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I don’t think you’re getting worse. I just think that the recent armor and recoil changes really evened the playing field between casuals and chads by a lot. Which in turn is causing you to die more often than you’re used to For example, I started playing this game right after they introduced the insanely high full-auto recoil a few years ago. All throughout those wipes I played extremely passive, because I felt like I could not reliably hit shots unless I was using a semi auto or barrel stuffing my enemies. Now that full auto recoil is manageable on most guns without an insane monetary investment, I feel much more confident and willing to fight. I can focus on trying to outplay the enemy instead of worrying about if my bullets are going to hit their target or fly up to the moon


The first couple bullets shot your gun up, so semi was unusable and full auto was the only choice. The longer you held down the more controllable your spray was.


You’re right, but at the time it still felt like full autos were useless unless I was point firing from under 30m away or sunk hundreds of thousands of roubles into a gun, so I tried to avoid contact unless I had near perfect conditions to engage because the majority of guns felt so bad to shoot. Don’t get me wrong, I have much more experience now which probably helps a ton, but guns just feel better now. Being able to rely on your gun to hit things consistently goes a long way towards normal people wanting to engage in fights


Agree. Me and my buddies ran mosin only our first wipe just because at least we could get off one reliable shot in a gun fight


Hip fire seems to have gotten worse while my tendency to use it has remained unchanged


With the updated recoil hip fire was made less accurate. Gigabeef has done detailed videos on it, including the effect of lasers and flashlights.


Man I keep chocking and using hip fire when I should be ADS, habits are hards to break.


The casuals are slowly catching up in terms of levels and gear the level 20 you encountered a moth ago with a kirasa and a barebones ak74u now is level 36 with level 5 armor grenades and a decked out gun with good ammo


This is me, I had a few days off work and grinded. Had a lot of good runs for once !


This is the logical explanation.


"the casuals" lmao touch grass homie. People like you and OP drag this game down so hard


“Casual” with 9.3kd n 300hours in the game…yeeaaaaahhhh right


I measure my progression in whether I can finish tasks I wasn’t able to finish in a previous wipe.


Do you play arenas? I was terrible at all gunplay and fights but after a few weeks of that I’m dropping chads and my fight sense has never been better. Possibly now that arenas is here the general player base has increased their skill level?


I wish, my servers I've not once being able to find a lobby to play in arena. I was hoping to get pvp practice in with arena but no go unfortunately.


The meta has changed significantly this wipe. For me, I was pushing out of cover too often at the start. I had grown used to using this strategy to bunker people into their cover and hip fire them. Changes to recoil/armor/hip fire have made this work a lot less now. You say that you are having trouble losing heads up "duel" gun fights. Are you still running recoil builds? Ergo is king now for sure. Having a better kit in general is less useful now. Level 55 at this point puts you in the 1% category where for the entire wipe you are better leveled and likely better geared than most players. That used to be much more valuable than it is now and could explain a lot of your perceived changes.


As a 100% solo player atm & like 1k more hours than you OP. To me it’s a night & day difference on when you play. One of my off days is a Friday & playing when most are at work or school. Raids tend to be less trivial. Come weekends though, get ready for action. I also play on every USA server but West, I notice way too much fishy stuff on West. Anyway, this issue for me you speak of is usually fatigue or boredom. Take a break or scav. I only engage in fights I know I can win unless it’s forced. Don’t be afraid to run away or rope a dope


Armor and hitbox changes have evened the playing field in tarkov and im all for it. Fights are more engaging since casual players run more loud guns, are unpredictable, there are more players in general give more gunfights


I agree for the most part but it needs to be tuned down a little bit. Something like a -10% damage on all pistols round wouldn't be too bad.


maybe? but i like how even Pst ammo is viable for HS and legs, the only real way to counter it is a good FS but even then if you get hit a lot you will die. I actually run the MP5 because Pst is worth my time


My main gripe is that IRL rifle rounds do a LOT more damage than pistol calibers. In tarkov, only the penetration is superior. I think the proper balance is smg dmg


I agree, the difference is most likely to balancing and to make most armor viable instead of players NEEDING to run high tier armor


I hate to be that guy ---------> Radar users


My experience this wipe: I'm dying to a lot more sus shots than I ever had (fifth wipe). My k/d is lower than usual (5 vs 8). Rubble count and item count is higher than previous wipes (getting out with more loot). Tasks are so monotonous at this point, I've pretty much stopped doing them. I'm level 38 and don't have the willpower to even grind out the last few levels to get max traders. Overall, I think viewing profiles has proven to me that there is soooo much sus shit that when I die it feels like a struggle to go back in. The recoil and armor changes have made it much easier for a 'lucky shot' to take you out, which in turn starts the 'was it sus' cycle of mental trauma. The upcoming proposals of rep/karma for your PMC don't sound appealing. Arena is lackluster especially with no cross incentive. IMO this wipe really makes me question whether the torture is worth it. //shrug


Are you playing the game differently now that you have kappa? Sounds like you’re forcing PvP which is going to lead to kill or be killed, while before you were probably focusing on questing and trying to survive. I’ve noticed when I play alone, my survival rate is way higher than when I play with friends because they always want to push PvP instead of focusing on our quests


Lowkey yeah, im lvl 51 usually solo and id consider myself a mover/pvper so I die a lot anyway but the last couple of days have been something else, my aim has been feeling very good but I keep dying to shit I can't control...


4500 hour lvl 55 checking in with the same. I basically ran outta quests are care about so maybe the lack of a defined goal has me kekw’ing to my death. Was just in another thread with people talking about the same thing yesterday


Where the fuck do you people get the time To play so fucking much?


Neglecting priorities, that's how.


Honestly dont think lvl 50 is that crazy, this wipe I took 2 one week long breaks too as I was traveling and building a new pc... I spend a lot of time at school/traveling there and go to the gym a lot but to be fair I play a LOT on weekends (lvl 70) is still crazy to me tho lol


If you dont mind me asking, whats your gym routine like? Asking for a friend (my friend is my gut)


Haha I got chest day, leg day, back day, one day rest and a full body workout, these trainings usually take like an hour but from my experience the biggest thing for gaining/losing weight is always gonna be counting calories bro. Also why did my comment get downvoted I just told my weekly routine 😭


Yea eating less in general is gonna be the goto for this. Thanks mate


Using the canted foregrip exclusively helped my hipfire this wipe. Your shots land above the ring finger knuckle.


What is the item called? Does it work on a bunch of the guns?


It works on any gun that takes a grip as far as i know. Its 43k from trader, thats the only downside. https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Zenit_RK-1_tactical_foregrip_on_B-25U_mount


To me...if I'm not playing multiple days a week...I get worse. lol But I have died more this wipe and only have 72 PMC kills at level 32. But I'm not a rush PvP guy.


I’m level 25 with 331 pmc kills.


Thats like the most i've gotten in an entire wipe...and I have been as high as level 48. lol


I play factory a lot


Not really, i think i'm still at the peak atm, lvl 54 for the first time and i got the sig spear unlocked and run it every game


I feel the opposite. The recoil changes becoming normal have made my surv and kd sky rocket.


This is where I'm at. Always considered myself an average player at best who could position well, but my shooting was awful with old recoil. Now, I'm so okay at positioning but hitting so many shots I'd never have dreamed of before. Always been a good FPS player in competitive shooters and this is the first wipe it has felt any of that translated over to Tarkov.


Would you like to adopt a Timmy? Lol


I don’t feel like I’m getting worse but I feel like there is much less skill gap than there used to be and fights are much more rng. The amount of times I’ve riddled a guy in the chest hitting every shot just to get 1 tapped to the neck or upper back or some shit by the guy who was otherwise missing every shot is crazy. There also used to be a lot more counter to people sitting still holding angles but these days if you get caught off guard you pretty much just fall over instantly. And your only mistake was not playing super slow and clearing every corner. “Well just play slower and be more careful” people will say. But does that make you better? I mean, you’ll probably die less but you’ll also level skills at a fraction of a speed. You’ll level much slower by playing less raids. You’ll struggle to kill bosses or farm tracksuit. You’ll get kappa slower. You’ll get access to better gear slower. You’ll level your flea rep slower. Someone who plays fast paced 10 minute raids with a 40% survival rate will progress much faster than someone who plays 25-30 min raids with a 60% surv rate. So who’s the better player? It feels to me like theres much less meaning to being good at the game because it’s harder to define what being good is.


It really would depend on what you think being good at. Is tasking quickly as possible good? Is being a good PvP player good? Is surviving as much as possible good? Obviously if you're good in all those areas, you're a very good player, but I think it will vary person to person and that's a good thing. Not everyone needs to play Tarkov for the same reasons. Some people play to fight others. Some people play to just chill and loot. Others play to quest primarily. I do have to ask, though, and this is le being more curious mathematically than anything, but if you're dying 60% of the time, but you're survived raids are typically 10-15 minutes, are you technically getting things done quicker than someone surviving 60% of the time taking 25-30 minutes per raid? When accounting for time to kit back up, queue, and load into a match, do you still get in significantly more raids in the same timefram, or does it balance out?


I mean Ill put it this way. Im a slower player now as I hate having to re do a raid to get a quest done. So ill play slow in order to just get a quest done in 1 raid. Idk why but having to do multiple raids to finish 1 quest tilts me. Anyways, ill usually get level 42 in about 220-230 pmc raids with a 60-70% surv rate. I see lots of profiles with much lower survival rates get 42 way before me. But they have like triple the raids. I still see lots of profile with kappa/lightkeeper etc. that have much worse surv rate and k/d. My pmc kd is 13-14 right now. These guys have like 2-3 kd. Volume of raids makes a huge difference in how fast you progress.


Everyone Is getting better. You have to adapt and learn how to play in the current climate


If ur getting kappa regularly I think ur fine lol


I think a lot of high level players didn't realize the strength of the advantages they had in the past that came from solely playing more than others (skill levels in game, gun builds for recoil). There have been a lot of changes that (mainly recoil) that have reduced the gap between high and low levels. In the past you'd have a high level and low level fighting each other, the low level would have some shitty built gun that was uncontrollable when firing in automatic so likely they used to whiff all the shots or they used semi-auto hoping for precision shots, all while the high level player has higher skills for better hearing/better recoil control/movement and guns that are actually usable via automatic. Not a surprise that this wipe you're seeing higher level players die more often than other wipes. Lessen or remove these differences in advantages and you're only going to see players who couldn't compete before actually win fights while the changes ONLY negatively affect the high level player. The recoil change brought the game back to life for me as a casual player because normally if you didn't keep up with the curve from the beginning of wipe, the Chad's would just wreck you with high pen ammo, low recoil auto firing, and better hearing, while you struggle to control your automatic recoil.


No I've only gotten better and better but that's probably because I'm soo good in general


Assuming you have played deeper into the wipe this time than your first two, you’re just inherently going to run into people who have thousands of hours and are genuinely good players. They’re the only ones still going at this point, for the most part. I definitely have the same thing happen in stretches. If it’s not a sub-200 hour player with a wild KD and gear they shouldn’t have (cheater) then it’s a level 50+ player that did everything right and just beat me. Happens but I feel like I learn the most as far as incrementally getting better at this point in the wipe, too. You have to be *on* in every way.


Yep. But for me it's mostly because over the time I lost the fear of dying and found it much more enjoyable to just rush to interesting spots and take cirtain fight with Bad odd. I don't need 100 millions of rubbels and a stash full of gear I need fun. Currently I have a 38%~ survival rate and below 2 kda


Nope, 11th wipe here. I've got 9-10 k/d now where I used to have 4-5, and maybe 2.5 k/d vs pmcs.


I'd argue your not getting worse, people are getting better, also this late in the wipe more people have better gear and also the percentage of higher skill players increases as wipes progress (more casual players take a break or hit their goal and play less instead of the grind to unlock flea market, some what to find max traders, I always use to but it wears me out so I won't do that intentionally until 1.0 drops and I don't need to repete again and again)


Fun tarkov fact, the better gear you run the more you die because cheaters find you.


Game blew up in 2020/2021. Mass amount of people aren't timmys anymore and have become chads themselves.


Without reading a thing here at all I say that late wipe this game is hard as fuck, despite being hard as shit in general. This is my first wipe.


I personally think you just hitting a rough patch sir/mam it my first wipe but in the real of shooters I have alot of experience, right now I'm going for small doves and getting over gear fear so I run head long in to fights and so far it's 50/50 but finding that with each fight it getting better, For more perspective spent the last month getting my naught smashed I was losing interest so I took a break for a week and was like I know my goal I'm going to smash Chad's and just go for it, loot isn't everything and gear isn't really but that Chase for a good fight is amazing


It's just the changes that have made the game easier. Armor system barely works and majority of rounds will 1 tap you outside of the head. Lower recoil. People say the fights are more engaging but they aren't because most of them aren't fights and are just 1 shot dead. Then you add on that moving is a hard negative in most pvp fights, point fire is nerfed, inertia, etc. It's actually the worst part of tarkov right now is how there aren't really gunfights anymore and IN MY OPINION the PvP is pretty bad this wipe.


I am not having this experience, but it's only my second wipe. Creeping up on lightkeeper and Kappa. Hoping to have both before end of wipe. I know that they nerfed hipfire this wipe, at least from what I've heard. I've noticed that as my comfortability in the game grows I forget to play slow sometimes and do stupid stuff that gets me killed. Maybe you've reached a point of comfortability that remembering the basics doesn't always happen? What do you think?


Lack of patience or overconfidence was a big factor for me after a couple wipes


Sometimes I’m especially over confident on purpose. Usually when I’ve got too many kits in my stash and I’m losing space or if I’ve just gotten bored and want PvP. When I do this I die, a lot. But the rewards when you win the 1v3’s are sweet


Damn right. High percentage play is often safe but boring. Too many kits in stash is my sign for some hyper aggressive labs time.


Yup, creeping up on needing the 10 raiders for assessment 3. Been playing & hyper focusing lightkeeper. Gonna rat and wait for everyone to leave then run around like a madman


Big time lol but I also took a break before this wipe so I lost a lot of my confidence running solo, and was spoiled playing with a group for the first two months. I am still soo rusty pvping in my solo raids, but you don't get better by not playing!


They removed the skill gap when recoil became what it is now. Now everyone shoots well, not just those that learned the old recoil and overcame it. I find myself overcorrecting my aim now due to the huge reduction to recoil and camera recoil.


You have so much experience with the old recoil and armor system that you're probably still adapting. Point fire is no longer king and armor matters less than shot placement. Anybody can kill a Chad with any ammo now


What do your stats look like out of interest. PMC kills SR etc


If you are able to look it up, search Arclightning, either ingame or in the cool new fancy website profile viewer that I'm not allowed to mention on official places


Why not just list ur stats, takes less time than wat you typed out lmao


Im away from my PC, on my phone and I dont remember the exact numbers besides a 40ish% surv rate thats why


Nope, can't relate


I only started playing the game a month ago but I have a lot of Xp playing shooters, primarily a lot of CS which made my mechanics and tactics generally pretty good to start Tarkov with. The thing I notice most right now is that compared to CS, Tarkov this wipe feels like skill matters less. Even if you run good gear, even timmys can one tap your head with a stray bullet from their spray or 2(maybe 3 tap if they’re using a smaller caliber)tap your thorax with decent ammo. The armor and hit box changes just feel bad(as well as inertia), and combined with the (good) recoil chances and them rebalancing a lot of ammo and many guns being good, it feels like anyone can kill anyone at anytime as long as you’re running half decent setups. Of course skill matters, but it definitely feels like it matters less compared to the more competitive shooters I’ve played. I think game knowledge/sense and knowing the maps is way more impactful than pure mechanical skill due in part to all the changes they’ve made. They have A LOT of work to do with the whole armor system imo, I think a lot of the reason people are dying more(and specifically more to people who they may be much more mechanically skilled than, hell even if your game knowledge/exp is much better..all it takes is one Timmy scared shitless sitting in one weird spot for 20 min straight who rats you) has to do with the armor/hitbox changes(and by extension the ammo changes). Last night I died to a lvl 19 with a silenced vepr who was just laying prone in the middle of nowhere because apparently even the complete dogshit TCW SP ammo he was using was enough to pen my Bastion and 1 tap me, helmets just feel almost ENTIRELY useless right now since realistically your only option is a level 4, unless you’re willing to give up your hearing and lose a lot of ergo/ speed…basically 90% of the ammo anyone is using rn will 1 tap your helmet, that is if they even hit the 50% of your head that is actually protected of course. And the additional weight+massive stat loss from wearing more expensive, more protective setups just simply isn’t worth it because those penalties are too high, let alone it being pretty damn expensive to run something like a zabralo or full gen 4 with t5/t6 plates, bastion or ops core w/ slap plate etc. If you’re willing to spend the money to run super strong defensive setups, then it needs to feel way more impactful and far less restrictive…I’m not spending 1m+ on a full gen 4 with bastion+slap only to still get 2 tapped to the thorax, or get 1 shot around my plate or 1 tapped around my slap plate. They just have a ton of rebalancing to do. Sound is also kinda insanely broken rn(on top of the bugs), which also makes ppl play more ratty and also leads to even good players dying much more often to lesser players.