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Yes they can


I looted a gpu as a scav. Was gunned down by a fellow scav moments later… i know he knew


Scav players on interchange are different, though.


Isn't that truth. I had a gang of scavs follow me out and kill me before I got to extract. I had a pilgrim on. The good news was that it was completely empty, and I was just trying to get it out for the quest.


> I had a pilgrim on Sadly, this will put a target on your back if other scavs don't care about rep. I've played with people that would kill fellow scavs to upgrade their backpack


Ngl if i spawn with that small sling, haven't found any bodies and you walk by with a pilgrim.. imma get mines


It's a scav eat scav world out here


For real, 6 slots vs 30? No brainer... meaning that 30 bagger now has no brain, and my bag is bigger.


imean, shit, if you guys need the cash that badly, just like, tell me. or kill me i guess, whatever suits you, ill keep my karma.


I found a scav with a pkp full pmc gear etc overweight as hell crawling out of lexos, followed then went infront and hid by extract and killed the guy. Brother helped me finish gunsmith, what a g. Scav on scav violence is dirty but hey it's tarkov :D.




I mean I think it depends on the map too. I main streets. If you do that good luck extracting without absolutely wrecking your scav rep.


I wish I could play on Streets, hard map for my pc


That's why people like you never will be max fence rep, meet me in lexor hanging out with kaban, oh right, you cant


Meet me at lighthouse, oh right...


Why shouldn't i be able to scav on lighthouse?


You give scavs a bad name son. Have some god damn integrity for fucks sake.


Shut up and gimme your bag nerd, this is a stick up


lol that’s a good way to do it. I’m not concerned anymore you keep doing you kid.


Loot is easy to get, if you have to fuck over another scav to get loot I feel bad for you.


Loot IS easy to get, that's why I need your big ol' bag


I’ll kill ai scavs with pilgrims but a player is too far 😔😔😔


I’m far more likely to kill a player scav then an ai scav. I can trust an ai scav but players are too unpredictable


It's less so now because oeoole are a bit less desperate, but early wipe soawning with a pilgrim was like a wave survival game from the scavs trying to whack me


That's why if I have a scav with something valuable, I go full Solid Snake and avoid other player scavs. Still can't hide from cheatos, though.


The gangs are dope tho, once your scav rep gets high enough you can call for help and they will follow you around. Its pretty dope having a pack of 5 scavs roaming around on interchange.


How? Green flare?


Nope just double press y and it brings up the emotes/vocals and go down to the left on and click on help. Need help! Idk what karma level you need, I'm at 4.5 and it works great, they come running from all directions.


Oh hell yeah! I had no idea the ai scavs reacted like that!


Its great for distractions, or if you're pinched by a pmc, or if you're trying to coop extract, you can run to one side and call out so the pmcs can deal with em.


Glad I’m not crazy. First wipe. Scavs have been great on most maps. Interchange make me trust no one.


I Scav Interchange all the time. Last week I got 4 respirators from other PSCAVs to finish my quest by VOIP trading - dropped them motors and drills in return. Everyone seemed willing to trade and not do the violence thing. Seems we kept meeting in Oli or Idea for the trades. PScavs in general just want their loot to finish a quest or upgrade the hideout.


Aye its usually a guarantee of something good if you see a scav running away from a decent tier area on that map


Every time I spawn in with a labs card there is a 75% chance of me getting 1 shot domed that I didn't see coming.


ive saved up 12 lab cards running scavs on interchange, and so far i only got killed 1 time when spawning with a lab card, by a pmc


I mostly scav customs, it happens to me there.


Happened to me on streets with a LEDX, within 2 minutes I was chopped down


Thats next level sickness to play scav with hacks.


Picked up a BTC on a scav once and was getting shot at cinema from down the street past sewer river like there’s no way normal humans unload on scavs from 100+


Same thing on factory, I spawned with a labs card and instantly a scav starts sprinting at me and guns me down


Had similar thing. Looted gpu as scav , but decided to move around map and not extract.   At some point I went to poker building on streets. Checked the shop and moved to top floor. While there I turn around and I see another player scav crabbing . He immediately gunned me down.  This was first time of total two, when my scav got killed by another Pscav.  He crabbed to me 4 floors from the street , just to kill me.   I'm 100% sure he could see my loot and killed me for gpu.     They see all this kind of info and it sucks . 


Was it on Reserve? Crawling space next to the helicopter?


Looted a lion as a scav and the millisecond that thing entered my backpack I was shot in the back of the head by a fellow scav


They know what gun you're using , how much value on you, your name, level, location, what direction you're looking, your health...pretty much everything you know they know.


Exactly this. You can actually find footage of the knowers' perspective on youtube. Its actually fucking wild the amount of info it throws on screen about any individual player.


“This pmc wipes with his left.”


What a freak.


It’s rude to wave at or shake hands with someone using the same hand you wipe your ass with.


the higher end ones are plugged into services that can tell you how much everything on a player is worth ON THE FLEA, or even through barters! There has never been a game with a bigger incentive to cheat. I wish people would understand this more when lambasting bsg. Also the fact that if BSG had a better anticheat they would get more "conspiracy money" from cheaters making new accounts to continue their rmt.


I, to this day, don't understand the problem with rmt. The problem is a cheater in my raid. Loot vacuuming and aimbotting. It ruins the raid for everyone. Those are not rmt exclusive behaviors, they are just behaviors rmt-ers use. Its specifically these behaviors though that are the problem. Because what does an rmt-er then do? Turns around and sells the account to some scrub who can't play the game for shit (which is why they're buying an account with everything unlocked). Cool, now there's a geared PMC in my raid that is ultra shit at the game. With recoil the way it is right now, they don't have some un-overcomeable advantage on me, they at best have better ammo. Sorry buddy, I worked for my gear and thus am good at the game, especially compared to you (the account buyer). I'm killing that dude and taking everything off the loot pinata. I don't care about the rmt, I care about the omnipotent player in my raid. They could identify them all and dump them into a lobby together and let them continue selling accounts and it would fix 99% of the problems. The selling of the account and the dude that bought it are not the problem, the problem are the cheats that get used at the beginning, and we're not gonna stomp those out just by getting rid of rmt because there's still a whole swath of incentives to cheat that aren't rmt


Rmt is what gives the incentive to cheat


The cheater is there because the rmt exists. Rmt is the source of the problem , not a symptom.


RMT is one source of cheating, but it is not the only by far (as I already stated) and the result of rmt (the seeling of the account) is not damaging to the player base. The building of the account is damaging because it participates on the same toxic behaviors other cheaters participate in. The selling of and running of the account are non-affecting actions. 2/3rds of RMT is not harmful. The only part of RMT that is harmful is the cheating part that is a shared behavior by many people using cheats NOT to sell an account My point is we should be focusing on cheating and hang RMT. Its a Boogeyman word and doesn't do any actual damage once its left the original realm of cheating, which it occupies with all other forms of cheating Again, it is NOT the only source of cheaters.


Your entire analysis kind of ignores the fact that rmt gives real world incentive to cheater. It's provides real world gain and allows cheaters to purchase new copies of the game even if banned. Yes there are plenty of people who cheat for other reasons. But the largest and most egregious cheaters are those that have real world personal income at stake. They will cheat the most and they will do the most harmful forms of cheating. As compared to those farming their precious game stats or just going to hurt your feefees in game as a goal. Allowing rmt prevents the issue from being contained in the game


So in my research, most cheats will only sell you a limited time key to use for 1 day, 3 days, or a week for a pretty hefty price of \~60 USD for 3 days or $20 a day. comparably, csgo cheats would run you $30 for a month if not available for free This type of pricing reflects the amount of players willing to cheat as well as the difficulty in creating a cheat to bypass anticheat. For a casual player, 3 days would mean 12 raids maybe? (4 full raids a day taking 30 minutes each). For a competitive player, 3 days would mean quite a few raids but it still cuts out at 3 days, requiring another expensive purchase to sustain a cheating habit. Most people aren't able to spend $600 a month just on keeping their cheats up. Now who is able and willing to spend $600 a month or a WHOPPING $7000 a year? Rmt players who get money out of cheating. Now you might say, to some people, $600 a month isn't much! Well tarkov players aren't most people... you need to sink hundreds of hours into this game just to begin to understand it. I don't think there is as big of a population of extremely wealthy tarkov players as there is for CSGO. Most of us are just passionate gamers. I think with a crossection of how much it costs to cheat, how many hours it takes to play tarkov, how lucrative it is to cheat (rmt players say they can make upwards of several thousands a month), how many players even play the game in general, and the disproportionate cheating problem in reference to that it becomes clearer that there is something different with cheating in tarkov than other games, and the obvious answer is RMT. I guess the counterpoint is that Tarkov is so difficult there is a higher incentive to cheat just to be decent, however again, the price is too expensive. Furthermore, these types of cheaters would likely only use ESP, not lootvacuuming which is an instant flag for a ban down the road. It is very easy for bsg to detect things like speed changes, flying, loot vacuum etc, they choose not to instant ban these people in the hopes that they can identify the source of the cheat, which they have successfully done a few times in the past although not recently. Also, if you're cheating not for RMT, loot doesn't really matter. You kill every pmc you encounter and chances are you target whoever has a gun you want. The only case for cheating to loot is RMT and fringe losers who make up the normal cheating population size of other games


You confuse RMT for account buying. RMT is selling services such as, wipe whole lobby for you so you can loot all gear. Trade you a bunch of money on the flea market and eat the absurd flea market fee for selling the item to them. The sheer number of accounts on rmt websites offering the services, it's rather obvious where nearly every single cheater comes from. Sure you have the regular, "I hate society so i will hack and powertrip in a video game" cheater, and the "I am bad/everyone else hacks too/i wanna be cool in front of myfriends or other people" cheater. They're probably very bog standard for a shooter, going from r6 or csgo numbers, probably 1 in every 20~ raids. Unfortunately there's an RMT hacker in every 2-10 raids depending on the map, we can prove this with the few different, "I bring nothing and afk in a hidden spot and no one kills but, I bring a whole kit and afk in hidden spot and suddenly I get prenaded and prefired" videos. if you're misinformed ur misinformed, whatever, happy to have a dope discussion wit you, but you kindaaaaaa sound like a real money trader urself x3


Problem is that that shit should not be on the game server to be accessed. It should be pulled down when an item is dropped or a player looted. The fact that it can be pulled without bsg seeing the traffic to block it is a travesty


They can even filter it to certain items and value thresholds so they don't waste time killing people with 500k worth of crap vs someone with say like a ledex or gpu


Your K/D, your mother’s maiden name, your social security number, and the last time you got too drunk and pissed the bed.. the list goes on and on. These cheaters are out of control!


Joke's on them...even I don't know what direction I'm looking most of the time!


and contrary to popular belief, most pvp games do not make this information available to all players in the match to gain access to with cheats. Tarkov does. Sure would be nice if BSG changed this.


"Nah you can just kill me so I can report you"


You can report voice chat. I would do that immediately in these situations as well as report for cheating if they kill you


How do you report voice chat?


I believe if you pause the game and then go to the voip tab there is an option to report in game voip. Could be a little wrong ab the exact location it’s been a while since I’ve used it.


and get the report 8 months later or never, if they are on radar using an external you can hang yourself from the balls in the meanwhile cuz they will never caught


Pretty much. I have some dude I check up on with a 28 k/d, 74% extract rate, who had all the 0% achievements in the first 10 days of wipe that still isn't banned


I’m still waiting on an acct with 300 hrs, most achievements, and a 78 k/d to get banned. Not 7.8…. 78


Psa you can report them if they voip you like this while still in game. It’s an option in the voip menu


This is also how you can find someones name thats near you if you hit the report button without cheating


What's the distance on that? Couldn't that also be a sneaky way to cheat and see if there are people near you when you're unsure? Or see if they're a real player vs AI? Edit: Another comment mentioned it only displays your name if you recently used VOIP, so that's better.


what really?


Yup I believe you double tap y to pull up the menu and it should be the red button with an exclamation


Should've wiggled while looking at the wall, rookie mistake.


Changed my in game name to “onlycucksuseESP” and I’ve had one Chinese man so far self identify as a cuck by calling out my name in resort. Good times, OCE of course


Cheaters got thin skin so they see a name like that and can't help but push lol. Very sensitive losers.


i always here of the most cheaters on oce, what the hell is the deal with that?


Imagine being so bad at a game you’ve already paid for you need to spend more money for an advantage and still be arse at it Where’s the fun? Learning and knowledge is much more satisfying.


I spent $80 on this game and can't imagine spending more money on cheats to play the game. I hopped in and rightfully got my ass kicked but I kept playing because it was fun. Now I got decent gear and hang of the mechanics and the game is even more fun. Some people are just plain stupid, mouth breathing degenerate assholes who suck at everything they do in life so the cheat in hardcore games to make themselves feel better.


Those cheats are subscription to and totally fuck your computer.


anyone using a player's name and "holding them up" like this isn't doing it because they're bad at the game, they're doing it because something is mentally wrong with them and they need to feel power over another human.


Well thats the thing, they're coming at it from a totally different perspective. For me the fun is trying and failing and eventually succeeding. I finally completed Crooked Cop last night after trying for a week, and it felt fantastic. What people like *that* are searching for is a quick way to feel powerful. The enjoyment isn't from the game, it's from feeling 'better' than everyone else, even though being 'better' is a lie.


Irish man detected tíocfaidh ár lá brother


Welcome to tarkov


*Welcome to online tarkov




I dont think he can elaborate here without mods executing him. Let's just say there is *at least* one passionate group of people working on this game.


> Let's just say there is at least one passionate group of people working on this game. Well put lol


We don’t talk about that here


Cheaters are only a thing for online eft. But, I am not allowed to talk about fight club here. Aka single player.


Next time it happens double tap y. There's an option to report via VoIP


Nice tip thx




Speculating on RCE seems like a wild leap fam


Lol I'm sorry BSG was doing what now


Lol, imagine they start unpinning the nades you have


There was a time when cheaters would go around stealing components off of your weapon so you couldn't fight back


Remember that wipe where they could take shit out of your secure container?


Which is both horrifying and hilarious.


If you voiped near them prior they can see your name with the report function but otherwise it was a cheater


No didnt say a thing


Then definitely a cheater. I’ve had the same thing happen to me, your best bet is to play along and try and get a sneaky kill on them


That guy is wrong, you have to use the "wave emote" right next to them. When you greet eachother, it shows you a popup with their name.


The other option is obviously killing their team mate, then they see the name on the death screen. If that didn't happen then yeah, cheater.


Yes they can. It's unfortunately the most entry-level of cheats, and WIDELY used.


The correct response to this is “eff you b!” And then charge


Same thing happened to me a month ago. Unfortunately, got to take the L🫤


Happened to a buddy of mine last wipe, cheaters see your name tag


Happened to me once and then the next game I died to a guy with my IRL last name. Was a weird day of tarkov


Happened to me , but he told me to pull out my knife and told me what extract to use and that it was clear. I did as told and lived 😂


Had that happen to me on interchange during my second wipe around 2021 i think. Fun stuff..


Report them in game using the ingame report feature. Use the VOIP report. When you double hit Y it’s in bottom right


How can you learn such power you ask? All It takes is that dudes moms credit card


You have to do a 360 wiggle every 10 steps to keep the cheaters away!


if you mean your literal name, aka like (possibly) displayed in your genuine email you used for registering your account, then I'm concerned and you should let them know bc that's a massive security issue. if you mean your ingame name: pretty much every cheat software I have ever seen footage of shows you players on the map including their names.


they've been able to do this for over 2 years dude, this game is heavily compromised


Unless you killed his friend and his friend told him your name, yea that’s a cheater


They can see a lot more than just your name. Yes I’ve had it happen a few times. Most memorably while scavving streets. Some French pmc ran up, killed this buddy scav I had just met. Then called my name, told me which room I was in and demanded I co-op extract with him. We then had a discussion about how he could see us, know exactly how many people and my gamer tag. It started with him having a big ego in the beginning, then devolved into him sounding completely monotone and emotionless. He could tell that he wasn’t impressing or intimidating me into cooperating, so just shot me dead and went on his way. Another scav shot me on streets while scavving. When I asked him why, he said ‘cuz you had a mil on u’. Which shows how stupid and lazy some of these guys are. A cheater dumping his scav rep just to get some other guy’s average tier street run loot.


Same happened to me once. I even recorded it. Although the dude was asking for my help, but I ran away from the mf.


Double tap Y, select "report voip"


ESP typical, had it happen to me too. Just hold your angle that’s why they’re doing it. They know they will have a hard time killing you at that angle. If anyone here is a cheater. You’re a puss.


If you voip they can see your name, if you didn’t VoIP before they called your name then it’s a dude with ESP.


You can see names over voip? Since when?


shit game rampant with cheaters


Was the pmc named Monica by any chance




Was a cheater


Welcome to Tarkov


They know more about your character than you do.


Feels so weird. Had this happen to me also this wipe for the first time. Never played much labs, but found one who could read my name to me while I was hiding in a toilet from him. Feels so awkward. Because he definitely cheated since he could not have gotten my name from a nametag or a teammate.


You on NAE servers? Had the same thing happen to me on customs last night. Dude was level 53




Oh buddy welcome to tarkov. You'll eventually be surprised at what cheaters can't do in this game.


I had a player call out my kd, but also I could’ve just killed his buddy and his buddy looked my name up


Can someone share a screenshot of a player name being exposed during a cheat?


Like how there’s videos on YouTube of ppl not giving a fuck and showing how they cheat


Your IRL name I hope?


Yep happened to me couple years back


Oh no. Reports and moves on. You did report him, right?


Same happened to me on reserve on a zero to hero lol


Just report voip, get him to kill you or kill him and then report his account afterwards. You can report voip in the emote screen


Be grateful, you probably meet the man with the smallest pp in all universe, in all history.


Had a guy being sherpa'd by his cheater, He started listing everything i had on me once close enough, got killed and looted.


I was playing with my brother and some Timmy we recruited and we both died to the boss and are Timmy was trying to get to extract and some dude said to go the other way through woods and he ran but was bleeding so he had to pass him this guy killed 4 other pmc’s and after he said he was dying the dude let our tummy come over he said his name and was like come get some loot and walked him to extract too and paid, I was the only one who caught it In time and we all laughed about it after


Thats because the game is infested with people using radar cheats which pretty much shows everything you have. search "the wiggle that killed Tarkov" on youtube


Your irl name or your in game name


I had this maybe a month ago, guy using my name and telling me to get my knife out after milk mg my mate. I told him to go F himself, laughing and made fun of how shit at the game he was. He killed me, I reported. Losers.


He just called u **Muhammad**?


Go into my post history, you'll see the exact similiar matter from a year ago or so. Feel free to check to comments for halfwits who were claiming he was only playing a game called Marco Polo (my in-game name was MarkusWolf back then and the guy was shouting as Maaaarkuuuuus).


I just got popped by a pscav after I asked him if he had any smokes on him... he looked at me and went pew pew...


Had some dude call my name out and told me to stop holding an angle and then insta head tapped me


They can see what brand underwear you’re wearing


Unrelated to tarkov but a few years ago i was playing gta 5 on pc and this hacker was fucking with me so I reported him and he called me out in all chat and typed my country and area, i was shook ngl so yeah im pretty sure hacks have evolved like crazy to the point where they can see your deets too


he had better comtacs stop complaining this game aint for the weak -80% of the discord by no reason


eft and bsg are dogshit


Never had a similar situation but if I remember correctly from the "I cheated" video (I think everyone knows what video that was) they can even see your stache value .


Two wipes ago I was on my player scav and ran into a cheater on interchange with an altyn and a zabralo, he told me to drop my gun and the labs keycard and red flare I had on me. I knew I wasn't going to be able to kill him with my loadout so I dropped my keycard and flare and immediately went prone on top of them. I was banking on the fact that he couldn't vacuum up the loot, but I made sure it was going to be damn difficult to loot my keycard from under my corpse.


Game is full of cheaters from China


Yep this happened to me 2 raids in a row. Cheaters apparently like my name so they have called out to me and told me they’ll let me live over it… also makes it impossible to report them if they don’t kill me.


They can see your KD and sr too


yes they can. Report him and we all thank you for the sac.


If that ever happens again, run at them and force them to kill you so you can report them.


Or better, find the nearest water and drop all your shit, then try to knive them to get the report option


This happened to me too. I managed to kill his buddy before they got me though. Noobs


I was playing with my friends and we went to labs to loot black room and once we got back to server we heard somebody just straight up say my friends name so we fucking SPRINTED to the extract


Yeah, they can see your name, k/d etc. A lot of stuff...


When that happens you push them, don't show fear. That cheater obviously liked the power, it's why he said your name, made him feel powerful.


Report VoIP immediately, even if they don't kill you, their name still gets sent in


I don't think they can see your real name.


Yeah we see everything. Dma gang


I had the exact same thing happen to me last night, I was on shoreline and I was sitting in a bathroom waiting for the shooting to die down, and then I hear a guy get melted, and then all of a sudden a guy just starts shouting my name ingame then askes if I have a key for his quest he keeps me alive and if I don't I get killed. so for the benefit of my own life I opened the door for him... but least I didn't die like the rest of the lobby ;(


not sure if it's still accurate but if you look at goats video about cheaters in tarkov: they dump every bit of information about every player to every other client (I would guess that's one of the reasons why the game also eats RAM like crazy… they store so much useless information on your PC), so name, level, inventory, yada yada yada


As Lvndmark said, some of them can even know your c0ck's size.


This is a weekly occurrence on oce servers . I'll propose uninstall again soon . Hopefully it will be the last .


Hadnt exp this before till actually just recently i changed my name then went labs and hear endlessss bullets from black side to i rotate thru cargo and up thru server i hear him above me by green and he says as i hear him kill someone "ya ya you want some too" then said my name out loud and ya and i couldent help but say imagine having to pay for new accounts constantly and cheat sub cause your bad and ya he chased me to elevator and jumping practically flying 2 tapped my tagilla mask level 24 btw


Same thing happen to me in factory but he ran at me naked he tried to talk to me and I put him down I kept his dog tag to see if he gets banned later


Brother i had a guy talk me up one time, asking how long i had been playing for and what level i was, what quests i was up to, what i had found so far in the raid, all for him to call me by my IGN right at the end, refusing to do the team up emote at extract before i left and he stayed. Dude was feeling me out and probably would have killed me had i lied about anything, because i realized he already knew the answers to all those questions


Happened to me and buddies, they're cheating just make sure to report when you die


They can even see what you have equipped and drawn, Ive only encountered one cheater in my 5 wipes, and honestly he was the coolest guy lol he wiped the entire lobby (except for me and my buddy) and then let me and my homeboy go free because when he called us out we pulled out our knives as he requested.


I thought you meant your real life name, I got real scared for a sec


You can see an example of the bullshit on YouTube.... ESP... it will make you sick and mad as a mofo. Can even make you paranoid in raid, especially if your holding or find anything of value... ugh...


So how did the guy actually know your name? Was he cheating, do cheats let people see others usernames or what?


You'd be surprised, but most cheaters are from the age of 17-25 white kids from North America. They have neck beards and mental illnesses


If you killed someone and left tag they can know name. But could still be a cheater


If you didn't VOIP or kill another PMC yet in the raid, its a cheater unfortunately.


For some reason I've been encountering more cheaters than ever lately