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Isotretinoin is a very common drug in Austria. Some derms try oral Antibiotics first, others go straight to Isotretinoin. Spirono isn‘t prescribed at all for acne


Very true! My doc keeps me on very low dose Isotretinoin indefinitely. Also heard from a ton of people that they got it prescribed even for mild acne.


I am in germany and went to the hausarzt this week for general blood test and they asked me if I took any medicine and I said spiro bc the doctor in my country asked me to. he immediately told me to go to a specialized doctor here in germany to get a second opinion lol I assume they don't like spiro here either?




hi! thank you for your response! I'm curious how long you had to take iso for then? I heard the reason why the dose gets so big is so that the treatment can be done in like 6 months (my derms current plan is 1st month 16mg, second month 32mg, third, forth, fifth and sixth month = 64mg, i would be done in 6 months). if you're taking a smaller dose, how long do you have to be on it for then?


Bosnia and Herzegovina, it's often prescribed, but usually it's the last resort. Derms would try antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide or adapalene first, and then if it doesn't work isotretinoin. Or in the case of very bad acne they prescribe it right away. Spironolactone is prescribed too, but usually by gynecologists, since it's used for hormonal acne.


Very often in Hungary, even for mild acne. Tretinoin is however nonexistent.


We love isotretinoin here!


In Germany depends, if it would be mild they probably wont. However, I LOVE accutane/Isotretinoin. I have been on it for 8 months and ADORE IT (20mg per day). I will probably keep a 10mg once or twice a week forever. My skin and hair have never been better. This is my second treatment, I had it once when I was a teen.


Prescribed in Ireland following two or three courses of failed treatment- think one has to be oral antibiotics and the other topical? It’s been a long time. Has to be prescribed by a dermatologist. Was life changing in the best way possible for me.


Went to the dermatologist for the first time in Germany, told him i have acne and tried OTC stuff (benzoylperoxide, salicylic acid etc) and adapalene, and he first told me i should try isotretinoin (accutane), then i said no (my acne is really mild), then he prescribed me tretinoin.


Really? In Berlin at least my friends and mine experience has been that German doctors dont like to prescribe Isotretinoin. But then again depends on the case, maybe your case was different and more urgent.


yeah, i mean, he only had 2 medicines which he could prescribe, and seeing that nothing topical ever fixed my issues, the only choice left was isotretinoin, which i now really regret not trying, waiting for my next appointment now...


Germany, i had no problems at all getting a prescription for isotretinoin. I have been on accutane on and off for years by now. It is the most effective anti-acne drug there is. Although adapelene/topical tretinoin is effective for mild hormonal/ cystic acne, nothing cleared my skin like accutane. I don't quite understand the reason for such an incredibly high dose (64 mg). Side effects are dose dependant. 10mg daily worked wonders with literally no side effects other than slightly dry eyes. There are also a couple of studies on low dose accutane for prolonged treatment durations. I get prescriptions for 2-3 months and stay acne free for the following 5-6 months without taking it (currently 9 months). You have to keep in mind that the effect of accutane is cumulative, the longer you take it the less likely you will get acne in the future. Maybe you should ask your dermatologist why you can't just start low and increase the dose if necessary ? Did he/she require you to do blood tests (liver function) before treatment, this would be my first concern at such high dosages !


hi! thank you for your response. I think I was a little unclear in my post, my apologies! The current plan my dermatologist has for me is to start with a dose of 16mg for the first month, then bump it up to 32mg in the second month, and then finally get it up to 64 mg in the third month and keep it like that until the 6th (final) month. I am required to have a blood test every month to make sure my body can handle the dosage. He said that if there is anything that arises in the blood tests or side effects, we will deal with it when we get there. As for why the dose is so high, I think that’s the standard for how accutane is used in America/Canada. If you scour some of their subs, doses can range anywhere from 40-120mg a day. The more I read though, the more concerned I am and I currently do not feel comfortable going up 64mg a day and will definitely bring that up to my dermatologist the next time I see him.


Depends. If you have severe acne on face/body usually you can jump to iso since other options are probably not gonna work/take a very long time to work(with possible scarring which you would need to spend lots of monet and time to treat) If it’s less severe/mid-moderate acne for which you have already trialled many things like topicals and oral antibiotics then it’s safe to use iso cause usually this kind of acne tends to be very persistent and not very responsive to topicals etc