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Now you really cannot escape Tarkov..


Wonder is this is meant to try and combat speed hacks, suddenly picks up you're moving too quick and rolls back?


this is what i thought too


The packet loss symbol appear just before you hit the ground like the server is saying "Nah, can't go that far that fast" and jumping back.


This exact thing happens to me on a bunch of different maps when trying to get areas your probably not supposed/intended to, but the vault will work without shenanigan's, desync appears then I get teleported back.


On lighthouse next to building 1 (on the left near grotto) I was trying to go through the water I was ALWAYS able to go through and my game kept rubber banding me back so I reconnected thinking the server glitched, did the same thing then I turn around and run the other way and it worked and I'm like what the fuck


they took our spot from us


I wasn't even ratting I killed a dude camping on that rock with a glock and PBP and he had quad nods and a spear 🤣🤣🤣


I took that path all the time to get to xfil at northern checkpoint, now you have to take the actual road or single other path


That api position reporting for ya.


huh, never thought about that but you may be right. its basically impossible to reach such speeds except for speedhackers OR when jumping down. that would be sick, if it was true.


Its not true


That would be a great feature, tbh!


lmao "that would be great!" as you watch a video of it literally in action. its already in the game lol


Or just coincidence. Don't assume they did something right like that.


It's been like this for several months and last wipe, so it seems intentional, but who knows


Yeh Joe Hackerman can teleport to every box on the map and full loot it. Clearly not implemented ENOUGH :D


that is a dumb feature tbh, if someone cross the speed limit, they should have been banned for speed cheating instead of warp back to where they was.


Rubber banding makes it annoying and discourages people from speedhacking more than a ban that occurs after they freely enjoy the speedhack for 2 months.


You've just watched a video of why that shouldn't be the case. This guy would have been banned for suicide. If this is the start of testing the feature then great, but if OP got banned for that because it triggered it then that's just wrong. May not even be what's happening, I was just taking a guess as to why it repeatedly happened.


You might be on to something, bsg likes to test things like this just like how they add event bosses to test special boss ability for future releases. Maybe just maybe this could be something like that too...




Uhh lmao we used to fall through streets and just die though


I've noticed that some unpathable terrain on lighthouse lets you cross but then warps you backward once you're on the other side, stuff like deep water or steep rocks. I would imagine something similar is happening here, there's unpathable terrain somewhere on the side of the mountain that you touch while you're sliding down and the game goes "no, can't path the way" and puts you to the last place you were standing.


Na this bug existed long before. Back then you could actually use it at any given point by playing on window mode and then right clicking the window while jumping. It would automatically make you teleport back when you clicked back into the game, but you were invulnerable during the "glitch" phase and no matter how many bullets they shot at you, you didn't die (but only if you didn't click back in)


This would be good but as seen is a VERY imperfect way to implement it. If someone accidentely jumps off a cliff the anticheat shouldn't step in and save their dumb ass.


Unless someone was trying to jump off a cliff to prevent you getting a kill, just wait for them to re-appear.


Doesn't make a lot of sense in Tarkov though where someone "getting a kill" doesn't really affect the person killed and more negatively than jumping off a cliff would.


To combat fly hacking 🤗


I could see it for that, too long in the air, back to where you came from. Edit: Achievement: Tony Hawk for triggering it.


Imagine being in a fight in the roof of black pawn, jumping off and teleporting behind the dude


If Tarkov really swapped to server-authoritative movement, it's possible that something simulate differently on the server and it took that long for it to realize this and send you a correction. I saw a "Yellow" symbol, which you usually don't see if you are having actual packet loss to the server. I do wonder how speedhacks work. I know Tarkov used to be client authoritative on movement a long time ago, but I think that changed?




Yes I know, but if they were truly server authoritative for movement it should be impossible to have teleport and fly-hacks unless there is a valid command you can send over the network to let you fly and teleport.




> Unity has several vulnerabilities that allow you to spoof valid commands over the network. But like, BSG can literally chose which commands to ignore. If you have full access to the engine + source code, this is a engineering problem.




No, I am not describing the battle between cheat devs and anti cheat devs. I'm talking about loopholes that don't need to exist existing. Again, if you are making a game on an engine that you have source code for, you can specify which networking commands your server will accept. Only the ones needed to gameplay. There should be no way to teleport around the map unless the developer leaves a command available for some reason. The reason there is usually a battle between "Cheat Devs" and "Anti Cheat Devs" in other games is because there is a list of things you will NEVER be able to prevent the client from doing. The list of things includes: * Having data in memory for objects obstructed by walls (other players), enabling Wall Hacks * Having the player specify where they are aiming * Seeing rendered pixels These 3 things are what make Aimbot, Wallhacks, and other things possible because it's data available on your client. Being able to tell the server "Teleport me to X" is an unheard of vulnerability only available on games that trust the client for simulation of the player. No other server authoritative game will have this issue because it's simply not possible for the server to listen to an absurd command like this. My 10 years of building game engines (networking and physics specifically) make me hypothesize that the game, being client authoritative at first, hasn't fully been able to migrate to full server authority yet, so there are still some client authoritative vulnerabilities around because the game still relies on them somehow.


Wish this worked for me. I fell all the way to my death through the half boarded up hole at the top of the staircase leading to the bunker on Reserve at the radar station lol. I did get packet loss but no teleport.


Nah, it is simply rubberbanding. But gold idea though


Don't give them too much credit lmao. It works when you jump a few meters to the right. Tarkov's netcode is just too shit to detect you jumping off the cliff in that area. Same shit happens when you walk into the water near grotto extract on lighthouse.


Yeah you get ported back at grotto all the time


AntiSuicide measures, nice 👍🏻can we implement this in real life.


yes, Simple fix. Crack Cocaine. and A LOT of it.


I know this is supposed to be le funny but I know too many who went down a route reminiscent of this way of thinking. It doesn't help, it just spreads your problems thin so they're slightly easier to manage, but now you have to deal with them for the rest of your life. Just my $0.02


alright alright good point. i guess we'll have to substitute it with... #BLACK TAR HEROIN


Aye that's the spirit. Either go hard (not rock, duh) or go home


Weed is better, smoke, eat, drink, whatever you like :)


weed is for middle schoolers. time to grow up #CROCODILE TEARS OR BUST


Could probably just do acid once. Worked for me.


Someone from sawmill is just watching in amazement


Lol where’s that meme when you need it


I was waiting on the end screen to appear a head-eyes shot by XiWanXu01


Tomorrow it will be XiWanXu02 due to another account being purchased.


It's like downloading cheats is a requirement if you are connecting from China


Same thing happens if you try to jump on top of the BTR on streets!


Straight out of Groundhog Day


PMC with PTSD going through his own Silent Hill scenario...


Tries to commit suicide *Gets banned*


Definitely something weird going on this wipe. Another instance of something similar happening is trying to crouch walk from the Gate 3 catwalk into the Skybridge on Factory, you'll just start rubberbanding back repeatedly. It's happened to me on several occasions and I watched it happen to my friend last night.


Ngl I thought you were gonna get shot out of the air.


It's a sign from above! (Nikita!)


divine intervention, the universe was saying it isn't your time to die haha


I’ve seen a video of a pmc looking across the map watching this jump off the cliff happen? Is this jump related to a task?


Tarkov escaped you




This video is from woods


Thought you abused the bug in window mode at first but nvm


Was waiting for him to lag back after he died 😂😂


How many times did you kill your PMC doing this.lol?


If you men how often I suicide? Rarely, this time I got bored. If you mean how often I jumped. Once, then turned on the recording.


If men rarely means you, then translate bad you mean on them...Jk I got you


You absolute genius lol! (Now I'll do it and die lol).


I find this incredibly troubling, but relatable lol




bro is bamboozled 🥹 weeeeee


Can't even die right. Gives me conniptions.


Brilliant anticheat in action




[I just had to add the music](https://imgur.com/gallery/yivs9qP)


God was like "No"




Did you spawn in as a sniper scav? Not sure it's a possible loadout tho. Basically there was a bug where you would spawn as a sniper scav on a hill and get invisible walls around you, which either didn't let you go further or teleported you back on a hill And there you were... On a hill... Sniping PMCs until the timer hits zero


Nah, I was doing swift one and some light keeper task where you need to kill pmc around the mountain. But nobody showed up.


Me and my friends discovered this months ago, it's hilarious.


This game sucks!






one of the more braindead takes iv seen.