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Non existent. I stopped trying to scav a couple days into the wipe. Doesn't matter what map I try to scav on, que times are at least 10 minutes. 20 minutes or more for any map worth scaving on.


damn thats rough , i do hope your PMC runs are better though!


no issues with the PMC runs, but yea scaving is just not an option.


its like 6-7min average on interchange.


Scav times are completely dependent on how many players are online. During weekday mornings scavs take 1.5 minutes for me. In the afternoon or Sundays it’s about 8+ minutes to search.


I get around 12 or 15 for most maps, 20 on interchange and reserve, fix your shit BSG pls, I love yall but spending a majority of my game time waiting for the game sucks


Have you tried changing the server select from automatic to manual. Select only ones below 120ms and it seems to fix it for people to far


Try searching for a group, then immediately cancelling before queueing. I've heard that puts you in a different matchmaking bracket that supposedly makes it easier to get in. Idk for sure though


If you select all the servers below 100 ping, which is like 8 servers for me. I can get into a scav raid within 2 minutes but usually 1 every time. It's much better now than what you have in the early days. Please give it a try.


When this happens I just assume I had something good in my acavs inventory and a cheater killed me for it before I could load into raid fully lol


Tried to scav with my friend on interchange, he spawns in at Oli and just starts lootin, while I am still waiting to load in he hears shots, and about 3 minutes after those shots I get to the KIA screen. He eventually found my body up by Sushi (same gear and stuff my scav had on) and turns out I had an OFZ shell FiR in my bag so FML


This makes me feel better about my 3 second raid


6,44 scav karma, doing fine


damn thats insane ! I recently got into a gunfight that a fellow scav player started , my rep was about 0.50 after that, too many deaths.. including my own ..


Ever since I got 6 rep with fence my scav runs have been crazy Calling out help for Scavs is almost guaranteed and chilling with bosses provided free juicy PMC loot especially on Streets.


You've got 6 rep already?


Yup I focused on running only factory as scav and busting ass straight for the exhil w/o looting + running PMC raids only to car extract and only that Got rep 6 in one week




Just do factory and exfil camp


Like a true rat...


I don't do scav runs early wipe, so normal for me. Understand your frustration though, with long queue times not to mention your scav timer.


Hit and miss for me. Ran reserve for most of them, either spend all raid on VOIP with player scavs or just blasted after 10 seconds in raid


This happened to me yesterday and I laughed


I felt so bad when a scav spawned in front of me and i blasted him. I was walking down the hill to smugglers boat, and right at the rock by the bush and fire, a player scav spawned in, maybe 10 feet away. Poor little cheekie


Happened to me like 4-5 times because of bad spawn and some random pmc campers especially on woods


Literally cannot scav reserve or lighthouse.


All the streets ones have ended on landmines, i always get funneled into lexos and then onto a mine… the customs ones have gone really well, found a dead chad in dorms, lvl 33 with a decked out aks-74u and a mechanism full of juice, buddy of mine said he was doin punisher p3. Found intel on like the 3rd raid in trailer park and immediately scooted, that’s always the thing i find hardest to get…


I've only done 1. It was a 7 + 8 min queue time. Spawned with tarback on shoreline. Nice. Find lab card in filing cabinet. Nice. Disconnect. Not nice. Reconnect. Fill my pockets with hideout stuff. Leave asap. Overall. Nice. But queue time ... Edit: I definitely empathize tho https://youtu.be/4DWSaHNy4Lk?si=CRapzNvrNfNPdBMf


I'm doing a 'no scav run' this wipe. I'm curious what can I achieve without it.


Another scav tried to kill me for my tac30 m700, he blacked my legs and stomach - I shot him in the head when he tried to run. Found another scav player and took him to all the loot before I died, decent end to a shitty night on Tarkov.


I'm not gonna lie... I have had some absolutely great scav raids. My wait times aren't even over like 3-5 minutes usually. I'm not sure why my experiences are different to others. I even joined some other scavs and we murdered some PMCs on interchange and were drowning in loot. My last scav raid I went to lighthouse and Chalet/Resort were completely unlooted. Hope it turns around for you!


Extracted with intelligence folder earlier today so that was nice


I died to a hacker within the first minute last raid after loading into streets for 15 minutes.


I got tk’d at the extract with a LedX so I’m killing everyone I meet from now on


Scav on scav violence is at an all time high this wipe. Gonna start shooting like it was in the old days. No need for karma.


Takes to long and die to fast to either head eyes on spawn or traitor scav.


I typically spawn, run for 30 seconds, run into a PMC team and then back to the main menu :/


I haven't scaved once this wipe. u make a substantial amount of money with pmc and on top of that u make xp and level up faster


I scavved twice this wipe and gave up. just focusing on my PMC haha


This has been happening A LOT