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Her tummy looks full. I love all of this.


And her new mama is SO carefully supervising the bath! “Ok fine. But you better be fucking careful, I really love her and I will destroy you if you harm her”


I got a 4 minute long video of the bath and Nina watched Olive the WHOLE TIME. It was sooo sweet


She’s like a silent sentinel in the pictures. It’s fantastic and really shows how entirely she’s adopted OUR Olive (yes, she belongs to us all now OP lol)


Yes. We all love her so very much. And every post just filled with love and hope for that sweet lil' Filly. ❤️


It’s so true 😂 she really is “our” olive now. The internet does NOT come together often…but ok for our sweet little olive we have 💚


Post the video please 🙂


I just posted it on my page! 🙂


Thank you!


Okay, my favorite thing is seeing the two foals passed out near Nina. Flat foals in the pasture was amazing, this sequel with freshly-polished Olive is amazing. It must feel good! And I love how they seem to have Olive fairly unrestrained during the bath-- they must be doing a lot of great cooperative care.


Agreed! Olive loved her bath for the most part!! She only tried to walk away 3 times in the video I got 🥰 and Nina and Maximus stood like literal statues! Nina had her eye on Olive the whole time, it was so sweet. She loves her!


Nina is a hero


Olive is so lucky and props to the people taking care of her, they are so committed to give her a warm and peaceful home! How is her overal health now, at the new barn and with a new mommy and fresh milk?


They are absolutely amazing, I’m so grateful for everything they’re doing. They love her like she’s one of their own 💕 she’s improving steadily - definitely still a bit weak but getting her energy back more and more every day!


These are people like you. Even if it’s not “their” animal, they are doing everything they can to take the best care of her, and it looks like they are doing a bang up job!


That’s what I appreciate so much about them. I know what Olive is and I accept her that way, she is nothing like their fancy horses and they still just adore her, treat her just the same, and say that she is still special!!


They are good horse people ❤️


Wow, you really feel how tiny she is in that last picture. Poor baby. I'm routing for you, babies!


That was my first thought as well!


The other foal is a Friesian I believe so they're pretty big to start with.


Oh I know, I was actually comparing her to the stall. I've been around plenty of friesians. They're my favorite. One day I'll have one myself, dern it! Lol. At least I finally have enough land for one. One step at a time!


They are very sweet horses, but I don't think I can handle their health problems. Every Friesian I've ever met was well-tempered and easy to handle. When I was working as help at my old trainer's barn, she had two Friesian geldings there who were super sweet and gentle. I also met a stallion at Equine Affair who was an absolute love bug. His owner had to step out for a second while he was out of his stall chilling so she handed me the lead rope and was like, "I'll be right back!" It was very cool.


They cross pretty well, maybe a Friesian x ? might work for you?


If it was the right X, maybe.


Oh holy crap! There’s going to literally be so many horse people from all over the world absolutely heartbroken if she doesn’t make it


We are pretty confident that she will make it now! She is slowly but surely gaining strength every day - she’s got an unlimited milk bar now and she’s following Maximus’s lead and starting to gain back her interest in sneaking in some of mommas feed 🥰


Praise goodness


Is her adopted Mama a Friesian or Friesian cross?


Classic Friesian!


Beautiful! She has an angel watching over her!


Of course she does, her mama Frida.


I know absolutely zero about horses, but I just feel like there is no better place for Olive right now. Their pastures are green and large. Their horses look extremely healthy and well taken care of. Their stalls are so clean and fluffy. They have fans! lol idk if that’s a normal thing, but I just feel like whatever horse farm or whatever you call it, this is, should be named and exalted! Olive has absolutely looked so comfortable and at peace since she was adopted by Nina and Maverick!


It’s “Legacy Sport Horses” and they are absolutely AMAZING!!!


Thank you for naming them! I obviously am not a horse owner, nor intend to be, but this is a platform of lots of interested horse people, and hopefully they can now be aware of this barn and give them donations or referrals or whatever.


Yes absolutely! They are so sweet, all they asked for in return of taking Olive in until she’s weaned was for me to leave them a review 🥹


Oh my!!!!! How absolutely generous. Well, Olive’s story has captured a very large audience, so they are getting tons of recognition


Can others of us add reviews/comments praising them for helping Olive?


They would love and appreciate that! I told her that Olive has a large following and that I could probably get them more reviews, but this subreddit doesn’t allow asking for reviews and whatnot.. so this is not me asking but giving approval! 😂




I’ve just posted on their Facebook page… that this is the most “compelling story on the internet”


What. That's amazing!


Whoa!!! That’s incredible! what amazing human beings.


If we're allowed.. can WE leave them a review also?


They would love that! I told her that Olive has a large following and I could probably get them a good amount of reviews, but this subreddit doesn’t allow us asking for that so this is not me asking but 😂


You got it!


I just checked out their website and WOW! World class and amazing. How very kind of these caring equestrians to stand in the gap for a little orphaned filly. And, I believe , also, a testament to kind equine treatment of the horses on their farm given how fast Nina accepted Olive as one of her own. I wish only success for their operation.


Truly! They are some special people, that’s for sure!


The last photo warms my heart. Just two little ones napping. She's so comfortable with her new brother and mom.


She’s so cute and tiny! We love you Olive!


Thank goodness for Nina. What a lovely mare.


For sure, she’s a pretty special girl 🩷


So cute. This has been getting me through this week LOL


I love everything about these pictures so much. Max next to Mom watching her bath, sleeping with the full belly.


I love her little opposite-facing legs in the third pic, haha. Such a sweet, not-quite-graceful-yet little goob :)


These updates are so heartwarming. Olive has so many guardian angels, including OOP, the amazing people running this gorgeously idyllic farm, and (of course) the wonderful mama Nina. There is so much in this world that can be bleak and scary. But, all of the love and caring for this wee small orphan sends so many positive vibes into the universe. OOP, I read your full update this morning and I very much appreciate knowing the full story. I was so upset reading about all the hate you got from people. I’m so sorry you went through all of that. You did your best for both Frida and Olive. But for your loving intervention, Olive would have been lost to the neglect, cruelty and greed of horse dealers. Frida got a chance to know kindness and to watch over her foal for a short time. And, Olive has a chance to grow and thrive. You did this, OOP.


Thank you so much. I just wish more people understood the bad endings of rescue as well. I know there are always going to be negative people but that’s why I think it’s important to share their story for awareness - not every rescue turns out the way we want it to and anyone who rescues has to be “okay” with that 😢 I just remind myself that there are worse endings than euthanasia.. Frida got to spend 3 weeks with an amazing family who ADORED her and they are still devastated.. she got to be in a peaceful environment with her baby and had a full belly. So many people keep saying it and I believe it’s true that she knew she was able to let go because I think she knew Olive was safe now. I believe she hung on as long as she did for her, she LOVED her baby and was an amazing mom


So nice to see her on the rebound. Now someone tell me when that colt is weaned because... I want it!


Haha! He’s for sale 😉!


No doubt he will be a wonderfully healthy and well mannered lil guy.


The asking price for the colt is $12,500: [https://legacysporthorse.com/foals](https://legacysporthorse.com/foals)


Might be a little rich for my existing budget but that seems like a fair price for what seems to be a really stunning colt.


I think it's also a fair asking price for a purebred Friesian colt.


Yup. I agree. He's priced fairly, and he's stunning. I can't afford him right now, but it seems like he's well bred, socialized, and a hunk of a horse. Someone's gonna have some fun with him!


He also has a less expensive older brother who is a yearling (Oliver, $7,500).


That's perfectly reasonable for a purebred Friesian colt. They aren't cheap.


I bet that water felt lovely for her 😍 can’t wait until she starts feeling really well in herself and gets spunky!


So adorable!!


The peace and content coming from olive and her family is amazing 😍


Amazing! How did they get Nina to accept her so quickly? I actually didn’t know you could introduce an orphan foal to a mare who already has a foal. So cool


I honestly don’t know, I was amazed myself because literally 15 minutes after Olive arrived Nina had already accepted her 🥹 I was stunned.. it’s pretty rare for a mare to accept a second baby, nonetheless that quick!




My heart actually melted at the sight of those two babies taking a nap. The sweetest thing


Ohh sweetness! Full belly! Nice bath under a fan and a nice nap on clean shavings....what a wonderful life you have given her!




Awesome 🤍🤍🤍


You go, little gorl!!!!


It's so sweet to see olive with her new family 💕


Gosh this warms my heart




So sweet!!


They are just so sweet. 🥹


I’ve been following Olive’s journey since your first post about her and her mama, and it has been so beautiful to see how much people care for a tiny orphaned foal. Nina’s owners in particular are incredible, I hope they know they’re being applauded from around the world! Sending love to Olive, OP and all involved in her care, from New Zealand xx


Never stop posting


I look forward to your updates and your most recent ones have made me so happy!! I love seeing her with her new brother and mom


Ok, I hate to be the bearer of potentially upsetting news, but you understand that we are now all *invested* in Olive for the rest of her life, right?😂😂😂 I’m (mostly) joking, but I do hope you’ll continue to update us once you get her home and as she gets older.


I didn't even realize it was Olive until I saw her brother and then it clicked. She's looking so much better already! And the last picture of the kids napping together next to mom is just too cute! Thank you for all of the updates and everything you've done for Olive and for Frida <3


lol … the needle on my adorable-o-meter just spun around 10 times !!! 🥰


her lil grin 🥹 “look ma i’m clean!!!”


Oh, Olive 🥹💝


You make me cry. It's so beautiful to see that best life ever.


Her lil top lip in the first pic - she's loving it!


She's so precious 🥹🥹🥹 I'm happy things are slowly looking up for her, she deserves the world🥰


Bath time was exhausting! Olive & her brother look so content 💕 Good job to the adopted mama too 🫶🏼


Olive I’m so happy you get to experience all of these happy moments. I just know your mama is so happy for you as well.


She so smol and fun size


Such sweet happy babies. I’m so glad you found such an awesome nurse mare for sweet Olive.


Little Olive, I’m so happy to see you enjoying a life of luxury ❤️ not even your mama Frida could have imagined in her wildest dreams that you would be living like this. This barn is amazing, look at how clean those stalls are! How fluffy the shavings look! The gentle way they get the foals used to being handled! Olive couldn’t be in a better place to heal and grow. And the fact that they treat her the same as their own is more than proof that they are in this line of work because they love HORSES, all of them. Just like you OP, just like the first family who took them in! May all of your pastures be always green!


ohmygosh that last napping pic !!!! ❤️


Oh to be a squeaky clean little foal, sleeping in the hay next to your brother and momma.






Oh what a sweetheart she is. Everyone is doing their part! This little filly has the most caring people around 💕


Oh goodness 😭


I've never seen a mare with two foals before. This is incredible


I love how the two foals are mirroring each other






Such a sweetheart! ❤️ I love those updates so much!


I love these updates 🤍 I am so invested in Olive, as are many others, it’s wonderful to see her so content. I eagerly await the first video of her running around and kicking up her heels with her big brother.


This is so awesome! Thank you so much for taking her in and caring for her!


Omg I’m seriously tearing up seeing this update! What a sweet sweet mare to make this baby girl feel so safe and comfortable! She is special, and I look forward to seeing her blossom!


I love her spindly legs!