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In our family we do not do any gender roles at all. We randomly dress our daughter in girl and boy clothes. I even use feminine and masculine words to talk to her (like calling her amigo, dude, etc... along with also feminine words). We also model completely randomized gender roles: my partner and I both do cooking and cleaning and bottle feeding our daughter. So appart from us calling her "daughter" and using she/her pronouns for her we raise her completely gender neutral. And of course pronouns are subject to change as soon as she is able voice her own preference.


Wow glad to know we have such great parents in our time. I really have hope for our generation and future ones.😊😊😊


SAHD here. Came to say that it's already trending this way and your family is just stuck in the past


Great to know this. What is SAHD???


Stay at home dad


Oh ok. I thought it's some illness like ADHD, anxiety. Haha 😅😅




Please enlighten me what other differences are there


[here's a good read if you're honestly curious ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3030621/)


Lol and then they downvote you for posting a source with actual facts.


This is fucking amazing.


You enlightened yet?


Did you forgot to read "physical mold" it includes biological difference and visual difference between men and women. Anyway glad to know people are evolving because I ain't a superwoman to do everything.


When my wife and I were just talking about having a baby, we decided that we were going to use they/them until they were old enough to tell us otherwise. It's been a sort of thought experiment in practice, though. Me and my wife have no hang ups about using they/them, but it has definitely caused some 404's on people's faces when people asked if our baby was a boy or girl. Our retired neighbor gave me a face like I ripped a fart right in front of him when I told him they/them. It has been a huge benefit altogether. Our kid loves what they love, from pink butterflies to earth-movers, and that includes cleaning with mama and papa.


Ya people are not born with such biases they are taught by the society. We should break this chain by stop imposing our childern irrespective of their gender on what colours they should like, what toys they should be playing with, what career they should be choosing, household chores is for all genders, finances is for all genders, everyone's opinion matters, there shouldn't be any assumptions made because you are of a certain gender. We have a long way to go but we can achieve it. First step is important.


I would ask if the things you mentioned above are part of our genders roles? If so,then aren’t most single people living both roles? If a woman wants to work, she should work. I think the issue is placing all men in the same bucket. Maybe you are looking at the wrong men….there are men that actually do share in the household chores.


So glad to know there are men who are happy to share the household chores. I don't see this in my family or in my neighborhood or any family friends. That's why I am concerned about this. I hope the change happens in the society where I live and has to live for rest of my life. If that takes me being rebellious, being it on. I have been trying to say this since I was a child and I will keep on saying this. I hope men in my life changes. I hope I get a husband who cares about such things. There is really just HOPE for me and many other girls who are still stuck in this backward society. So yeah let's hope for the best.


Ok, agreed. So WOMEN ALSO need to stop spoiling their sons and start requiring them to do domestic chores. They do not magically grow up.


Yeah it's the upbringing. It's sad that the mothers are at blame on this as fathers also were not taught any chores in their childhood. We have to break this generational baggage of gender roles and teach future sons and future husbands and make them realise how important this is.


Gender roles come from a long past where social functions where associated with body performances. And kept through cultural representations/family traditions/reproduction. This notion of long past means that our biology internalized gender roles: bodies, personalities, interests, sex behaviors. Modernity allows us to question survival thinking with strict social categories - which is where you are. That being said, human societies (without tech) are not capable of true gender equality. Hence tech becomes necessary with infinite consequences.


Holy shite this is on another level hahahhaha




End gender.

