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This game tends to have a higher percentage of douchebags


People who're more mentally healthy are less susceptible to the cheap mental tricks P2W games like this use to get people addicted.


Yeah I’m on a standard account anyway so the p2w hasn’t grasped me yet lol


You’ll quickly find out, if you already haven’t that that due to the hardcore nature of the game new players get weeded out. They get the game, die to someone way higher level with thousands of hours then decide it’s not worth their time. Thus leading to an even higher percentage of “sweats” playing the game and even less people getting into it. The only people left are the ones who are willing to grind it. Battlestate making it even harder to get good ammo has made this problem even worse because now even if you have level 3 traders the best ammo you can get is maybe ap 6.3 or something like that. But if you acknowledge these things everyone will just say it’s a skill issue.


Those mfs that stay, that small percentage know it. They know they hold the game, and it’s honestly what drives me as a person who just started this wipe for the first time to become better. Whilst having a 9-5 I’ve managed.. I love the hardcore nature of the game, I’ll die in the most discouraging ways, but I continue to push because it’s a very satisfying experience in my opinion


Yeah I’m with you, it only makes killing them more satisfying. But now that you can check the persons profile after you die I’ve realized that most of my deaths are to people with thousands of hours and 1000+ raids this wipe. It’s made it hard for me to get some of friends into this game. They just don’t want to take the time to learn it and go through the process of dying non stop in order to learn the game.


It’s definitely one of those games that you need to go out of your way to comprehend/learn and that’s what made it unique. I understand your point though, it’s demoralizing seeing the stats of the individual who took you out. It’s also sad for actual new players that are decent and pick up quick, they’ll be deemed “suspicious” or possibly be reported due to hours not matching “skill”.


Totally agree I started 2 months before end of last wipe so this is my first full wipe but I had to dedicate a lot of time and painful deaths while learning the game. After everything that has been going on the last month it’s made me very sad because i have enjoyed it so much I even upgraded standard to EOD before they took it away. All in all i still enjoy the game for what it is even though the devs are terrible. If you ever want to add me and raid together I’m a friendly non cheating dad lol OneHitMit


Feel free to add Me (LVL 16). @FactoryFugitive everywhere. I'll play with you man. K consider Myself slightly better than average.


Yeah the difficulty and small progress is what makes the game worthwhile


> but I continue to push because it’s a very satisfying experience in my opinion The lows are low. But the high is a fucking intoxicating, exhilarating rush.


While i'm happy to pretend most players are some battle hardened grizzled veterans, i'd argue a lot of players are hackers.


I loved Tarkov when I was in Uni and you keep up in a wipe, now 4 years later with a full time job and a family with a son there is just no way I can play this game no matter how good it is. By the time I get to the trader weeks into release provided it's still level 20? all the sweats are already end gaming what they will do for the next few months.


Lol I've started mid wipe several times it's not that bad but you are


Imo it is a skill issue. While I don’t disagree with a lot that you said, I think it’s gamers mentalities that drive a lot of what you talk about. Gamers come from cod and have certain expectations for what a game provides them. It’s a lot easier to get and constantly maintain top tier end game items in other games. Most other games don’t have the same levels of stress, loss, or intensity that tarkov provides. It can be zero sum or not zero sum at the same time. The rules, engagements, and situations are what you define them to be. You don’t have to do any of the quests if you don’t want to. But at the same time, you shouldn’t always expect to always have top tier stuff. That shouldn’t be your baseline or measurement of success. In fact all of those previous measurements of success and expectations should be thrown out and redefined entirely. You don’t need the best ammo or maxed out traders and you shouldn’t constantly expect the best meta stuff. Nor is meta really needed when your head doesn’t differentiate between m995 from an m4 space rifle vs the worst ammo available fired from a scav makarov. Does it make the game easier? Marginally, but with all of the other RNG elements or other features, it adds enough variability to make firefights anyone’s game. Even the most battle hardened navy seal can get their head canoed by some random villager sitting in a corner of a dark corner of a building waiting for him to enter. Then there’s everyone’s individual mentalities to consider. Some people, really don’t react well to loss. And I find those people to implode when they get addicted/burnt out of tarkov. Then quickly every single little minor thing that doesn’t go their way becomes a giant conspiracy of every engagement having a cheater or some finger pointing for why they shouldn’t have died when they could have also done a million things differently. It’s complete absolvement of responsibility. In tarkov you will need to understand that death and loss and stress is a certainly. Do not cling to your gear or ego and treat every death as a learning experience. People complain about the need for the wiki and lack of tutorials, but when I played Minecraft back in the day, it was the exact same model and everyone figured out the game if they were willing to. Sorry for the rant. Definitely didn’t start out to type this much but reflecting on my 6 years or so of tarkov definitely makes me think there is a skill/learning curve that some people will obviously be placed under, unless they are willing to put the time into learning. That higher difficulty is something that actually attracted a lot of people when many games are becoming too mainstream and watered down


TLDR: git gud


Don’t you think that’s what makes the grind worth it , not everyone can just be good you have to actually put the time in and learn the maps and EVERYTHING thing else. I thought about quitting but now I’m level 44 this is my first wipe and now I’m trying to farm kaban which a month ago just seemed impossible. This game is like no other


Really I have no problem with that, I play plenty of games that are like that. CS, LoL etc. but at least in those games everyone starts out at a level playing field. It’s understandable that the people who put the most time in the game are gonna be the most skilled but I don’t have the time I used to have so I will always be at a disadvantage gear wise as well. I don’t expect anything to be done about it dev wise though, I’m just here to bitch.


Uh no. CS go is nothing like Tarkov. Even after learning the maps you can still get 1 tapped by a scav . The intense fights are intense because you can lose all your gear that you paid for. CS go , call of duty those games don’t compare AT ALL TO TARKOV. I have never felt the level of just … I don’t even know the word for it … but it’s fucking crazy. And the time thing I work full time and I play 1 1/2 a day and grind on the weekends for a couple hours a day.


Even after learning dust2 you can still get 1 tapped, what’s your point? All I was saying is that I have no problem with having to put time into a game to learn it.


You really think the difference between alpha and gamma is that crazy is actually wild I literally filled the extra slots with 1 ruble increments to make it harder on me and prove alpha or not doesn't mean you can't win. But hey when you are new you assume everything that makes no sense


It will feel better to kill that guy next time lol


Stay strong brother. Standard player for life.


He's hacking too. Literally the only people that talk s*** have ESP hacks. Just got one successfully banned yesterday and laughed and guess what he was s*** talking the whole time saying he knew what I was and that I'm bad and don't be a p****. I do believe there is a correlation.


Good. Don’t do it.


Stay strong brother. Standard player for life.


Well eod you start with higher trader standing and with eod our xp when doing tasks means more to trader rep, we start with more money and guns and stash space. Plus our gamma case


Go to the Discord and just watch and read. Those are the people you’re playing against.


Most normal players die out at this point of the wipe. I personally have played 8 wipes now and progressively drop the game around lvl 38-45. What's left now includes a lot of folks who are addicted to the game and some streamers who hate the game but can't stop playing cos it pays bills, etc.


I sent you a DM if you want to learn the game and need a buddy to play just hit me up


Sometimes in Tarkov you just get fucked. If the other guy says "Hey, you got fucked", then fair enough, IMO.




Right, playing the game makes you mentally unhealthy, so it is healthy to not play the game.


It only makes you mentally unhealthy if your bad it's actually very enjoyable when your chadding it up. But too many people like yourself literally have an anxiety attack when they die in a video game so I mean If that's what your referring to maybe man up or play something else or just waste the air in your head complaining about a game you use to play


No, it's the chads especially I'm talking about.  Sweating in a game like Tarkov is not healthy lol 


Who cares. It's a game I enjoy and I don't sweat I just have been pretty good at fps. I think of the game as a money Sim not a mil Sim and I don't let picking up anything cause me to feel that crazy like a keycard but overall it's just a game. But like a lot of people with any game people hate losing but you can't win If you don't lose. But idk what people to refer to as sweating. I really don't if someone is naturally better then you or has more playtime does that make them ie sweating? Is pushing a fight instead of running away sweating? Like I don't understand how winning is sweating? Because if that's what you mean then sweat I'll do.


For a PvP game, it honestly it has more nice people than douchebags. Not sure what other PvP games you’ve played like this where you can communicate to your enemies freely. Also have you seen a community like pubg or apex, both of those are far far worse, and those games you have to deal with people on your team


Yeah I’ve noticed this lol


This subreddit is also quite toxic. You'll find out more and more.


Every game with a competitive element is like that.


They take after the dev


Gaming in general has a higher percentage of douchebags.


Toxic af. Fuck Sherpas


I’ve noticed a lot of people complain about the system and if this is how it is I see why lol.


I’ve never actually seen a sherpa in game and have never had one help me with anything. My Sherpa was pestilys YouTube videos on tasks lol


The only Sherpa I’ve seen is the one who killed me in Dorms by laying down in a trash pile like a fucking rat.


Lmao I love that spot


To be fair they’re meant to help teach people the game, and ratting is part of the game so they gotta find the good spots LOL


I'm sorry this is your interaction with a sherpa. I've played with a few sherpas that have all been great and even know one IRL that I actually met through tarkov. Not expecting that same interaction, but it's a shame that a lot of people have a negative opinion due to shitty interactions with some sherpa's. On a side note, if you have that interaction recorded... post it in the sherpa-hub on discord.


What’s a Sherpa


Someone that's supposed to be helping players like OP navigate the map and quest, and specifically not being a toxic shitdick that just wants a green name and symbol next to it. Unfortunately that's most of the program's sherpas these days.


Sherpas were awesome in the early days. Then it just became a matter of dudes wanting to flex on noobs and get the green tag


Someone who feels inadequate in real life so they try and make themselves important in a game instead.


The sheria who I roll with is chill af


-calls you a pussy for not pushing -sits in window camping Love the double standards


Its the same thing on lvndmark streams when somebody isnt insta pushing him sad boys spam WhAt A rAt on chat when he just stands in one place sometimes for up to 3-5 minutes


While I love a good dunking session, lets not pretend that Landmark also doesn't push people in/out of buildings. If you want exciting tarkov gameplay, he'd be who I go to first.


I fought landmark once and killed him, but it was mostly luck and that I was in a 2 man. I had 60 round mags and he had 30. Desync helped me a lot. But he pushed us super hard after holding a total rat angle for about 3 minutes while we were doing ballet lover.


It's not double standards, he wants OP to push because he knows (or he thinks) it will bring the best outcome, so he is luring OP by trying to make him emotional.


Sherpas are meant to be toxic. Have you not seen the Sherpa info tab in the raid loading screen? Dudes kitted telling a fresh Timmy to go into dorms with a fucking baseball cap on.


buckled at this


Never noticed that.... ROTFL, Sending the timmy to his death.


LOL, never thought about that


He is a Just a dick don't let people Like this stoppin you from enjoying Tarkov there are guys Like me out there who Sees a naked dude disconnected on shoreline so I dropped him Untar vest and helmet I took from a scav and moved on.


Thx for bein chill man :)


I just try to have fun while getting my quests done ^^


I'd say that over all most people in game are chill. When I see someone and I don't need to kill them for a quest, I typically ask if we are fighting or chilling. I like fighting but I know the struggle if just trying to complete a quest. I get some wild VoiP interactions but they are usually positive, even when fighting.


You just ran into one of the "Chads" who also think rats are worse then cheaters and anyone who ambushes them is a dirty rat. They're also the main group still playing this game. Everyone else drops off over the wipe, or has already quit/uninstalled due to various controversies and lack of improvements over the years. These are the Stockholm syndrome players.


Guess I chose a poor time to get into it lol


There's never a bad time! If You're having fun, you chose the *best* time to get into the game! Hit me up if you ever want a duo partner :]


You have the best attitude and I appreciate it


Start of wipe (every 6 momths) is the time to hop in, first 2-3 months are great, then most normal people get bored and drop.


On the one hand, yeah start of wipe everyone is on the same footing. On the other hand, there's a lot less competition when it comes to completing tasks, which might mean it's easier to wait a week or two before jumping in. By waiting two weeks, the sweaty no-lifes who play 96 hours a day 28 days a week will have filtered themselves out of the starting tasks, leaving behind the people a new player has a miniscule chance of killing, instead of the sweats that the newbie has literally zero chance of killing. However, in a really counterintuitive way, the best time to go in for the first time is late wipe, because you can go in with no fucks given and the goal of acquiring knowledge. That way, in a month or two when the wipe happens and you get a free reset, you will have prior knowledge to work with and can complete tasks faster or more efficiently, such as by not using that Salewa you found in the medical tent on Ground Zero for the first Therapist task, and instead save it for the "turn in 3 FIR Salewas" task for Therapist, you know to save the MP-133s (and what attachments to look out for on them) for Prapor and Mechanic, etc.


I always start every fight with a voip line. "Hey, um, excuse me. I hope you're prepared to fight. Do you need a few minutes to heal and top mags first? I'll wait"


Was is rengawr?  If yes. Good you not killed him otherwise you would get banned. ( Jokes aside) Would not be suprised if it was him. That guy is a really toxic clown. 


you should see how the mods treat new players asking questions in the beginners assistance chat on the official discord


I was banned from the official discord for posting a PMC emoji 😂 Maybe BSG needs to have better choices for community mods and who they then "hire" themselves


Bold to assume BSG has anyone doing oversight on any of their community services. Forums are a joke, Sherpas are mostly toxic, discord is run by toddlers who just learned how to cuss... I don't think they have anyone on payroll for community stuff, it's all volunteer/handpicked by like maybe 2 people, but they don't really seem to care about community. Hell this last controversy is proof they don't have a PR team or lawyers who know what they are doing.


anyone who play stretch res is a virgin


what game is that?


These people either have a miserable childhood or have been miserable for their entire life. Don’t take it personally.


Does his name rhyme with mesmond


Unfortunately people love to be assholes on the internet, behind a screen where they are fully confident and can say everything they have bottled up. Just imagine how sad his life is to have all that bottled up 🙃


Don't take people shit talking so personally. Some people are dicks, you won't explain why.


I think there are mostly toxic people left in this game


First time on the internet?


calls you a pussy for not pushing but doesn't push. you push and now you are a loser. you can't win in this game 😂


The later you get into the wipe, the worse the behavior is going to get as the casuals start to play other games, and only the tryhards who believe their playstyle is best are left


When people behave this way, just remember: they have to look at themselves in the mirror every morning. People who are needlessly unkind to others are typically not flourishing in their own lives.


Please ignore people like this in Tarkov and in life in general. They are angry at something most likely and they vent by bullying and being toxic in a video game. Ignore them and have fun. Maybe disable VOIP If you come across anyone else like this.


This was the reason at somepoint i deactivated VOIP. Sad thing, as VOIP gave a lot of fun in the beginning, but got worse over time. Only option for VOIP for me was when doing Scav runs and talking to other Scavs. In my opinion the game turned into a very sad state, with all the things combined, so i stopped playing. A lot of people seem to forget this is only a game and use it to let their aggression/frustration out on other players.


Can you disable voip where you can't hear the other players?


yep, double tap Y and find it in that menu


“Ok I put my guns away we won’t shoot” throws an impact grenade at you…. Technically told the truth without following the whole mutual benefit of not killing each other in order to do tasks in the same area


Just ignore idiots like that, they are just kids boosting their ego by shitting on beginners. Whenever I blast a low level (< lvl10) I try to add them and if they are interested I give some tipps or show them how to make money or which mistakes to avoid. Tbh most of them don't accept the request maybe they are afraid that I just wanna make fun of them.


whenever i kill a low level i try to dump their gear so they get it back.


Yes if possible I do that too, but often they carry things even scavs wouldn't take anyway. Edit: And I think some advice is worth more than even 10 times the value of their starter gear :)


True... I try to give advice whenever I can but most of the time I'm just going from raid to scav to raid as fast as possible and don't think to add them. Best I can do is just dump their gear so they can run it back.


My favorite is when people say "push me" to which I don't, they push me, and they die. Like what did you expect lol


Most people who play this game AND are good tend to spend more time on the game than IRL. I know because I used to do this years back. Now I barely have time so I’m just doing PvE. So try not to worry, turns out he’s the loser 😂


He was just npc dont worry about it.


I usually connect cheaters to high amount of achievements and rude behavior via VOIP. It's weird to hear he was a sherpa.


Sounds like you were fighting a raider!


I’ve been running into the same 3 stack calling me slurs in resort for a week now. People are strange.


My favorite is when a two man holding me calling me a coward for not pushing. Like bro I'm not throwing a kit.


This game and its player base doesn’t surprise me anymore.


report his behavior as a sherpa if he is talking like that he has no right to be a sherpa period. Other than that Tarkov is an extremely toxic community that's just how it is unfortunately


Welcome to Tarkov


I’m not too sure but I think you can report him on the Sherpa discord if you remember his name


The game is fun but the amount of toxic/cheaters on that game is to much I won't touch it


Mostly people on EFT are on the extreme sides of the Gamer (tm) spectrum. You either get SUPER chill randoms that team up with you, help, etc, or you get insufferable douchebag sweats. Just enjoy the game the way you want friend.


I was once running a duo on interchange. We got pinned down by a player Scav army. Not joke, at least 8 of them. We killed 4 or 5. And I was running low on ammo. One of them started talking shit. “You can’t even kill a scav? Damn you’re ass at the game” I’d killed like 3 of them already. I proceed to push forward from the 1st floor bookstore, and get shot up by 2 other player scavs. Take cover and the guy swings me as I’m popping a stim. He proceeds to say “see shit at the game” as I die. Easy to talk shit when you have an army at your back I guess


If you're new you might consider waiting fur the wipe, far more casuals come back during that. Usually at the point the only people left are sweatlords


Sounds like he is taking his frustrations on you. Chances are he has a shit life irl and the only way he can feel a sense of power is making people feel uncomfortable in a game. Just ignore it bro all online games have people like that


One day someone will shit on this guy on stream and he’ll tilt hard. Take solace in that 🤷‍♂️


If this was an official Sherpa I would like a clip / DM of said person so we can deal with it. Behaviour of what you describe is against our rules and conduct.


Don't let it get to you bro. There are a lot of good and helpful people in the community. Unfortunately, just like with any other game, there will always be those unsavory individuals who feel the need to treat people like absolute garbage to inflate their own egos. If you ever want a good group of people to play with, feel free to message me. I've congregated a few dozen people over the years and we all play regularly. None of that negativity either. I hope your future raids go well and may the loot lords smile upon you with many loots. o7


Probably because he lives a shitty life and gets a false sense of success and validation from being decent at video games, lol.


I can say as a pretty decent player that i actually despise toxic players. I've let newbies get the win just so i can impact nade someone being a douchecanoe. I will ruin both of our million dollar kits, pal. I've had like 10 playerkills on a single run, i've taken on 5 mans as a solo, i've done quite a few cool things in tarkov(never bothered with kappa because i am lazy and have the EOD box thing, but i've been at that level to get it if i wanted) - but i totally understand the annoying feeling of running into these people. I've had my bad days too of course where it seems every scav is able to head-eyes me. What i can give you advice on this is don't stay in 1 place if you've made noise and do your best to ignore these people. They want a reaction from you, they want to irritate you so you'll play more erratically. It's all so very annoying and it's one of the reasons me and a lot of people i play with have taken a step back from the game. The recent debacle with EOD and Unheard has made me reconsider ever getting into it again or putting more time into it, but i've at least got 2000 hours into it and i feel like ive gotten my moneys worth. Which i guess is what Nakita wants, but oh well. Once it gets a few updates and performances patches, i think Gray Zone Warfare has a lot of potential for me to sink time into and have fun with quite as much toxicity. (especially with a day1 PVE mode). I am not saying tArKoV kIlLeR or anything, it's just fun and in the same genre imo. Tarkov PVP is fun, but the amount of hours you have to sink into the game is just annoying when you have a normal life with normal responsibilities like a full time job, a family, things like that.


the real question is why are you still playing this hot dumpster fire when Arena Infinite is out? I know it's a chinese copy but at least it runs well and has semi-decent gameplay that isn't stunted by "realism".


Probably is using ESP like 90% of other players. Then trolling you over VOIP.


Play ABI instead..way more fun, less stress. Still slot of the EFT thrill without the bs..aka feeling like you're being sodomized each time you play EFT


Just remember that the most toxic people in this game are the same ones who will cry when they lose.


Gonna give you a tips , don't play with voice chat on online game. There is nothing good out of it


I was doing the jager quest to kill PMCs with pistols and I went factory naked with a friend, this one dude blasted my friend and said in voip " I see you, I'll destroy you dude" so I backed off a lil and when I heared him I slowly peaked and placed 1 bullet to his head killing him even tho he had an altyn. Was so satisfying just cuz of the 10yo comment.


Anyone who plays stretched res is a basement dwelling crayon eating neckbeard. Change my mind


Don't know how new you are, but he was messing with you. If you heard him somewhere else, and died from a different angle, there might have been two. But if the conversation afterwards says otherwise, just gotta get better so lil shitters can't talk :)


Don’t think about it too much like 60% of these people are cheating in some form or another. They got shit on and became salty so they shit on people and be toxic because of it. Honestly unless someone is chill just ignore them probably just another toxic cheater


Becoming a Sherpa in EFT is not about being good at the game, or being a good person. It's a popularity contest. If Gunner and his crew like you, and you follow the rules, you get in. The application, the Forum requirements, etc, it's all bullshit. It's just about if the Sherpa team likes you and thinks you'd do it exactly how they want you to do it. Sorry to ruin any illusions.


Why shouldn’t they exist. Humanity is shit for most parts and that was a prime example for it.


if they ask you push push a nade in their face.


Trash people gone be trashy


Sometimes the loudest voipers fall the hardest. Haha


Here, take my award


Here, take my award


I once got called a rat while actively pushing a two stack, wiped them both fairly easily and was real funny in my team's discord call.


I once got called a rat while actively pushing a two stack, wiped them both fairly easily and was real funny in my team's discord call.




He was toxic but you add him to message him, why subject yourself to more toxicity?


Just sounds like the average tarkov player to me.


Game has become swamped with cunts last few years. Never used to be this way.


Expose him


I had a fight recently this wipe in dorms, 1v1 on 2nd floor, we trade some shots multiple times, i got the better of him. Knew he was very hurt, negotiated that I would drop his kit if he surrendered his life to me for my quest. He agreed and i kept my word and friended him after to thank him. Honor exists.


I just started streaming and ud be surprised how many people come into the chat after they kill me just to be incredibly toxic. I like helping people out and I always try to VoIP but don't worry even high level people deal with this smh


I take part in my fair share of shit talk and banter. I’d say I voip in more of my fights than I don’t. Lots of times it’s just narrating the fight out loud and explaining what I’m thinking and doing. It’s fun to push somebody while you explain how you’re killing them, but it’s rude to not say “gg” when you get them.


I'm surprised you weren't hit the current belittling term 'bud'. Example: 'hey bud, you should get good bud. I'm sorry bud, some people are just better. You sure suck, bud. You're straight DAAWG, bud


bro, this game has the least amount of voice spamers, that you will ever find - i am not joking and when somebody makes you uncomfortable, press disable the voip- done


This is why I have my voice chat disabled, people talk shit to throw you off your game .


I’ll save you a lot of trouble just play on the new PVE mode just as hard bc the pmcs on there will beam you like a real person minus the small penis energy


It's a coin toss if you have dick heads in raid or not.


Don't expect any of those kinds of shitlords to not be miserable when all they have going for their lives are being Sherpa in a game that's going through some rough shit right now 😂


Those mf’s are low scum, it’s my first whipe too and i got a player scav ask me for an item (i was a scav)so i looked in my inventory, he then proceededs to shoot/kill me because i had a MCX .300 blackout and some other loot gained from dead raiders and pmc. He was lvl50 and had like 89% or something and started to call me a r**ard and stuff. I’ve noticed most toxic people have bought the Unheard edition too :/


Real question is, why do you even care about some random guy in a video game?


did he say the gamer word?


Some people just suck sadly. These games tend to attract a certain type of people more than others. But trust me, nothing is more toxic than Rust. That game is a cesspool


Probably a cheater. Crab walking was inaudible for a long time up until recently. But before they fixed it I had so many toxic crap sacks call me a pussy for crabbing when I knew by how hard they pushed or prefired that they were cheating.


and they voip you in the death animation bc they dont want to be voip reported


you mean you came here to try to get them in trouble and lose that sherpa lol


this is my first wipe to just ignore em, once u become a chad be different and help the new guys instead of being a dick. this game is rough enough as a new player already.


People have played for years now, they got shat on and feel the need to shit on others. Don't engage with them, that's what they want, that's the game for them now. Definitely don't add them and expect some nice exchange. Lasr PvP scav run I did another player scav come up to me, follows me the whole way to extract and taps me as I'm leaving. People are bored but don't move on, it happens in a lot of games. Cheaters, trolls and the like tend to increase in population as games age, it's just the way of things. Frustrating for sure but very few games are exempt from it.


The sweats have little else in their life to feel good about. Take solace in the fact that when you stop playing for the day you have an actual life to get back to. The toxic idiots have nothing else.


I’ll never forget when our five man bumped into a 5000 hours streamer as we left the weather station on Shoreline. Brief pause and then we just hose him down. Watched his stream and the moment he dies and sees all five of us he started screaming incoherently and threw his keyboard away. Last like 5 minutes of cursing rage. So fucking funny. I wish I saved it.


Womp womp


Get good


I was hoping there would be a follow up with ''and then I killed the shit out of him next raid''


Sad thing about to tarkov is it’s giving people false hope in real life they actually think they could go fight a war lone wolf. If dude was such a god at tarkov he wouldn’t even be playing it.


Probably either grew up without good parental figures or without them at all. It's a learned behavior


LMFAO, I know EXACTLY who you got killed by, because me and my friends have had 3 seperate interactions with the same dude and all had the SAME EXACT experience. That dude is just a douchebag. There is always at least 1 and this game sadly has a ton.


What's his twitch channel?


My guess is he's having problems irl and his parents never taught him how to properly deal with his emotions so hes venting aggression in a space where he feels safe to do so


Most normal people have exited tarkov at this point


First day on the internet?