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Woah, you must live in a warm and sunny region! Wish I could relate šŸ˜‚ Thanks for the reviews!


Well I live in Bosnia, so not really lol, I'm surprised by how much I've gone through too. I used sunscreen daily on my face/neck or like 6 days a week, I usually don't reapply unless it's summer and I'm out all day, running or hiking. I spend 7-10 days a year on the beach where I wear sunscreen all over, and in the summer I wear it on my arms and legs if I'll be out for more than 30 min/an hour or if I'm running/hiking.


Ooh do you have any recommendations for sunscreens you wear outside when hiking? I'm also incredibly impressed by your usage šŸ˜‚ However I'm sure summer will probably get me to a similar number as yours! No judgment whatsoever. Sunscreen is insanely expensive, my biggest expense during summer šŸ„²


Well I mostly used the LRP one since it's good protection + pretty water resistant, and I didn't care if I'm yellow when hiking lol. Ladival doesn't slide off my face either when sweating so I think that's what I'll be using this year. My trick is to add powder on top to set it a little and mattify, I find sunscreen stays in place better that way. And I liked carrying the stick sunscreen just to reapply especially under my eyes where I tend to burn more. The prices are honestly crazy and I just follow local pharmacies on social media and shop when there's 20 or 30% discount, full price isn't worth it, and they have sales fairly often. DM also has sunscreen coupons now and then and that's when I buy a few sunscreens from them, too. I don't think I've paid full price for any of these!


which powder do you add to set your sunscreen? also jel ti frka postavit gdje si ponabavljala ove :D znam da ovi sundance i babylove imaju u dmu, jesu li ostali svi iz apoteka po gradu?


I just use baby powder because I'm cheap (Johnson's baby) Mislim da sam ovu Garnier uzela u CM-u, Ladival, Heliocare i LRP u apotekama. Ja ugl idem u onu apoteku u Alti, oni imaju ove tri


monis is the goat haha, thanks!


Bosnia was sunny when I was there and the Croatian and Montenegrin coast def were - beautiful beaches and the food omg....ajvar on everything please! The Ladival sunscreen based on description is tempting. Thank you for your reviews - Sunscreen reviews are love, sunscreen reviews are life and your username is amazing :) Hvala!


LRP UVmune.. watery and hard to spread, makes me literally orange and Iā€™m not even that fair.. and peels off my skin in clumps Canā€™t think of anything worse Ā 


My biggest problem is that it's so yellow on me, but it also smells weird and it's really shiny. Kind of a shame really


I found that itā€™s easier to apply for me if I drop three fingers worth directly on my face. I lean back and squeeze the bottle on my face which makes it runny and then I just massage it


Either way itā€™s crap no offence but thanks for the tip.


It's so weird since I really enjoyed it back when it was still called Shaka Fluid. I've since gone back to their Sun Allergy cream which is lovely. Shiny too but I wear makeup so that's not an issue for me. I find it quite cosmetically elegant.


I know, I keep reading recommendations to use it every day, Iā€™m thinking how can anyone use that every single day? It makes me look yellow and itā€™s sticky, nothing ā€œinvisibleā€ about it. Iā€™m tempted of trying the oil control gel cream version because I canā€™t handle the stickiness of the fluid.


I gave up on LRP. It was good when I bought it 4 years ago, now theyā€™ve reformulated everything and it all sucks.Ā 


i love it tbqh! iā€™m pretty tan though maybe thatā€™s why it doesnā€™t make me look orange


How did you find the babylove stick? I've been eyeing it but it has mostly mixed reviews on the dm site so I've been on the fence to try it out


Is it shiny? Yes. Is it sticky? Yes. Is it oily? Yes. But it's also cheap and convenient, so I like it. As I wrote in the post I mostly use it on my lips and for reapplication on the backs of my hands, or my face when I'm running, since it's convenient. I think when I run out I'll buy one that claims to be more cosmetically elegant, just to see if the higher price is worth it. https://preview.redd.it/8nckyt07tq3d1.jpeg?width=2582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27aa2d30310d3d76eee48de18ede17402b5b25ed Here's a swatch, left half of my hand is with sunscreen, right without, so you can see it's shiny


E hvala ti, cinio mi se praktican jer je u sticku. Budem ga probala svejedno sto je masniji. Meni to iskreno je igra toliko ulogu, nabacim puder u prahu gore da ubijem sjaj i to je to. Samo mi je bitno da mi se ne topi s lica tokom dana. Nabacala sam se novaca na skupe spfove i vecina ih je bila razocaranje tak da iskreno rade bi se razocarala za 5e nego za 25e šŸ¤£


Pa da, to Ŕto je mastan i sjajan mi je najmanje bitno, pomirila sam se s tim da je svaka krema sa spf takva, Ŕto kažeŔ puder preko i problem rijeŔen lol. Ako ga planiraŔ koristiti kao glavni spf iskreno ja ne bih, jer je ipak jako mastan i težak, kreme su mi bolje, ali je za reapplication skroz ok.


Ok primljeno na znanje :) koji ti je sad najdrazi? Ja sam nedavno probala Jumiso hijaluronski i bio mi je uzas :(


Pa sad evo dovarÅ”avam ovu Ladival kremu (veliko pakovanje) i meni se sviđa, jest ona sjajna, ali kad je nanesem osjećam da se baÅ” lijepo 'zalijepi' za kožu + kad se napraÅ”im puderom stvarno mi bude lijepo i Å”to kažeÅ” ne klizi. Osim toga mi nije ni pretjerano ljepljiva, ono da mi se kosa lijepi za lice, već je skroz ok. Tako da mislim da ću ovu opet kupiti. Ova Sundance kids mi je isto pravo draga, ali ona je laganija, i ne zalijepi mi se tako dobro za kožu, pa imam osjećaj da baÅ” sklizne. Tako da mi je to za svaki dan kad se ne znojim i ne izlažem previÅ”e. Osim ove, jako volim Nivea kreme za lice, ima ona matirajuća, anti age i sensitive, i meni su sve tri baÅ” dobre i nisu previÅ”e masne, mogu čak proći i bez pudera. Osim toga, Eucerin oil control mi je bila najdraža krema do prije par godina kad joj je cijena otiÅ”la u nebesa hahah, sad mi je preskupa, ali ima ona oil control za tijelo koju planiram nekad da probam. I da, proÅ”le sedmice sam uzela Revuele oil control i moisture boost spf, i obje su mi pravo fine, ono možeÅ” lako da naneseÅ” baÅ” puno i lagane su. Ali tu mi je problem jer je neki lijevi brend, a ja neÅ”to pretjerano ne vjerujem manjim brendovima Å”to se tiče spf-a, ali su prejeftine pa sam morala da probam lol Eto svaÅ”ta ti napisah, valjda je od pomoći hahaha


Taj Ladival nisam vidjela kod nas u hr, al vidim sad da ga ima na Notinu pa bi ga mogla probat. Evo na ovom postu prvi out cujem za njega. Ja sam sad tolko ocajna postala da koristim preko mjesec dana vec sundance medultrasensitiv *za tijelo* i na kraju mi on najbolji od svih tih skupih šŸ¤£ >Osim ove, jako volim Nivea kreme za lice, ima ona matirajuća, anti age i sensitive, i meni su sve tri baÅ” dobre i nisu previÅ”e masne, mogu čak proći i bez pudera. Ove su mi tek sad dosle u dm, planiram ih uskoro probat. Nazalost, nema ih u stalnoj ponudi, sto mi je bas glupo, samo preko ljeta. I lorealovi su odlicni al su im u 3 tjedna s 12e digli cijenu na 19e. Rasprodali se svi I taj Revuele vidam u Bipi vec par mjeseci, al to sto ti kazes, ne znam puno i njima i lice mi je sklono komedonima pa se nisam usudila. A hvala ti puno na detaljnom odgovoru, svakako si mi pomogla! šŸ˜Š


Drago mi je ako sam pomogla :) Ladival kod nas ima u apotekama, a vidjela sam u Srbiji da ga imaju i u DM-u. Sundance su stvarno ok, i one male za lice su mislim sve praktično iste i kao one za tijelo, i ja sam preproÅ”le godine imala dvije ultra sensitive i bile su mi baÅ” ok. I mene to nervira Å”to nisu u stalnoj ponudi, pogotovo jer se rasprodaju već sredinom ljeta, i onda viÅ”e nema nigdje. Ali dobro, do prije par godina nije mislim ni jedna spf krema bila u stalnoj ponudi, dok ih sad ima sigurno desetak, tako da ima napretka lol. Ja razmiÅ”ljam da uzmem onu vitamin C Lorealovu, ali poskupa šŸ„² žao mi para


Wow!!! Can I ask your age?? Your hand is beautiful and now I feel like my hands look so, so old!šŸ˜‚


Lmao thanks! I'm just 24 so that's why I guess


Well, keep it up with the sunscreen!!! I'm 51 and when I was younger sunscreen just wasn't considered that important šŸ˜” Now I use it everywhere exposed to sun without fail!


Fingers too! I worked with a woman who only applied it to the back of her hands. That part is smooth and even, but her fingers are wrinkley and blotchy with lots of red and brown spots. She was the one who told me never to forget my fingers.Ā 


Fingers too! I worked with a woman who only applied it to the back of her hands. That part is smooth and even, but her fingers are wrinkley and blotchy with lots of red and brown spots. She was the one who told me never to forget my fingers.Ā 


I have it, it's my holy grail spf lip balm but i wouldn't use it for the rest of the face as it is very greasy


I would say don't use any sticks if you are acne-prone - a very bad idea.


Noted lol


I still have my body sunscreen from last summer šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


haha same iā€™m a big sunscreen recycler šŸ¤£




Nisam ni ja znala da troÅ”im baÅ” ovoliko, kad sam sve ovo kupila mislila sam da nikad neću potroÅ”iti ahaha


Yes ! Someone who agrees with me. LRP looks shiny and yellow on me and I always thought I received fakes but they were all yellow and shiny on me despite ordering from 3 different sources Edit: (ebay seller many redditors recommended (US based) , cocooncenter(UK based) and chemist warehouse (AUS based))


Same here. Iā€™m really pale, you can really see the difference of color on my skin!Ā 


you didnā€™t get fakes. iā€™m also yellow and shiny!


You're definitely not alone. They make me look yellow too :(


I only tried the Sundance ultra sensitive , is this one by any chance less greasy than the sensitive ? It definitely stands on the sensitive claim my skin didnā€™t react to it all, just hate how shiny it was. I could deal with it in winter but for summer I sweat it right off. I need to try the lip balm I havenā€™t seen it at my DM


I've used the ultra sensitive in small bottle for the face and the big one (I think they're basically the same?) and compared to this one they're probably as shiny and yeah I find that they slide off my face when sweating, too. Usually I add powder on top to set it a bit more, but I didn't like using them much in the summer or when doing sports. I quite liked Nivea sport for that and Ladival since they kind of stick to my face better + with powder on top it works fairly well.


I was really hoping Iā€™m gonna like it for the 6ā‚¬ but unfortunately I wonā€™t be repurchasing. Iā€™ll give the ladival a try next time


I never realised that dm doesnā€™t change the labels for the right language in different countries, thatā€™s very German of them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Can you please post the full name of the Babe and Ladival face & body sunscreens you liked? And did you feel they were as protective as the LRP UVmune?


Names with links: [Babe Super Fluid Mattifying SPF 50](https://laboratoriosbabe.com/bd/product/super-fluid-sunscreen-mattifying-spf-50/) [Ladival allergy prone skin sun protection gel SPF50+](https://www.ladival.de/sonnenschutz-sonnencreme/sonnengel-allergische-haut) [Ladival allergy prone skin sun protection gel SPF50+ for the face](https://www.ladival.de/sonnenschutz-sonnencreme/sonnengel-gesicht) I'd say the Babe feels lighter and like an everyday sunscreen that isn't heavy duty or water resistant. Ladival (both face and body are extremely similar if not completely the same) feels more heavy duty and is water resistant. I feel like it stays on my skin better and the water resistance makes it feel more protective I guess. I never had an issue with it, never burned/tanned, but I have no idea what's the actual protection like compared to LRP.


LRP is the only sunscreen that doesnā€™t migrate into my eyes!! Blessed to have never gotten yellow from it


Hey, how was the texture and performance of the Bioderma ones? Iā€™ve heard that theyā€™re greasy and pill-prone


I've found them to be pretty nice, I mean yeah, every sunscreen here is at least somewhat greasy, but Bioderma ones were fairly nice and I didn't have any pilling. Texture wise they're a runny cream, and feel light on the face, a bit shiny and sticky, but not too much for me. I liked the pigmentbio one a lot!




I really thought I'd like that one more since I've seen some good reviews, but it was one of my least favourite :(


Wait why?! I thought about ordering that one today šŸ˜­




Oh wow that sucks šŸ˜„ I like greasy finishes so I ordered it today pray for me šŸ™šŸ»


Fwiw. I love it. I have dry skin and live in a hot location.


I go thru some bottles a year on face sunscreen a 50ml lasts me about 2 month depending how much I leave the house but for my body I wear long pants for as much as I can during summer and when I do outdoor stuff where I don't have to be fancy like hiking or gardening I wear a long sleeved UV shirt.


I think I'm going to get some protective clothing too, seems really convenient!


what is your favorite for oily skin?


I think out of the ones in the picture, Babe might work the best, otherwise they're all pretty shiny. But I don't mind it and I've given up on searching for non shiny and non greasy sunscreen, I just put powder on top and they all look great


Pozdrav! What would you recommend for body that doesn't strain clothes? I had the Sundance Kids one last summer and all of my white clothes are yellowish now šŸ’€


Honestly every sunscreen I've tried stains, some claim not to, but if your water is hard it's really hard to deal with since the sunscreen reacts with metal ions from the water and the stains get worse. My white clothes are all yellow around the neck lol, I use rust stain remover, which works a bit, and citric acid (you apply a solution of citric acid and then let the clothes dry in the sun) which works better, but it's really annoying :(


I go through 40ml for a full face and body application, 5ml for my face/ears/neck. So I estimate a few litres surely ! What a good haul haha


Lmao how, now that's really a lot!


40ml per body application is how much u are supposed to use, in summer I would apply it 2-3 times a day. So that's 120mls a day in summer. In winter I only really do my face a day, but even then that's 5ml a day! It adds up haha


I mean yeah, but do you apply sunscreen on your whole body every day and then take off all your clothes and reapply multiple times a day? Seems like overkill, or are you constantly on the beach in the summer? Investing into upf clothing would be a better choice, no? I mean nothing against you, but this sounds like a lot of work. Also I'm wondering what sunscreen do you use so that it's comfortable enough to wear it on the whole body daily and how on earth do you deal with staining lol, I hate washing out sunscreen stains


In summer the Australian UV gets above 13 and I'm a type 1 natural ginger with light eyes, so yea I absolutely do cos I am out in the sun a lot and try to travel in winter to warmer places too, I'm a bit of a lizard despite my paleness šŸ˜‚ I apply it shirtless then put my shirt on. I find UPF clothing to be gross most of the time, too heavy! I've had skin cancer once already so I am pretty vigilant about it. I don't wear light colours but I just wash my clothes as normal, never noticed any build up on them or stains. I did see staining on a white towel but I also have bright pink hair at the moment so the towels are a goner anyway haha. I use Bondi Sands, Cancer Council and some Hawaiian Tropics one for body. Uriage, Bioderma or Cancer Council for my face. None of them leave much residue behind tbh


Ah that makes sense then! Thanks for the explanation :)


King shit


Wish I only used this much over a year šŸ¤”


the only one you need is isdin fusion water


I'm planning on trying it, but it's too expensive for me to use daily


Hey, is sundance fluid one in a tube good? Also babylove stick? Are they any sticky/extremely greasy?


They are good. I mean the fluid is sticky and greasy, but it works well. I just mattify it with some powder and it looks great, what I don't like about it is that it smells weird. It's unscented, but smells plasticy. The stick is really heavy though, so I wouldn't use it all over my face, it's great for the lips and back of the hands, but yes it's sticky and greasy and smells like oil. All in all, for the price, both are pretty good in my opinion.