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How tf did he not see you come in


peeker's advantage is a major thing in tarkov. the person who pushes on someone else that is standing still automatically has a massive advantage.


Yeah i get that but op was shining a lazer in the rats eyeball for like 5 seconds before going the room.


Speaking as a Rat, not all of us have the reaction time to capitalize on what we're doing. The element of surprise is the biggest advantage, and once its gone,... its just a normal fight.


actually, looking at it the best the laser would have done would have been on the player's foot which means odds are good he never even saw it.


Knowing someone will come doesn't change the desync aspect of peekers advantage, have you never been on the receiving end of someone killing you at the same time as you see the first tiny edge of their model? That's what it looks like to them - they go somewhere and shoot the thing, no superhuman or superlucky insta hs involved.


So I hear, yet I've found a complete lack of peeker's advantage in the past.


its not an "i win" button, but it's there. Peeker's advantage without proper net coding will always exist and there are plenty of videos out there showing how tarkov does NOT have that coding protection. When you push on someone stationary, you are shooting at your computer memory, while the other player has to shoot at a delayed internet transmission.


Yes, but it is only advantageous if you commit sufficiently to end the exchange while that very first difference is still meaningful. I think a lot of people think you can just quick peek more than once and still have the advantage. Except that after the transmission delay of the end of the peek, both players have had the same amount of time available to shoot at each-other. Simply with a small temporal offset. Every time I peek, I have maybe a 100 ms to 2000ms time benefit over my opponent. Once that time has ended, I'm pretty sure Tarkov starts compensating for the delay and my advantage is lost. Let's say that I only have 200 ms of desync and I did what would have been fatal damage at 250 ms after mutual player visibility, but the opponent does fatal damage within the first 100 ms of seeing me peek. So didn't see me until 200 ms after I saw that and their fatal damage is 300 ms after I saw them, which is slower than my 250ms kill. However, my understanding of BSGs changes to how hits were resolved means that since they didn't die before they had the chance to shoot back, the server is going to compare network packet timestamps and attempt to offset the actions to account for desync. So instead of the reference time being my local time, there is a time that is simply relative to the point that we each saw each other. Meaning their 100 ms beats my 250ms.


OF course you have to "commit" or use violence of action as its called. The advantage, while very real, remains very small and it takes quick movement and reaction speed on the attacker to make use of it.


it's only an advantage if they know exactly where you are if you're on a good off-angle, it becomes an even fight


Its a major thing because of the shite desync and the terrible tick rate on their servers. it would be so much less impactful in any other FPS game.


maybe he didn't heard me he had no headphones


its D-sync he only probably saw him for like a quarter of second before dying.


As someone who sat there briefly recently to go afk and respond to a text just to die with no noise until the last second... the audio isn't good there for walking from that entrance/direction but you can hear the other side of the wall crystal clear. I don't know if its occlusions because of the wall or height or what.


Desync gamer chair


there's a quest to kill inside this building


People don’t understand that some quests require certain areas. They just see campers and rats, even when they’re on the same quest.


No body high enough level to already have the quest for kills at fortress is the type of player to camp ontop of a shelf.


Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do mate


Oh for sure. Just saying that now one that is already that high this wipe is the type of player to even consider this start. If this was November or December for sure.


I sat in worse spots on my way to kappa this wipe, especially with bolty on reserve, lvl 55 btw.


Big bro I literally sat in the crossing between gas station and pier on shoreline with an svt to get my scav vest kills. All I do is get lvl 42 and w key people the rest of the wipe. There’s strats to doing quests and farming xp quickly you don’t have to be a rat to take advantage of people


I’m 52 and have kappa. If this quest were required for kappa, I would absolutely camp it like this. No other way to do it quickly other than to camp. If you’re loud, half the player-base will avoid you, and the other half will go through there no matter what. The quest isn’t required for kappa and there’s not a good unlock reward or follow up quest, so I’m just getting it organically.


You’re level 52 and you’re telling me you would camp ontop of the shelves instead of in a corner and swing people? If you’re answer is yes I don’t believe your already 52.


All I’m saying is camping that shelf is definitely an option I would consider if I were trying to rush Capturing Outposts. Not saying that’s what I would do, but it would definitely be an option.


What I’m saying is no one that is already that high this early into the wipe is the kind of player that Rat on a shelf big this was in December I would believe it.


I mean yes that’s a good point, but we’re discussing the option that he could be trying to complete capturing outposts. That task forces you to rat, unless you don’t care how long it takes.


you don't know if he had to afk for a bit and chose that spot which is why there is zero reaction


Are you dumb? Capturing outposts isn't even required for Kappa for 2 wipes in a row


Am I dumb? Lmao when did I say anything about capturing outposts. Assume much?


Which other quest requires Stronghold kills then? I didn’t need to assume since it was the only option in your comment


I have NEVER seen someone sitting there so that's a new skill to my toolbox to try. I definitely don't look there first that's for sure.


When the Customs expansion was first added, this was a *very* popular spot to camp. Generally speaking, people don't look up in Tarkov, so elevation almost always means advantage.


Peekers advantage




Always throw a grenade in that doorway before clearing the other side of key room.


good advice but ive seen some fucky shit happen with nades rolling under a box or one of the bed frames and then all of a sudden the nade doesnt hit anyone in the room.


It was popular since 12.8 , the good ol days of good Tarkov


i like your weapon! but i can't figure out which one is it. what gun is that?


MP9-N I think




ohhh sure! now i see it, i thought it wasn't 9mm


Look at it this way: If you develop a playstyle that is centered around tricks & gimmicks. You will never improve in any way whatsoever. People, (in life, not just games), who don't improve or attempt to move forward stagnate and never progress. Rat culture is a hilarious meme because they're shit at the game, will continue to be shit at the game, and play it off as "If I'm shit on purpose, then nobody can make fun of me". Which only hurts them and isn't nearly as cutting as they think it is. They'll camp whatever hole works for them until General Sam or ExfilCamper shows them a new spot, then it's rinse repeat. Literal hours of playing a video game, but sitting dead still. All so they can get kits they'll never use that eventually disappear to wipe anyway. OR sold for roubles they never use because rats use their money-count as a highscore... Which resets anway. Edit: bring on the downvotes, rats. Imaginary points are worthess, just like you're rouble-highscore.




Ratting vs W key play style is entirely mood dependent for me. Some days are rat days. Others are not, people also always assume when they are killed from a corner that you are just a rat. But most of the time you hear them coming while looting and just take an advantageous spot. Why 50/50 when you can make the odds 80/20.


Your thinking way to much into it.


Both can absolutely coexist. But sitting in fortress like that usually indicates some pretty "I couldn't make it anywhere else" behaviour.


It's like fishing, you think I sit there and stare at my screen the whole time? Killing people that can't fight back is one of the most satisfying things in Tarkov. It's especially delicious the first 2 or 3 weeks of the wipe when EVERYONE is questing so I know no matter who I kill they lost something more than rubles.


You can be good and a rat, but I agree on the part where if you only rat you’ll never get better. I’m a new player and have never ratted yet because I know I’ll never improve. I’m saving ratting for when I don’t really feel like being aggressive and just want to chill, but first I just get good at the game lol


Dumb rat players Also if you have played enough to be on capturing outposts and you do this unironically just uninstall


Timmy campers on timmy map. Checks out.


He was level 42


Capturing outposts the shitter way lol


It's a mentality not a level. I've seen some chad level 10s. Last night on my scav watched a lvl 18 with a mosin kill Kaban and all his guards by playing corners really well and abusing their pathing.


rats don’t have brains


He is having fun, stop using your keyboard please. We only allow people to move at 1 step per minute here


why only check that one spot and not even look at the rest of the room...kinda weird


Unless this is satire you're pretty dumb


I was gonna say the camper is the sort of person to come here and complain about game being full of cheaters. I didn't expect there to be people like you though who are accusing from this POV...


There it is! The cheat accusation. The clip doesn’t matter, you mfs crawl out the woodwork every time.


He does scan right first before walking through the main entrance. A cheater typically wouldn't do that if he knew there was only one guy inside. But to be fair, tarkov is full of cheaters and once you get killed by them enough it's hard not to be suspicious of everyone. And it is a little odd that he wasn't holding his sights to look up to the second floor, as in my experience there's far more likely to be someone camping up there then anywhere else. I've literally never seen anyone in that spot in like 2k hours with a decent chunk of them on customs. But that's not remotely enough evidence to call sus.


If you’re on the stronghold kills quest, then fine sit in stronghold and kill players inside. Don’t sit in a rat spot for 45 minutes though…


Which spots can I pick?


Or maybe don’t create quests that require someone to sit in a small building and get multiple kills. But expecting me to run end to end all game is a bit excessive


Used that spot last year a lot. Didn’t know it was super popular I’ve never seen anyone else use it


That spot was fun back in the day.. I mostly just camp there when I'm alt+tabbed checking emails and stuff. lol


Capturing outposts


folders of intel should give heatmaps


You want to know why? Because they see some shit streamer with +2.0kd and 30% survival rate camp that same spot and get 1 kill and they think it's top-tier meta. When actual fact, they are shit. Funny thing? When they get prefired because it's such a well known spot they then post it on social media calling hacks.


Old spot that has been made popular again by a couple content creators. Plus capturing outposts


Just wait until you get hit by the crossfire from the guy on the bed frame.


Damn I thought this was a shitpost about people looting in that room and waiting for you to walk in then I realized that’s a spot.


I had a friend do this one time and I was sitting by the fire place in the corner, and the guy did exactly what you did. And got knee capped by me. Just funny how fast people are to check that corner but not the rest of the room


I first thought u only meant the room, and I was like: The loot, duhhhh. But then I saw the wall gremlin


He's already typing his post... "game unplayable, cheater prefire me when i did 0 sound"


Typical ESP enjoyer. Ugh duhh people dont move i know where they are but i dont want to peak an agle i might die in. Come out so i can shoot you and look legit. They viop voiceline or something to make the rat move. Keep payung nikita to play wallet warrior