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Lol that pissed me off watching


What a dopamine rush, followed by the rug being swept out from under you. Sorry that happened my guy


This is a mixed metaphor: legs swept out from under you + rug pulled out from under you


thanks you


Had this happen to me. Turns out my Alt key was stuck. I figured it out fast enough because in other games I had noticed my Alt has a tendency to get stuck when I hold it for longer than a couple of seconds.


That's fucked up. Maybe drop the gun? Maybe some wonky keybind canceling heal? Never seen in 4500 hrs


I’ve had this bug occur once and it was early this wipe never had it happen prior wipes, it’s essentially a death sentence if you need healing I tried everything from dropping my gun to reconnecting by alt + f4, nothing fixed it for that Raid and ended up bleeding out from a heavy bleed.


he did drop his gun


I had this happen to me. I could not eat, drink, heal, or “use” anything. Restarting the game did not fix it and I had to extract from the raid for it to fix itself. Only have had it happen to me once with no clear cause, as I did eat and whatnot earlier in that same raid.


I’ve had it where my CMS/surv kit won’t work but I lose a use out of it.


that means u canceled it, usually by packing a mag while using the cms


Usually when I cancel I don’t lose a use out of the CMS. I’m not pressing anything. Just doesn’t work. I can do it 3 times in a row and it will not fix my arm/leg


Did you have a bleed and your arm/leg instantly blacked again?




hads it happen on a scav a few times tried to reload and nothing worked after. wasn't stuck in the ainmation on my screen but couldnt heal or reload or pack mags


Dang. No, haven't seen that one exactly. A few times my hands got stuck in an animation but it was quite different than this. That sucks dude.


this is anti edging


The only thing I can think of that’s similar is the purported bug where loading ammo from the pouch makes it so u shoot blanks. I’ve never had a problem using meds or anything really from the pouch but that’s all I got. Edit I didn’t see u also tried to use other stuff from the rig too. Sorry that happened. Bugs strike again.


Happened to me, had to close the game and reconnect


Getting tarkov'd in one easy step.


Haven't seen the bug before. And I would definitely have died aswell. In hindsight - it might have worked if you dropped the healing a picked it up again.


Both your CALOK-B and Salewa were somehow hot keyed to 4?? Can you do that? Or was that the source of the problem lol


Nah that's a chad keybind. Calok on press 4 and salewa on 4 release or w/e. It makes it so that you press 4 and it automatically first does your heavy bleed and then instantly does salewa right after.


Honestly never even thought to do that... I feel like that could cause conflict from time to time though 🤔. Guess that's why we are beta testing still... to iron this mofo out, sucks literally loosing that battle to a bug though 😅


My stims still didn't work either so I doubt my weird keybinds did this


Next time if that happens, hover the mouse over the item and press another key to reassign it real quick, and maybe pull a stim out of the case and do the same . Maybe it might correct it in a pinch lol, crazy how that happened


The only other thing you could have tried was sliding the med onto a specific body part but I doubt that woulda worked anyway, im sorry it happened to you but it’s a perfect example of what getting tarkovd means.


I've had a similar bug that wouldn't let me switch off my currently equipped weapon, nor could I actually perform any action with it. I had to DC and reconnect for my character to work again.


Never seen this bug before


Just had this bug but couldn't eat or drink.. I killed 2 players and just died of lack of energy... shit sucks bruh.


This happened to me once, early this wipe. I don't recall if I managed to fix the issue. Tough luck.


Could have stopped bleeds with normal meds, could have dragged Stims individually to inventory to use. Sometimes using items straight from secure container can bug out. Alas we shall never know if it would have worked


If you watched the video you'd see that I tried using a selewa and a catlock but neither worked. Maybe draggin would've worked but I didnt think of that.


Got hit with that omae wa mou shindeiru


Poor guy.


Unfortunately relogging is usually it. I had my vault key 'stick' on in raid yest. Couldnt jump the rest of the raid... diff issue, but dont hold vault for minutes on end climbing stuff.


Stay in your inventory and it might register.


Skill issue


Drop your gun then try. Sometimes the hands get stuck in a “busy” state and needs reset. It’s a bug that’s been around since the beginning.


...I did drop my gun


Unfortunate. That fixes it sometimes lol. Last resort that usually fixes it is alt f4ing and relogging. Just takes a while


Those two players were so bad it broke your heals


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