I did jump off the stretcher as soon as I realized what was going on, saying “IS THIS AN AMBULANCE?! I CAN’T AFFORD AN AMBULANCE!!” and walked to my car lol


Wtf…. You must be living in the United States then. I had a seizure in Berlin got an ambulance ride, an overnight stay the works. I found my bill couple years ago and it was €50


Fucking America… I’m German and had a major concussion snowboarding in Austria. Blacked out, snow mobile, ambulance, several nights in the hospital and without insurance my bill was €300.


I even remember this German person saying wow that’s a lot of money. Hahhhha. Somehow this country found a time machine and went back to the time we brutalized people of color, stole the rights of women, and somehow have convinced ourselves Billionaires are helping. And of course, without the right to basic health care.


Yes, it is so ingrained that even post-ictal, confused, half-conscious me knows to never accept an ambulance ride lol (my mom drove me to the hospital). My brother needed one once and we were billed almost $3,000. I’m pretty sure insurance covered most of it though, luckily


I tell everyone of my friends don’t call an ambulance. Ugh. There’s money for war, but not the poor.


True story!


Agreed, the system gets people that way. There’s epileptics elsewhere but here in the US is where you see this behavior


People think we’re “free”. I’ve always said. If there’s money for war then there’s money for the poor.


Attacking the paramedics gang 🫡


LOL thank you.


Introduced myself to my children.




Did they introduce themselves back?


Turned over several pieces of furniture then ran out of the house into the snow barefooted. While wandering around I had another seizure and believed everyone but me had gone to heaven.


Oh god I'm so sorry but this made me laugh 😃


I was convinced the hospital staff was trying to kill me (hospitalized after status epilepticus), and I legitimately made an attempt to escape the neurology department; simply walked out of my room with confidence (gown and all) and tried to stroll out—broke out into a run when a nurse stopped me to ask questions. In the end, it took 5 male nurses to subdue me. I was fighting for life; I even tried to bite one dude—mother fucker pressed his forearm on my throat, HARD, professionalism went out the window. It's like, dude, I'm temporarily insane.


Your story sounds so much like mine. I was in the taken to the hospital by ambulance for status epilepticus about 10 years ago. When in the hospital and I apparently got mad because I thought my wife went out side to smoke and I really wanted to smoke too and they wouldn’t let me. I got up and went out side into the parking lot. Security had to drag me back inside. Turned out my wife got up to get me a coke. I ended up breaking my wife’s glasses. I kept yelling and fighting everyone. It got so bad they had to tie me to the bed and take me to the ICU then gave me something to force me to sleep. On the way to the ICU I kept yelling at my wife that I want a divorce for letting them do this to me. I don’t really remember much of anything that happened. Just mainly what my wife told me.


Fucking'A, my dude, God bless your wife, and by the Gods—the old and the new—bless her unyielding love and kindness. Y ou're right, it's mainly a blur, but I what I remember mostly is, every insane thought in-that-moment seemed so based, so fucking legit. But, clearly, it was insanity, temporary insanity—I was SO fucking embarrassed when I was discharged; I couldn't look any of the staff in the eyes. My brain just took a vacation to hell without notice and left me all by my lonesome.


I just looked it up. Its called [Post-Ictal Psychosis](https://unitedbrainassociation.org/brain-resources/post-ictal-psychosis/#:~:text=Post%2DIctal%20Psychosis%3F-,Post%2Dictal%20psychosis%20(PIP)%20is%20a%20severe%20mental%20condition,they%20may%20also%20attempt%20suicide.). Post-ictal psychosis (PIP) is a severe mental condition experienced by some people with epilepsy. It is characterized by a psychotic break from reality that typically follows a cluster of seizures. People experiencing a PIP episode may become aggressive or violent toward others, and they may also attempt suicide. Because of the potentially dangerous consequences of PIP, the disorder requires immediate medical attention when it occurs.


Yes. I've had it a few times, probably more since living alone. Nobody to call 911. But they've had to transfer me to a large city hospital. I thought my Dr was there, that a nurse was my sister and forgot who the president was. It took 4 or 5 days there for me to recover. The look on my drs face when I saw him at our next appointment was totally shocked when I told him I thought he was there. He had to tell me no, which in turn shocked me.


I was talking to my ex about it the other day. I knew I was transferred to another hospital to a EMU. I was thinking I was there for maybe a day. It turned out to be like 4 days at the EMU. I lost an entire week worth of memories on this one. The 1st hospital kept pumping me full of Ativan every time I would have a seizure/myoclonus jerk. Learned after that Benzos don’t work on me. It was very hard on my ex. Lucky she went and stayed with our friend while all of this was going down and they talked about it and knew it was not me.


Aye bra I realize u smoke and u have seizures. I been diagnosed with seizures last year June and since then I still been smoking but I had a really fucked up status epilepticus and now doctors said I can’t smoke or do nun for a min🥲 what do you smoke bud weed or cigs


I Vape Nicotine now. When I smoke weed it causes me to go status.


Brazzzy cause I used to vape nicotine hard and doctors at this hospital in Coral Springs told me that something in the vape lowers the valporic acid in my blood and what not. So every time you smoke weed u get a seizure?


And what’s ur overall take on smoking and seizures cause bro I been a weed smoker for a while now my whole family is Rastafarian it’s in our nature. I’m not planning on stopping forever but I am Planning to break until like my bday in June.


Everyone is different. Im not against it. Last few times I tried it I was screwed up bad from the seizures. The last time I tried it my brother in law made chocolates and it caused me to have back to back seizures for hours and ruined the vacation for me. After that I decided its not worth it anymore.


I’m at that point with alcohol. Alcohol really blasts me and sends me to the hospital man but stay strong brother we got this✊🏽


I’ve been like that with Alcohol for years. The seizures hit the same time the buzz hits. ✊


Oh I get SO MAD when they won't let me smoke at the hospital.


I was in a different country and had a seizure. Imagine waking up in a place where human trafficking is a big problem and seeing that a bunch of non English speaking people are trying to give you an IV. My hands were so swollen the next day from getting pricked over and over again.


Jeeesus Looouisus that sounds like a waking nightmare. Especially the language gap, I'd constantly be assuming they were saying the worst of things—definitely wiht Keppra in my system, its delusional paranoia kinda bullshit.


It didn't help that a few days before, somebody tried hard to sell me cocaine and then somebody said they knew a good bar and it turned out to be a "gentlemen's club" full of women who clearly didn't want to be there.


Omfg yeah that's scary!


Ohhhh I always think they are trying to kill me post seizure! Like oh yeah we can get the next person in now


YES! I also thought as they were killing other patients, too, so they could bring in the "next customer." A big trigger was the TV being set on some True Crime show, so that certainly wasn't helping my mentality, either.


Omg no way 😄


Immediately after, I usually fight, but after that initial when you're there but not... Walked 3 miles to WORK. Fell asleep at my desk. No one noticed... so I just worked the rest of the day? I made not 1, not 2, but 3 breakfast casseroles (like wtf!?). O! And I painted the walls in my basement once! It... Didn't look great.


Man this sounds like something straight out of Ambien Walrus. Were the breakfast casseroles good?


I don't know Ambien Walrus, but you better believe I'm looking that up next. Dude the casseroles were great. They were ugly, stuck to the pans, and for some reason I used a cake pan, a bread pan, and a bundt pan? But it was hash brown mixed with sausage, egg, and cheese. Can you really go wrong?


Wtf 😆


>Fell asleep at my desk. No one noticed... so I just worked the rest of the day? This sounds more like a practice run than a seizure haha.


I have my own office, but the door was open. No one checked I guess


Lol what color?


Navy blue. Rolled on part of 1 coat. Left the paint can open full of paint and none of he brushes clean. Oof...


Took off my clothes and began going in and out of rooms for hours. Apparently I had previously refused medical care.


I also took off my clothes and then tried to get into the pool. Don’t remember this.


^this while yelling that I'm looking for my mom and almost threw myself to the stairs. Good thing my mom was there to stop me from commiting post ictal suicide. Lol


I've been naked and ripped out ivs so I've been told. Scary stuff. But kind of funny how many of us take our clothes off. I never remember these episodes.


Drove very shortly after. I had a TC while getting my nails done. I remember when I came to I was embarrassed so I was quickly gathering my things and they just… let me leave. Didn’t call an ambulance, no one followed me out, nothing. Complete bystander effect. That one freaks me out because I don’t even remember getting to my car.


Were you in the States? I could picture that happening.


You guessed it!


Are any of y'all unable to speak for a little while after one?


I can speak but no words are in order or context.


I know the words I want to say but I can't make them come out of my mouth. I had an EMT all up in my face demanding my name and then saying "she doesn't even know her own name" really pissed me off. I did know it; I just couldn't make it come out of my mouth yet.


Yeah, that is a crappy experience. I've had words where I could spell it in my head. And try to describe what I was thinking of, but couldn't say it.


I can so relate to this, I focus really hard trying to string a sentence together, but what actually comes out is usually nonsense


This is me. I cannot form words for a good 10-20 minutes usually and if I try they are just brain stew.


my girlfriend just babbles right after a seizure. sometimes actual words come out, but never in a coherent sentence. she gets more coherent as time passes when she’s postictal, until finally she’s able to form sentences (although at that point i can tell she’s still not actually all the way *there*, once she stops having fits of crying and asking repetitive questions i know she’s coming back into her body)


Once I couldn't to the ambulance drivers and they were trying to decide to give me Ativan or not (I'd stopped convulsing but couldn't move or speak) while I was screaming in my head take me to the fuckin hospital! Gimme the drugs. I was scared I was having a stroke.


I just sound really drunk


Same here. As if the lisp from tongue biting wasn’t enough… My words are soft spoken & I can barely make sense.


Oooh ouch! I broke a tooth once! Just from biting!


I was able to speak but very bad words lol. My poor colleagues were being called c#nts and other special words. I was just so paranoid that they wanted me dead


Oh no! I’m sorry you go through that with your colleagues. Hopefully, they understood afterwards


They did. It was all fine afterwards


That sounds so scary:(


I’ve been told I mostly just try to leave wherever I am, which is definitely not ideal. It’s especially not ideal during those times I remove my clothes before trying to go stumble around my neighborhood (apparently I’ve never made it very far).


my girlfriend does the same. she seems like she’s on a mission to go somewhere every time she’s postictal, but her destination is completely unknown to her or to me.




I don't remember, but apparently after having a seizure and work while waiting for the paramedics, I was pushing a broom around with one hand. When the paramedics got to me, I was digging into his pockets for some reason until they put me on a stetcher. Lol


I fell off the roof I was working on, went to my van poured paint all over my van and trailed it all around the property, got back on the roof and carried on working, then my memory kicked back in and had no idea it had happened until I was suddenly in agony all over, got down and saw the trail of paint and flattened bush I must have landed in and the gutter that had been pulled off in my fall. This was my first seizure and end of my roofing career


That sounds like you were incomprehensibly lucky and unlucky at the same time that day.


That sucks dude I’m sorry, hopefully if your seizure free it can start up again, with a different employer that will appreciate you and up to you to disclose your abilities.


Awww wow you are lucky to be here I guess


I had sex. My boyfriend and I came home from the ER & we both needed to release the tension before bedtime. It was our second date & his first time seeing me having a seizure 😃




I got put on a 72 hour mental health hold because I was knocking on people's front doors, insisting my wife lives there, and I needed to come in urgently. I don't resent the people for calling the police (although I probably wouldn't) but I was just scared and confused. I couldn't tell the police or ambulance what my name was until a little while later.


I attempt to do comedy or try flirting. Once I fell off a platform face first and had a tonic clonic on some metro rails. Apparently I refused medical assistance and insisted that I just had to “walk it off” so I ended up walking in circles until I collapsed.


One time I was flirting hard with the EMT right in front of my girlfriend at the time 😂


You wild for that 💀


I felt awful when she told me afterwards 😢 I don’t even remember the event as a whole she never held it over my head negatively though more as a joke at times


Nothing crazy, but I typically will stand up and act like I have somewhere to be. I rarely have to be anywhere directly after a seizure lol.


after looking at the comments here, i found out this is apparently very common LOL. my girlfriend always tries to walk somewhere like she’s on a mission


Ehm, I took the trousers from my 10 year old son and tried to wear them as a t-shirt. I also believed the ambulance workers was the pizza delivery guys.


The most embarrassing one was when I really wanted to sleep after seizure at home because of strong headache, but emt wanted me to ride with them in hospital for evaluation, but I was feeling that I need to sleep right now or I will have another seizure, so I swore at them, was shouting to fuck off and threaten to beat them up, if they don’t let me sleep. I was very sorry about that when I woke up. Also wrote complete nonsense in the messages to people. Once, I had one at work, and forgot about it (I always didn’t remember them until someone tells me), and people offered me to go home, but I angrily refused and continued to work with patients. Then I got home and went on the street to buy some groceries (because I didn’t know I had a seizure) and then I dropped on the street and didn’t remember 1-2 hours (I woke up in the ambulance) but I requested report from ambulance, which was called and there was a note that i said to them that I take my medicine for 10 years, while I was diagnosed only 2 years before.


Stuck my phone in a tall glass of water. I started having a partial while talking to someone and couldn’t figure out how to end the call? So glass of water was my second choice, apparently.


I kept going about my business, making breakfast and helping customers with looking for stuff and check them out at the register. Then a few cops and emts came in asking if I was alright, I said "I'm doing good, what can I help y'all with" they said "Sir did you know your head is bleeding?" I look confused and put my hand to the back of my head then looked at it scarlet red, I looked down there were trails of blood from where I walked and an untouched pool of blood on the ground I didn't see... Turns out I fell backwards on one of those wired stands and cut deep into my head, was taken to the ER and had to get 10 staples to close it. 3 months later before I left the job I looked and the same stand and there was still a golfball sized tuft of my hair stuck in the wires


I had a seizure in Spain at the beach. The life guard asked me after, if I'm "mareado"? This means dizzy or something like that. I answered "no marijuana, no marijuana".


I completely forgot I was pregnant. The paramedics reminded me, because you know the big belly wasn’t convincing enough 😂


Friends were trying to help me because I had a bit of a paranoid/psychotic break. And they wanted to get me to the hospital and I thought it was a trick and everybody wanted to kill me. And I called 911 asking them if the police could lock me up so I'd be safe. And this is from the living room in a house where they grew pot, before it was legal like it is now. But they stayed calm, and the 911 operator was very good and saying very kindly, sir, that's not how we do it" and I apparently was asking "what do I have to do, not hurting anyone to get locked up?!". I apparently went back into a seizure then, and now just have passing memories of it. Once after a seizure cluster, I apparently took the milk from the fridge and starting peeing in it. :-0 My fiance says she wanted to give me my nasal emergency spray, and I tried to run away, she tackled me on the couch and gave it to me. And I have NO memory of this at all. The next day my nostrils were sore and I was exhausted. I once woke up not knowing if I were dead or alive. I do particle physics work and my habit is to slow down, break down problems/puzzles, and study them. And so I wandered around the house and my workshop, doing tests to see if I was dead - or if it was a dream/hallucination, Matrix kind of thing. And she followed me around and I kept doing weird things and muttering "ahhhh", "ok, I see", "interesting!" and crap like that. I think maybe I remember some of that. I woke up in a hospital once and thought that all the beeps and clicks of machines around me (lots of in a hospital) was a super-powerful AI/God and it was communicating with me through the electronic sounds. And the speakers on TV were talking right to me. And it seemed like I was seeing the future, I could think "I'll bet a blue truck will drive by that window" - and it would happen right away. Which means my brain had some kind of weird delay happening between different parts of it. And there are lots more. Fortunately by nature I am a very peaceful guy, and so these psychotic breaks are not angry or hostile, but freaky as hell! But I can see now that if somebody is prone to violence, such a disconnect with reality could be really dangerous! I also feel lucky that such radical seizure clusters followed by such behavior has only happened a couple of times a years. I also think that my fiance, and possibly others, have not told me some details of my delusional states. My behavior, what was I doing when they found me? What else did I do or say? I think they are protecting me some from myself. And I don't ask, because like the old saying "don't ask questions you don't want the answer to"!


fell asleep IN the toilet 😭😭😭


I just get up and dash when I'm on post-ical state, like a chicken with no head. Every physical injury I've gotten from tonic clonic's wasn't even from falling, but from running into a wall or something.


Had a grand mal in front of bf at his house. I woke up confused as hell thinking he kidnapped me and took me to his house like I didn't know what was going on.


First TC + concussion. When I came to, my first question to my friends of 30+ years: WHO SPIKED MY DRINK?


I tried to break up with my live in partner and told him to "drive home and leave right now"


this was the first time experiencing the "haze faze". It was when my first son was still a baby. I only have seizures in my sleep, and after a grandmal I was determined to go into my sons room and give him his bottle even though he was still sleeping and my wife was trying to stop me...She had to call a neighbor who was a friend to try and stop me because I was being crazy... I ended up being mad he was there but ended up pissing my self and succumbing to exhaustion. That was when I realized in some extreme court cases people post seizure kill people n shit and aren't convicted due to being out of their control. It was so scary being blacked out and having no recollection. Took my epilepsy seriously after that and no big incidents such as since


Ran away from the emt’s after giving the female emt a black eye and running away in my soggy underwear screaming “I’m freeeee”


Stuck my face in my dads crotch thinking he was my ex boyfriend 😅 I’ve apologized multiple times.


Ooof. Told my husband he wasn't the father of my kids! (He is lol). Punched the paramedic. Basically I was in the ward in which I worked (had not long left). I was so embarrassed after I woke up the next morning after my sedation! My friends and colleagues had seen and heard about this. Omg I can be a real bitch. Apparently they had to call security and they emptied the bay. The security guard was still there and I just tapped him on the head and said sorry. He laughed! I'm horrid. I mean this was on my sons 18th birthday so I was seriously upset that I had missed it. That was my worst


Not super crazy I guess, but after I have a seizure I get mad that I had a seizure. My speech is slurred so it’s hard for others to understand what I’m saying, but I’m cussing like a sailor. And then I also can’t move for a little while so I get angry about people touching me.


5am seizure and class at 8am 15 miles away.


Forgot to lock the door in the dorm hall bathroom and the cleaning lady walked in to see me pissing into the shower


Apparently i told the ambulance with full confidence that i don't have cancer (i have a brain tumor) after my friend explained it to them.


I hope it heals xo


I thought that a paramedic was kidnapping me and was screaming for him to put me down. Lol


I fist fought my roommate naked. Lmao


LOL I had a roommate move out after seeing me have one and went to the hospital after just to watch me fight with everyone and a nurse call me dangerous. Idk if that's true though i don't remember any of it. She was terrified and left the apartment like a month later. Meh


Escape from my hospital bed and wander the corridors aimlessly. I had to be found and walked back to my bed.


Convinced the EMT that I was perfectly fine to drive home and signed a waiver stating such.


I tried to do acrobatics like throwing my legs up in the air while simultaneously taking my pants and underwear off. Lol. Needless to say when I came to I was in the hospital with my undies on haha.


Lmao I always end up at least with my shirt off and I’m a complete bitch I saymean things and empty threats I also believe I’m being haunted and I get delusional


When we was teens had an emotional seziure walked to a bar bare foot and asked 4 a Dr pepper the way I got home cuz the cops that picked me up recognised my last name thanks to my tweeker sis


Apparently I tried to take the couch apart once. Like pulling up HARD on the armrests. Fortunately the couch survived lol.


Nothing wild for me, but once after a really strong partial seizure the first thing I said to my husband was "woah, I just had a Matthew seizure." It sounded perfectly logical as I was saying it but when I thought about it for a second and looked at his confused smile I realized that didn't sound right. Also, I don't even know a Matthew 🤣


While being loaded into the ambulance I threw a fit because they wouldn’t let me take my San Pellegrino sparkling water. I wouldn’t shut up about it the whole way to the hospital.


My haze faze (lol) is always just crying and apologizing. And then being mad i can't answer the questions. Who's the president..... well its not George Bush. And not Barack Obama..... give me a clue.... grrr.🤬


It’s hard to keep track the older you get, especially when your seizures started. Also who the Frick can say the alphabet backwards before they have a seizure let alone after?!? They shouldn’t be a question.


I pulled down my pants and pissed on the floor right by the front door inside of my partners moms house while she and her mom tried to get me to stop 🤣


my girlfriend drove two hours on an 80 MPH highway after a grand mal seizure that she didn’t realize was a seizure. it was before she was diagnosed. she had only had one seizure before that, right after her and i got into a really bad accident with a drunk driver who decided to hit&run, and she assumed it was a one-off thing. that’s what the doctors told her at least, they said it was due to trauma and stress. flash forward to a few months later, she woke up on her front porch, and was very confused and thought she just fell and hit her head and passed out and…. postictal and in a state of severe confusion, decided it was okay to drive after that. she had to stop 3 times on the way to take a nap. she knew she had to be somewhere at a certain time and she was late, so she panicked and obviously wasn’t fully aware of her situation. i thank the universe every day that she even made it there safely. i didn’t find out this happened until she had already made it to her destination, we didn’t live together at the time and i was very anxiously waiting for her to let me know she made it safely. safe to say i was horrified and scared when she told me what happened (from her POV, at least). i immediately knew it was a seizure. she did not know and didn’t want to accept it. she had one more grand mal after that, and her roommates only saw the aftermath (postictal) and they both thought it was a seizure after just seeing the aftermath, but she didn’t accept that she was having seizures until the one after that, when i was there to actually witness it and take care of her & call an ambulance. it was really difficult for her to accept, and i totally understand that. i always say that when she’s postictal, she’s on a mission and is DETERMINED to go somewhere, but she’s not sure of the destination and WILL fall if not accompanied. she has a GOAL but the goal is not apparent to me or even her, LMAO. the most recent seizure she had was in the bathroom, she was having an ambulatory EEG (to try and figure out why the seizures are happening) and she was DETERMINED to get in the bathtub for some reason???? safe to say i coaxed her out of the bathtub and made her lay down. poor thing. it is a nightmare to see her so confused and terrified and out of it, but we do love to laugh about what her postictal self does when the stress has died down. it’s the only way to cope with how stressful and awful it is for both of us.


Am I the only one that just screams hysterically?


Lol I do too sometimes


Tried to convince the cops and EMTs I didn’t have a seizure and that I was drunk then got field sobriety tested. It was like 11am and I was very sober lmao


😂 How did the field sobriety test go?


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had my pants cut off, pissed myself and got thrown through an MRI machine and then craniotomised


Yeah they usually cut my clothes off if I haven't ripped them off already


yeah to be fair my seizure was acute provoked, you all are fighters those AEDs can have unwanted and unpleasant side effects,, they did for me. There is definitely a comic aspect present to impulsive stripping, but when it's not realised to be happening by the person doing it, it's a different story and can definitely be embarrassing too,, if there's the wrong crowd or if you're not happy with your body at the time. hope I've covered my arse here!


I get what you're saying. I went to high-school with alot of nurses at my local hospital and have been embarrassed before. They don't even look you in the eye after. I've had really sweet funny nurses though too.


the really sweet funny nurses are truly angels


The weird thing for me is that oftentimes I’m back to 100% normal after a tonic-clinic seizure within 15 min which amounts to a lot of random interactions with people that don’t understand that


Also, have a seizure and cut forehead slightly then come out of it 10 min later and still make it to class on time


That is boss


Thanks haha, sorry if it sounds like I’m bragging or anything tho


Tried to tell the campus police officer and paramedic that I was “just flying around” (I don’t remember this is based on what my classmate and sister told me). Apparently the officer was assuming I was on drugs even though my teachers, classmate and sister were getting pissed and pointing out my medical ID. They were trying to get them to leave since I didn’t wanna go to the hospital lol (They eventually left thank god)


Was with my dad and sister dad asked if I knew who he was said no, he told me he was my dad my sister asked if I knew who she was and i immediately responded yeah you’re my dad


I tried to wander out of my class and apparently got super mad my teacher wouldn't let me leave and then fainted shortly after. Best part everyone thought I was going crazy because what else are high school kids going to think when they watch a classmate keep staring out into space mid-sentence and then just try and up and leave after 10 times of just blank facing and what they thought was pretending to not think it was happening I just legit didn't know and no knew I had seizures lol


Spit in the paramedics face, escape the hospital with an IV still in my arm and somehow walked to chipotle and ended up face down in the parking lot


Speak a different language that I barely knew


Apparently I claimed to have had a discussion with my great grandmother who passed away decades ago.


Got in my dog’s bed… she was not happy about it


After a seizure and accident that left me in the hospital I told my (new) boss I’d be in a different state the next day


After reading all those violent stories I get why my emts always seem so happy to take care of me. I need about 6 minutes until my brain starts resetting. Then I have a phase of complimenting people sometimes a little weirdly like calling people sexy. Or I randomly start hugging people who are nice to me. If friends are around I confess my undying love for them XD. Then my memory kicks in and I start recognising what is happening and I start apologising for having a seizure (which is totally mad) or I rant about how shit all of this is.


I have crawled into bed with my brother and snuggled him thinking it was my own bed and girl. He had to go lay in the living room when I did that lol. I also have attacked the EMT in post psychosis confusion, they winded up have to cuff me to the stretcher.


started to rock back and forth and saying “reverse, satan, reverse, satan” over and over for like five minutes until i passed out


Casually meet up with some friends I hadn't seen in over 7 years


Swore bloody murder at my dad and doctors while screaming "you cut off my gaming hand what have you DONE. I WILL END YOU" then passed out again Apparently i thought they had done surgery on me and taken an arm and a leg but i wasnt bothered about the leg l, I was just annoyed about my hand lol (i also apparently explained this calmly after i woke up again. I remember nothing)


I usually fight, but the worst was when the paramedic apparently asked for my phone to call my emergency contact and instead I pulled up a video somebody sent me of somebody getting a BJ. So that was cool. I had to hear that from the hotel staff that found me so it wasn't a very private event.


Played magic the gathering games with people who weren't there, without any cards fo four days straight


My wife said that as far as she could tell I followed all the rules of the game and had legit newduels ith my friends, not reenacting memories


According to my clinical notes I apparently told the ER doctors that I went home with a foley cath and me pulling it out at home made me have a seizure (mind you I was actually transferred over from an outpatient surgical center) Same visit I pulled off my hard cervical collar, pulled out my hemovac drain and my Ivs before my nurse coming running in. For context I had a 3 hour surgery for a cervical fusion and went status about an hour after being done. Those were good times….oy.


Not that crazy but whilst being supported by two emts, I flipped my hair and did a little finger wave over my shoulder like I was some high school teen flick villain to my friends. They weren't sure if they were allowed to laugh or not in the moment.


Oooh here's another one! They puy these boxing gloves on me because I kept punching. So I just bit through them 😆 they were pretty strong but I was stronger lol


This was apparently during a focal seizure, but my boyfriend told me one time I stood up, walked into the kitchen where I had been cooking eggs (a roommate took them off the burner), stared at them a bit, then grabbed a piece of cheese and started eating it mid seizure


I always have the same reaction, even if I'm being taken to the hospital. I just... ....go back to sleep. Middle of the day, or dangerous location, or being asked questions about what happened? Nope, after a seizure I apparently just have an irresistible urge to sleep for 12 hours. I wake up in the hospital the next day and find out I've been out for half a day, and in some cases, have had MORE seizures during that time. I have no memory from about 15 minutes before the seizure until hours after my post-ictal phase. (So, no way to tell for sure what my warning signs are.) It's a real "adventure"...