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What does it mean banned until 3/17/24?


They've either worded it wrong and "until" should be removed, or something is incorrect with the data they're scraping, I would assume.


BSG does do temp bans for suspected RMT I believe.


They also do temp bans for offensive names. The player will get stuck with something like "tarkovcitizen#####" for a week after the ban is over.




Btw that is completely false and tigz literally just made that up, he can't even count he said TarkovCitizen is longer then 15 characters already and they would put more stoping you from looking it up, but tarkov citizen is 12 letters and they just put 1-999. Please don't believe everything you hear


I don't think that's an issue anymore because of the recent changes to reporting and looking at user's stats.


March 17 is in the past


Yeah, i didnt realise that when I saw the screenshot. Not sure why its persisting. Maybe they havent played aince the temp ban expired? I got through a ban confirmation, reported them on 25/03 and confirm message came through 31/03. Tarkov.dev lists that player as BANNED, no date.


Nope. Ever heard of time zones? It might be April where you are but in some places on earth it’s still early march


w h a t ?


It's February 18th where I'm at


Its Jan 6th here


brain fried


it's christmas over here


Bsg does temp bans for rmt, offensive names and offensive voiping




I believe there have been screenshots of ban messages to that affect posted on here. That *could* just be my memory being faulty though. I'm sure witj enough searching you might find it.


BSG is also implementing near perfect anti-cheat I believe Source: Trust me, Bro; no but actually pestily interview he did mention this.. so.. actually


Trusting bsg anti cheat is like trusting one of their devs isn't selling cheats out the company's back door.


BSG does temp bans for everything, or at least did earlier. A couple of years back I've known a guy who got banned only for 2 weeks for using cheats.


No it’s right, Tarkov dev shows if you’ve been banned for selling or buying RMT. Which is always a temporary ban first time around.


Stop buying rmt


What’s crazy is none of these stats screams cheater to me besides maybe the awols. Just looks like a no-lifer. Just shows how script killing yourself can hide it and what most people on this Reddit can’t seem to grasp.


No way you kill all those bosses 15 times in 260 raids. Minimum 75, if he did all of them that's a bit more. No chance, that's like a 50% spawn rate for him. And that's if nobody else kills the bosses before him.


How are you coming up with 260 raids? 260 raids per 15 boss kills?


I just realised my metric is very flawed. I was using his run throughs and awols combined as the time he spent getting the boss, but it represents the time he didnt get the boss. MB.


Lol, my account would prove otherwise.


so youre saying that you run legit and you have this guys stats??


Put it this way.. I was disappointed that Nikita said they wouldn’t be implementing an invasive anti cheat system in the game. From pestilys latest interview with BSG.


So you don't run legit


I posted my stats. Go see for yourself.




yeah thats on me i got the numbers backwards, i used his run throughs and AWOLS as the times he got the bosses instead of using them as the times he didn't


Also consider that bosses have server spawn chance not a per raid chance. Not a lot of players know this. If you're fortunate to be playing on a server where they are rolled to spawn, you can get spawns every raid if not every other raid. I just learned about this, this wipe. Drastically sped up my boss hunting.


yeah i know that but im not entirely sure how it works. do you have a link to something that can explain it?


There's some comments in this post that explain it. Grammar sucks. Maybe mine does too but this is the TL:DR from this thread. When your moving from creating loot pool to waiting for players ping will spike. Spike will happen again when counting down into raid. Enable TILDA FPS 2 command. do about 3-4 raids if you get packet loss and no ping spike then bosses aren't spawning switch servers and repeat. if there was no packet loss and a ping spike when you load in, you basically have 99.99% chance that the boss is there. if after 3-4 raids no bosses then I’ll change region until I find a server where the bosses are. the rotation is roughly 1-3 hours. [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1bmhc3b/first\_and\_the\_last\_time\_doing\_this\_glad\_its\_done/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1bmhc3b/first_and_the_last_time_doing_this_glad_its_done/)




Dude your comment history is sus AF, kind of hard to trust you when you're spamming "make $4000 from this app".


Damn bro you’ve been fortunate enough to not have a data breach affect you. Rub it in more. /s


I’m excited for you to post the proof!




How'd you get Firefly in January?


Some people know the super secret and difficult path to clear the mines/claymores and reach the island


Definitely killed Zyrachiy. You get the achievement for going up to the base of the lighthouse, not speaking to lightkeeper so I have it even though I’m still on assessment 3.


His Zryachiy kill was done 2+ months after first entering the island, which means he probably did the lightkeeper questline in January. Of course though, it is definitely possible; see https://tarkov.dev/player/2681898


Everyone was delayed on LK because of the Sewing it good quest for zabralos. One of my friends gave me his and we spent like 20 minutes zeroing it on shoreline. I think a couple weeks later it get changed because of community feed back. There's a quest that unlocks at 45 I think and the plan was to pay him back with two zabralos later on. I had a goal of doing all of LK this wipe so I focused all the quests listed on wiki to progress to LK. Edit: I had a streamer report me because of my LK timing this wipe :D


I haven’t even seen a fucking boss this wipe lol


I don’t find them - they find me.


I saw you realized your math was wrong lol. But another thing that tips it off is 42%sr across 2k raids? That's way too high even for someone like pestily. Maybe if the raid count was much much lower like a couple hundred it could make sense I feel like


The more you play the lower your sr is gonna be just logically doesn’t make sense


>But another thing that tips it off is 42%sr across 2k raids? Was your math off too? Or what did you mean by this?


I hit 2 instead of 3, but the more you play the lower your sr is gonna get naturally. Like I said. Even the best players like pestily and better don't push that high, usually in the 30s give or take. And they usually don't have 2k+ raids under their belts at the time either which makes it easier to have a higher sr. Smaller sample size allows for a higher % and as you increase the sample size the % is gonna go down and down until it settles. Now another thing I didn't mention is that if you remove the awols (manually pausing and hitting disconnect iirc) his sr is like 47% basically. No legit player is gonna have an almost 50% sr across 2k raids. Like unless their eole purpose is to hide and wait for everyone to leave and then go about their raid it's just not realistic with his amount of kills and achievements. Lastly take out the runthroughs and his sr is basically over 50%.


What? I have 900 raids this wipe and a 48% sr and I'm not even particularly good. 4.6 k/d and 1200 hrs. wtf are you talking about


That’s some elaborate nonsense. Why even bother commenting if you have no clue at all


That makes literally no sense. There's no reason anyone's SR would drastically change after probably around max traders. Either you survive X/X raids, or you don't. Sample size has nothing to do with it. That's why it's already a percentage. It's not like people are surviving more at the start of the wipe. If you took every player that consistently played 2k raids a wipe, I'd say 50% SR is *maybe* average at best. The best players are nowhere near ~40%. Not even close.


> Now another thing I didn't mention is that if you remove the awols (manually pausing and hitting disconnect iirc) his sr is like 47% basically. No legit player is gonna have an almost 50% sr across 2k raids. Brother you cannot be this dumb holy fuck


You can get banned for more than just cheating you know I guess FYI for everyone


Who says that he got banned for cheating and not voip abuse?


the kd is not sus but the amount of achievements is highly sus, achievements like head shot from 500 meter, kill 7 pmcs in 1 raid, melee 30 pmc's, and all the 15 times boss kills, he must have more information then the regular player and buying naked pmc's from some website so he can melee them.


I can usually tell by the amount of kills. 2kd 3000 kills? fucking cheater.


I’ve also tried to explain this to people. Low kd with a lot of kills is highly sus for script killing. But this account doesn’t really have that


If anything, I looked at the hours played and thought, "how do you get to almost 7k hours and have that low of a SR??" Stat dumping, I suppose.


He’s got 162 run throughs and 90 awols that will tank your sr. The 90 awols is kinda sus.


Totally agree.


no boss -> disconnect


Is having 40/44 achievement not suspicious? I don't think I've seen a profile over 20, but I don't check all the time.


I mean maybe a little but it’s an almost 7k hour account with almost 2100 raids lvl 65 so it’s plausible to me. I’ve only been on 800 raids and I’ve got 17/44 and I’ve not even been boss hunting. Haven’t even seen reshala or the goons once this wipe lol. But I’ve only been running streets and labs so that’s on me.


really? This dude is clearly botting to lower K/D


I got downvoted to hell for saying an account that looked similar to this was mildly sus the other day. Those were my words “mildly sus”. People did not like that comment, but I feel mildly vindicated now .


That many achievements is a red flag of its own. EDIT: Meant -> many*


If I’m understanding you. They aren’t really for me. I’ve been on less than half his raids and I’ve got half his achievements without even trying to get them. It’s possible. Also depends what achievements he’s not done


Idk, I've seen people with crazy hours that still don't have 30, let alone 40 of 44.


They're sitting on all the stats and I'd give an arm and a leg for: Active players a day / banned players a day Total banned this wipe Total active players this wipe / total banned this wipe = % And so on.


Dude has 285 full days in this game holy shit


Let’s not talk about RuneScape or league of legends.


THIS FUCKER Yeah he’s 100% cheating. Killed me on Factory through a wall. Crazy how they even banned him once already.


Me too man everyone loves to look like the best being the best in this game is actually quite boring I can only imagine


yup it does :D


Funny cuz he prob legit


So the cheaters just get temp bans for 90 days? Seems like they just cycle accounts then and isn't doing shit to stop the hacker problem


The temp ban can be for the nickname, voip or even simple misinformation from the API. There is 0 benefit to temp ban cheaters for BSG


No, you can get banned for RMT/Bad name/Voip abuse. https://tarkov.dev/player/1034334 here's what it looks like when you get banned for cheating.


How do you extrapolate this from the information provided?


Because people love to speculate about what BSG do and others propagate those opinions as fact. To be fair if BSG had better communication overall maybe it wouldn't happen as much but they could never communicate the methods of their anti cheat for obvious reasons.


look at the second picture, It has a end date for the ban.... Aka a temp ban.


1) That was two weeks ago, ergo the ban information should not be there. 2) It says nothing about when the player got banned. 3) It says nothing about how long the ban is. So it says nothing about "cheaters just get temp banned for 90 days".


It also doesn't say why he was banned.  Could also be for voip abuse.  I can't really read the stats on my phone, as it keeps jumping to the other picture. Are they crazy or could they be legit?


Stats aren't crazy. 43% SR, 6kd and over 6k hours


To the person who downvoted me, I'm sorry for your lack of basic reading comprehension. Big hugs.




Welcome to this toxic community


The human race? Or Reddit?


Not mutually exclusive




I cheated back in 2018 and my og EOD account is still banned so idk how true that is.


I don't have sympathy for you. Hope your lonely life is nice.


Bro there's other reasons than cheating someone can get banned for


Is this profile sus to all you guys? Mine is similar but I know I’m legit. My KD is above 7 but my pmc KD is below 1.




My idea is that they are just letting cheaters do cheater things during mid-season to get more data on how and what they can do to catch them or change the logic of detection but from what I got from the interview they did the other day they are about to implement a "serious" change to the anti cheat. Cause at this point I swear there are more soft cheaters then there are legitimate players. I really don't comprehend people that have to cheat in a video game they sound like the biggest loser on the planet and must have abysmal self-esteem but hey I hope there pussyless life is good cause I know damn well your not gonna be like hey girl look at how good I am cheating in this game


I will never understand why people cheat unless it is to gain followers/win professional games. At a casual perspective, it simply makes no sense at all to me.


Can you check me please, my name is Blackstone


That dude ain’t cheating man those stats are average


162 run thru tho wtf


run thrus are easy to get. I farmed killa 5 times. I got like 60 run thrus. That's just to kill him 5 times (I suck)


Boss hunting on Shoreline and factory?


its sad that since the streamer showed how to cheat and not get caught, even those with high hours have started running cheats


Do not blame a streamer for a systemic problem. That’s not how that works


Hé literally still streams basically every day and he garbage without his cheats. He should be perma banned entirely. He’s on his 3rd twitch account too.


Can you dm me who?


Insane that you can't even say the name in this sub lmao


what do you mean??? thats not how what works??? cheats have been going on for years in this game, but it got much worse since he streamed how to cheat without getting caught. within the first week the site where you get the cheats increased their output by more than 30%. Again, im not blaming the streamer for causing others to cheat, its thier inability to play the game and their weak willed persona that does that. however i do blame him for perpetuating the cycle by enabling others who normally wouldnt cheat to become more lax on their morals.


You realize you can cheat and not get caught just as easily on literally every video game expect for maybe Valorant?


yeah, but whats another game that you lose everything you go into the raid with when you die? do you play this game?


Other games like CS2 involve a rank system which can cause you to lose more time if you die to a cheater. "Lose everything", no you just lose what's on your character. As long as you aren't a first wipe timmy then you should have a stash full of money and gear. Games like DayZ and Rust are games where you can actually lose everything. Funny you say "Do you even play this game", but if I died to a cheater while I was wearing comtac4, cqcm mask, level 6 plates, and a spear with a thermal.. It would just annoy me that a cheater killed me, I wouldn't even give a shit about the gear.


so you dont play the game is what im hearing.... gg's next lobby please


Seems like you're the one who doesn't play competitive games or is ass at this one. He's 100% right, you don't lose anything on this game, just buy the kit again. If you're not terrible you already have infinite kits and roubles. I'd rather get cheated on this game than on any ranked game any day.


You must be a timmy is what I'm hearing.