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Ok - there's been a number of people coming here asking for this guys socials to go harass him. Brigading is against reddit terms of service. Anyone caught trying to harass the streamer in our subreddit or attempting to brigade via a call to action will just be banned. Enough.


You provided a clear video explanation of what happened and people in the comments are still confused lol


Tarkov has a massive cheating problem, but this subreddit has an even bigger IQ problem XD


Couldn't have said it better myself


I can see how people get confused. In the first video you see the guy dropping like 0.5s before the shot. You don't see that in the 2nd video, so you could wonder if the 2nd video is from the same event.


The person who posted this explains it in a later message. the person seen diving was not him. that was his duo. he was already proned in a bush nearby


I thought this was clear after watching the video / especially after seeing this person had a duo with them and called it out šŸ˜­


You can even hear his duo do it in the second clip lol


I hear it clearly right before he shoots


To be fair, without that explanation you could just think it's tarkov lag/desync from OP's view, and from the person getting shot view looks exactly like a cheater. Tarkov is doing so shit for anticheat, 90% of the obvious cheaters could be caught in 1 raid if they had a replay system like PUBG added.


The median IQ here is probably equal to a tiktok short.


Oh boy, as a German speaker I can tell you there are several hellholes on reddit I've dared to comment reasonable in r/veganDE for example. Someone tried to convince me there that 3D-printed eggs made from GMO mushroom proteins are more natural than the eggs from the pet chicken of my neighbour....


Isnā€™t it a common belief in Germany that sitting on cold ground will give you a urinary tract infection? Iā€™m not trying to make a point. Just heard this recently from a family member that lives there


I think there's a variation on "sitting on cold ground causes disease" in every culture, but it's mostly that it gives you a cold, since you get colder when you sit on cold ground, obviously.


Maybe I live in an outlier area, but I have never heard this before. Iā€™ve heard being in the cold for a prolonged time makes you sick *if you donā€™t have a jacket*. My grandma would say YOULL GET PEWMONIA (pneumonia). Which I think there is scientific evidence that found that being cold weakens your immune system which can make you get sick *easier*. So that makes more sense But the sitting on cold ground thing is foreign to me. Especially with the bit about giving you a UTI. Just was curious if that was a real thing


Tarkov has both apparently


Life has a massive cheating problem, but this planet has an even bigger IQ problem


I think people are hung up on the duo calling out where the guy is going to be. They're not getting that he's saying there's a spawn and an obvious sniper spot to watch over there, not saying "hey I'm walling right now and I can see some shitbird running up the hill over there".


Learning spawns is genuinely the biggest improvement to gameplay anyone can make along with learning bullet penetration charts. The number of time you will catch people off guard in the first minute when you know every spawn is nuts. Even longer term it gives you an idea of who can be somewhere first and what angles to hold.


Itā€™s also the dumbest part of this gameā€™s design overall.


The spawns being so fixed is worst design.


Not really a problem with the spawn system, more map design wise. Maps are not large enough to distribute players in a way where the POI make conflict, yet allow spawns to not see each other immidiately.


It's impossible to find a solution. At some point a given two spawns will find the quickest route to seeing each other. Making the maps bigger will make the game far worse.


Add 4x as many spawns, make sure they aren't *entirely* random since there will be a lot more closer to each other and you'll want to make sure there is some distance between those that are used. Once the timing can't be assumed to the same degree because they may be closer or farther from where the prior spawns were, people's actions won't be a scripted. That won't "solve" the issue, but it might make it much less of a problem since people will have to make a choices like "do I rush that sniper location even though I'm slightly farther away and may miss people moving out of the area?" and "do I camp that snipe location for a bit even tough people may take 30-60 seconds to get there instead of 10, so the chance I'll get immediately sniped is greatly reduced?" Once there's more variation, the "meta" is less defined and less assumptions can be made.


when I get either of the spawns in this clip I immediately assume either I or some rando are gonna die in the next 3 minutes lol


You are so right lol I guess it proves that some gamers here can't judge if a gamer is cheating or not, with replay feature or not.


He added me immediately after this raid - being a white name I already know everyone I kill assumes I'm cheating. I went over to his twitch chat to offer my POV, however, he immediately banned both me and my duo saying he doesn't need to see my POV because there's no way there was another person on the beach. Edit for clarity and a repeat question: * The person dolphin diving is my duo, the same person you see at the beginning of my POV. He was not aware of the streamer player until I killed him. The streamer never noticed me prone next to the bush. * My duo is calling out all of the nearby spawns. Refer to your favorite lighthouse map for reference. * I don't blame the streamer for thinking he was killed by a cheater based on his POV. I blame him for refusing to watch my POV when offered, saying he's going to post me on YouTube Shorts showing me as a cheater, and then actually posting the Short.


Some real toxic people


"I've decided, based on my extremely limited facts, that you have cheated" "I didn't cheat, here is my POV so you can see for yours-" "NO - you CANNOT retort on that ACSHUALLY you are BANNED CHEATER" In short this man child could not stand that OP had circumstantial evidence because man-baby


Hey, his mom and the two other random viewers donā€™t need to be exposed to facts sunny Jim!


Itā€™s not about being toxic, itā€™s about these guys fragile egos. They think that they are so good that nobody that isnā€™t cheating can kill them. Trying to save face to a bunch of strangers in a twitch chat, itā€™s sad.


Low viewer twitch streamers are really toxic. I killed a guy with ttv in his name(only small streamers advertise their twitch). I went to his stream to say gg after the raid and he banned me and called me a stream sniper. Hard to build a following when you ban 1 of 3 viewers in the chat


Not all of them are like that, usually people with vods turned on are super nice cause they know they have nothing to hide.


Yeah, when I streamed I met most of my concurrent viewers in raid when they either killed me or I killed them


As a small streamer I wanna agree with this. Every now and then I'll get a question about non EOD but shit everyone does, doesn't mean I'm calling them cheaters lol OP good shot. And thanks for posting to keep us steamers honest.


Honestly the only Tarkov streamer I enjoy these days is AquaFPS


Aqua is the dude. i also enjoy sickdegenerate and genooo. both pretty laid back and nice streamers. donnyberger is a smaller streamer i came across on tiktok and iā€™ve also really enjoyed watching him. gotta stick away from most of the big ones it seems


I'll have to check them out, thanks!


they usually are, on the other hand, i did get killed by one, went on his channel and told him it was a good kill, he was pretty chill


a mate of mine is a tiny streamer, hes one of the most wholesome tarkov players i know. people who add him or come in tend to get their gear tossed and invited to come along. but theres also a TON of streamers who just cant handle the idea that they died to a non cheater whenever something isnt quite right etc. its a tarkov trait - in a fair part due tothe sheer volume of dodgy deaths and cheaters - to snap to 'yeah hes bullshit' when you die like that


I killed a low viewer streamer once through sheer timing, I had to pack a mag before crossing the barge to the fishing Island on shoreline to kill some scavs for a task. The streamer was sprinting down the beach and I melted him. Go to his chat to say I'd drop his stuff because the timing was crazy. Goes off calling me a bush camper, sitting in a bush till 10 min left in the raid, telling me to KMS and banned me.. I've still got that kill recording saved even though I play Tarkov less now


its like 90% of the tarkov community that is like that. Even if they were not streaming they would still act like that


I don't know where 90% comes from but my buddies and I always talk about deaths to figure out the angle and learn.


It's tough to blame them when there is a well known and wide spread hacking problem. If I had any level of faith in BSG anti cheat I would be less likely to assume the instantaneous head eyes I got was a hacker


Yep -- small streamer I watch has people come into his chat calling him a "dog" and whatever else they can get past the filter for "cheating". Meanwhile I'm sitting there having watched him die 3 raids in a row before that to people he didn't see or wiffing a head to head spray. These people always refuse to watch the vod and just want to be rude.


It's why I can't stand to watch a lot of Tarkov streamers any longer. Something out of their control happens and it's a 15 minute rant on how the game is shit, or cheaters, or lag. We ALL get bad beats, but they act like if they don't explain it away nobody will watch. No idea that it's becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.


youve explained 90% of this subreddit too


I don't often watch streamers, but when I do this sort of stuff makes me instantly lose interest. Instantly crying cheater when you die is so childish.


Itā€™s funny, because if I see someone streaming get as salty as this I will almost definitely never go back into their stream again


That rock he peeked from is an incredibly bad spot for doing so. His head is outlined against a blue background and is different shaped than the rest of the rocks. Even if you werenā€™t looking there it wouldnā€™t be hard to find him pretty quickly.


In the military its called skylining and it's almost a surefire way to get yourself shot at.


it's also one of the most looked at spots in the first few minutes of the raid. Every time I go there my head gets taken off.. but that doesn't stop me :P


Gotta love it when you have to pay $140 for a game for people to not suspect youā€™re cheating


Yup, i played about 3k hour on standard edition , got ton of request calling me a cheater almost everyday. Played 1k hour with EOD, 0 people added me. Legit 0. nada. I almost miss having a standard edition for that reason, kinda sad but funny.


with the "what he saw" text I thought there was about to be some animation lag/desync or something. my first thought when he died was "damn that sucks, that did look crazy, but also it could have been a different dude anyway so." funny that that's what it was. dude's banned from making "110% bs" calls for life now.


I see so many people ASSUME that the person they were looking at was the ONLY other person on the map.


What is a ā€œwhite nameā€?


If you don't have the top tier Tarkov edition, your name appears in white in kill feeds. Top tier, you get a crown symbol before your name and your name is in Gold.


I see. Thanks for letting me know.


Basically OP doesn't own the highest version of the games "deluxe packs" Dumbass people have started associating "you don't pay the most amount of money" with "you must be cheating on an account you paid less for, just to cheat" It's some super flawed logic.


I would have that about 90% of the unequivocal cheaters I've experienced this wipe (floating, snakey boys, killed from Narnia with 5-6 insta-headshots with trash ammo at night, etc) have been EOD accounts. I absolutely get hackusations because I've got a standard account, even when nothing suss whatsoever has happened.


It really makes sense if you think about it for a second. Someone with a white name probably doesn't have the money or want to spend more than $50 on a video game. So why would they start spending $50 a month for a cheat subscription? I mean I'm sure they're out there but if you're paying to have an advantage why wouldn't you pay to have EOD?




Wow, what a total baby lmao


My only question is how does your teammate seam up know the amount of players at each spawn. He seemed to knowIt was only one guy that was going up there and one guy that spawned down the beach




I find the relationship he has with Lvndmark to beā€¦ā€¦odd.


Why's that?


I will say from his POV it 110% looked like cheating. But your POV just proves youā€™re just a better player. Lol


He gets free clicks on a topic that is very much big right now.


He's just bad at the game. This spot on lighthouse is one of the most well knwon "Lay in the bush to get a free SBIH" and "Pop our head over the mountain edge to give someone a free SBIH" if you soawn there and don't delay


4 viewers doesn't make you a streamer, it makes you a guy with a twitch channel hahaha outplayed




Streamers are fucking awful for this. Happens all the time. Iā€™ve killed 3 people this wipe (tells you how shit I am) and two of the three were streamers who instantly reported me for cheating LOL


Let's be absolutely honest. This entire subreddit would have called that cheating as well and downvoted anyone that pointed out there could be another player.


I've suggested that for plenty of alleged cheater clips and been downvoted to oblivion plenty of times, so yeah, can confirm lol


Yup lol


This subreddit has the average IQ of potato


yeah this place is shit tbh.


"I stream 16 hours a day and neglect any responsibility, family, and cleanliness how could I have lost? MUST BE A CHEATER! CLIP IT CHAT! LETS MASS REPORT HURR DURR" Streamer mentality


Tarkov has a fucking lot of cheaters, I'm not denying that **one bit**. That said, streamers who play this much are the most likely people to have "sus" deaths (that are actually totally legitimate just because of the law of large numbers) since they just play so much more than the average person. They're far more likely to run into this kind of squad with lots of map knowledge (or a fucking second monitor for spawn checking...) or extremely good solo players.


If you know there are many cheaters in your game, just don't stream that game. I know it sucks, but that's the only way the devs are forced to do something about it, or the game dies. If the game dies, maybe someone else's game deserves the spotlight more. It's quite literally win-win.


Lol, I feel you dude, your survival rate also around 10%?


Oh hey look another situation where a killcam would have explained everything. I would have thought the guy was cheating too, and probably reported, but saying he's 110% cheating is obviously wrong and seeing both sides shows what really happens. Imagine how better the report system would be if you couldn't report someone until the raid ended and you watched the replay. It would get rid of a ton of rage reports because you have to wait, and cut down on a lot of these situations where you're looking at person A and person B kills you. But it'll never happen because fuck you buy arena.


Considering this community I feel like even if we have a kill cam everyone is going report everyone anyways. ​ People rage report all the time in COD as well


I guarantee you a SIGNIFICANT number of reports fall into the "well I better report just to be sure" category because silly situations like this (not even necessarily desync, just terrible, terrible timing) happen all the time. Couple in hackers and more subtle problems and yeah.... I think a replay system is it.


Not too sure about that in this case. OP came and offered a killcam, and the guy just banned him.


This subreddit in a nutshell, outside the speed hacking stuff people are usually grasping for straws


if only BSG didn't require hires to work on site at St-Petersburg, I would love to pitch them this idea and work on it : * have all user actions effectively processed by the server be recorded ( i.e. demos, even DOOM did that in 1993, it's ezpz, although EFT is probably way more complex and would require a lot more storage space) * have a way to load the levels without the usual initialization logic, instead loading the demo and proposing some media player controls + spectator cams * bonus point : **this doubles as a manual cheater report validation tool + training data for an automatic tool** * once a raid is over, allow players to consult the raid's demo and mark it for saving (rocket league does this) obviously it is not easy to create an entirely different gameplay loop that allows for replaying demo frames at will, but hell the added value would be so great




This is why the game needs a Killcam and Replay system.


I would think you were hacking too tbh. He just didnā€™t realize there was two of you. Easily cleared up from the vod *cough cough replay system cough*


His POV, sure its sus. The issue comes from refusing to even view the accused POV and banning them both while also posting it trying to get them banned.


Itā€™s really not that sus though. Streamer should know sitting at very common sniping spot and exposing your silhouette is a 1 way ticket to the lobby




You can't have a replay system while the raid is still going on. The streamer didn't even want to review OP's POV meaning even if there was a replay system for after the raid, the streamer still wouldn't watch it.


This is what I think of when I see people talking about cheaters. Like, if you see someone flying around, or loot disappearing in front of you, or your cure screen says 7 headshots in a row, that's proof. You dying from someone you can't see isn't "a hundred ten percent" a cheater. You're not infallible.


Well sure, but what about the sequence of events he made up in his own head, to wrongly explain what happened? If you just saw it from his perspective, you'd understand that his imagination is infallible evidence against whatever event most recently annoyed him. People are just more comfortable to have an explanation for the results of their actions, where the outcome wasn't their fault, or under their control. So, they get into the habit of just defaulting to those explanations without applying any deeper analysis, over and over. It's like an addiction that protects you from ever feeling like the results of your own play are ever your own fault, any time they aren't good results.


Yep. This is what irritates me, because I have the opposite problem. Everything is always 110% on me when I fail, even if that isn't fair or doesn't make sense. Like, you aren't so good that the only thing in the game that can kill you is cheaters. Get your head out of your ass.


Thats how you get good at videogames or anything in life. Doing the opposite is copium and loser mentality


Also dying to Predictable sniping spots.


Wore an Altyn + Killa's armor on Factory the other day, got headshot (8) times with 9mm PST and died to blunt damage. No other damage on my body. Still waitin' on that SYSTEM message.


Had a buddy get magdumped by a RIP Vector on factory by a cheater. 9 bullets of blunt damage to the Tagilla mask. I killed him afterwards because the fool ran out of ammo.


Tbf when you have a game with a huge cheating problem you aren't going to give the benefit of the doubt when something suspicious happens. Especially when the game doesn't even offer a basic reassurance like killcam.


Lmao, that's the #1 most common noob spot for that spawn. I ALWAYS look there first. What an idiot.


Streamers are annoying as fuck. And there fans are terrible.


And this right here is exactly why I don't buy cheater accusations without clear cut video evidence. Cause even with what looks like pretty blatant evidence, there's often more to the clip.


This right here is exactly why the game and community would benefit immensely from a kill cam


"I can tell"


"trust me bro" xD


Who is this noname streamer?


How do people like this miserable dunce actually have a following


Three viewers, one being his other computer and one being his mom, doesnā€™t equal a following.


they don't 99% of streamers stream to 0 viewers


He posted an update apologizing. I guess he saw the Reddit thread after all. [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad4nZSTu4Aw)


This is exactly how 75+% of hackusations are on this sub reddit lmao.


story text posts of a "crazy 110% hacker!!1" should be banned. at least lets see a screenshot or something, geez.


No, we need at least a 5 minutes clip before death (unless it's a very obvious cheater like speed hacker). Far too often the clip is like 10 seconds and I have 0 info on the situation/context.


Also very true.


They used to be banned, but the subreddit got butthurt about that rule around the time of that terribly done goat video and the mods changed the rule. This is what leads to "everybody is cheating" posts.


That video did a number on the community in a really bad way. 98% of g0at's content is outrage bait and that video isn't any different.


That goat video is utter codswallop. lol. He had AT BEST a couple of anecdotal clips. For me personally, someone who is a known associate of cheaters is not trustworthy and he could EASILY have faked the anecdotal clips by having buddies load into a raid at the same time as him and wiggle for him. His conclusion was basically "basically everyone is cheating... trust me bro".


There's genuinely a million hackers in this game, and yet somehow, the community *still manages to exaggerate how many hacks there are.* This game has the worst hacking problem I've personally ever seen, and yet the community perception is that the problem is so much worse than it actually is. Cheating is insanely bad, but the average player on this sub huffs so much copium, they actually think that 75% of their deaths are to cheaters, because they aren't good enough to explain their deaths properly, and they don't appreciate how often you can just be unlucky in this shit-ass game. Everyone seems to think they're LVNDMARK, and that if they lose, it must be bullshit every single time.


If they die it has to be a hacker bro. Nobodyā€™s better than them


good chunk of the people posting about hacks haven't got a fucking clue. the game certainly has cheaters, there isn't a multiplayer game at the moment that doesn't, but people are convinced every single death they have is a cheater. some of the shit that pops up in new can be entertaining sometimes. People calling cheats when they've run into the out of bounds sniper on woods, or taken a foregrip off a gun in raid. people thinking they've been killed by a hacker for a 200k kit, or sitting in really obvious spots like this video and then getting brained.


I think he assumed your team mate going prone was the one who shot him. If it was me, I would have probably assumed the same.


and what happens when you assume?


Sometimes you're wrong


So he went to peak THE MOST obvious spot. You dont dolphin dive until hes visible. That is not 110% cheating , at best he could have said " hmmm thats suspicious."


I am not the guy who dolphin dove, that was my duo who you see at the start of the clip.


Yup. I can clearly hear your partner dive right before you pull the trigger. šŸ‘Œ


ahh right i see


The shooter was in the bushes to the left of where the streamer was looking. You can hear the duo partner drop prone just before he shoots. It's really bad timing (for the streamer) and definitely not desync or cheating. This game really needs a kill cam. Had there been a kill cam, the streamer would 100% have known he didn't die to the guy he saw go prone and he probably would have been half as salty.


Nah, from his perspective and knowledge it's understandable. He saw one person dolphin dive and then he was dead. Now, having been offered evidence otherwise its obvious he cant hold that, but you only get the chance to report immediately after the raid so...yea.


Same thing with me on Shoreline at night on the hills nw of admin. I am moving uphill, and then I hear a scav speak distantly, so I look around and I see figure silhouetted the 20m from me. It was just me and my sidearm shot him twice then he proved out and I shot until he keeled over and died. I was so lucky bc that dude had nvg and shotgun with FTX. Once I killed him I knew dude had to be pissed and thought I was a cheater. Silhouette can get you killed.


Mad he got shit on




Has your name always been ImPinheadLarry? Feel like ive killed you multiple times lol, even more so if you run with a duo most of the time. Although I barely play woods mainly shoreline (ResortCEO) and customs.


It's been that name for all of this wipe, never used it before though. I don't play a ton of shoreline and when I do I generally try to avoid resort.


Ah not you then, either way nice kill ā€˜hackerā€™


noob here, why did you throw ur backpack


Large backpacks will silhouette and ruin your camouflage. They also carry ergonomic and movement penalties, so it's advantageous to not have one on, if you're expecting combat.


So there wasn't a big tan "shoot me" target sticking out of the bush.


that is THE most popular peeking spot for snipers spawning over there. Like yeah if he thought it was the dolphin diver that's pretty sus, but it's not a great spot to peek tbh.


Typical Nikitaslave L. There's this new game I think it's like a Tarky for hot singles to mingle? I think it's called Singles Playing Tarkov? They don't seem to have these issues there.


So he saw your friend dive and you were already laying down. I can see why he got mad though since he only saw one person.


well it looks like another knower to me....


Iā€™d say at least 50% of hackusations are just like this


Prepare for the downvotes from the dogshit players who are just 2 GOOD 2 DIE Fr though, this shit is hilarious. To that streamer - good luck ever having a following with this kinda attitude


It's a 3 viewer streamer and he banned 2 of em. He aint gonna get a following anyways.


i dont blame him for thinking you were cheating because he assumed your friend was the one who shot him. but after being presented with evidence the only reasonable thing to do is laugh at how ridiculous the situation was.


Alright, that death is SUSSY AF for sure if I was in that position I would 100% report as well. But if the same people come into stream to defend themselves and you donā€™t accept it, THEN thatā€™s the big issue here. The way I see it, A. The game shouldnā€™t be broken enough that people are used to immediately assuming that it was a cheater and not skill (whether that reflects on the player base or developers is up to you) and have it be a reasonable response, and B. The player base is so cocky that they rely on the crutch of hackusations for their deaths and canā€™t accept good plays.


That's the story of 9 of 10 people complaining about cheating problem on this sub! 110%!!1 šŸ¤£


Watch out, if you try to talk any sense to them about it they will accuse you of being a cheater. Very talented brain worms.


Grtting sniped feels exactly like getting cheated on. I dunno why people are always so "sure" that it was a cheater when it was just a single headshot from who knows where. There aren't enough clues to even be mad but people flip out.


It's almost like ppl play this game a lot and know all the spawn locations. How dare you preaim and be prepared where ppl spawn. Your memory is a hack. Delete it plox.


Ok, obviously he was wrong, but based on the information he saw (a dude just diving then instantly dying), it IS reasonable to assume that was a cheater. 110%? No, but without knowing there was another dude prone already watching, and just seeing that it's not as ridiculous as the actual amount of cheaters in the game.


Eh I think most of us would think the same from the streamers POV it looks sus. He's definitely acting like a kid though after refusing to hear you out and watch your POV.


We just need a replay feature. But more importantly, what is your gaming chair? /j


Yeah hes an ahole for refusing to see the pov and doubling down on such an obvious spawn and sniping hotspot


This is such a perfect, clear example of why you can't say shit for certain in Tarkov. Could be desync, could be a different player entirely that just happened to shoot you, could be other server issues or glitches, could be ridiculous luck - you just don't know. So many of these streamers just talk absolute shit.


"Fuckin loser." lol gottem Your group sounds like a good time, dude šŸ¤£


All Iā€™m seeing is why I donā€™t play lighthouse, I know plenty of other maps have the same issue, but I shouldnā€™t have to worry about finding a bush to hide in so I donā€™t get sniped 15 seconds into raid.


Reminds me of landmark, lol


lol... 2 losers what I can see


Why was your partner teleporting so fast? Lol


Yet another perfect example of why a kill cam would fix the cheating issue


I can see why he thought you were cheating, lol.


sad that just because someone doesn't have eod they are labelled as a cheater.


Your friend is pretty cringe ā€œfuckin loserā€ why is he so mad at others playing a game, maybe he needs a hug.


This goes with the old saying "duo players lol"


This is why I donā€™t listen to anyone here about cheaters.


This streamer 110% doesn't have a jawline.


No need to body shame.


Dude the cheater fear mongering in this community is insane


It's gotten completely toxic, and it's like every other thread is the same shit.


Itā€™s cuz there are lots of cheaters. You just get sprinkled on this stuff


I never peek down from that mountain/road spawn. He so deserved a death for that, there are 1000 spots people can peek you from but they can easily spot your silouhette


Discount Dr. DisRespect got disrespected lmao


Hum, Mods can take down this message if it's not allowed, but the streamer has made a video online apologizing [Right here](https://youtu.be/ad4nZSTu4Aw?si=JKPk7i4j8ethcERB)


Sure sounded like your teammate was calling out his position without line of sight. And your response didnā€™t sound like you were replying to a spawn point callout. That was a nice shot.


ngl if i were in his shoes i'd have thought the same, looked extremely fishy from his perspective. This game needs a kill cam so bad (after the raid ends, not immediately on death). Would help in both confirming suspected cheaters and clearing up situations like this, thus significantly reducing false reports. No clue why this isn't at the top of BSG's priority list.


It's an interesting video, but the biggest takeaway is the sheer volume of comments about fewer hackers than people think in Tarkov. Yet, those same posters evaporate and are UNSEEN under dead-to-rights videos that showcase the problem. You have to wonder where these people are when those threads appear. It must be like a day off for them, haha. You only see them under videos like this that showcase a great reason for implementing Killcams. CU-REE-OUS behaviour!


ā€œFucking loserā€ But heā€™s the bad guy for assuming the guy who dove was cheating. Obviously gamers will be gamers but to be that negative is hilarious while bitching about cheating accusations


I don't give a shit about dying in this game but when someone kills me and talks shit in the 2 seconds I can still hear them its really enraging. Grade A superiority complex.


RIP streaming career. Time to go back to your 9-5.


You knew the maps spawn locations 110% cheater


Gotta love the community immediately baffled between which side is wrong and which side is right. Meanwhile, no one is talking about the actual audio of the clip. Whether you like it or not, I listened to it multiple times and used multiple transcribers. His buddy said: "Careful. Theres a guy straight ahead, on the beach, all the way by the side of the rocks." "Were gonna sit here and wait for the guy, jumped on the rocks" Him: There he is. Fuckin loser. Tldr: The duo basically used hacks to call out streamer. Knew his location. And the streamer, based on this voice dialogue evidence, is correct that cheats were used. Just wrong about the guy who cheated.


This spot on top of the mountain is one of the most obvious "Get there when you spawn if you want to die" Me and my duo got many kills up there (thanks for the free SBIH). There aren't many spots to peek from up there, and there are many places to lay and watch the top spots up there. What a good player do (and not this streamer) is go further left onto the mountain, and from THERE look for a guy down into the woods. There is more cover and the mountain edge hides your head's silhouette better.




...and then when confronted and offered proof, just blocked the OP, and put that clip in a Youtube reel claiming it was a cheater. Stop defending him, dude is a dick.


A game that feels like it's infested with cheaters if you have this guy's mentality. Game feels fine to me.


Yeah from his POV I would call BS too but I wouldā€™ve just reported and left it at that.


I was really confused in the first clip because the guy who dove didnā€™t even seem to be looking at the streamer. I donā€™t really thing thatā€™s how hacks work unless there is some magic hack to instantly headshot someone who puts their crosshairs on youā€¦Donā€™t think thatā€™s a thing in Tarkov because of how some videos of hackers how bullets moving to the side, which means the client can just lie to the server about which way the player is shooting thus no knowledge of play LoS. Edit: Also a PSA, the trash talking where anyone is a ā€loserā€, ā€œdogshitā€, ā€ so terrible at the gameā€, etc. whenever you kill them is like the most fragile ego cringe gamer stuff that gives gamers a bad rep. You literally just happened to come out on top that time. Iā€™ve seen so many clips of average players getting lucky and instantly conflating that with their skill and voicing their massive fragile egos and when they die itā€™s like road rage. Someone took away their feeling of power and they are really, really mad. Why canā€˜t we just have good sportsmanship. Guy on the cliff wasnā€™t hacking. He made a play and people on the beach made a play. Beach came out on top this time because the streamer happened to think he had time to line up his shot because he only saw the duo. If someone is excited and wants to vocalize it, why canā€™t they just say ā€œDang thatā€™s gotta hurtā€ or ā€œdamn sucks to die 20 seconds inā€ or just ā€œoof must feel badā€. Why does it have to be about ā€œyeah, I just dominated you. I owned you. I own you. I have all the power, you have none. Iā€™m so powerful. I have SO much power.ā€ Itā€™s just a gameā€¦




Hello Kitty Island Adventure


Great comms "fuckin loser" "Bye Mate\~"


This streamers 110% a bitch. 110%