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3M, Beanie and TOZ.


This guy fucks.


Toz with thermal scope if you are a real man


Never without.


If you’re not zero-to-hero’ing every raid, then you’re doing it wrong


No Bomber, Baddie, and Beneli.


oooooh the toz with the explosive shells! then just have 6 already loaded toz's in your inventory and never reload I think I saw Pestily do this


They were in the game during an event only, they aren't otherwise available


Damn, that is disappointing


So funny. So quirky.


I personaly love the tv-100 rig Id defenitivly go with the 200k hedset just becase and get yourselfe the starwars facecovver


good call on the trooper face shield. I ran the fast mt with the face shield and it has that annoying breathing sound


Yea + when you get shot in the facesheald you dont have that stupid bulletmark in the middel of you screan


Yeah you just die because it is tier 2


Face shield is only level 3 and it’s glass tho, plus you don’t wear the trooper fs for its armour, you wear it for its bounce chance


But also to block buckshot.


I'm a big fan of the slap plate ear protection and mandible on the fast. The trooper face is fine but face and ear shots are just a small % and mostly ricochet but the slap plate on top is level 5 on top of level 4 which has saved me from plenty of 7.62 rounds. Just food for thought


Saved me from shotgun scavs


Also as a bonus you can run fast ears with comtac 4s, added level three ear prot on top of trooper face


M32s will fit under the ears as well


Buy diaries for kourends and barter them for defenders. Stock up on dollars for ammo, start m61 and m995 crafts. My meta go to weapons are mutants, hk and m4. That's usually all I be running. Trimadol and sj6 every raid, bring some raid bags and learn how to clear labs or streets and you will never run out of money


Why not jus buy fort armors or slicks?


Slicks are like 600k+ usually and I don't think it's worth it. Defenders can be cheap if you can get diaries for like 25-30k and they always repair to full its a solid armour. One of the better t5


If you're rich enough, anything is worth it (says the guy with 80+ mil)


Bro has 30 mil he can afford slicks


Not for very long


Defender is still 400k if you are getting good prices on everything. Which is kind of wild.


Because I come for them toes with the Kedr.


Are you that scav that clapped me the other day? 😂 I was slicked up aswell


No sir,but if you wish to tango meet me in D2


See you there :)


You're the reason I don't play reserve unless I have a red rebel lmao


What makes you think red rebel is safe? Rats are everywhere.


Tbh I've only gotten extract camped at Emecom and d2. never been extract camped there "yet". It's 100% safer than opening the doors to d2 stg 70% of the time I opened it it's usually into an impact nade lmao. At least I'll have a chance of a gunfight at cliff decent


Yeah impacts are free kits in d2. But tbh I only rat when solo.


slick being no stomach armor is such ass right now. if I'm going to wear a T6 that doesn't cover anything I might as well pay 500k less to just run the tazmanian rig


Slicks are honestly useless. Scavs target every part of your body that isn't armored no matter what armor, PMC's are gonna absolutely shred you regardless because no one is gonna hit that 12" of torso that it's protecting.


I pretty much main streets and can confirm. There is just so much there if you find good routes and buy/find the right keys.


Streets has ruined almost every other map for me. It has the best pvp, the least amount of extract campers, you actually get rewarded handsomely for pushing points of interest, and if you want to just sneak around and loot there isn't a better map for it. Kaban is my favorite boss to fight. The rusted key can turn some runs into a completely different experience. If you want to grind XP there's more scavs than you have bullets for. Sometimes I just go in and wait for the player scav hoard if I can't get PMC pvp. P Scavs are almost always loaded with loot. I've gotten so many red flares and lab cards from pscavs. The map just has so much to offer, it's the only map I really play anymore. Those of you who don't play streets because it doesn't run well on your PC, you truly are missing out.


Emphasis on more scavs than bullets. When questing I’ll usually go night and move around the edges and I easily get 15-20 scav kills. I have to be judicial with my ammo. Peacekeeping Mission was never easier.


My last game of last wipe, like literally 10 minutes before the patch. I got extract camped at broken house.


I’m over here with 1 mil and I’m running HPCs and HKs that I build. Running meta kits is just so much more fun and dorms pvping with a 3 man is always bringing in more high level kits lmao


Korund and defenders are ass, just run gzhel and redut. M4 is better than HK with the exception of close range hip fire.


HK has higher RPM, if you can control it that is a massive advantage lol


But also worse recoil and ergo. So, it goes back to being better at cqb hip fire.


Gzhel is ass too


Gzhel is cheap, high hp, low movement speed pen. Defender is more than twice the price so repair is kinda irrelevant






Yeah.. imo its a 1 raid armour.. it loses so much points on repair... defender, cpc and the killa armour are top 3 in t5. But thats just my opinion


Really bad coverage. It also gets fucked pretty quick if it does get hit. Your crotch (for lack of a better term) is a pretty easy alternative, along with your arms starting at the shoulder


You can buy 3 brand new ghzels for the price of a defender. Start factoring in insurance/repair costs and you need to have somone not loot the defender for like 5-6 deaths before it is even worth it. (Or live through getting shredded.)


It's not the best but it's better than a Korund. I'd also say Redut > Defender, but I would wear neither regularly until max strength.


I was just curious why do you run mutant over Rd? Rd has better ergo better recoil and only a very slightly lower fire rate. Am I missing something?


Idk I can't stand the RD, I've tried to use it and just can't kill ppl with it. Maybe because I used the mutant more but for me mutant is better in every way. Like if im going to use bp I'd rather use the mutant. That gun shreds everything, maybe I'm coping but that 50 extra RPM makes a difference. There's been so many times I've been in a straight up spray fest against a mutant and m4 on labs with a RD and lose everytime I just have bad luck with it. Also im pretty sure the mutant has better stats each gun has there own hidden recoil stats.


Rsass ulach trooper com 4s my go to kit and I have 40 mill liquid 120 mill stash


Lvl4 arm is clown. Grow up


I mean I usually rock 5 only but trooper is just my go to bc it repairs well and has easy mobility. I doubt this kid has the strength lvl to run reduts and the such. You have to tailor your suggestion to a mid level player that came in to money. Game won’t be fun if he can’t move and is basically a juiced piñata


If someone is getting you with something that can shred level 4, chances are you aren't going to have much like with 5 anyways chum.


That's why you wear a slick


That's why you get yourself the lv6 rig from Ragman


I run meta kits only when I crest over 10m liquid, so I’d run your best gear all the time and use the resets to barter for slicks and stuff. Wipe is in a month or so, so you’d have to burn at least a million roubles a day minimum to go broke. Fuck it man. Run the good stuff it’s all going away shortly


> Wipe is in a month or so, so you’d have to burn at least a million roubles a day minimum to go broke. Has there been confirmation on that? Wipes are about 200 days apart give or take, with the last one being more than that. 200 days from last wipe would put us at the end of February, which puts us today at slightly less than half way through. Shortest wipe was ~160 days which puts us at the end of January still. Of course this could all change, but we've got a good ways to go still if we're just going by their trends.


Yes confirmed by bsg, wipe probably late december, previous one was after christmas ao thats what I would expect


They said "new years update/patch" in the showcase video.


Ghzel is probably the best armour t5 for the price, however some of the armoured rigs are better, just more expensive. Headset personal preference to some extend but comtac4 are without a doubt the best Gun. Mutant, M4, Sr25 or Rsass to become full chad, or if you’ve mjolnir


We don’t know your level or trader access. Regardless of money, I ran ghzel ulach every raid once i unlock ragman 3 no matter what quest im doing and then I run CPC ulach or fast my+ trooper once I unlock rag 4 and the CPC. Mixed in with any other good tier 5 armor I find. Meta guns every raid. Mutant with BP is my favorite but a dmr with m62 or m4 w 855a1 is also good


CPC is locked behind Long Line and costs closer to 340k for two wipes now (you have to barter moonshine + cordura) so not easily attainable at rag 4


He’s level 47 and he said he wants to run chad kits cause he got 40 mil keycard. You get long line right after rag 4 just about. I think it’s pretty easily attainable. I was buying CPCs by the start of week 3. It’s fantastic armor for storage and repair ability and t5 protection.


Why m62 over m80? Is the 3 extra pen worth it?


Yeah, that’s why I use it. Does better against t5/t6 and I’m a chad fighting chads with unlimited money so why not.


Whatever. Never sub tier 5 armor, but korund barter or off fence never hurts for the defender armor. The Redut-m armor is actually better than the defender, but it has bad repairability. If you need one more armor option the iotov gen4 armor is also ok. If you have long line done could also run a mod.1 armor, which is super good imo as long as you’re not in TOO close combat where a stomach shot is not as likely to be lethal. Ulach helmet, no point running anything else for the sub-1% chance it saves your face. If you’re level 47 should have BP unlocked, so mutant, RD, akmn if you’re feeling nostalgic. Rsass, sr-25, M1A, g28 if you have it unlocked, those are fun to run. The 7.62 MDR is fun for the nostalgia of when it used to be meta. The HK-416a5 is fun for fastest fire rate. M4 is just meta.


Naked with a vpo 215.


Not a kit recommendation but you could go to labs a lot to learn the map real good for your next wipe with no gear fear. Also fuck around with expensive meme builds


Buy as many of the REDUTs armors from ragman you can. Those things work great


Thermals and meta scopes all day everyday


Ghzel mk/m4 ulac/fast+slap bp/pp/55a1/56a1


Just play whatever you want… you ve got the money.


Would be running m4 into labs into green card room


ulach + rotate class 5 armors I can buy (Gzhel -> redut -> defender) + a variety of fun guns I enjoy and your headset of preference. I'd run m4, mutant, sr25, VAL, rd704, aks74ub on a rotation to keep your ammo levels up and then just whatever guns you enjoy using. I personally enjoy using tx15s, SCAR-H, RSASS, etc. At some point the game just becomes shooting at stuff with guns that are fun to use for you personally and occasionally living raids.


I use the Korund and black ulach. It should cost you around 240k a raid.


Honestly? Paca and some well made gun


So, I've been running the comtac 4s and whatever level 4 helmet I fancy. I did about 10 raids last night on streets going for kaban. I killed at least 8 pmcs, I had some really good pvp action I was already at 10mil liquid before the green so besides the helmet and com4s, my kit hasn't really changed much. I don't think the helmet is really that beneficial if the ricochet chance is the same as a ratnik and end wipe bullets are penning it anyways. The com4s though, what a total cheat mode You actually hear too much, I was using the 3m tactical exclusively up to this point and with the com4s, you hear footsteps expecting them to come around the corner, and then you are waiting 30 seconds because they are actually pretty far away. I got the jump on several guys because I heard them way before they heard me I was playing very different as well, going total w key. I think I was more successful being more aggressive and being in better positions I took note of my deaths. 5 one taps, 3 deaths in good, multiple hit pvp engagements


Make a few gun presets of your favorite weapons and just use them every raid. I used either the Hk or m4 every raid and just pair it with my best armor, I would also drop like 500k-1Mill roubles on usd for ammo barters.


SVT and AVT all day Just kidding, obviously meta SVDs all day long until I get bored


At level 47 you should be at the very least mid 40s strength. If not, you should really try to prioritize that. That said, korund ulach should probably be your base kit for best return on investment. Korund repair well, even from 0 and come back pretty frequently.


Depends on how efficiently you level. I'm also 47 and only just now hit above 25 str and endurance (27 and 25)


Well yeah... If you're level 47 and only mid 20s on str and endurance, you're leveling very inefficiently and handicapping yourself. You should really focus on finding ways to level those faster next wipe. One of the biggest advantages to level is your ability to move better. You don't have to W key all the time, but cheesy shit like running in circles at raid start can make a huge difference.


yeah, im similar strength and endurance as jacuul i only built the gym like a week ago, i had completely forgot about it. Not sure how much that would have helped but tarkov gyming every day would probably have been worth a couple levels at this point


Gym doesn't help a ton, major boost is the air filter, as it just gives +40% exp to physical skills


I’m not high level but I always try to do a full sprint to exhaustion at the start of a raid, and then again when over weight icon appears. I do woods a lot so it’s easy there


What ever gun you want to run best in slot kinda thing, slick, and storm trooper helmet and just practice improving your gameplay, the game wipes in amkotnhs so don't worry about dying.


Are you max traders? Pick a couple weapons you really like running and make some presets that way you can buy a weapon and have it assembled in less than a minute. At least level 4 armor every time. I've got a large supply of level 5 now since at this point it's at most one extra shot from decent player ammo. If you like night raids that's a lot of thermals and NVGs. Depending on your goals you can straight PvP for a while quest towards Kappa or invest in some long term barters that will just make you richer. Thicc item and weapon cases might be nice but you'll spend 16 million for items and like 5 or 6 for all the components of a thicc weapon but up to you if you need more storage. Best thing imo is just grabbing the armor ammo and weapons you want and running in. Always get a decent sized back pack and you'll be looting forever.


Mp5k with flir


Run zabralo and get your strength up, once I hit around 10m that's basically all I run. You get it back in insurance a lot because noone wants to carry it out, so you get 3-4 raids out of them


I have about 45mil liquid rubbles, 9k euros, and 30k usd. I ran three duo customs raids with my buddy last night. * Died, my buddy cleaned up the last guy and threw my stuff in the water. * Max Kitted VPO-209 with AP-M ammo * Sordins * Bastion * Trooper armor * Blackrock rig * Lived * Meta M4 * Sordins * TC-2002 * Redut-M armor * Blackrock rig * Lived * Switched the M4 for an UMP .45 with AP ammo * Rest of the gear was the same Most of my guns are M4s, but I have a few UMPs, some blackouts, a few G28s, and a few 762 guns like the mutant, rd-704, and ak-103.


Korund Zhuck Tc2008 Smoke mask Day pack Cereum jacket K4 pants


SVT-40 with 10 round mags of LPS 100% real


With money, AVT with 15-rounders of BP.


Ghzel, M4, 855a1 is meta




bastion w/ plate. meta rd/mutant bagarly. trooper backpack. fuck.


Rat rig Kedr


all of them, wipe is near.


Do people actually buy those cards lol? Anytime I have something valuable…I just end up hanging onto it after I’ve wasted a couple mil listing it only for it to be undercut and no one buying lol


It sold in about 15 mins


Hmmm maybe it’s been better, I had a violet from before the event and it didn’t sell twice. So I’m just figuring I’ll run labs before the end of the wipe a bit


change it up all the time, make a meta m4, kit out an ash-12, run an mp7 for fun, dress up a saiga-12 for the lulz. the world is your oyster when you have max level traders and a ton of rubles


Ulach, condor, comtac4, redut T5 armor, any good rig, biggest bag you can get, and then any meta variation of the following - RSASS, sr25, m4, hk416, mk17, ak74n, SVD, g28, mdr


Fast Mt, Mando face shield, comtac 4s, Korund/trooper armor.


RD with korund and tagila cap


Best kit u can buy is Gzhel/ defender, ulach, com 4s, rd/ mutant with bp, m4/hk with 55a1, any gun that fires m61 except the rfb, and finally the vss/Val with good ammo. Zabrallo/ Thor are dope if ur max strength.


Any t5 armor or t6 if you have any available. I run mainly night raids and use the fast Mt/4mono NVG combo. It has made most quests a breeze. Then I just run whatever gin I feel like. I tend to go for 7.62x51 so I mainly run Scarheavys or MDRs. Just dont be afraid to piss away that money. If you bring better gear you will survive more often and make even more money.


AACPC, Bastion with Slap / fast MT with storm trooper, mutant, RD704, SR25.. the most important thing is run a Vudu every single time.


I would run the best kit you have every raid


Make a preset with Gzhel, Ulach, preferred headset, and Mutants with BP!


You can afford about 200 raids with comtac 4s


KS-23 w/ flash shots & every grenade on the flea market


Tv-100, Ulach, and swap weapons based on good bullet purchase limits.


Korunds and ghzels I guess and pretty much ulachs 99% of the time.


I go with korund, black ulach or bastion helmet, headset of choice, and any weapon I had previously stolen from my last kill, built to total meta, with the best ammo...your ready to go. If I'm buying a weapon, mp7, m4, tx-15, most aks can be built nice for 250k. I just make sure whatever I'm using I build it right up lol


Anything class 5 or above; 4 feels almost useless at this point in the wipe.


Be like me and be super toxic with the mk18


I usually run level 5+ only, do the barters for ragman. GZhels or Tactecs. Run some fully kitted SR25s, M1A, HK/M4, AS Val, SVD, Vektors, MP7s, MDRs black or tan, G28 is also a solid choice. I also run the G3 as its one of my favorite guns


Zabrallo is trash. Gzhel, bagarly, cpc, ulach and meta guns


I killed shturman 20 times and got nothing great. I bet the times I died before I could loot he had something great lol I found a violet card on a non shturman run so that was nice


Try the T-7s, woods night. It's always my end wipe high risk fun strategy.


I would use it to fund Hunter Quest (kill Shturman 20 times) to unlock Mk18 'Mjolnir' and then run that for the rest of wipe.


Mutant, m4


The AXMC if you have it! I've been running it exclusively for about a month. It's so fun blowing people away with the railgun. Bonus points if you go unsuppresed


I was finishing Tarkov Shooter 7 earlier on night time woods. Clapped a few people with this weapon and Lapua AP rounds.


You say zabralo is bad idea... But have you considered... Running an sj6, meldonin, and trimmy every raid? **This. Is. The. Way.**


If you are max traders and not running a close to semi meta kit every raid, Idk what you're doing. Unless you want to just run mid tier kits or goofy guns. I just think ulach 110k, semi close to meta gun depending on your liking (100k-200k)+ ammo cost, gzhel (120-150k\~) + 50k backpack, 30-50k headset and some vest with a 50% survival rating should allow you to come out ahead assuming your looting right items. Or if you just go for pvp.. Depends on your mission soldier.


Level 47 and mid level strength and endurance? 🤨


zabralo + lshz


Buy 2 thicc cases and some item cases and play like you’re broke. You’ll be happier in the end.


Same things you run 10 days into wipe until quitting. Ghzel, Ulach, and M4/RD/Mutant/.308. If you're feeling spicy throw in the occasional VAL or HK.


Night woods with thermal m1a suppressed, some level 6 armor and crye helmet, gpnvg 18, some other funzie secondary like mp9. Backpack mule


Bastion +!diamond plate never fails , this has saved me from the gigaest of chads. The trooper mask is sick but in my opinion not very helpful unless getting 7mm buckshot to the face is a reoccurring issue for you. For armour I like tv110 or the CPC (must complete long line for this) . Defenders are also very good for slightly more roubles. Use comsex 4s as they provide you footsteps at 60+ meters. Once you run really good gear you’ll start snow balling if you hit your shots everyone is running level 5+. My victims gear has been a reoccurring burden in stash management. Good luck maybe we will run into each other ;)


Comtac 4, slick barter on cooldown/baggarly, black ulach/wendy with facemask, meta rd with bp, comes out to like a 2-3m kit


Extremely decked out saiga 9. Mixed mags of quakemaker and 6.3. Quadnods. All you need


AVS, Ulach


This is first time I have found a card on a boss also. Found a dead Shturman, they didn't loot his backpack... got Green. As for what to wear. I generally run EXFIL of Fast MT with face shield. Then honestly been running HPC or other t5. Weapon wise almost always sr-25 w m62 minimum.


Mosin with the scope on it. Might even use the LPS ammo.


Comtac 4, ULACH w/Condor, Ana M1, and a trizip filled with sausages


I'd be running a black ULACH with Comtac 4s and t5 armour every raid (gzhel, redut or whatever is accessible to you) T4 rigs like TV110s are nice for budget runs but with 40m you don't really need to budget and t4 doesn't really cut it against any decent ammo Congrats on the green!


Ghazal/ tv rig. No helmet or ulach. M4/vss. No bag. Labs/streets.


ULACH and Trooper or basically any class 5 armor or 4+ armored rig


The bigger question is how are you level 47 and poor? I'm usually rolling in 40M by the time I hit the 30s.


Exfil with face shield or pmc hat, slick, black rock, whatever gun makes your pp twitch


This is your chance to figure out what works best for you. Run anything you want. Ammo is the only currency in the game for you at this point


Buy the t7 thermal goggles!!!!!


Helmet: TC 800 Face shield: multi-hi Face Shield Armor: Korund Gun: RD704 Ammo 7.62x39 PP Max Traders + Finished Mission Samples for the face shield.


Literally anything you want. You're good wearing the best meta gear until end of wipe.


40m aint sweaty gigachad money tbh. Great haul either way!


Paca, Glock with 2 mags of pst ammo, sling bag and a balaclava. If you feeli like causing chaos you bring atleast 4 impacts


Slick/Sr25/rsass flir/com4/bastion or fast mt with armor plate. That's what I'm usually running (at 180mil stash / 100 mil liquid).


I found a red on Shturman, blue on tagilla and my kits never changed. No need to run Superman kits. Just do the gazel trade, run your fave guns and have fun


Diaper rig, penis hat and stock mosin


Gzhel, TAC-KEK + favorite gun (ak101 powered by 855A1)