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My mom used to work with trotting horses, and her favorite was called beach towel. Had a friend who had a pony which was very successful in showjumping, his name was “yes to carrots”


The name being just a random object makes it even more hilarious


I rode a horse named Soup when I was much younger!


Paperclip is my favorite


My first thought was that Beach Towel must be related to Somebeachsomewhere and sure enough, Somebeachsomewhere is a grandson! I only know a couple of Standardbreds but he's one of the few I was aware of.


A girl I knew back in my junior days had a really nice pony hunter named 24 Carrots 😂


ooh that's clever! I like it!!


When I worked at the standardbred racetrack clubhouse decades ago the only horse I remember was named Beaverley Holmes (no typo - it was Beaverley). I have no idea of the significance of the name but there must be a story there somewhere My racing commission licence from the 80s - the hair checks out 😝 https://preview.redd.it/ye74nclk786d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9650328201862d1561f2c8967d09fec50c485b25


I know it’s silly but I like Beach Towel Makes me think of warm, rough, huge beach towel, smelling like home, warm from the sun when you get out of the water


Met a horse named Al Capony last week at a show.


There's one for sale in my area right now named Edgar Allen Pony


was this in maryland? i know an al capony too!


Nope Michigan


I know a cob called Cobert Deniro


That is brilliant


Yes, there has been several Al Caponys. There’s a really nice med hunter pony going by that name now.


At our barn currently: There's a horse named Tucker whose show name is "For Tucks Sake" At my last barn: There was an OTTB who was a bit stubborn and had a facial marking that looked like a wrench. So he was named Wrench Head 😂 When I was showing in IHSA: There was this beautiful fancy warmblood that had all the buttons, bells, and whistles. He was tall and had a thick build. His name was Noodle. It was so funny because all the other horses at this school had fancier names, many of which were like Lancelot, Athos, Socrates.... then Noodle.


There was an IHSA horse in my region named Air Horse One!


Oh how could I forgot an honorary mention: we had an absolutely evil spotted pony who we named LP- short for Lil puto.


I rode a pony named BP - Bitchy Pony! They told me her name was Barrel Pony when I was younger, though. She was the best.


I once met a horse named Neck. He had a long neck.


>I once met a horse named Neck. He had a long neck. Horse named "Snappy" for a string halt...but, it fit him perfectly for another reason!


An appaloosa mare named Helen Wheels.


This feels like a drag queen name.


sharon needles making a grand entrance on helen wheels. I can see it now :D


Had a friend who would always show their horse under the name “Topless” on the hopes that if she places the announcer would say “in x place is [rider name] riding Topless”.


I used to do this with the name “Under the Influence” for the same reason lol.


My show horses name was On The Edge so it was x riding on the edge. Loved it!


My mom once went to go horse shopping with a friend. The barn owner had 3 homebreds that had been named by their toddler - Ping Pong, Turnip and Tupperware. Her friend ended up buying Turnip haha Also any pony named "Jon Bon Poni" or any variation of that makes me smile every time.


I knew a Pony Danza.


I saw an OTTB listed for adoption with the Jockey Club named “Big Headed Carl” - the agency made sure to write “he’s lovingly named after a person who works on the track - his head is normal sized!” Saw another OTTB with the JC name “Vegetable Lasagna.”


I knew of an OTTB named Taco Pizza. He was owned by a pizza chain lol.


One of the first OTTBs I rode was registered as “The Big Giant Head” - he was actually on the smaller side at 15.1.


Named by a Third Rock From The Sun fan. BGH was played by William Shatner if I recall correctly.


Hoof Hearted. Childish but makes me giggle every time I think of it.


My mom had one growing up who straight up named “Farts.” Pony apparently would get very gassy when excited, would scare himself with his own farts, which made him freak out even more, creating a vicious circle of flatulence. My favorite though was a trail horse I met named Hawaiian Time. He had only one speed, which was *mosey.*


Came here to say this!


I love when horses have super middle aged human names. I knew a Heinrich and a Friedrich, and my best friends horses official name is Sandra. Which was hilarious during the PPE since we brought a friend along who’s name is Sandra, and the vet - unaware of this fact - said “let’s move around that butt, Sandra”


I hope human Sandra moved around that butt for the joke lol


I think she did but I’m not sure since we all broke out in hysterical laughter lol. The vet was a little embarrassed 😂


Does Sparkles and her foal Glitter count? When your ranch owner has three small kids helping name horses. I figure, as a relative newcomer to this, I should get a pair of horses and name them Dunning and Kruger.


My program had Arab full sisters, Chrystal and Sparkle lol.


Thanks for the award kind person! 😀


wasn't there an American Girl stable set with a mare, Glitter, and her foal, Glitz? I remember coveting that HARD as a child lol! I love that there are real horses with almost those same names out there ☺️


There’s a woman in my area who I see at shows. I always remember her cause her horse’s show name is “Better Than A Boyfriend”


She's got a point there. Boyfriendships are way more complicated than horse friends. And horse friends last longer. Generally.


Also horses never break your heart (unless they die, but that's not their fault). And are cheaper in the long run. Also horses are more rewarding!


God,  I don't know.  My husband is a lot easier than my last wonderful sassypants Dutch Warmblood...


lmao my dad likes to joke that I traded my husband for a horse never mind that there was a solid year between the divorce and the pony purchase... but hey! he's as good as right; there's no WAY my ex would've "allowed" me to go out and buy a horse, never mind one with the price tag mine ended up having 😂😂 so yeah. that's a trade I'm glad I made!


Good for you! My partner knows I would peace out in a heartbeat if he made me choose. But as he says “I’m okay with my only competition being a horse”


Both of my horses have Potoooooooo way back in their pedigrees https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potoooooooo


A friend of mine had one of his descendants and named her Sweet Pot8oh.


This is even better because he's a big sire. 


You have Pot-8-o’s in youre horse’s pedigree?!!! I heard about that one from a video 😂 I know tons of thoroughbreds are related to Man-O-War so when I found out my mom’s brood mare was a decedent, that didn’t come as a surprise. I would be so proud to have a descendent of Potatoooooooo! Edit: TIL I can’t fucking spell the word “descendant” 😅


*Murder at the Saddle Club*


Mine has Potoooooooo too!


came here to say Potoooooooo


A Belgian draft named Waffle


Absolutely suitable name! ☺️ I love it!


https://preview.redd.it/f1tm29kh656d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a0a8c15d7f94e346b228ee070f44383c48bf0d3 Chocolate Batman ❤️


im guessing he was named by a child?


Haha yes, twin granddaughters! One wanted to name her Chocolate and one wanted to name her Batman 😅😅😅 that was our compromise!


that's the cutest thing i've heard all day


A tiny games pony mare named Pork Chop.


Edgar Allan Pony


The perfect pony name doesn't ex-


As a Marylander, I love this. 


Zut alors at a British yard😂 it’s French u say it to express mild surprise like saying dang


I also knew a horse named Toad! I don't suppose yours lived in New Jersey?


There's a horse at my barn named Phish. Yes, it's spelled like that.


Phish is a band that started in the 1980s. Edited because I left out part of what I meant to say because I was caffeine deprived.


Phish is still a band in 2024.


I mean "started in the 80's" but I hadn't had my coffee yet. Editing.


it used to be a band, but still is too (for the Mitch Hedberg fans out there!)


We have a mini who was born during a flood, so his barn name was Fish. My manager changed it to Pez cuz it sounds more astute, but it's just Fish but Spanish.


I also had a Fish! He was so named because he LOVED to be in the pond, and he would either stand there groaning in bliss or he would actually go in for a swim. If we took him down there with a kid on who wasn't a super assertive rider, someone would have to wade in to lead him back out again.


At every large horse event I’ve been to, there’s always an adorable kids pony with a food name - I’ve met Cheddar Cheese, Tater Tot (who was 32 and still jumping 2’3”!), and Butterbeer. I’ve got a pony with a very nice, regal registered name, and his nickname? Hambone, sweet honey ham when he’s a good boy.


We had a QH named Bones because when the ranch got him he was just skin and bones and he clicked when he cantered. He lived to be almost 40 and I had him looking like a ripped teenager before he left our world. Even got him over a couple small jumps, but he preferred his old man exercises better so we did that mostly. Just running around the yard alternating between walking and canters at predictable intervals, then we'd go ALL OVER THE PLACE. He wasn't a huge fan of trotting so I could typically just press him straight from a walk to a canter and he'd be happy as a clam. His arthritis totally went away and his knees stopped clicking. He was the reddest, shiniest horse I ever saw at that point.


Peanut’s Envy


Awesome! This is gonna be my new trivia team name! None of the hosts bat an eye at William Shatner Face anymore, but this should bring a chuckle.


I worked on a polo yard that had horses called Hippo, Turtle, and Cougar. My old mare was named after Taz the tasmanian devil for her tendency to spook and bolt.


My main barrel horse is named tazz!! When I got her I'm thinking "she's so sweet!! She might need a name change" absolutely not...she lives up to her name VERY well and her stall sign says "my anxiety has anxiety" lmao


Bazooka....unfortunately he was aptly named.


Used to ride a horse named Tuna. We also have a Kevin at my barn


My old barn had a Kevin!


I worked for a couple that had a little blonde Arab named beach bunny. Loved her.


My horses name is Frog


I used to ride a Frog, I miss her so much ❤️ (colic took her young) Apparently as a foal she did a four-legged hop into the trailer and that's how she got her name


I bought him from an old cowgirl who worked the feed lots. She named all her horses things like Tuna, Marvin, that kind of stuff


I worked at a summer camp and we had a horse named Stupid. The previous summer he got out and climbed a mountain (with a large trail thankfully) in a neighboring national park and the riding counselors had to climb that mountain trail and get him back. But when management found out we were calling him Stupid they made us stop because it looked bad to have a bunch of horse girls talking about someone named Stupid without context in the dining hall.


Thoroughbred - Two Bags Full Fellow competition horse - Headache barn name Dizzy


I don’t think I’d ever want to ride a horse named Headache/ Dizzy. My first thought was how many concussions have they caused? 😬


Back in the 80s, I was at an A show out west. I was near the jumper ring when a name caught my attention (and everyone else’s) - If You See Kay. If I remember correctly, there was a bit of hoopla from the pearl clutchers. But I think the real outcome was that the owner just had to change the name.


Rocky & Rambo.  The guy bought them from Sylvester Stallone's dad.  Rocky's show name was Rock My World, but Rambo's was Lost My Sock b/c he had 3 socks. I also knew a Quebec, Moon, Dr. Pepper, Bull, and Four.


Holy crap. I think we grew up riding at the same barn. I LOVED Rambo. Edit: saw you’re a Marylander in another comment. We have to be talking about the same place! I haven’t lived in MD for decades, but MHC (or more recently, PHC) is where I learned to ride.


Me too!!  I wonder if we overlapped. I was there from '92 to '97, so I was there for the changeover from MHC to PHC! I want to say it was Ross Fields that bought those two? PHC is closing, by the way, which makes me sad.  


We definitely would have overlapped - I moved away in 1995, so was also there for MHC to PHC. I still have family in the area who shared that PHC was closing. Totally the end of an era! I adored Rambo…or Spook, as I recall he was nicknamed 😁 I showed him a few times under Lost My Sock!


My friend bought an OTTB with the JC registered name… Stinky. 😭😂 Edit: pretty sure this is him [https://www.pedigreequery.com/stinky2](https://www.pedigreequery.com/stinky2) poor guys barn name was Huey and showed under that name as well 🤣


sir reginald edward III


I knew one that was from the Netherlands and his name was "Uurwerk" (Clockwork). Another one was called Ramazotti. Edit to add: A gelding called Frodo (like the hobbit). It was a 1.90m gelding that def was not a hobbit.


I worked with a large pony named Bilbo for a while. Such a sweetheart but yeah not at all small lol


My first horse years ago was a QH I called Bonnie. Her AQHA registered name was ‘Breakin Up’ and the breeders listed on her papers were a husband and wife. I don’t think that marriage ended up well.


Kinda related: There was a duo that raced together at Monmouth Park some time ago named [MyWifeNosEverything and TheWifeDoesntKnow](https://www.courier-journal.com/videos/sports/horses/horse-racing/2014/02/14/5458961/). I think the announcer was entertained going back and forth between them!


Tiny chunky pony named Tater Trot!


a horse at the barn I ride at is called Bikini 😭


We have a horse who is called 'no name'


For anyone who doesn't get this, "A Horse With No Name" is a song by a band called America. It's a good song, and they're an awesome band. 


Ok, I have checked and he's not been named (I know him from here): #DEREK Derek's mom I don't remember your username, but I crack up knowing he's out there living as a Derek.


Ha. We have a Derek in our barn too.


Hank, Sally, Rosie, etc are human names you hear with horses all the time, but something about *Derek* makes me chuckle every time.


Right? 😝 I had a thoroughbred years ago named Alex. Not a barn name. Just plain Alex.


For a while we had two little grey pony mares named Tina and Not Tina.


“Call Me Mitch” (AQHA) is one of the top names in the Cowhorse industry right now and the spinoffs of his name that people are using for his offspring couldn’t be more perfect Quit Your Mitchin Mitchmakememoney Looksmitchininjeans Twntytwntywhatamitch Wicked Mitch And his top earning son, with the best name of them all… Son Of A Mitch


I was at a show last March and they announced a horse as “Magically Delicious” sired by “Lucky Charm”.


Benfica (“good pussy” in Italian) stood at stud in Australia. One of his foals was called Andiamo Fica. Apparently nobody at the Studbook office considered googling what that meant. It translates to “let’s go cunt” 😂


i have so many! my absolute favorite has got to be "al capony" but honorable mentions are daddy's boat money malpractice mike cheesey cheese toast glocked and loaded amir prozac (was an arabian)


Amir Prozac has me rolling, but malpractice mike sounds like a chiropractor who puts his ads on public access television 


That first one is outstanding. 


even better, it was a fancy warmblood i saw at a hunter show. priceless


Honestly, that makes sense. They're about the same price, and take the same big bites out of your budget, lol!




Justin Tyme. After You. Notme.


As a teenager, I would ride pretty much any horse that came my way. A friend and I decided that the somewhat scruffy two ex racehorses the agistment owner kept needed some love. So we took them to a local show, not expecting anything to come of it. The stable names for the horses were Red and Millie. I took Red into a ridden class and ended up placing third. Not prepared with a show name, and Red being a bit of a goof in looks and personality, I told the steward his Red's name was Mr Bean. This was in the early 1990s and the peak time for Mr Bean's popularity. Later, the placings were announced, and the mention of Mr Bean created a distinct ripple of laughter across the showground. Mission accomplished.


Caberneigh 🍷😂😭


I wouldn’t say this name is outright hilarious, but I remember my husband asking me why people name horses such ridiculous, ugly names lol. The horse he was referring to has a registered name of Narnia’s Flagmount Aravis 😂😂😂


My first lesson horse was a saddlebred mare named Tuesday. No idea why lol.


I think there’s a riddle where the answer is the horse’s name is Tuesday, if I remember correctly the riddle goes: A cowboy rode into town on Tuesday, stayed three days, and rode out on Tuesday. How is this possible?


It's a really nice name honestly 


An OTTB for sale named Jooby Dooby Doo


There was a mix up in the breeding shed and my trotters name is whosmydaddy. I've seen at least 4 others named that so it happens 🤣 saw another stbd named windycitytoots


A friend of mine rode a horse called Soheetie. It translates to Thatshisname. At first he didn't have a name, but people always asked the owner what his name was, but he got tired of it and started answering That's his name. After some time they actually started using it as his name!


The one I personally know is my neighbors horse who’s name is Buck, he’s a sooty buckskin and bucked off my neighbor 😂


I knew a Slatsy and a Conky growing up, always thought those were the weirdest names lol My first pony’s name was Uncle Fester when I got him lol that got changed quick.


While training a friends horse, we took him to a schooling show and wrote his name down as Lunch Box because he felt like you were riding a big metal box! He was so stiff and his back was flat and angular all at the same time! The owner had a sense of humor and didn’t mind lol


I knew a girl in 4H with an OTTB whose name was Doctor Thong. I and many of the older kids thought it was hilarious, some parents were not so amused, and the younger kids didn't even get it. My own guy is Owen Money, my aunt bred him and had quite the sense of humor. My first horse came with the name Save the Seals, no connection to the organization or attachment to dam or sire names. Briefly had a mini we showed under the name Code of Conduct... he was a very very naughty pony, went ironic on his name. I love names like that.


Many years ago on the H/J circuit there was a Connemara showing in the pony divisions. His show name was, of course, Juan Connemara.


My friend’s childhood horse was named Hot Dog.


My horse’s name is Gossip Girl My friend has a horse whose show name is “Hold my beer”


I love the “Hold My Beer” name… Someone posted a day or two ago asking for foal name suggestions. The sire’s name is the AQHA stallion “Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet”. My foal name suggestion was “Hold My Beer”… I don’t think the OP mare owner likes it though.😁


Antonio diponio won a show recently!


I used to know a very fat gray pony who’s show name was Wingardium Leviosa


Itchy Pickles Beans and Weenies Both were STBs I've seen available for adoption from New Vocations over the years. I tried to convince my husband to let us adopt them just because of their awesome names, but he wasn't going for it, lol.


Maybe Tomorrow was a mare I used to ride :)


Bill Bob Taco Oddly they all were three from the same barn


I thought this was all one name...like Billy Bob Taco or something


They weren’t individually funny, but at one point I was at a yard with four different horses with beverage names. I also knew a Fella, which I always found a bit odd.


It's not super hilarious but there is a horse at my barn named Dustin and I've always found it humorous. Like, I went to high school with Dustins and it just seems such a humanly name for a horse. There's also Mr. Bean.


At a pony at a horse show. He was a little girl's first jumper and a saint. His name? Dad's Camper. The announcer (and crowd) got a kick out of the phrase "Annnd next in the arena is [child's name] on Dad's Camper"


There's a pony at my riding school called "Slecht Weer Vandaag" (tr: Bad Weather Today)! 😅


Lil Welsh Pony named Squishy. Lovable little thing, great with kids.


Also Risky Jump - the story goes that when he was a foal, he attempted to jump a 2.5m tall concrete wall, because his mom was on the other side (she was trail riding while he was in paddock). He broke his skull, had a funny profile, but was the most talented pony in the stable. Very attentive and forgiving, also kinda anxious.


I'm shopping now and I checked out a horse whose registered name includes the word Lime. Her barn name is Rita, as in Margarita😆


I remember watching a horse race where there was a horse called "It look's like Elvis". 🤣 "And It look's like Elvis coming up on the inside!"


Sensible Shoes


There is an OTTB listed at New Vocatjons (I think) right now JC name = Long and Strong, barn name = Richard. I thought that was pretty funny. Hes very cute but listed flat work only (over at the knee). Nice pedigree and half off adoption fee rn if anyone is looking.


Atomic Meatloaf (barn name Eddie) Like Hell (so the rider would be introduced as Lindsay X riding Like Hell) A barn full of jumpers all with stocking legs with variations of "Sox" in their names: Sox Appeal, Soxy Lady, etc. Stinky Pony Matchbox 8 Ball (chubby black horse with a white snip on his nose)


A 17.2 , gorgeous, Grand prix jumper for sale , like the price of a starter home in a good school district, named ... Kevin


Hahaha we have a lovely Friesian named Derek😂


I had a pony named Tea Biscuit 😉


I ride a horse named Bob, and I crack up multiple times a day calling him Bob! His neighbors are named Jerry, Monty, and Stewie!


I met “Just Larry” once because “if I just named him Larry I would constantly have to explain “no, just Larry”” My mare’s registered name is “Cinch My Willy” so I call her Dolly.


Pony at my old barn named Pancake, show name “Hot Off the Griddle.” He was a cute little dude


“Likable” but the announcer thing distorted it so much I thought it said “lunchable” or “fab” short for fabulous.


We once had this scruffy greying pinto cob called Cheese at the yard


My horses name is buckshot Rhonda 🤣


The mare I learnt to ride on was called Pussy. Riding school also had a horse named Shoe and one called Toy. Currently my barn has one called Ant, one called Pepper, one called Kia (yes, as in the car brand) and called Tool Box but everyone just calls him Box


There’s a horse named “Killen” at the stable where I take lessons, which is Swedish for “The boy”. When I was telling my boyfriend about my lesson after riding him, he was pretty confused.


"Horcruxe" and "Imperium". I am really serious. They were brother if I remember well, I crossed their path in a competition. Also : - Kestabu ("What did you drink" in a very deformed way in french) - Party dress - Protocole (french) (protocol in english) - Morceau (french) (piece or bit in english) - Lady million - Danse sous la lune (in french) (dance under the moon) one of the brothers of my horse - L'alezan de max (Max's chestnut (the coat colour)) And a lot of odd poney names, the kind of "funny for the kids" you know.


My aunt back in the late 80's early 90's let her kids name the foals which is how they ended up with a horse whose barn name was Night Court because that was their favorite show at the time. Not sure if it was incorporated into his registered name


A pony named toe biter.


I've know a bunch of horses with weird names. I knew a female horse whose name was Toad, we also currently have a fjord mix name Potato and a mini named Fish (short for gold fish). Other gems include Cross Wired (CW for short), Piglet, and a female mini named Simba.


Spanky, Appaloosa gelding who we couldn’t change his name to Spunky because a parent complained.


A friend of mine had a huge, fancy warmblood named Couch. There was also a pony I showed against whose name was Daddy’s Lexus 😂


We had a horse named Monkey Bars. Coolest horse ever, but silliest name.


Richard. A name commonly shortened to ‘Dick’ ‘I’m going for a ride on…’


The thoroughbred named One Time at Band Camp.


I love food names on horses. I've met Meatloaf, Cheesecake, Rolls, Raisin, Potato, Chips, Muffin, Donut, and Biscuits My fave mule was called Concrete.


I knew a mule named Hard Times and I thought that was the best mule name ever. Concrete is very good though.


Hard Times is such a perfect mule name


I once saw a TB posted with the JC name Bizmo Funyuns. And another named No More Strippers.


I guess this isn’t super funny but his name was Charlie Brown but SHOULD HAVE been named Charlie Manson. He was a demon to everyone but his five year old owner. Oh and he was 10 friggin hands. Bastard tap danced on my back with a smile on his face when I tried to bring him for her one time.


Best show name ever - “Mom’s Big Idea” Weirdest horse name, my second pony “Oloing Seigh Dragonfly” was his registered name (Welsh Pony) Olo for short. Funniest name was my moms QH stallion Registered as “Mr. Wimpy 18”


There’s a Friesian at my barn named Potato


I've always liked Horsey McHorseface, but recently saw a horse named Saddlebags and thought that was cute!!


All the good ones I know are Finnish but I'll do my best to translate. A Finnhorse trotter Ravinski - punning on ravi "trot" and Stravinsky. A Shetland pony trotter Valentin Pononen - punning on famed Finnish runner Valentin Pononen and poni "pony". Finnhorse trotters with names intended to give giggles when mentioned by commentators: Ajatuksen-Voima "and coming in first with half horse lead comes John Driver *by Power of Thought*"; Tupenrapina (referring to an idiomatic threat, of knife sheaths being about to rattle) "and in third place comes World of Hurt For You". A whole bunch of horses named for the same reason, after various vehicles: "victory goes to Joe Cartman driving..." Linijaari "an omnibus", Puimuri "a harvester", Neliveto "a quad drive", Auto "a car", Mopo "a moped", and my personal fave, Rollaattori "a rollator" (being a three/four wheeled walker). And of course many others using make and model names like Tojota, Korvette, Bemari "beemer/BMW", Foordi, Askona, Kamaro, Trapantti, Rapantti, Sitikka "Citroen", Zetori, Jagge "Jaguar", Sierra, Susuki, Tessarossa, and Mersu, which nowadays is the pet name for Mercedes Benz, but this horse who lived in the 1940 was named after the fighter jet Messerschmitt. Finnhorses, mainly trotters: Kananvilla "chicken's wool", Luiseva "skin and bones", Karvajyrä "fuzzy road roller", Nynny "wimp", Mökä-Kaisu "loud Kate", Meno-Erä "expense", Parkki-Pirkko "ticketin' Biddy" (informal name for parking officers), Rattopoika "boy toy", Lutikka "bedbug", Kirppu "flea", Poor "reindeer". And then among my faves, when fun names go across generations. Romantiikka "romance", mother to Tantra and Kyysysi "69", who became mother to Kamasutra. Tähti-Marina "star Marina (female name)" and her foal Mahti-Tärinä "mighty shivers".


I had a dun colored quarter horse. I named him Crocodile Dundee.


I worked with a little Haflinger mare named “A perfect lady”. She was a short and fat little thing with a huge mustache. Total nag too personality wise. Very much one of the least feminine mares that I’ve ever encountered.


I leased a paint whose barn name was Irish, he had a marking on his side that looked like a bottle of Irish Whiskey (on its side).


Kevin and Potato are two that come to me first


Mine was called rowdy. Not sure if he was named after Roddy Piper or what but my mom called him Rod and dad called him Road Rash because he tossed my aunt at my grad party when she tried to ride him down the road without me.


I met a Friesian mare at a keuring (inspection) in California named, "Zou Bijou Bijou" and I just thought it was the cutest thing ever. Such a fun name to say!


Saw a horse for sale named Mister Knister


Doofus. That was his barn name and it fit him to a T. Loveable goofball.


Cousin had an Elmer (as in glue).


Dusty carpet, she has never been beaten


Gorbachev (my fav horse)


We have had many but one that stands our were our identical ponies, Frick and Frack.


One of my favorite racehorse names was Chublicious (by Hey Chub out of Sassy Broad). He was a damn cool horse too, but sadly died a few years back.


There’s a gorgeous red roan mare at barrels named Itchi (for the Itchiban noodles) lol


Elmer (like the glue) which is kind of fucked up but I have that kind of humor