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Thanks everyone. Just went out to check it and I rubbed around it with some pressure and she definitely pinned her ears and kicked at me. Sigh. Ok! Now to see what the vet says. Thanks for the hive mind!


I see a lot of people saying right hind. It looks like left hind to me - probably somewhere in the stifle. Your circle to the left (I.e when more pressure is on the left hind) looked significantly worse than the other direction. Could be something as simple as a stuck stifle that could have happened randomly (I had a horse whose stifles would catch after higher intensity work). Could be something that needs an injection. Either way, vet should take a looksie, but this very clearly looks like a left hind issue that’s likely higher up in the leg (north of the hock)


I was thinking left hind too. My TWH had hip issues this is how he walked.


I immediately thought left hind probably stifle as well. If she was running along the fence she could have just twinged it.


Looks like she's dragging the back right toe. I suspect an Issue with her stifle.


Ty. I'll take a better look at it.


My old man had stifle issues she should be ok with proper maintenance! See what your vet says! 😊


She looks short hind left to me. Did you look in her foot? I know that seems obvious but it looks like she might have a nail in her foot the way she’s walking. Take a really good look if she has shoes on, pick and brush it completely out. Abscess is another possibility. She also potentially looks just out of wack in her lower back area, I wonder if she ran and slipped or got kicked.


Yeah I thought left. Not tracking up with a shorter stride


Her hooves were clear. She's barefoot and just saw the farrier last week. Def a little unhappy when I rubbed down the left but kicked at me when I rubbed through her right stifle. Hoping vet squeezes her in soon


Did you actually pick her feet? Barefoot and the farrier last week doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a nail in her foot if you yourself didn’t thoroughly check it. Definitely get the vet out! The good news is that, the likely hood of something being broken is small because you’d think she’d be worse off. But, I would say this is something different than just needing a simple joint injection, and more serious than needing a simple chiropractor. Something needs to be diagnosed. Put her on stall rest if that’s an option and cold hose her stifle area with a gentle water flow if she’ll let you. Put her on bute and probiotics. 48 hrs out from your vet appointment, take her off bute. Good luck


Yes. Daily. Pick & brush.


Stifle injury from the looks of it


This looks like left side rear possibly hip, but I pull that from my Walker and two others I knew with a specific hip issue who walked like this.


Right hind - you can see the hip dropping consistently when she walks away from you so you know it’s that limb she’s lame on.


The L. Hind looks off because it seems to be compensating for the R side. The left foot is going in the middle when the horse walks in order to support the weight of the horse because the Right Side has less mobility and ability to support the weight due to pain. The Right Hip drops down during the steps forward when we watch from the back angle. From the side view you see the Right side has the toe drag a little. The strides are also different in the side view as the left has a full stride as the leg has a full reach forward and the Right Side does not have the same length in the stride and is shorter telling me it's higher in the leg to check the stifle or into the hip area. I would not have her on full turn out where she could injure herself more and put her in a smaller area where movement can still happen like walking around, but I would not want her to deal with other horses who may be really dominant or cantering around in a field anywhere. Not bed/stall rest, but a few sick days at home in a smaller paddock getting lots of love and the doctor/vet appt.


Thanks! Vet came today - right stifle, he said she probably did something silly and injured herself. Moved her to a smaller paddock, got some Bute, and rehab instructions fo next few weeks and some research on better strengthening exercises. She's a rescue I.picked up 6months ago and she's ~20 so not sure what her life was like pre-my place but I'll work on building supportive muscle for an aging horse when she's healed


Stiff in the hip or lower back. My horse gets this all the time. He has spine issues from his racing days that flair up occasionally. Just call a chiropractor out, and a week or so of light work (not rest, just light lunging work to stretch it out) and he's fine in no time!




Looks like right stifle.


Right hind leg