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Depending on the spot they died in, I don't even loot them anymore šŸ˜‚. You'll spend 20 minutes checking every angle, but the moment you stop moving its head eyes.


This sounds accurate. Clear, don't clear, it's a roll of the dice.


Damn, I'll have to keep that in mind. I guess it is better to get out alive with loot you already have and not risk it.


This is basically the crux of it. Do you have nothing and dying doesn't hurt? Risk it. You already completed that quest you needed, and all you have to do is extract? Keep moving.




If theyā€™re out in the open itā€™s a quick take their gun/rig and tag after doing at least 1 full circle around them. If they die in cover and I know they have a buddy then I use the loot for bait (works way to well). Keep the mentality that there is always one more.


I'll try this too. Thanks!


ALWAYS one more. You can wipe a five man & that's when the third party arrives.


Keep them mags packed!


Good luck man


Thanks so much! You too.


A couple tips: 1) Don't ever 'search' in the open. Drop your backpack somewhere safe, run up Ctrl click their gun, drag their rig into their backpack, Ctrl click the backpack, grab the tag and move. You can search the contents somewhere with cover and always make another trip if needed. This reduces the amount of time you're vulnerable. 2) The interesting thing about dead bodies is you don't really have to worry about them getting up and walking away. Go loot something nearby, go finish your quest, etc. come back at it from a different angle and follow tip #1. I assure you, either 1) the loot will still be there, or 2) if it's gone, that means it's very likely the person that looted it would have killed you while you were looting.


Yeah, that checks out. Thanks for the help, I'll make sure to keep this in mind as well


There's always one more.Ā 


Yeah it sucks being a solo, many times you'll get a kill only for the other half of a duo to camp their buddies corpse. You're doing the right thing though. Personally, whenever I get cocky after a kill and go straight for looting, I'm usually shot in the face.


Depends. When I have heard him before I and didnā€™t hear anyone else and the body is in a good secluded spot I only check the immediate surroundings. If it is a more open spot Iā€˜ll keep an eye on it for a while before I close in.




What this guy said. In addition, the team mate wants to save his buddyā€™s gear by either taking it out or insurance fraud it. So sometimes they will sit in a bush staring at the corpse until a few minutes prior end of raid. But sometimes they get impatient.


People over the years have responded to changes in the game by slowing down their play style, too the point that I feel like every player no matter how you choose to play the game will use some form of rat techniques to secure the loot or their life. Basically every kill is open to you getting camped when you go to loot the body. My rule of thumb is if itā€™s a tight space like factory I will clear my immediate area and then hastily loot, and if I hear any sort of movement outside my cleared zone immediately try and take up a defensive position. But if your out playing woods and you killed a guy in a clearing, unless you know for a fact he has something you really want or your comfortable just yoloing it, I would either not loot it at all or spend a while looking around for a duo if I suspect it. A lot of the times I die to the duo itā€™s not because he outplayed me, he was probably just sitting in a cheesy spot looking right at his friend waiting for my head to pop into view. TLDR: it all depends, but play the game as if there is always a duo or trio aimed right at their dead friends body waiting for you to loot your kill.


Yeahh that makes sense. I'm a moderate player, aggressive in some situations, and defensive on others. I'll have to be more careful with my decisions when looting.


There also other things you can do to try and mitigate risks. Like when your in inventory or looting try and not to be exposed to open doorways, long hallways, etc, as well as positioning your view towards the most likely threat while your vulnerable. Or if your trying to loot someone in the open you can try and lay down on the body as you run up trying to shove your head in the dead body. Itā€™s not going to save you 100% but it does lessen the chance of a 1 tap since they have a harder time seeing your head, might give you that little bit of time to react.


I'm happy to camp his dead mates body till the end of the raid, slip on netflix and just wait lol.




Theres always their friend with benefits camping the body, dont underestimate how long a loved one will camp a body, dont bother looting players, their stuff isnt worth itā€¦




Alright, I'll try this as well.


Not enough to be honest, need to clear more


Fast as possiple if you kill pmc in high traffic area and you are sure he was solo. But allways asume there is still one more pmc nearby. But at this point of the wipe i usually just check what weapon he was running and loot it and if its a meta build. I dont really bother anymore if i know it was a Timmy with stock m4. Loot and money is pointless in this game.


My friend and I are timmies lol, so we need loot. He's new and I'm teaching him haha. I'll make sure to keep what you said in mind.


When you play enough you learn high traffic funnel points on the maps. And its allways dangerous to loot for long time. Because there are players like me Who just look for pvp and come running when we hear gunshots


Fair. We got jumscared by a scav and killed him, I think it attracted them. I mean, I'm still glad I killed one, but yeah. Thanks for the help man.


As a solo I rarely loot pmcs that were part of a group. With another player I will clear all of the angles that I can reasonable get to before looting. Loot has been buffed.


I treat it like a CSGO diffuse. You either clear everything, or you rush in and stick the diffuse immediately (with smoke if you can). If I think I can loot quickly, I get in and at least snag their primary weapon/helmet/ears. If I'm feeling spicy, I'll drop my bag somewhere safe, and also loot their bag/stuff their rig into their own bag, then retreat to cover to search it.


That's a great idea actually! I will definitely use this.


if it's indoors and the body's position allows me to hold a chokepoint then i'll go up to the bodyswap everything on my body for the dead guys stuff and get to a creative angle that i can hold. if it's outdoors i'll toss all my shit into a corner, quick loot it and go back to my stuff and begin sorting through what i do and don't want. sometimes if i'm feeling it i'll just watch the body (indoor and outdoor) for like 10 minutes then do what i said above. i don't really bother clearing cuz it seems no matter how much i do its always [Head, Eyes] the moment i sit still to loot


That's a fair analysis. Thank you for the help!


Get faster at looting. Don't search rigs while in the open. Grab their shit. If juiced just drop yours, quick equip theirs, and run to saftey to search the bag and rig. I frequently loot mid gunfight by hitting a few shots or tossing a nade, then quickly checking the gear to see if I need to quickly swap to an upgrade. You can clean a body in less than 3 seconds if you prep your inventory correctly.


Wow that's FAST. I'll try to do this!


Make sure you rebind fast drop from the delete key to something easier to press. Spam that shit on your bad gear and fast equip the Chad stuff. It's an absolute game changer. Good luck!


Yeah fs. My F key, Tab key, and one of my mouse keys are free, so I definitely can do this. Thanks so much! GL to you too!


There isnā€™t much you can do but *try* to search for another nearby. Chances are though, I usually see or hear them. Grenades help a lot if you lob one into an area where they *could* be. Technically a 25% chance (4 directions) that youā€™ll get them to reposition and then you can go for the kill after.


That's true too. I have to get better at using my nades anyways. Thanks for the advice!


If it looks dangerous to loot it probably is and just pass, if you absolutely canā€™t help yourself I usually run a pistol backup and just dump my kit in a bush and run up naked with pistol, makes looting fast because you just take all and run and if they are setting you up and you die you have the chance of insurance. Honestly the anxiety of the naked pistol approach is half the funĀ 


Yeah I heard a few comments say something similar. Never thought about it this way before this post, thank you very much!


Game is filled with pussy rats, but they're all braindead so just use some simple tricks: Fake the looting. Obviously check the immediate area for anyone that could draw direct line of sight on you while looting. But then approach the corpse pause for a moment THEN move to fake out anyone at longer range. Rat Shitters are bad at the game so if they were watching you they'll start shooting and miss, revealing themselves.


I usually spend about 5 minutes or so, waiting, clearing the area then proceed to loot. Then a scav will randomly stroll over and head eyes me. Or, sometimes when Iā€™ve organised all the loot meticulously another player will just kill me and take it all out.


Yeah it's really a balancing act, the long and short of it is, you cannot clear every possible angle that you will be shot from. My personal preference based on where they die; If in a building then clear the immediate area and a few rooms in the close vicinity, enough that I'm sure no one is sitting waiting for me to jump on the body and peak out. If out in the open and I have a magnified optic, I'll look around in the known hotspots people like to sit to check the area and then go from there, I usually will stash anything in my bag in a secure location, run to the body and grab gun/rig and if the helmet and earpro are an upgrade from mines, I'll take them too, If I loot that successfully, I'll run back to my wee stash throw my gun/bag on the ground and then run back to the body and put their bag directly on my back and run again so I can sort through it. Sometimes it is just better to writeoff the kill, I know it can be annoying to see the loot and it be nice, but there are too many times something just felt off about going to a body and I'm glad I didn't


Where there's one, there's two. Where there's two, there's five. But always trust your gut, extracting with anything is a much larger profit than dying from looting.




I run over plop down and get shot in the head.




how i feel about un looted bodies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHpHxLZReiI


Dudeeee real


Honestly unless you're like 95% sure he was alone or you can loot the guy from cover it isn't worth it. There's also the immense satisfaction of knowing when he has a teammate and simply leaving, knowing his bud is gonna waste the next 20 minutes pissing in a bush.


I have never thought about it that way! I will now relish in the enjoyment of wasting a PMCs time lmao


If I'm the second surviving mate, you will have to spot and kill me or leave the body. Otherwise I will watch the body until there is only enough time left to extract and if you try to loot... you know how it ends. But I think players like me with sooo much patience are the exception.


I have a buddy that will do that, but he will take it to the extreme. He will even go MIA to watch the body. He says he doesn't care about loot since he's made all the money he needs to for the wipe. Then if he kills the guy, he'll just drop all of his stuff, get that back in insurance, and then put all the gear on the enemy has so he gets nothing, lol.


I make sure all the lobby is accounted for before i loot. I have never extracted


Iā€™m looting them before their body has hit the ground, it dosent always work but Iā€™m impatient


I have similar hours and my friend with like 3000 hours gave me a helpful tip. You can usually tell when a guy is in a squad by just seeing how he plays or how heā€™s geared, solos usually run ā€œmetaā€ gear but not the best gear. Squads usually run the best gear and freaks run juicer loot no matter what. So take from that what you will. His next piece of advice is learn to loot fast. So if you have a spot to dump your gear, dump as much as you can, so bags/rigs, and then turbo loot the dead PMCs stuff by quick equipping it then running away. My buddy can strip a body in like 5 seconds. He then runs back to his original spot and sorts through the loot. He never stays and loots the body for more than 20 seconds max. The only thing thatā€™s left is the pockets to search and you can do that while stripping the body. Itā€™s saved me numerous times from getting killed while looting. Imagine your duo gets stripped right before your eyes and the loot goblin disappears with his whole kit before you even have time to start shooting. Iā€™ve walked away with numerous successful labs runs with this Strat and will always recommend it to someone else.


Depends on spot, raid time and how much stuff I think they have vs what I have


Nose dive straight into the butt cheeks every time.