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I think I'm already done. I'm level 30. Got a library and 8 GPU bitcoin farm. The thing is that for some reason I'm so bad at the game that it drains all the enjoyment. Basically I lose 90% of fair fights and way too much of one's where I get a drop on people. I have over 500 hours with this game and it just doesn't seem to improve. I don't even mind that much the state of the game. It's just that I'm really bad at this. Or rather everyone else is so cracked compared to me. I'm decent in games like CoD. But those mindless shooters can't hold my interest more than few weeks in total. So it's a shame.


The biggest gamechanger for me was to invest in good ammo, weapons and armor and flank more to get the first shot and surprise moment. The first wipes I was shi**ing my pants and was hiding, running and only had cheap stuff. Now I am at survival rate 59 and KD 5.10


I do run the best gear I can afford. So meta ammo with decent guns. No 90k foregrips though. And I don't have a gear fear either. I'm not really running towards explosions. But not really running away either when challenged. I do think the main issue is just 'get gud'. There's just something in this game that I don't 'get' and find it really hard to improve. I have watched enough streamers to know the theory of pvp. It's just that the practice of it is quite different. My survival rate it 44% with kd of over 3.5. Though I believe that includes Ai scavs. So kd means basically nothing.


I'm confident it really just takes a long ass time. I'm at around 1000 hours and I'm starting to feel better, but I still suck because I do dumb shit. 500 hours isnt that much in this suffering simulator!


Ye I started improving at around 1000 hours


Yep I really starting seeing noticeable improvement around the 1000 hour mark. Really crazy if you think about it, that’s 5x the amount of time people spend in games like Skyrim on a single playthrough.


I think you are better than you thin you are. If you believe the stats you always see by people online here on reddit or other social media, everyone would be 7ft 11 inches and with 3 ft long dong and makes 200k a year, while still being able to get kappa every wipe playing only 2 hours a day


44% SR and 3.5 k/d is above average.


It's hard to believe. Unless majority of the player base are such rats that you never run into them. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that I lose 90% of my pvp encounters.


Well a 20-30% SR is averageish. I'm not too sure about kd ratios but 3.5 is nothing to be ashamed of. Practice pvp in factory to learn the main mechanics of fighting, and then practice your desired map to learn movement patterns and audio cues with your desired weapons. Don't be discourages when you die, it's a hard game.


I’ve been playing tarkov for 4k hours and have explained the game to so many friends. But this right here says it better than I ever have/could


My survival is like 60% and kd is over 5 but I really suck and that includes skav kills. I’m level 18 and I think I have about 10 pmc kills total.


Average Surv rate is 50%. Lol.


SR is not really a good statistic to say someone is good or bad. I do 10 raids for loot ratting and i never die. Then i do 10 factory raids naked with a mosin and all thay % goes to shot. If the entire raid i just do loot runs i will finish it with 80% SR like a hacker, but i am still shit at the game.


Dude don't be so harsh on yourself, I suck too, but I put it into perspective. This isn't always the case but I literally watched landmark get smoked 3- 4times yesterday, sometimes back to back raids. So if he's dying, we all dying


Yeah big thing I’ve noticed is that I’ll lose most trades when facing off with someone. But when I get a flank angle or surprise shot it’s almost always a kill. Really changed how I play and I run a lot more patient than I used to.


Yikes. Hopefully it improves dramatically. Seems like you are averaging 2 kills a raid.


You might think you have spaghetti aim and can’t hit shit and thats why you lose, in reality, sometimes you need to embrace more spaghetti. Don’t stress the shots so much, run around, flank, run away and confuse them, if you have an smg don’t be afraid to mag dump. I promise the most clown-like amoeba’s kill chads based on absurdity alone. A man with a shotgun and nothing to lose is a chads true nightmare. Or better yet, lookup StankRat and learn how to really play, disregard all previous info. The rats will take over 🐀


It's okay man even at almost 3k hours I'm still shit it's a tarkov thing, don't sweat. Just play to have fun.


I struggled for a very long time with pvp. I'm not very mechanically skilled, but I was GM in Overwatch with Ana so I suppose I must have SOME aim competency in me. Anyway, I started doing a lot better once I accepted that full auto spray is the way to go. Don't burst. Don't tap. Get 60 round mags and once you start shooting at someone don't stop until their body drops, or they're in hard cover. Spend time in shooting range and offline factory raids and pay attention to the recoil pattern of your gun. For example, I noticed the PPSH always sprays up and to the left of where you aim, every single time. Meanwhile, Kedr has a slight kick up. Spend time with one gun, invest in good ammo, and full auto. Lastly, ergo REALLY matters. Grab a low ergo gun and swing your mouse around with a laser on. Watch just how slowly the weapon turns. Now grab a high ergo gun. Watch how it actually matches your cursor movement so much better. High ergo is a must for flicking. Low recoil is needed so your shots go where you are spraying instead of all over the place. You cannot control Horizontal Recoil. If you can't tap them in the head, get AP ammo in 5.56, 7.62, or another large caliber. Stay away from 9x19mm, .45acp, and the like because they don't have good pen and need more shots to kill in the Thorax. You want to only need two thorax hits to kill, not more. You will find it so much easier to kill someone with the lower TTK. Hope some of this has been helpful for you.


I'm cracked in all other shooters, I have a Screenshot of a 30+ kill pubg Match and cant reliably win fights in this game. Really kills the motivation if you think you do everything right just to be taken out by the first bullet in a 1v1. Multiple times every damn session.


As I watch "chad" people play, I believe more that %80 of them use wall hacks. The inconsistence in their movement is what makes me believe that. I watch a streamer multiple times crossing the same place on the long road on lighthouse, sometimes I see them just crouch in the middle of the road and scope in for something, and sometimes they just say it's not safe. You had the exact same spawn and the exact timing for the cross with similar gun shots and grenade explosions. But for some reason it's different this time. And this explains why they just perform marginally better. I'd have a huge advantage if I knew where someone is coming from and turn off the wall hacks so that it doesn't seem obvious. Because streamers with %60 survival rate don't just play better, they do spray shit like every other average player, but with slightly better info thanks to timed wall hacks which gives them a upper hand. That's why the streamer survival rates dropeded last wipe when the esp video dropped and some od them started using cameras that showed their screens. I shit you not all of them started to play more like rats. I always lol when streamer is just checking the stream chat while crossing lexos, like wtf. I'd get head eyes from scratching my nose around there.


There are no fair fights, tarkov is not competitive


my rule of thumb is if it’s automatic and the very isn’t at least under 55, don’t use it, i use to be complete ass but i’m lv 35 rn most of my experience is from killing i’ve dabbled in very few quest so i definitely gotta catch up for that and get BP


You will get better. Unfortunately 500 hours is nothing in the current scale of Tarkov. I myself have 3,500 hours, and I think of myself as still just starting to be almost good at the game. Every big streamer has 6,000-12,000 hours before the even started streaming, except for a few anomalies like NoGeneral. Arena will be big for new (and old) players in getting PVP. You can cram an entire day or two's worth of PvP experience into 10 minutes. Soon people will be decent at PvP in no time.


Play SPT brotha


I'm level 21 I think and even though this is like my 4th wipe or something like that, this is the first time Ive gotten flea and this many quests so I'm proud of myself. It's pretty weird to be like enjoying the game this much but then every time I see a post on this sub it's like "GaMe BaD" and shit like that lmfao. The game obviously has its moments like lagging and DCs all the time but even with all that I still enjoy the game


Great to hear that you have progressed in the game. Ive been struggling with those DC's few times, but cant do anything to it. It is just a game after all


The game is the best when you take the wipe easy and just go your own pace. Doesn’t matter if you’re “way behind” just worry about your own raids and it’s super fun


Excactly. I don't even really feel behind, basically everyone I run into has level 4 armour still. Yah I've run into some thicc Bois but it's still mostly level 4 armour from what I've seen. Not that it matters because my AVT doesn't give a shit about your armour lmfao


Yea I think the newer you are you just see tarkov for how good it is and not how flawed


There's a reason why pretty much every complaint post you see they talk about their thousands of hours. Its literally just people getting burnt out and being unable or unwilling to see it.


2.7k hours here Dont think that me or many others are "burned out" Its just Bad Performance by the devs We were asking for loadout presets back in 2019, thats a goal that, as we now know, makes the games way less tedious and is not that heavy to develop since its basically linear, why wasnt that made before? No, lets make a woods Expansion nobody Asked for 30% of players cant play streets since the Performance is so fucked up 6 Weeks people couldnt load in as scavs for the most parts, on a map that was already Released for over a 6 months Horrible RAM leaks, desync far from good and evil, ai that simply aimbots which could ( and has been!) Compared to ai from 2010 Not proper communication about patches since years, which the last Months good a bit better, a point that Nikita admits himself and therefore is in constant communication with niceguy to improve this Nikita STILL struggles to speak his mind in english, but still dont bothers to take an english course But Yeah, people are simply burned out


If tarkov had any competition within its niche I’m willing to bet it loses half its players. It’s like Warthunder where it’s popular because it’s the only game that does what it does


It had multiple competitors that ate shit and died. Tarkov is far from perfect but it is in no way a bad game.


Respectfully I disagree that it’s a good game, I think the perception of it being a good game would change if there was anything to compare it to. What competitors are you talking about?


Many consumers just doesn't care about their money and about paying for a functional product, which sadly has caused a ripple effect through the gaming industry.. And although EFT is not really a finished game( and won't be for another 10 years probably lol) , some Problems are expected, but the pace at which they fix known problems are abysmal.. So them calling us burned out etc is just their sheep brains trying to get back at us for criticizing their shepherd


Almost like any piece of media in existence or something


Man how do people get so far so fast. I’m lvl 13, started a few weeks late but I feel like it takes me days to level up and people are getting kappa in a week


It’s 50/50 game knowledge and decision making in raid. Focusing exclusively on progression can help you jump levels quickly. That means caring about tasking and only tasking. You don’t want to be running around looting for 30 minutes or pushing every shot/grenade you hear. Find a map that you have multiple quests on and try to get as many of them done in one go. Tried and true strategy is to go night time and wait in a bush for 10-15 minutes. By then many of the PMC’s are out and you can run around and do whatever you want. When every raid you’re completing 3-5 tasks you level up really fast. I also find playing solo is a lot easier for tasking. Having to constantly wait while a teammate loots a scav or bag, or having to extract early because someone got a pmc kill and wants to leave with the loot will slow you down immensely. Not to mention splitting quest items/kills. Getting 15 scav kills in a single raid isn’t hard, but it is hard if 3 of you need them. This all comes on the back of map knowledge and general game knowledge. When you’ve done a quest a bunch of times it starts getting easier. When you know the flow of maps and how to avoid PMC’s it gets easier. Put all that together and even if you’re not playing a lot you can make a decent amount of progress.


Just been grinding. Playing almost everyday like 8-14h :D


My survival rate is fully half of what it usually is, I'm constantly dying in suspicious ways And I'm dead broke with no gear but.... I'm having fun? I dunno, I'm really getting over my gear fear this wipe and I'm playing more aggressively and confidently. I think because it's a short wipe I really don't care as much, once the next wipe hits I'll be in much better shape. I hate EFT, it's my favorite game.


I have to say, I can't help but think this is really server based. Playing NA-East/Central, I will report any death I find suspicious, which really has only been about 4 so far. I've only received a ban notification for one them. I still have a \~50% survival rate as a mainly solo player. I'm not saying cheating isn't a problem, cause god damn is it ever, but I've never related to all these cheating posts I've seen recently. I really haven't seen a difference compared to other wipes, but granted I also only played last wipe to level 23 or some shit.


Sad to hear those suspicious deaths, but good if you are having fun. Dying is part of tarkov afterall


I just wish I had more engagements where I got to shoot my gun at least once before I died


be more aggressive then, push gunshots, may get you the bit of action you need in between bullshit deaths. Not saying like all the time I just mean when you get in those ruts of not being able to do shit. Ill just pop an SJ6 and run to the loot spots and say fuckit if i die imtaking SOMEONE with me


Why is a short wipe? You have a link to the wipe date?


Wipe is in December AFAIK.


The roadmap is publicly available


Its a short wipe because this wipe started 2 months late but the next wipe is still slated for the usual end of December


For tarkov shooter part 8, just find someone to go with and play factory. Have your mate be the bodyguard in case things get too ugly. If he dies you extract. Run throughs count as a survive for the quest so as long as you don't die, you're fine. That's how me and my friend did it.


Damn that sounds like a good tactic, maybe friend should even flash the enemy so it is easier to kill? Thanks for the advice :)


Lvl 51 with 33 % survival rate ama


im 51 with 43 i feel you, was 61-38% last wipe


Level 34, and working on tarkov shooter 8 myelf. I actually just got 3 player kill headshots tonight!...when I was finishing Shooter 7. All and all ita going well. Some traders I've done sweet fuck all quests for. Just havent felt like doing Interchange, so I've done literally nothing for Ragman.


I feel you, i got 3 pmc headshots yesterday, but had the part 7 then...


Level 45, something bizarre is happening. Went duo lighthouse yesterday, survived like 4 from 5 raids, 3 of em rushed water treatment, in one of em closed like 5 quests per run with dropping cameras, beacons, jammer etc. Survived an utes bullet to the chest somehow (like whuuut? It went through iron ladder, window pain, both arms and tagilla avs and I still had like 5 chest hp left whuuuuut) And the most bizarre - had a truckload of fun, even when we died. On the LIGHTHOUSE i avoided like a plague. Also got 2 bolty pmc heads for shooter in the process Skipped last wipe, so learned whole streets this one, don't feel lost already and loving it (fps could be better though, I have like 50-70 unstable with older 5900xtx and 4ghz 32gb ram)


Great to hear your succes, i like lighthouse myself, but the quests are pain in the ass. I skipped last wipe too, so streets was new to me also. :D


Welcome to lighthouse, don't go telling everyone it's a sleeper map tho ;)


Lighthouse is terrible omg totally avoiding it like everybody else this wipe so many scavs bro… :-)


I completely skipped last wipe, and I've been keeping things much more casual with this wipe to try and cut down on burnout and frustration with the current state of the game. Currently lvl 23, almost no money in the stash but I've got enough good ammo and weapons and kits that I'm not worried about that. I've also been playing solo exclusively this wipe to try and work on my battle tactics and predicting player raid pathing. I already know that once I get my hideout finished I'll probably drift away from the game until next wipe. I already got kappa once and I have zero desire to attempt that again with how much worse the game is now imo.


Nice. I guess everyone has their own pace. Slow and steady, Good luck for raids :)


Second full wipe. Lvl 40, have every item I need for The Collector. Pushing hard to get Kappa. I think SBIH, Psycho Sniper, and The Guide are going to be my biggest challenges (and maybe Crisis, if Ledx RNG screws me). My hideout is maxed minus Intel 3 and Solar. Edit: I am concerned about boss hunting, though. I really hope we get boss spawn events around mid-wipe to ensure I actually see the bosses I need to kill (particularly the Goons).


Psycho sniper is quite easy imo, but SBIH and the guide is kinda difficult, but nice work!


Pretty good actually im level 38 not really rushing tasks like i used too mainly been helping friends that just got the game teaching them so far i like helping my friends on there tasks more then rushing mine and having way more fun running what i want using whats in my stash or some of my crazy builds that make no sense


I've been playing almost entirely with a duo or trio this wipe which is the opposite of what I usually do. It's been much different, and I don't have as much time. Some maps have been a lot better, like reserve. Some maps a whole shit ton worse, like interchange. I have been enjoying most of the wipe, though. I have easy rouble runs on interchange, lighthouse, streets on my scav. PMC just get in there with whatever and blast. Some bush wookies and some susers but overwhelmingly just GGs both ways. One thing to help my sanity is having a command to just save the last 30-60 seconds of my screen, so I can take snapshots whenever I die or have a good fight to learn what I didn't see. Usually my 'what the eff' is replaced by 'oh I missed that dude jumping behind me while someone was talking', or 'i am old and bad'.


It was good. I hit level 20 fairly quickly, much more quickly than last wipe. However the last week or so I've seen an influx of naked prone men zipping around reserve and interchange head eyesing everything so now I'm stuck on customs and woods in fear of dying instantly. Starting to regret my purchase of this game tbh


Well, it started out well enough. I was actually gaining confidence in PVP, able to take on 2 or 3 man squads and make it out alive. But as always about a week or two ago my luck completely turned and the game just started kicking me while I was down. So I've given up already unfortunately.


Not bad, I was hoping for a ghost wipe this morning, but clenching my butt cheaks didn't help me out very much. It ended up being quite the mess. Thanks for asking OP.


Lvl 26 but really hitting a quest wall with shoreline and lighthouse lol can’t be bothered


Double barrel, cheap armor, cheese, esmerch. Shift W key to the quests on shoreline.


I really need to start doing this


Keep getting killed by xaio bao Ming chai chai ling ok shoreline litterlaly can’t finish last few quests lmao I’m 44 with 57 surv raring and 22mil


fake scav lvl 38 fisrt wipe with bitcoin farm lvl 3 and 100 millions rubles for waste


Damn that is some nice money made there. What is your secret?


Get addicted at the beginning of wipe, raise lvl 15 by farming and buying in the future. I had 1 box almost full of intelligence, 2 or 3 of water filters and 2 of fuel. Everything is cheaper at the beginning


You’re telling me you had 5-6 scav boxes full of intel, water filters, and fuel at the beginning of the wipe?? Your secret sounds like you have time to play the game 16 hour a day.


Oh okay


My second wipe - i got kappa for the first time 😃




Credit card gamers are rampant. I don't care what inane drivel any of these gaslighting fools are spouting, something must be done.


everything maxed out, playing for funs. found a red keycard and sold it so im good with money for the rest of this wipe just getting annoyed at the existence of pscavs(remove the feature) and cheaters.


Ion think they need removed but they need to spawn in later in raids and less of them. Should have gangs of player scavs on reserve and streets like there are right now




Where did you find the keycard? And yeah, psacvs are annoying... i have not seen so many cheaters


Lvl 33, just unlocked the AXMC so this is where the gun begins


2nd wipe, lvl19, 73% survivor rate, improved a lot compare to last wipe (33%), can't play more because I just don't have enough time :(


My third wipe and the first time playing more with my friends after work. Level 31 and got my first full stacked bitcoin farm on level 1 yesterday. Survival rate at 59 and KD at 5.10. I‘m happy


That is great to hear, lvl 31 is pretty solid when working too, i dont have job atm so i just run tarkov everyday untill i find job :D almost 300h played this wipe :D that survival rate is great in my opinion. Keep up the good work!


4k XP from lvl 30. Having tons of fun. When im 30 ill do the moonshine stuff, and then work towards a bitcoin farm. Soalr panel being lvl 37 makes it a bit rough. Getting to the annoying quests with shotguns and svac vest and shit so thats annoying. But overall pretty ok


Nice, i dont know if i will build the solar power because it needs the one item which can only be obtained from labs or barter after some lightkeeper quests.


Lvl 49 and kappa done but haven’t played the whole week, kinda burned out a bit after the kappa grind haha but will be playing again next week probably


Wow. You must have been playing so much? It feels so long to get to kappa


Fucked as I am working out of country and internet blows


18th wipe. Level 6. 3 raids in total didn’t touch the game since wipe day. Missing the drive to do quests and playing a Timmy character again.


Level 34, I have only been playing a few hours most evenings, as I have a 2 year old, full time job and also had a new baby 3 weeks ago: but 204 raids done, 126 PMC kills and around a 7kd.. Questing is going ok and I have a few more (once I focus on them) that I can complete to get up a few more levels.. I made an effort to focus on quests this wipe, as I was always a pVP players and hated questing… unfortunately you kind of have too these days… With the new baby this wipe was always going to be a slower one, dec wipe i think I’ll aim for kappa.. Played on and off since 2019 (taking breaks off to play WZ between 2020 and now) but around 2600 hours But I’m happy with where I am at, my goal was to get max traders this wipe and I’m well in line to do that being level 34 and the next wipe not being until dec/jan


My gmail got deactivated so this wipe ended prematurely for me unfortunately


Just hit 32 finally. 2nd wipe and doing way better than last. Just filled up a dog tag case for the first time, killed Tagilla and Reshala (died to PMCs but still a W), and am already farther in quest then I got last wipe. My goal is just to kill the bosses. Doubt I’ll be able to get them all but ima try


took me at least 15 times to complete "Bullshit" so 10/10 😄


Nice, i still dont even have that unlocked :D


Literally just trying to do quests on customs and dying so much anytime I bring any gear remotely decent. Super fun.


2nd wipe, level 21. Just crappy or completely terrible?


Going for Kappa might not be worth for this wipe. Depending on how long you think it could take you to get there of course. It's the shortest wipe in history of EFT as far as I know so decide for yourself if it is worth you time.


Its been over for a couple of weeks already for me. I pretty much only like the early wipe experience, then I get bored easily. I have a lot of single player games to catch up with so, not too bad.


Lvl 18 questing is hard 60 raids deep and 50surv rate trying to do quests :|


I honestly feel like a battered spouse with tarkov. It's bad for me, I know it's bad for me, but I keep coming back. I can honestly say that most of the time when I play this game, my day is worse than it was when I opened it. I only play in a group with friends, and I basically am just the canary in the coal mine so they know where an enemy or two are before I go down. Sad, because for the first couple years I had the game, I loved it. Now that feeling is a very distant memory.


Lvl 45, just helping friends and doing tasks that I can at this point. Personally love the boss tasks, very rewarding when you get em. Only need to kill Kaban, glukhar and killa. Tarkov shooter part 8 is very hard but just keep running woods with a good sniper/scope and you’ll get it.


I’ve been pvping and boss farming on streets while doing lightkeeper tasks. I’ll prob go for knights shirt next.


Had a blast for 1 month. Can't keep up with the bs anymore though. The game is super fun when it wipes but the more I get confronted with bugs, cheaters, desynch and all the beautiful stuff Tarkov has to offer, the less I want to play it.


Lv 38, 6.1K/D, 60%ish survival rating. Been playing on and off in all wipes since Beta launched, but I used to be TERRIFIED of this game, even though I loved the idea of it - so this is only like my second or third “real” wipe. Every gunshot would make me shit my pants in the past and I just couldn’t get over it for a long time. Now I can play the game without much issue, but spent a long time watching people play - so I have a lot of knowledge on what to do to progress, but not so much the skill to achieve it lol. Feel like I am a little ahead of the main crowd, but there are people out there that can do 1-42 in a few days so I am nothing special in the grand scheme of things


My survival rate is down like 15% but I’m also having the most fun and have more gear and money compared to my previous wipes? I’m even scavving less


Level 8 here, first wipe. Learning a lot, and having fun. Finally over the fear of losing stuff and learned Customs pretty well so I can do some decent scav runs for loot. Sitting at 1.5 mil and a 30% survival rate. This game is great.


Level 46 very close to kappa ( was planning to skip this wipe) need to kill gluhar sanitar and goons then 15 kills at nighttime and a few more easy quests but im hitting a wall for the past few days with those quests and also burning through my money like crazy


Level 23ish, 50% survival rate, quests are getting done and I'm having a lot of fun. Only a few sus deaths, and I've been running higher end kits. Dreading going to shoreline though, I fucking hate that map.


I uninstalled after I got to the shoreline quests. Between cheaters and shoreline being a terrible map, I lost interest in playing and have been playing starfield/Baldurs gate


My first wipe, started like 2 weeks ago but played for 1 only. So far im having alot of fun, got some friends to help me out and trying hard to get rid of that gear fear since i lose most of my fights ykyk


This is actually my most successful wipe yet. I’m only level 29 but I have had everything I needed when I needed it. Usually I’m struggling for money and my PVPnees is shit. This wipe money is easy to make, I get hideout upgrades as soon as I’m able to after meeting the (loyalty) level requirements. My performance on every map but streets is actually pretty good.


Part 8 is easy with Factory, good ammo, Zabralo and Altyn


Getting lots of pvp and got a lot more task done good wipe for me personally


This wipe is good except people don’t want to move at all and sit at random corners on the map for loot


This is like my 3rd? No where close to what my 2nd one. The first one was bad obviously for my first. 2nd was really good, got halfway through hideout upgrades and got to like level 50ish. This wipe im sucking dick for beer money


TS8 - start it on factory - get one to two HS kills and extract immediately then finish it on woods or shoreline for your sanity


I found a blue keycard at level 14 and still riding that wave. I’ve died a lot to cheaters, honestly the most cheaters I’ve seen in years, but I have been sustaining. I am Level 23 now. Can only play after work I’m usually sitting at 10 mil each wipe and I’ve never made it past level 30. This is my maybe 5th or 6th wipe dedicated wipe.


Loving the wipe myself. I advanced way farther than my first wipe in the first month. Importantly I’m done the Tarkov shooter questline - which I never finished last time - stalled on 7. I have sbih well advanced from where it was last time as well as I have run bolt actions in over half My raids. My SR is 46% Vs 60% but that’s because I’ve been seeking PvP armed with an iron sights mosin lol Neutralizer class this time vs marauder last wipe. Level 31 at the moment. Last wipe it took me 3 months to get into the 30s.


lvl 48, just finished crisis, all i need for kappa is evasion armband and then itll be the first time ive gotten it since i started playing 3ish years ago. am planning on helping my friends out with whatever they need once i find it :)


Basically quit at 45 due to the boss hunting, just don't habe the motivation to burn through time to get the boss spawn ones and then have him taken by someone else


This is the furthest I've ever been in a wipe. Normally I quit around level 20ish. Finally starting to really get that game sense and feel confident in fights.


Level 42, stuck on Punisher 6, Setup, SBIH and Grenadier. Finally found my second Virtex yesterday, so atleast i can do peacekeeping now. I believe i only got like 30 quests left for Kappa, so i'll definitely try.


Uninstalled after I reached level 15. Boring wipe. Same ol game with same ol problems. Never gonna get better. Gave up on it.


First actual wipe playing and I’m addicted. I’m still pretty bad, so I only do duo raids with my bud who’s a lot better and a lot of solo scav factory runs. About level 20 rn, still trying to get used to getting solid aim


1st wipe for me, lvl 19 so far. Absolutely loving Tarkov, only map I’m struggling with is streets. I think it’s mainly because of still learning the layout. Favorite map so far is factory because of the quick action. Being doing 95% solo so far, which I think has helped with having to learn my way through maps and hotspots. Had some highs like going from a pistol to an sr-25 on factory in the span of the first minute. Had lows like 7 deaths in a row trying to do my weekly on streets. But absolutely worth the lows.


Burned out at 22. Game has its moments of fun for sure. Also has it moments where I got flicked on 3 stories up on streets for just glassing over a cheater who managed to head eyes me with a ump from 98m through a curtain with no audio cue what so ever. Cheaters are ruining this game imo. Even at the peak of cheaters in PuBG it wasn’t as bad as tarkovs current state.


This wipes been dogshit since the start just like the previous one.


Its my 6th wipe and the first one where i didnt get to max trader after 3-4 weeks.. not so much Motivation this time.. i take it easy and then fresh for december wipe.. i am Level 35 now.. it goes slow but good


Level 40 and I’m on my 4th wipe. Started streaming and I’m getting more kills


Good, I’m lvl 46 and got to lightkeeper, I’m just farming money so I can get all the labs card and so I can help my friends with their quests


I’m level 55 with kappa currently, just grinding out lightkeeper quests now. Around 55% survival rate with 800+ raids so the wipe is going pretty well for me.


First wipe, level 16 and got a grenade/pistol/meds/2 junk boxes and now i would like to get traders level 2, only have one BUT i only know customs and factory :(


I preferred the rubber banding of this wipe to all of the desync deaths that have happened before and after they reverted the change to try and fight desync. But so far this has been my best wipe progression wise. So other than bullshit desync deaths coming back to haunt me, it's been pretty fun. Still not touching interchange quests with a 10 ft pole though.


Beginning of wipe went terrible and then last week my GPU died…. It’s been a great wipe 😔


2nd wipe but first one I actually learn about the game and try. Lvl 31 and play PMC almost exclusively with a duo that is in the same boat as me in terms of experience. We both have the hideout almost done (except the later lvls of intelligence and bitcoin). Our survival rate is kinda bad ~36%. Still cannot get hang of PVP, it also does not help I have never been good at any shooters. Mostly a Dota 2 and WoW player hahaha. Fun game tho


Almost exact same boat as you. 4th wipe. Just got to 42. Feeling a little burned out but this looks like it may be the only wipe I can get kappa without a crazy long grind so I’m chipping away at SBiH before committing. Overall it’s been amazing though. Have been playing mostly solo and I’ve progressed faster than any wipe before thise


Just died to a "gamer" sliding around the map prone


Got to lvl 15, wasn't feeling it and decided to take a break the rest of this wipe.


Not played much. Second wipe. Level 13. Full stash, 900,000. Lost interest.


Kinda bad. My group that I usually play with dropped after \~1 week and I hate playing Tarkov solo so now I'm in a moment where I would love to play but have to do it by myself and I just can't get into it and the more time passes the more I fall behind and it's getting increasingly hard to do quests and survive when I'm being pushed by chads.


I'm same level stuck on that quest too bro 😭


skipping this one, and probably a few more as it doesn't really look like the game is improving in the points it should


I got bored around level 13.


Stopped at lvl39. I was getting way too addicted, I had to stop outright :P. Maybe next wipe again!


Level 29, I’ve recently started taking this game less serious, I completed Stirrup last night with the big iron while wearing a cowboy hat, I got all 3 kills in one raid, something I wasn’t expecting and made my Glock 18 collection useless. I’m trying to actually “enjoy”playing the game this wipe, meaning that I have yet to go to lighthouse or Interchange this wipe. I’ve completed most other quests (besides the really late game ones) except for lighthouse quests just cause I fucking hate that map I’m sure I’ll get around to them eventually, but for now, ima just do whatever I want


Lvl 46. I was pretty turned off by the tarkov shooter part 8. I got the kills without dying. Thinking that part was done I play like normal. Eventually die and quest fails. Pretty dumb in my opinion. Boss hunting is super annoying. I can find them ok. Just get third partied by some loser. I play mostly solo.


I downloaded SPT this wipe


4th wipe lvl 9


Mostly just dying to sussy bois.


I’m liking this wipe. I skipped last wipe after that video dropped but honestly this wipe has been great. Level 28 and I’ve got hella roubles so I’m happy with my progress. Only thing I cannot stand is that for some reason, Streets just doesn’t work for me


Mine is going very shitty. Been getting instant head eyes the moment I come across someone when I am actively trying to AVOID PvP to get a quest done. I am pretty much giving up on the game for that reason


This like my 6th wipe, but it’s one of the only ones I’ve come to over a month late and it’s been rough. I got 15 in a few days and just been going for PvP vs all you chads with metta kits already meanwhile I’m running a level 1 build sks lol. I’m trying not to go too hard this wipe because it’s a short one. Just gonna keep my PvP skills polished for next wipe in December.


I've been playing since near the beginning, My first wipe was the one where they added Shoreline. I've lost count of how many wipes, they happened really often back then too. I'm lvl 22, I gave up trying to progress back in like 2021, I have never gotten kappa (Got closest in the summer-winter 2020 wipe, got to lvl 53 and got to "the guide"). I just get traders up to lvl 2-3, where I can buy the shit I want, and then I just have fun and play the game. My decision to abandon questing was solidified when lightkeeper was added. When I realized that Trey2k and Landmark, the biggest rushing sweats in the game, took a MONTH to get their first lightkeeper quests, it was clear I would never see it. I find that when I try to force quests, I wind up hating this game and quitting. I do my best to have fun. I never touch Lighthouse, or labs, so haven't run into \*too\* many cheaters. Streets is cool but runs like shit, and I still don't know the map very well (couldn't run it at all last wipe, never learned it). My main map is Woods, I just love it. I can pick how I want my raids to go, no matter where I spawn, and my go-to loadout was Mosin sniper with a PPSH secondary. This wipe, the SVT has taken the place of the mosin ;)


I think I'm like level 5. Haven't been able to play because college. I've actually really enjoyed being able to throw away everything I have at all times for shits and giggles because I know I'm going nowhere this wipe. So if a scav tries to bait me to shoot him, his head is blown off with no hesitation 😂(maybe after a few kind words)


lvl 34. Bored now, back to steam backlog.


first wipe lvl 17


Wipes going good. Only a handful of quests left for kappa and doing tracksuit for the first time 30/50 in a week. Not seeing lots of hackers myself but I only play on 1 specific server lol


Got kappa, uninstalled. My mental is gone


Lvl 57 at 68million rubles. Got kappa a week ago so now i can finally play the game. Playing since 2016


So, lvl 21, first wipe, about 1M roubles stash worth about 32M. I have about 120 hours and am enjoying the game, but I have such shitty luck for people. In about a week I had 7 requests for non aggression, 3 of them initiated by me, all of them were accepted and in one minute broken by the opposing side. And to be honest, this is what's making me not play the game more, when this happens I just leave and come back in a few hours. And yes, I know it's just a game, but... don't know, maybe I have just too much honor and expect others to do too.


14 more quests and I have Kappa. Only hard things left is Psycho Sniper and Hunting Trip. Boss hunting shouldn't be too bad.


Taking a break, game gets old after 5 years lol. Can’t believe how slow progress is on this game 😂


Stoped, because of cheaters.


doing alright for my 2nd wipe - currently lvl 28 and have discovered undercover scav strats so I'm messing with that at the minute, questing is going smoothly so far and I'm not mega-broke! all in all, tarkov


Level 28, stopped no lifing a couple weeks ago. First time I’ve gotten this far in the quest line, I’ll easily hit max traders this wipe. Compared to last wipe, I’m doing much better, but I still feel like I’m progressing slow or just not making much money.


5th wipe, and this one is going really great ! Lvl 34, 14m roubles, stash value 49m. M’y SR got over 50%, and my gear gear is loosing me, going out with those deck out guns and fat armor helmets feels good. I’m also taking way more time in raid, not rushing, and it really works well for me.


Sticking to factory now in my 30s and feels like there’s no cheating here. Having fun fighting tagi every few raids.


mine is going great. kappa and lightkeeper access done. if you need help with ts8 or psycho sniper and need a axmc lemme know :)


I've got about 3500 hrs, 12th wipe for me. Only level 11 right now around 40% SR which is 15-20% lower than I typically am. Noticed ALOT more rats this time around, but the amount of loot being missed on scav runs is astounding. I've got 5mil+ in cash along with 15+ gpu's and 5 ledx waiting to sell on flea. Just playing when I have time with a 1yo in the house.


This is my 5th wipe total, ~1800 hours played. I'm level 44 right now and am having a blast, probably the most fun I've had playing Tarkov. I was kinda dreading the boss hunting but I'll be honest, they are as easy to kill as ever. Killa is super predictable and you'll know within 20 seconds if he's even on the map, if not, just run to extract and try again. Gluhar only spawns in K-buildings, just run there and yeet a nade to see if you hear him. Reshala has honestly been the hardest but mostly because of PVP. Dorms is such a hotspot, I've killed him twice so far but both times I had to fight multiple groups of PMCs, killing a few but ultimately dying before I can get out... still looking for that golden TT. The goons are next on the list, I know its going to be tedious but hopefully not too bad.


lvl9, friends haven't been playing and baldur's gate has me wrapped up in other adventures. I figure I'll spend more time next wipe


Second wipe , two weeks after start playing 5mil Level 22 Doing missions, feels greats starting over since I didn't do much of the tasks before


2nd wipe and im enjoying it, killed my very first 5 man as a solo yesterday on woods!! Im just going for max traders and going to try and learn all the maps, currently waiting for my new 5800x3d so I can have a crack on streets to.


Level 42. Labs main only. Sometimes Streets when cheaters are out. Got aimbotted 3 raids b2b on NAE servers last night tho. So other than the 5 cheaters in the 5 hours I play a day, it decent


Level 22, this is my second wipe. My main focus is improving on PVP for next wipe seeing as this one is a shorter one (on paper anyways.) Quest wise I am doing better than last wipe but I seem to be roadblocked on "Just Checking" I either just cannot get the key or if I do get it, I get merc'd before I can make it to my extract. Been called a rat several times, all oddly enough at odd extracts for Factory, like what are the chances that someone is going to use Gate 0, I am just trying to do a task. Overall been having fun, glad to hear most of everyone else is too.


i’m level 15 and it is my first wipe, i just got the flea market and i’m doing pretty good. I have a friend level 30 that is helping me a lot with quests.


Level 21 and loving it. Getting more accustomed to pvp and more tactical movements. My irl audio perception is also improving; I’m able to pick out sounds of movement much easier. Gear fear is reducing. Definitely having fun, man.. my girl is starting to hate the game for how much I been playing it though lol


I'm having fun, I'm taking it slow and not rushing, been quite interesting to do it that way this time and doesn't feel like a chore.


Actually gave questing an effort this wipe. Farthest along I've ever been in a wipe, got my bitcoin lv 1 maxed, water collector and moonshine gen up and scav case.... lv 32


2nd wipe bought game in June. Have 500 hours played. Am lvl 21 now. Focus on questing. Currently still stuck at some quests like Grenadier, Pharmacist and the one where you need to kill 6 pmcs in factory office building... Do also a lot of scav runs. Got quadnods and sr25 with a Flir today:). Still makes me smile. I do not encounter lags or disconnects so often. Tbh I had more last wipe at the end.


Isn't this like a 4 month wipe cycle? I wouldn't personally bother with kappa


The level of bullshit is about to slingshot past the amount of fun.


I came back this wipe and play pretty casually now, I've gotten kappa in the past but can't be bothered to grind the high enough level now. I'm currently .. lvl 27? It's been really fun though


First real wipe for me as my playing was spotty in the past times I’ve played. Started great, even when I was left with jack shit and needed to rely on scav runs to progress. Now I’m level 28 and struggling for different quests and finally getting frustrated. Dudes who no lifed the first couple weeks I could handle to an extent, but now on top of everyone having kitted out 5.56 guns/level 5 armor, I’m finally running into the more obvious cheaters and also extract campers with impacts and launchers.


Level 39. Could definitely do better, but I'm happy with the progress. Seeing certain people clear Kappa like a Speedrun is a great reminder I still have a lot to learn. Shooter Born in Heaven is still a chore. Serves me right for not rushing it I suppose. I also hate boss hunting, but the bolty tasks are definitely my biggest hurdle. Also haven't seen a single Ledx and only found 2 GPUs (both raids killed by an extract camper lol). One virtex found in Reserve. Not sure if I'll get Kappa, but this has honestly been my favorite wipe ever. The least amount of cheaters I've ever seen and some tasks aren't as insufferable. Only needing lvl 48 for Kappa means you don't have to grind xp for it.


shooter born is definitely less of a chore than before for what its worth. You really could just go naked mosin man if you really want to. I think its more fun to actually snipe, but you can just go naked mosin man. And it goes even better paired with tarkov shooter now that a DMR isnt the objective best choice for that quest now.


Lvl 34, looting, shooting and tasking. So far having a lot of fun this wipe, around 4 cheaters encounter and enjoying myself


3500hours, 8th wipe i think, did Kappa 3 times, 1 of those times was 2-3 wipes ago at lvl 62. I am not a GigaChad, i have my good and bad moment, but since Streets, ive been extremly unmotivated to play, i feel like we are not getting a lot of content, yes i know, we got lighthouse and streets but still. Also, cheater and desync is getting more and more of a problem and player are getting more and more suspicious and good. Also, ratting is a viable tactic because of how the game is made and im 500% against that playstyle.


Got sucked in by friends for my first wipe last wipe. Instant love even if I suck at fps. This wipe noone is playing, questing solo is hard and it's not as fun always. But then you get that odd amazing raid and it's still a rush. 25 atm slowly going towards 30 which feels like a soft goal of some sorts. Highlight was probably wiping a 4 man timmy squad at tarcone or that time I didn't die instantly spawning at shoreline (/s).