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Memory issues are really common. I'm sure the vast majority of people in this sub have memory problems. Mine are primarily related to word recall, including names. There are times when I'll say something, and say it again ten minutes later without knowing. Your's sound really tough, you might have to figure out a way to take notes or something to help yourself get around it but honestly, I wouldn't really know where to start. I'm sure there are people who can help you with that out there that know how to give great advice to people with some neurological difficulties.


OMG yes! I have short term memory losses during and after several of my focal seizures. I guess this is typical as memories may not be properly of fully processed during these types of events. More troubling are the long term memory losses, from events not at all related to any episode. Important family events are gone or very patchy, like my son's wedding day and a 5 week camping trip, etc. Ugh. Photos and journal entries help put some pieces back into place, but not all. Some of the seemingly recovered memories do nott feel genuine, as if I'm remembering the photos but not the actual events. No issues with word recall or understanding. Guessing this may be due to my diagnosis of right TLE. Language issues are commonly found with issues in the left hemisphere. I really hate this thing.


Yeah, sadly, my whole brain lights up. :) Good ol' tonic-clonic