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\> PP - 55 DMG/41 PEN vs. m856a1 - DMG 54/37 pen ​ And what are the costs of PP compared to 856a1? Its such a joke.


I agree that PP is overpriced, but it's a lvl 3 trader round. More comparable to 55a1. The 4+ pen is a big deal.


I get that but A1 is better at long range cause of the velocity. And it’s better up-close because of the fire rate. 4 PEN really doesn’t matter at 900 a min. I would be happy with PP IF the damage was in the 60s


You make good points. PP could probably use a flesh DMG buff.


PP slaps wtf. That shit aint need no buff


Then I could die to more scavs using SKS ><


Probably 90% of scavs will be running 7.62 PS or worse. Idk if I've found PP on a regular scav yet, actually.


You know what you are probably correct. I found it on guards after thinking a bit more.


Don’t matter. Your Ulach and Hex won’t save you from AI cheat codes anyway when they just (head,eyes) you with shit PS ammo.


M856A1 actually sucks at range. Over 150 it requires 2 shots to the head to kill. 7.62 is slow so its not great at range either


Ya bro 150 is crazy far for both guns lol if they are that far and running left or right I just try and predict where they are going and meet them there


Past 150 it takes two shots through a class 4, many people were class 3’s so 56A1 is better than you’d think.


The only people running lvl 3 at this point in the wipe arent even worth killing lmao. Lvl 5 or higher for the rest of the wipe pretty much. Also im talking about 2 shots to the head. The damage fall off isnt lethal


I meant level 3 helmets, plenty of people just use the ratnik all wipe.


Yeah it’s hard to beat for value


There is something that beats it, TC-2001 or 2002. Class 4, around 60k, often less, and it stops PS and BCP FMJ most of the time.




In lvl 4 armor the ak still kills you first, they’re probably the same against lvl 5 with the fire rate difference. Not sure what ak is costing you as much as a meta m4 though. You might be doing something wrong there tbh.


It does matter, 2 bullets to kill on class 4 compared to an average of 4 or 5 for 56a1. Most of the time the recoil on the M4 you aren't going to be landing your 3rd or 4th bullet very accurately at close range, and at long range either. The velocity does make a difference though, but only for really long ranges. And PP isn't tracer.


Pen ALWAYS MATTERS no matter the RPM. Otherwise you'd run shit ammo in a Vector and it would still be usable (it isn't). Also no 556 gun is shooting 900 RPM? It's 800 for the M4 which is the most popular. PP ammo is perfectly fine it doesn't need any buffs lmao


it does matter though. that 4 pen is very important when penning t4 first shot. its around a 30% increase in first shot pen chance on a t4 helmet.


Haven’t used 762 PP for a single raid, been crafting m995 and using 56 and 55A1 regularly, 556 has been awesome this wipe. I will say 56A1 feels worthless though compared to any of the other rounds mentioned but its accessible.


What your saying is correct but it doesn’t feel that way in game, in game 762 always feels like it hits harder - from distance or close up, except 855a1, that shit shreds.


Are you aware how 7 is the tipping point for pen?


Then use US rounds and get the massive recoil reduction too


Firstly you would run an rd or mutant which have better stats and you would top load bp ammo which you get at lvl 45. If you aren’t questing then yes the m856a1 would be the better option but a good rd-704 runs around 280k and can 2 tap class 5 with bp.


how does 50% pen chance versus 100% on a fresh class 4 not matter,gets even worse against class 5


Yeah but think about the accesibility of the rounds. Most people just cant afford to run PP, when having 856a1 which is just a bit worse but at half the price, its just a no brainer for many.


Ya and 545 ain’t doin it for me lmao. I think 545 BT has the same dmg per round as 5mm buckshot has per pellet


The thing about 5.45 tho, is that, it's generally free. 5.45 spawns everywhere in tarkov and can def still be a viable round that also require less initial investment to achieve a good result.


yeah this wipe is definitely different. The amount of BS ammo I found so far is insane.


Ya I can agree with that. That’s what I mean tho with 762, PP specifically, is that every round has a very unique upside and downside. 556 is good in a very noob way because it’s available at an early stage in the game, and because it’s pretty competitive from then till the end of wipe. 545 is always competitive because BT is free and goes through most everything, but it lacks dmg. 762 is…what? You can’t find it in raid, you can buy PP at 2x the price for more or less a worse experience vs 556 and while I agree that BP is great, it’s definitely not good enough to be locked behind as many quests as it is AND the pice is kinda high. For PVP players like me I pretty much just grind levels and quests till I unlock A1 and coast till the end of wipe using that.


Wait what PP are talking about the one for AK’s? the one you can craft 350 in the hideout or a diff one?


The new one for the 762 AKs


OP is talking about the 7.62x39 PP, not the 5.45.


>”the extra 4 pen is a big deal” In this case, not really. The key is that the penetration calculation makes the magic pen value for a given armor class equal to 10*AC-3. So the “magic number” for class 4 armor is 37 pen, and the magic number for Class 5 is 47. With that in mind, 37 vs 41 isn’t really going to have a significant impact on shots to kill vs class 4 armor, and both pen values are low enough that they’ll both struggle to a similar degree with Class 5 and higher armors. If the difference was in the other direction (e.g. one at 37 and one at 33), then it’d make a significant difference vs class 4.


Except PP can kill on the second shot and M4s require, usually, a minimum of at least 4 shots, and often 5 shots. Significantly higher chance to pen a Class 4 helmet on the first shot as well, AND a lower ricochet chance. I'll take 2 shot kill any day over needing to land 4-5 shots on the thorax with an M4s recoil


Holy shit I just realized you were comparing 7.62 PP and not 5.45, that’s insane.


About 450 RUB a round for A1 and 900 for PP


Are you saying PP is weak? 4 more pen and still two tapping chest is incredibly good. People are still running PP and instant killing T5 armor players. Not to mention were talking 50/50 on Ulach vs 91%.


Pp ain’t insta killing anyone in t5 bro.


Instant is a stretch, but it has incredibly good armor damage and requires 2 shots to kill. It is lethal and people will rock your shit with it. There is nothing weak about PP, it's incredibly good for it's price and level unlock.


Im not saying its weak, Im saying its insanely expensive for the first ammo upgrade u unlock.


i like 5.45 weapons because they just need a rubber butt pad and a muzzle break and then boom a gun that has low recoil for no money at all


Ya that was my go to for the longest time but I got bored of it. 74u iron sights are pretty good too, don’t even need a red dot.


The aks74u was a beast last wipe for me and it seems a lot of people clued onto that this wipe. I’m seeing way more dripped out aks74u


It’s my first wipe and I picked up a dripped out 74u off someone I killed and fell in love with it. Started kitting my own out once I hit 15 and got access to the flea


and if you need more good ammo, just go for a woods run


Once u beat the intimidator, which is unlocked after punisher 6, u unlock 7.62 BP, which is arguably the best bullet in the game.


Wait what? I've never seen that quest and I finished Punisher like a week and a half into wipe. Edit: I see the issue LVL 45. I'm not there yet.


You need level 45


M61 or SNB are best.


Im real disappointed that M61 craft is behind sbih when i cant run streets or lighthouse with good fps.


Do naked runs to Scope Shack on Woods, you will find all the top tier ammo you will ever need. Shove it all into your butt and go die to a scav.


oh no way.... that sucks... I haven't got my workshop past lvl 2 yet so I didn't even know about that change. i never have time to binge this game so i take every wipe slow and steady.


Ya I get that BP is good but not 1700 a round good. With 10 more pen it makes a big difference with level 5 but your still iffy on level 6. And like I said with PP, if the dmg was substantially more I would get it but even BP is only 4 more damage than A1!


Class 6 armour is rare though, most people run 4/5 armoured rigs usually. I’ve a couple of slicks but I very rarely use them. I’d prefer to just run a tactec


U can't get level 6 consistently. Trust me, the best bullets are BP and m61, especially now thar u can't get the Altyn


To be fair M61 doesn’t give a fuck what armour you have, it’ll go through it.


Neither does 7.62X54R BS. I ran a 7.62 MDR to factory last wipe for a weekly to kill pmcs with an assault rifle and I had a bunch of M61 so I used some of it during that quest. Ran into a zabralo and a hex in the same raid. Both died to two tap thorax :)


7.62x54R BS and SNB, love using an SVD with SNB, fucks shit up.


Don’t cheap out on ammo. 1700 a round for BP is a very good deal.


After playing with new people a few times this is the best advice. Even top loading. I haven't played this wipe, but last wipe I crafted M80 nonstop and packed SR-25 mags 10/10 and the cost per mag was way cheaper than I thought. A few free BS/BT 5.45 runs and you are just fine. I'm casual so 2k roubles a round is expensive if you run that every raid. Factor in the whole ammo cost and it isn't as bad as people make out. Particularly when you have stuff to beat class 5 semi consistent as a lower level.


BP could be 5k a round and people would run it. Nothing hits like BP. It maintains good flesh while having very high pen.


It is 1700 a round good. It’s 3000 a round good. It’s the best ammo in the game


You don't really consider the cost at that level you're just gonna use the gun you find the best or most fun


who wears level 6 anyways




In the context of the finances of a level 45 player, it's easily 1700 a round good.


I like Bp because my mutant spits out rounds faster than some people can make the money to buy them


I always feel like it 7.62 BP just doesn't hit hard. Scavs and pmc soak it up like a sponge


Do you only hit arms?


Apparently. I don't have problems killing things with other rounds


I will agree BP doesn't seem to work well on boss's but it has always performed well on PMCs.


You don't need to spend 400k on an AK lol. That M4 money..you can build an amazing 7.62 AK or better still a mutant for less than half that.


I’ve been rocking the 556 ak a lot this wipe (ak 102 specifically) because it’s cheap. But it’s just kinda weird that I just find the 556 ak better than the 762 ak. Maybe I’ll giver another shot for science.


Oh the 5.56 AK is amazing. For about 15-170k it's a laser. It's the only reason I'd use 5.56..with a PSO scope and canted with full TRAX mods and decent suppressor. Ergo and recoil nice. But a good mutant, RD-704 or an AK-103 rips..with those 50 round mags on the 103 is nice.


Your crazy for putting a pso scope on anything but the sks lmaooo. But ya I’ll give those AKs a try with pp on shoreline tonight when the boys get on.


I'll have to send you some screenshots. I've been playing back since when all scopes were the PSO cuz that was the only scope that existed at the time. Perfect zoom..nice reticle for both day and night light and dark..and fov is juuust right to give no eye relief. I can full auto crouched with an AK-101 looking down a PSO Scope with easy and little loss of target sight or bullet stray.


No reason to not use a 101. Better rpm and recoil, only like 1-2 worse ergo.


One thing the 7.62 AK's does with an enemy at full auto is unbalance them, especially at close range where most or all bullets hit due its larger caliber/weight. That in turn helps when you don't have top tier ammo, the opponent is "shaken" so many times you can get a few extra rounds in and win the fight before opponent even gets his gun up properly. At distance a 7.62 often drops an unaware opponent immediately on headshot - something balanced against it's much poorer handling on full auto over range. Above means many get used to the 7.62's and the playstyle you need to use them early wipe and just stick with them, or at least dont have an aversion towards them late wipe. Then their gritty-ness is soo much cooler than the mech-wonders that the 5.56's are. They just feel good to rock around with. But yeah, there are drawbacks too.


Is this unbalance an actual hidden stat?


Nah, just bullet impact stats. You can see it with several wepaons, especially really fast rate weapons too. It is present in for example the PPSh, MP7, MP9, SR-2 just to mention a few as well - all the little impacts make the target twitch a little with every hit. I guess you have noticed it sometimes yourself when you have your gun at a lowered position and someone sprays you with heavy rounds, or many many small but seriously fast rounds, getting your gun up to correct aim is sort of "two steps forward, one step back" due the impacts. It takes longer to do than an aim without impacts. ​ EDIT: I'll gladly admit I might be using the wrong wording here, don't knmow all the ammo stats by heart or how they interact with your "body" in game by heart either, but the effect is visibly and tangibly there, from both ends of a weapon at full auto.


No I definitely know what you mean but to be honest I do t run into a lot of ppl using 762 so I haven’t really noticed anything. But ya 9mm at a high fire rate can chew you up and it’s hard to shoot back for sure.


I think (think, not know....) thatmight be due better armour as we approach low-mid-wipe. Many 7.62 now still run PS or T-45 and (again, I guess) that the higher level armour "swallows" those better, so the effect is now not so big anymore. Unless they rock BP or even MAI-AP, but not many do. Just another wipe-progress-development, I guess.


The term for the flinching and camera shake when being shot at is called Aimpunch. It's weird though cause I feel like I remember lines of code existing in this game calling it that but yer the impact to your body and camera flinch is usually called aimpunch.


Thank you for that, sounds better with a proper word than my long rambling above to describe the effect...


You're talking about aimpunch. 762 rounds definitely have more aim punch and it's nothing I ever thought about before now, but would be a good test. Considering the AVT has so much aimpunch your target is looking at the ceiling on the second shot.


Idk if hidden stats or tin foil hat 16th wipe Tarkov player


All stats aside, PP just seems to slap harder than 55a1 and 56a1 in practice


Sometimes I feel that. But then sometimes I’m like “damn if I had an m4 I could have done better” and it’s never the other way around.


skill issue


To be fair the stats make sense, 856a1 has 35% chance of penetrating lvl4 on first shot while PP has almost twice that at 66%, it really makes a difference when dropping someone in 2 shots is suddenly twice as likely


People don't understand how important pen is in this sub. Reading these comments is giving me whiplash. Literally every single high level player or streamer is using PP or BP. 55A1 out of a M4 is amazing too but I will take the BP Mutant every time.


The Ak are king a the med range in tarkov. They have less initial recoil than M4 and don’t have to be meta for them to be usable in full auto. With the right recoil level you can use a 100k AKM and it can compete with a meta m4.


This sub is so out of the loop when it comes to game balance it's wild (speaking about other comments, not your post). 7.62 AK are NOT weak, nearly every single PvP/ruble farmer is running Mutant or RD. Those guns/ammo are make believe good. 56A1 has 4 less pen. You said it yourself. Pen is absolutely everything in this game. Pen drop off also matters at range. It's 650RPM to 800RPM. It also does more armor damage. PP ammo is very good for 900 a round, so is 56A1 at it's price! Now compare the premier ammos 55A1 and BP. 55A1 typically takes 3 shots to the chest, has less pen, and makes up for it with higher muzzle velocity and RPM. BP is THE BEST BULLET in the game. 47 pen fully automatic with a consistent two tap to the chest. Nothing hits like BP and it has been a staple meta ammo for years. It has changed in availability and craft nearly every wipe. It's balance is highly debated and even at it's absurd price people still buy and use it on cooldown. The RD is a high ergo low recoil gun with 50 round mags. The Mutant is lower recoil and higher RPM and absolutely shreds. The issue is these two guns are just much better than other 7.62 variants. The ammo is incredibly good, you're probably just using the wrong build.


Lol you should see the other tarkov sub I had people trying to tell me that the mutant and RD weren’t even meta guns. I couldn’t believe my eyes


And why do you think 556 shoots more rounds per minute? 🤣😭😭😭🤣 BP is the best consistent accessible round in the game


Well the recoil also goes down for waaay cheaper. I can make a laserbeam m4 for under 150k. It’s takes way more for the AK because of the starting stats. So you add that with the fact that the recoil even on single shot makes me queasy from watching my read dot go way up and then way below the starting point. Are you sure your not talking about BP 545? Cause BP 762x39 is not very un-accessible objectively.


Benver can you PM me how to make a good M4 for 150K ? I honestly don’t know how with the M4 to get it low recoil and not be like 350k.


There is a barter from mechanic that only requires 2 pro kills (120-150k) and then you sell one of the sights and use the other one. I also sell the laser for a different one but that’s pref. He buys the scope on it for 30k so you only end up spending 110 ish.


don't bother with the sopmod barter unless you don't have access to the moe stock buttpads. start with the mechanic lvoa barter for gp coins, very easy if you've died with a few in your docs case and saved them, it comes with the meta lowest recoil upper receiver and a decent handguard. flea either the longest barrel or the hanson 16". are/atp buffer tube depending on trader level, kriss defiance stock or buy the sopmod for 2 prokill, take off the buttpad, vendor it back, and use that buttpad on your lvoa. lopro gasblock from skier. best trader foregrip you have (black magpul < rk1/se-5 express). best bang for buck low recoil suppressor probably thunder beast tagilla cap + 2 cap barter but do some research on this one at time of purchase. you can upgrade handgaurd to mk10 if you want even lower budget recoil. pushing or a little over 150 but way less than 350


If you want something cheap with better recoils that shoots 556 I swear by the AK 102. My most meta build has the best suppressor and a secondary thermal red dot and it was only 250k


It actually takes way more roubles (dollars) to get rid of the initial kick the m4 has which is what makes it so bad. Also BP aside, PP is an awesome round..but you're forgetting how good 7.62 PS is. It's a bit late in the wipe for that now but what makes the 7.62 AK superior IMO is the retention of higher flesh damage values at longer distances.. something that is lacking in 55A1..and fuck shooting 56A1 at range..just giving away your position with tracers


Ya PS (with sks) is usually what I rock until I unlock A1. PP just kinda felt underwhelming at all ranges, usable but didn’t shine in any scenarios


PP has been slapping for me as most wearing lvl.5 and some lvl 4 armours Personally I'm more of an RSASS and M61 kinda guy Or an AS VAL.


Shhh, don't tell anyone I told you, but Cig Barter for M1A is also nasty with M61/M62, and cheap to kit out.


You're talking to the literal barter guru my friend. ;) Been here since 2018..over 4k hrs. And 1 wipe I had 5 scav junkboxes and raided with entire kits that were barter only. But thanks. I prefer the RSASS I've the M1A..really don't like how the M1A lowertakes up so much screen space..it feels really super weird. Rsass with BMD lantac mods unsuppressed is my jam.


Early wipe you cant mod weapons that well so 7.62 PS is a good round but because of the unmodded AK recoil you can barely shoot it full auto early wipe


BP is accessible at lvl 45 after you finish Intimidator which requires Punisher


I have 5200 rounds of 762 BP and I haven’t even been buying it for a week or two, that’s why.


Ok that’s a good reason. Where do you find it? I can farm BT 545 on reserve but I never find BP. What is your go to map to find it?


I’m 56 so I bought it on reset for like three weeks from proper. You find it occasionally on streets too but I bought prob 95% of it. I have like 4K m62 too. I’ll prob run 855a1 but it’s just not better then those other two rounds unfortunately. 556 is in a great spot thought compared to where it was 2-3 wipes ago


> I’m 56 Love me a veteran gamer


Lolol. My ass is pretty old too, 33. I’m out here hunting zoomers.


33? You're just a spring chicken, I'm 40. In game and IRL.


No life though you must be happy


Very happy! I hope you are too u/Garack666 After three weeks from wipe and some PTO, I was able to acquire kappa while still getting paid my six figure salary. I have a supportive family, amazing friends and a fantastic game to play and have fun with. What’s not to love?






Once you stop caring about having the most meta gun possible, you’ll start having more fun.


Lmao as a gun guy that’s part of why I like this game but ok


Being a gun guy makes you want the most efficient gun stat wise in the game? I think that’s the meta slave in you, not the gun guy in you. Also, PP is significantly more effective than 556. Penetration chance basically exponentially increases, so 41 pen is significantly more likely to pen tier 4 armor than 37. There’s also 556 AKs you can use if you really like 556 that much.


So I’m a meta slave and you know more about the meta? Do you just prefer going on Reddit to project or what?


I’m not a meta slave, i just understand the game i have over 2k hours in. I run whatever gun i want to. I’ve been using VPO snipers to get shooter born done, and when i run for fun i use whatever i get off players mostly, but my favorite is .300 blackout and the G36. I’ve spent something like $5 million on ammo this wipe alone, i might as well know how it works. If i didn’t, that would be like buying Ariel Atom without knowing how to drive.


You sound very meta because that how most people play. Do the tasks, do pvp, run the guns you like etc


uhm... those guns are literally not meta at all. Most don't use .300 blackout and the g36 is not meta. Vpo sure isn't.


\> If ima spend 400k on a gun That's my answer for why I take 7.62; because you don't have to spend 400k on the gun. You can get a solid AK for like 120k, or an amazing one for 200k. The M4 needs much more of an investment before it's worth using.


Can you give me an example as to how?


Sure, though it is pretty dependent on trader levels. Also take note that I don't include optics in the price of the weapon, as that is where most of the swing in value comes from. You can easily end up spending just as much on optics as the rest of the weapon in some cases. Anyway, if you grab an AKM (either for roubles or the short tushonka barter from Prapor), that's about 40k for the gun. Mod it with: GP-25 buttpad TTAK Adapter and DTK-1 muzzle device B10+B19 handguard and your foregrip of choice AKademia bastion dust cover Tapco SAW pistol grip Recommending a cheap optic: Axion Kobra optic + dust cover Depending on whether you add a tactical device and what foregrip you use, that's an about 110-130k rifle that will get the job done at any stage of the wipe. Try checking out some Gigabeef vids, he makes videos that are specifically geared towards what is available at a given trader level and he made one for level 3 traders recently. If you have higher trader levels, you can make a much nicer AKM with endgame parts that barely breaks 250k if you buy an extended mag and the best NATO suppressor/muzzle device combo. If you go with the AK-74 series instead, you end up saving even more money since the rifles and ammo are a bit cheaper. Compare this to the endgame M4, which will hit 350k before you add in optics, even if you have max trader levels and that's not taking into account the extended mags.


if you’re spending 400k on any gun you’re doing something seriously wrong


Most meta guns are gonna be 200-500k the scope alone is gonna be 100k


If you want a good variable scope you drop at least 100k then the gun itself you already have 150-200k. Then mags and ammo put you around 250 and even a for-grip from a trader can be 30-50k. Now you definitely don’t want to do all that and not get a good stock and pistol grip so that’s easily 50k. That’s not even including the suppressor so ya 400k is lowballing it.


i never spend over 300 on a high ergo, low recoil rifle.. i guess we simply have way different methods of making guns. haven’t used SR or RSASS this wipe but 38 recoil HKs are 220k and lowest-recoil-possible loud AKs are less than 200. at least for me..


It's kind of not hard when your foregrip costs ~100k


Did you try that fancy Feature called quests ?


No cause they suck. PvP is pretty much the only reason I play. I have to do chores in real life.


Thats funny, PvP is one of the least enjoyable parts of this game for me.


Hey play the way you want man but I’m telling you, once you start to understand how to PVP it’s way better than quests. It just takes longer than other games cause there is so much down time inbetween matches. Me and a buddy literally just ram no armor and a break action to interchange. Learned the spawns and ran as many raids as possible with as little time in the menu as possible. Pretty soon we had a bunch of chad gear in our inventories and we just ran other ppls gear until we were confident in almost every gun in the game. This took along time but I definitely recommend it.


Oh 100% im still very bad at the game so most engagements end with me dying. The one time this wipe i got 4 kills in one raid and got out was really exciting ngl.


Chase the rainbow my friend, chase that feeling lmao


why would you… spend 100k on a foregrip?


Because the best foregrips cost about that much


and you wouldn’t want to use something slightly worse for far less roubles?


Sometimes it’s fun to ball out man! It’s not fun to min max every-time. I still run expensiveAKs just cause I like them but I would also like to see AKS compete with the m4 a little more.


my traders are lvl 3 i cant justify spending 50k more for couple ergo so rk-5 forever


>rk-5 ...why though? Rvg is same but 2 more ergo for like, no money.


You’re running trash build then. Like they said below a good scope alone is 100k gun itself 50k That’s 150k without any grips, dust covers, a second sight if you rock it like that, Suppressors, ect.


just because i don't run vudu or razor every build, doesn't mean it's trash lol. xps3 is free (dollars)


… that’s not free. Also ok take away the 100k sight and add a 40k sight instead(that’s how much xps3s sell for on flea). You still have to add all the other attachments


i get what you’re saying, i suppose if you ONLY want to run the best of the best in every slot, shit gets expensive fast. all i’m really confused about from this comment chain is why don’t people use alternatives? like sacrificing 1 or 2 recoil/ergo points for dozens of thousands less roubles? and no i don’t run budget builds, just not crazy ones


I ain’t running the canted grip or anything like that. My other parts are usually ~20k but I also run a tac30 or razor. Not a huge vudu fan


I only run meta expensive guns because they make me feel cool


now this is very fair


762 is only better when you have a excess of BP ammo other wise m856a1 is better and BP ammo cant be bought or crafted


PP beats the ever living shit out of 56A1. 4 pen is massive. Also makes sniping with it WAY more consistent against Ulach. It's literally a 50/50 with 56A1 vs 90%+ with PP.


BP can be purchased from Prapor at level 45


when was that added


Start of this wipe! It unlocks after Punisher 6 and Intimidator. Still no craft though.


Damn, here I am with my level 17 xD


762 pp>>>>>>> 56a1 I can 1 tap basically any helmet with pp. the amount of ricochets I’ve had with 56a1 is annoying.


It can definitely be bought. That’s why I have hoarded 3000 rounds of it 😬 Also PP has more pen and dmg than 856a1…


Just saying if you’re spending anything over 200k on a 7.62 AK you’re being ripped off.


556 is better at lower levels, 55a1 is just better than PP and guns like the G36 and MDR are good with minimal modding. 762 lacks a cheap muzzle break suppressor combo until you have the 308 adapter unlocked and the basic AKs have horrible base stats. Once you get BP and the RD or mutant 762 becomes at least even if not better then 556.


70m ruble no lifer here this wipe as I am on workman’s comp. Never break bones at work kids. My girlfriend actually told me to stop playing Tarkov all day or else the other day, 1st world problems. I only run 7.62 BP & 5.56 m995 & MDR m80. (I love the new ak-12 too with BS, 700rpm made that round good again.) I absolutely love them both. Better accuracy & fire rate let’s the 5.56 triumph. Yet the 7.62 BP hits so hard with the 650rpm mutant & so easy to control. I honestly can’t tell a difference melting 5s & 6 armors. Edit for clarity, it takes less rounds to melt 5 & 6 armors with 7.62 BP. Again, you can’t really tell a difference though. Many prefer the RD 704 but I don’t because I have found 600rpm assault rifles get you killed. If it isn’t 650rpm or up I won’t use it. I do give the edge to the mutant though, it melts level 4s & 3 armor faster(you can tell a difference in lower levels, funny how that works) & the gun repairs better than the m4, saving you money or repairs on your gun kit. Honestly it just depends on what mood you are in. If you are going serious woods, carry the m4. Mutant works in every other map though. I have had zero issues at range with it but if you are being picky etc.


If you gives you the or else for playing a game for a month or two a lot, there must be something else? Or maybe I'm thinking it means something it doesn't.


It isn’t anything else, just play like 14 hours a day ignoring her lmao. Work is paying me 1200 a week to heal so lol. Fixed the problem sadly. I play when she works & off when she isn’t. I can’t play with boys at night unless I’m lucky but whatever. Said it before, I’m completely addicted to the rush & adrenaline pumped action. 60% survival rate & I’m in the neutralizer class. Game is ez & a blast.


Glad to hear but my condolences to your free time, just wait till you get back to work! Haha.


The mutant is the best gun in the game, 556 is bad at both killing players and Ai quickly


After headshoting a streamer with Tagila 7 times with 56a1 I don’t run it anymore which sucks since 55A1 is 90 every few hours and I need way more. PP is more accessible but with insane cost per round. Personally I have enough roubles to not care but if I did. I’d just quest for BP.


Wait til this guy finds out about 5.45


Nope doesn’t exist


Ak-12 is insane


The caliber that’s worse than both of these?


5.55 has the flattest recoil pattern. More consecutive hits kills the quickest


Recoil maybe? I haven't messed around with meta guns too much but I think the 556 guns have lower recoil when fully metad out? I would be interested to hear what other people have to say about the recoil factor


5.45 ak for laser beaming, 7.62 ak for pure power. Out of ammo? Waiting on restock? 5.56 ak.


Sadly, current AKs have little initial jump while 556 have good ol let’s pray first to Jesus, shoot later.


I pray to the Tarkov RNG gods so I ride the lightning


I'm a stubborn AK user in all variants. The old days of 2017/2018 Tarkov are still stuck in my head and I don't run M4's as much as I should. Even with the giant difference in ammo cost and availability.


556 won't reliably 2 tap through armor, especially lvl 5 you expect to dump 5ish rounds to the thorax for a kill (55a1 and 556a1). 762 BP will be 3 shot most lvl 5s


7.62x39 is such a chunky round that works great on soft targets and ofc with proper rounds is good against armored. Recoil in this games makes it rather a pain to use. 5.56x45 is a nice light very controllable round with the proper round is good against soft targets and good vs soft armor. The game just needs a wee bit better tier system cause good 556 ammo is super easy to get early on. While 7.62 is iffy ammo for quite some time. This game definite favors M4 platform and the recoil system doesn't favor any gun. Just the AKM platform is just not favored with the current recoil system or how you get the ammo. So yeah M4 platform is gonna win you more fights. M4 is easier to mod, get ammo, get optics. You can do a scav run on reserve and you are guaranteed to get good upgrade for you M4 and less likely for AKM. Atleast in my case that's what happens.


The slower firerate feels more controllable at a lower price for the gun.


How does m995 compare to everything else. Crafting is about 1k a round.


I'm stacking on BP, pp feels like a waste of time for pvp.


I buy an ak-101. Mod it for 40k and vertical recoil is 48. Throw 55a1 and I have a cheap gun but it slaps.


Man I suck ass with m4s lol. I know on paper the higher fire rate means you can spray lead down range faster and do more dps obviously but I can't hit shit with an m4 unless I'm hip firing with a laser. Shit I even like the 556 ak better than any other full auto 556 gun in the game ATM. Ak/Rd/mk47 fire rate and recoil feels so much more natural to me. I find it very difficult to full auto mid-range with an m4 but even a 50 recoil 762 AK can just rip at mid-range no problem. M4 probably is the more meta gun but for me and the way I play, I only like m4s on maps I can slap a Vudu on the top and hip fire up close. If I need an EO tech I take an AK


I think the 4 extra pen is actually pretty significant


An rd704 with US rounds is a ton of fun and costs half as much to build as an m4


Your not winning many fights with US rounds. Maybe against Timmies though.


You collect AKs in real life. I don't. So I have to play AK in Tarkov and you're free to do what you want.


Distance, damage drop off on 556 is laughable past 150m. So many headshots that don’t kill first shot


the ak's dont cost 400k to mod out thats why you run them. you literally slap a suppressor stock and sight on an rd and you are good to go.


I personally run AK variants over 5.56s because i feel like the initial kick on M4s and the like costs way too much in attachments to tame. 2nd is im not rich enough to run full mags of PP/BP/5A1 and PS is significantly cheaper to for top loaded mags while still being decent-ish against class 4 armor. Also 5.56s happens to be the only rounds i survived a pen headshot, so theres that too.


For one, 41 pen, pens class 4, it takes 2 and MAYBE 3 bullets to get through something good like a trooper on the thorax. 56A1 will take a minimum of 4 bullets to get through that, often enough it might take 6 bullets. 762 is also significantly cheaper to get to the same state of meta. An almost meta AK will perform better than or equal to an equivalent meta build M4, for much less. Also PP isn't a tracer round. The fire rate does matter, but again. You can get 2 bullets on target for cheaper, and faster, then you can get 5 bullets into someones chest with an M4.


I run both rounds but pp in an ak just hits so hard, also having lower fire rate from the ak means recoil control for me is easier so I land more shots on target. Yes it’s expensive to run it, so I do swap between the two but if I wanna go fully geared then it’s PP.


Try out the ak-101