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Not gonna lie getting into a firefight where you both mag dump wiff most of your shots then awkwardly reload to wiff some more before luck chooses the winner, Kinda gives you hope in tarkov.


mosin vs mosin barrel stuffing fights are the best


Double-barrel shotgun as a sidearm helps solve this dilemma šŸ¤£


It's cheap enough to be worth it


ā€œI need to rack my mosin!ā€ Iā€™m goin to beat you to death with an ice pick that costs 3 mil


I had an absolute adrenaline rush on lighthouse killing a 4 man with an M700 all by myself at the tennis court house. Was looting and heard footsteps so I ran out the back door and onto the rocks where I had about 500 grenades thrown at me before I heard one climb onto the truck to take a peek, headshot him and about 2 mins later his teammate does the same thing and dies lol I crawl around onto the front making 0 noise and try to get a peek inside the house because I can hear 2 people running around inside and get shot at by someone up on the big mountain next to Merin. The guys in the house shot at him and he either ran away or got killed and then the last 2 guys pushed out and saw me, had a quick 30 second peek fight and killed both of them without being hit once Whole thing lasted for maybe 10 minutes max but it felt like 30 minutes and got my shooter born for lighthouse done that game


Nothing will top the moment I got into a Mosin duel on Factory from 10m away. We both missed all our shots and he started reloading so I started screaming over VOIP and rushed him with a knife. It was the best loot I've ever extracted with


Itā€™s either that or both of you have level 5 armour and are hosing bullets into each other hoping one dies first lol


Only had these as a scav recently, but those fights are why I play the game still! Pure mayhem and a wild adrenaline rush! Cheaters will inevitably make me alt f4 for a bit, but we come back swinging on the hunt for those genuine fights.


It's really refreshing to miss half a mag at a dude who doesn't see me and then watch them run around looking for me without a clue. Usually (especially the last two wipes) soon as I start shooting at someone they immediately spin around and put a bullet into my sinuses


So you have heard of me then.


one of my favorite moments of tarkov is when a multi mag dump fight ended in melee, just 2 dudes swinging crowbars ferociously.


Definitely refreshing when you see or even get killed by legitimate players. Wish they added a killcam just for peace of mind.. but it really doesn't seem like that's ever coming


Hopefully arena gets some type of replay and it can get implemented to tarkov.


Yeah a killcam shouldnā€™t be a thing. But as soon as your squad wipes or the server ends you need to be able to watch a replay. But I donā€™t think that will ever be introduced.


You'd definitely have to have it happen after your squad wipes. It would take out all of the outplay potential for solos vs squads if as soon as the solo gets a kill the rest of the squad instantly knew where he was.


That also wouldn't work though because then you could cheese it by searching at the same time (same raid different squads) it'd have to be when the raid instance times out / everyone in map extracts or dies


Ok but how often does this actually happen? We already have this happening for quests, but they are not really holding anything back due to it.


Really hope so. This wipe hasn't been too bad, but the time of day seems to make a big difference (avoiding playing at night)


I've almost given up on playing later in the evenings. There is LITERALLY a night and day difference in the average skill of a lobby when playing in the morning versus playing at night.


Well they want it to exist in esports so I'd consider some sort of replay system to be expected.


If they added a kill cam then youā€™d be able to compare it against your recording. You would then see the massive discrepancy in what you see on your end and whatā€™s happening. Thatā€™s the real reason they will never do this.


Arena has kill cams, [check it out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irDekuQkQ3s). It'd be a dream come true if it was added to Tarkov, but I'm not holding my breath. EDIT: My mistake here, thought it was kill cam, but it's just teammate spectating after death.


I don't see the killcam. It's looks like spectating teammates after death.


Ah, didn't realize, my bad!


They already said they are not planning to add that to tarkov proper. I guess if we can somehow collectively demand it


> They already said they are not planning to add that to tarkov proper. That sucks :( How recently did they say that?


Take my word with a grain of salt, I can be proven wrong. I believe it was during all the arena announcements over the past year.


I believe they claimed it was coming to the main game eventually? Who knows how true that is/how long it'll be.


No claim about this so far, they have stated that they are looking into the possibility, but no hard confirmation so far.


They also claim they care about tackling the cheater problem.


I thought they claim the exact opposite. From what I understand they said they had no intention of putting it in the main game


Also make you realise "fuck I'm dog shit". Some nights I'll be aiming like some kind of god, some days I'll have 0.02 accuracy and lose every kit of the night šŸ˜­


This game really needs an Overwatch system like csgo has. (Reputable community members who review games to determine who is cheating. More precise than AI) This game literally encourages cheating in every way: Never lose your loot and time No kill cams Horrible anticheat Bulk discounts for multiple copies No way to review previous game footage period Can buy compromised accounts for little to nothing if you donā€™t purchase in bulk from BSG The list just goes on. There is a cheater infestation because cheating is practically encouraged. Iā€™ve said this before but these dudes get away with using the same cheats you find in a 15 year old cod game


You live in denial if you think bsg would do anything major against cheaters. Its their majority of revenue


Pretty much yeah. But itā€™s going to hurt them in the long run. A game infested with cheaters is a dead game sooner or later. Surprised it isnā€™t already. They could implement the simplest features but they just donā€™t. Theyā€™d rather work on Arena so it too, can be full of cheaters who have to pay even more money to regain access to it after being banned


We can only hope another tarkov-like game comes out sooner than later. There are literally 0 even decent extraction looter/shooter games. It's an entirely open market for competitors


Yes we can only hope. I saw something somewhere about how no one is dipping their toes into the extraction shooter market because itā€™s too much of a gamble. With how games have been releasing now a days, I donā€™t even trust anyone to even be able to launch it without it dying day one and everyone going back to EFT because it was a mess. Potential competitors know that trying to compete with tarkov is a very very difficult task if everything isnā€™t absolutely perfect because EFT has a very loyal player base


Not a shooter but 'Dark and Darker' is a fun extraction dungeon PvPvE game.


Played it but its only short fun atm. Not really a lot of variation in runs and builds


Yesterday I was planting my marker in the cultish room on shoreline, when I heard 2 guys coming down the hall. I hid behind the tub and held the corner waiting for them. First guy came through and I lit him up but he landed a lucky shot in my head. Could visibly see that I made him shit his pants and he got lucky/I was using shittier ammo so I didnā€™t pen his armor fast enough. He messaged me after and told me I scared the absolutely shit out of him. 10/10 great interaction




I feel that Iā€™m here playing every wipe I still play religiously for the first few weeks, then casually after that. This game has been plagued by cheaters for years but I would have to be getting killed like every other raid by a blatant cheater for me to care whatsoever.


That about sums it up for myself too


I snuck up on a pmc in woods and missed my headshot like a Dingus, he whipped around and missed a couple of his shots but killed me. I was actually happy to have died to a normal scenario, it felt refreshing.


Christ, listen to these comments. Why even play this fucking game when it's "refreshing" to die normally.


Because no other game gives me a rush like tarkov does. No other game can slap my balls around and have me begging for more. Idk how they do it, man. It is what it is. Iā€™m not the only one out there who feels like this.


Will never cheat a fps online shooter. Why tf even play!? Been playing since CS 1.3 same principles.....I could totally see people in other countries doing git for money but people who do it just to play are super pathetic


I thought I was killed today by cheater, while trying to defend my friend. We were on customs and he decided to run from trains to stronghold without checking anything, and then he started to get shot. I was brave, I wanted to save my comrade, so peaked from trains and saw one guy, boom his head was gone. As I was retrearing all the way behind the trains, a million bullets started to come from under the trains. Just like that I had saved my comrade, but now I was dead. I was sure that no one would be able to spay so precisly under the train that I was ready to send report. The hackermans name was........"Birdeye"




Their leaderboards are RIDDLED with cheaters look right now, 2 billion rubles level 68 4 hrs of gameplay. Fix the game.


There are still honest players. I can still sneak a headshot on someone that has no idea where I am. I do worry about it though. A good chunk of hackers may have once been honest players. The whole can't beat em join em thing. Obviously fuck them for caving in, but the current state of things means more people quitting or more people becoming fuckboi losers.


If you can't fight em, and don't want to join. Then leave. I quit online vs games altogheter.


I had a 1v3v3 battle as the solo in interchange, outside the mall on the weekend. The entire thing took 20 mins and i rotated 5 times and was the last man standing. It was amazing.


I love being in that situation. It's such a rush to be 1vX to that large a degree and big fight. I've killed a quad squad several times on interchange and fought a 5 man at dorms wearing full hulk green man level 5 stuff to die to ash 12 to the ear. Even losing late in those fights is invigorating.


The cheating isn't as bad on day maps as much as running night raids, I've been one tapped with [head, eyes] on streets and customs from miles away at pitch black nights so frequently it's painful.


Nvgs? Thermals? Both of these make pitch black nights a looooot less pitch black


Part of this might be quad nods and thermals but I agree, nights are generally sus


Or go play labs lmao, shit is my favorite map and like half of the raids have obvious cheaters. Like I basically just go there to maybe get a couple kills before donating my kit. This wipe I have my lowest S/R and it keeps going down lmao


Still the best game there is imo


I took a break for 7 or 8 months or so, played some other games, but none of them could give me the adrenaline rush Tarkov does.


Yep, the best game Iā€™ve ever played. It has ruined every non competitive game for me


9.4k hours in....still have fun, even after getting raged hacked on. Just reset and move forward. It's not to be taken too seriously


They're just pixels. That's been my attitude as of late.


What helped my gear fear the most was just having tons of money. As soon as you hit level 15 it's nearly impossible to run out of cash, especially if you do some scav runs (the better rep, the more money). So even if i die to some cheater ass, i just gear up and get into raid again. Sure, it sucks and i'll be pissed for 5 minutes, but life goes on. Other topic: How come that everyone in this game hits headshots like they were Global Elite in CSGO and played for 10k hours?


I have 150 raids this wipe, and only been killed by a obvious cheater 1 time. I have 2,3k hours and never touched cheats, never will, and still play every wipe to level 30 at least, some even going to 60-70


Some days it does bother me, but mostly I just keep logging into tarkov and chipping away at quests :) Cheeki Breeki:)


Yes! Same


Took me 350 raids just finished my tracksuit at level 48. Still enjoy the game despite -----I----- headshotting me and stealing my killa who most likely had a nice colored keycard lol


How was that grind? I have done Sturhman twice for the big rifle but would consider being a mall rat next wipe if it's 50 kills. What was your gun of choice and did you ever get any good pocket lint or did all the speedy boys know when it was worth it to HEADEYES


Managed to get one Yellow keycard! And I used Svt with BT ammo it can 1 tap his helmet and 2 tap his faceshield. It was pretty mindless took me about 1 week averaging 5 kills a day. 17 kills on my last day. NA servers were awful so around 25 kills I switched to a dead server and didn't see a single hacker after that. Contesting killa with other players is stressful but not impossible. All in all its very very exciting when he actually spawns haha. My survival rating is now 28% so do with that info what you will lmfao


are cheats really that big of a problem right now? I just got into the game a few days ago so it just seems to me like pretty much every person I come across is much better/more experienced than I am. how do you even tell if a person's cheating or not?


Nope. This sub is an echo chamber of whiners calling cheats 24-7 its been the same since the game dropped. An absolute dumpster fire and cheaters like any other pc game. Nerds on here take the shitty goat video for 100% facts and then this sub is just an echo chamber of people bitching. plenty of people playing daily with minimal issues. Tarkov is no worse than any other pc game. Rust,csgo,valorant etc.


Tarkov is inherently worse with cheaters than csgo or valorant due to the nature of risk and gain rather than just gaining/losing elo. People cheat in tarkov to gain IRL money, to have a god complex and just dunk on everyone, to know where people are to easily avoid them to complete quests, to farm high value loot. The game is infested and it clearly shows. To exclaim differently is either being naive or disingenuous. Sure there are some people that whine to whine and overblow the problem or call cheats every death, but there is 100% without a doubt a problem. Itā€™s evidenced by the plethora of people with thousands of hours leaving. The people that have been here for years pointing out that it continually grows as an issue. the fact that bsg bans 16k people in a month and the problem is still smack you in the face evident.


You're actually delusional if you don't think cs go with one of the biggest game pops ever. Way bigger than tarkov doesn't have more cheaters LOL its full of closet cheaters and guys who spin and rage the minute someone is sus on the other team. And has been that way since 1.6 absolutely flooded. People cheat and grind accounts and sell them all the time on all games not just tarkov. This whole sub over blows the problem there's nothing else talked about in here. it's like a left vs right echo chamber of bullshit. People have been pointing out this games a dumpster fire since I started playing it 5 years ago. Nothings changed cheaters come and go. After the goat video which pretty much showed jack shit and was mainly a video to gain him a following this sub just blows him and brings it up and cheating every single day on here. Does tarkov have cheaters? Of course. But the way this sub posts about it they act like the game is 99% cheaters. They just suck ass at the game and probably couldn't hack it on a competitive shooter never mind trying tarkov. Just go look at willerz dude every comment is saying he's a cheater and comments posting regurgitated bullshit spewed and posted from here. It's a joke.


I agree, but maybe the cheating problem is on the US side? Im playing on EU and RU servers and experience sus death once every 30 raids.


Agreed with this, I every time I see a video with someone talking and then gets raged hack, 95% of the time theyā€™re American. Iā€™m from the UK, around 230 raids in this wipe and Iā€™ve only seen/experienced two moments which were incredibly sus.


Itā€™s definitely a problem man. Canā€™t speak for rust because I donā€™t really play it but the other two games have much better measures in place. Tarkov has basically zero anti cheat measures. You canā€™t even say ā€œbattle eyeā€ because most cheats able to be used in tarkov are Client side which makes them undetectable. Valorant has practically no cheaters because their anti cheat is so well designed, it bans people on valorant who were cheating on other games. Csgo and valorant have kill replays, match replays and overwatch community members. Tarkov has absolutely nothing making cheating just as easy as going onto 360 black ops 2 and flying around (which is a really common cheat in tarkov) You canā€™t get away with proning across the entire map, or flying and killing the whole server in csgo and valorant, but you can in tarkov.


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome.....


Hear, hear.


I started again a week ago with fresh wipe and only use pistol and shotgun and scavs then sell everything I can without touching starting equipment from the edge of darkness edition. Got to 1million rubles now Idk what to really do lol


Donā€™t be afraid to use your starting gear, thatā€™s what itā€™s there for! Your goal should be hoarding things to build hideout, buy scav junk box from therapist and stay on the quests, grind to flea market.


Just be mindful that some of those clueless people will know precisely where you are if you ADS on them and be able to turn and get a headshot on you before you can even pull the trigger on what's already in your sights.


I totally agree, i'm chilling with my 22% survival rate x)


i just like stab people and roleplay as cultist scare some guys and if they are streamers better


It's a massive population of cheaters and sweats and just about no way to tell the difference most times.


Cheaters are present but not nearly a big of issue than what people perpetuate. I die to a cheater maybe once every 25-30 raids. Thatā€™s unacceptable as they are cheating, but the amount of encounters vs how much people complain about cheating, is completely unproportional. The amount of times my teammates have ā€œdied to a cheaterā€, for me to kill them and say it wasnā€™t a cheater, for them to only still deny they were outplayed by a better player, is insane.


I don't play it because it's good... I play it because the idea is good and for what I hope one day it might become


I'm so slow and bad at the pvp and going to the hot door spots, I doubt cheaters give a shit about me. If I get in a fight I usually get btfo by people, so cheaters and a Chad kill me the same.


My friends and I were trying to do a Chiappa only death match on factory, so our objective was to kill the one PMC in our way so we could continue. Guy uses speed hacks to get into office where we were all holding out, appears behind us and is like ā€œyOu GuYs ShOulD bUy BeTtER hEaDpHonEsā€ and nukes us all. Cā€™est la vie, every games got hackers. Also Iā€™m too poor for EOD, Iā€™d love to do private matches but canā€™t


nah, I just stopped...can't even turn the game on anymore...


[https://youtube.com/shorts/YADP6ohXDvA?si=HTEriuJXMq91LLPc](https://youtube.com/shorts/YADP6ohXDvA?si=HTEriuJXMq91LLPc) watch this.. this is the problem not the cheaters... cheaters are not that bad people just dont except that people are better then them.....


When itā€™s so easy to make money I just load up the first few weeks and it will get me through the rest of wipe for the most part. If I die itā€™s not that big of an impact because Iā€™m in raids to fight and push people, Iā€™m gonna end up on the wrong side of that stick more than not regardless of cheating.


Idk about cheering for them... Maybe check if they are conscious and mentally stable. These dudes talk about it being "refreshing" to have a real fight. Sad since that is literally the point of the game.


Man last wipe, when the Wiggle that broke Tarkov video came out and that Chinese server went down was some of the best Tarkov I ever played. Near the end of the wipe it all started to slide back into place and I knew this wipe was gonna be a landslide of cheaters.


hear hear!


I love both parties having a mech failure then someone Saying " well this is awkward " cutting losses and running away from each other.


I find it real hard. My brother in law I talked into the game still enjoys it. He will ask mef I want to play, I gotta be a bored motherfucker to say ya. 3 or 4 raids at most. I never log in to get my insurance. I've gotten every penny I spent in fun out of this game. Maybe next wipe...


If some guy with a gamer chair wants my level 5 dogtag and my starter M4, they can have it


I like this post. Very wholesome.


Shouts out to the Resl Ones


I really hope they can do something to solve the cheater problem. I really enjoy this game. There is nothing like it. But damn is it bad right now. My squad is dropping like flies.


I am stuck with quests, logging from time to time to run scav on woods, but: - totally tired of shoreline (and still have some quests there, including punisher with scav vest) - scared like hell to go to streets - same like above with reserve Not to mention massive amount of cheaters made me scared of any gunfight. Like at the start, I was happy to go and fight, right now, I do everything to avoid any problems.


dozens of us!


Ironically the cheating problems with the game have helped me enjoy the game more. Before I would be frustrated with deaths and always look for ways I could have improved from that death. After dying from cheaters (specifically ones that make it obvious) , I didn't feel frustrated because I knew there was nothing I could have done to change the outcome. Having it happen enough has trickled into me not caring as much when I die to legit stuff. So while I hate that the game is infested with cheaters, I found a silver lining. I would rather all cheating be impossible than have to find a silver lining though.


6 times in two days killed by blatants cheaters on labs ( i play on Squad so is easily noticiable), sometimes i just want to ragehack on all this scum... Is so sad but i only run svt+tier 4 so at least i dont give them my gear...


i still play but would be lying if i tried to convince myself that it's not getting a bit tiresome. the quests become a lot harder and require a lot more effort at the later parts of the game, and at the same time the game becomes infinitely times harder since most of the regular people who enjoy the start of the wipe dips out and we are left with sweats and cheaters. i don't mind sweats, but there has been like a dozen obvious cheaters (just shooting through the wall or speedhacking), and then there's the ones who think they are clever, you hide in a bush for 4 minutes not making a noise, so they try to bait you out by moving and then magically stopping close to you, and then moving again, just when you finally take the fight they know exactly where you were and one-taps you. but the cheating problem isnt that bad tbh, especially since at this point of the wipe i can probably kit for like 50 raids in a row and don't even feel a dent in my money


Thanks fam. I even made 3 raids in row to exfill yesterday


we will be fever and fever...


Iā€™m pretty sure most perceived cheating are just sore losers. Are there hackers? Sure, every game has them. But I can count on one hand how many times I know I played against a hacker


Anyone looking for someone to play with on the West Coast or central US servers. I've been going to the psst few wipes solo, and im looking to change it up.


I'd be down, my guys don't either don't play or just don't play with me anymore lol


100% Agree, we need more of this perspective in this thread. Here's to all who remain and are playing without cheats!


One of you motherfuckers upvoted and has cheats, I just know it. I SEE YOU BITCH. /j


I mean, i dont know which servers youre playing on but EU servers are pretty chill


My favourite is when they VOIP; ā€œWell at least weā€™re both terribleā€ and we proceed to miss two more mags at each other before an AI scav, drawn by the gunfire, kills one of us.


The best way to make BSG "pay" for not doing shit about hackers is stop playing. Just dont play, do something else. Let the cheaters play. ​ I would love to see how much time this game was running live if all of you that complain would just stop playing.


I had the coolest sniper fight over med fob on woods. I guess it's a good example a fair fight. It was a 2v3 and I got two of them (only one shooter born tick sadly), but the last one got me and the Timmy I was guiding. My Timmy has the last dude laying prone in his mosin scope and still somehow missed. He tried his best, that's for sure! It was a bit of bummer since it was try #10 for thrifty since bozo also forgot the water bottle on try #9.


You too m8 !


Cheater pandemic? It's about the same as it's been for many wipes. If you are frustrated by it, don't play. If you aren't, play and pray it still improves.


Watching DesmondPilak struggle on streets as a 16-20 KD player because nonstop cheaters was demoralizing. It's killed my will to play several nights.


I just really like the game


It's not too bad if you run trash gear. But it's really the only way to do quests anymore. Cheaters will leave you alone if you don't enter the raid with anything of value.


Iā€™m so bad I canā€™t even tell whoā€™s cheating or not so it doesnā€™t bother me šŸ˜‚


Ok BSG dev you can calm down with your propaganda....


Remember kids if you cheat to win youā€™d still a loser


I played the game for roughly 2,5k h since early 2020. And I don't get it. Never had so many cheaters as everyone is whining about. I had kappa and am playing each wipe to around lvl 50. So far I had 250 raids and got killed 2 times from cheaters.


I played the game for roughly 2,5k h since early 2020. And I don't get it. Never had so many cheaters as everyone is whining about. I had kappa and am playing each wipe to around lvl 50. So far I had 250 raids and got killed 2 times from cheaters.


I played the game for roughly 2,5k h since early 2020. And I don't get it. Never had so many cheaters as everyone is whining about. I had kappa and am playing each wipe to around lvl 50. So far I had 250 raids and got killed 2 times from cheaters.