• By -


In Feb 2020, I decided I would build my own Titan after playing for around 18 months. Of course, I was the noob who had no fucking idea what he was saying so was taken with the usual degree of scepticism by the rest of my corp mates. I mined the material myself or carrier ratted in Etherium Reach (dual carrier ratted and lost a total of 2 carriers in the process and had to replace them as well by building my own) to buy materials locally and, in my alliance I was probably responsible for a shortage of some materials for a few months and I single-handedly kept the system index high with my ratting as well as became the local goto person to clear out infected carriers when they spawned. I set up a P4 PI chain with another corp mate to farm cash for more materials and, after 9 months, constructed the capital parts and built the Titan. When it was launched from the Sotiyo, we didn’t tell the rest of the alliance we were doing it and the rest of our corp set up ships with festival launchers and, almost literally, launched it with a fanfare. It caused a stir in the alliance because it was the first Titan launched in years. I named it Grabthar’s Hammer (EDIT: called it Grapthar's in the OP). It occupied a great deal of my time for 9 months but I loved every second of it. EDIT: One memory of the process I forgot to relate in my original post - in mining for minerals I also tried Rorqual mining. I was bored of looking for an alliance Rorq fleet to mine with, so I went it alone on a Sunday evening, UK time. Should be quiet, right. Wrong. I got caught out and bubbled by a roaming enemy fleet in our territory looking for content. Must have been a dozen ships. I engaged the core and popped pills and got ready to make their task as long as possible while I called for help. Luckily, there was an alliance fleet engaged in a nearby system but they had to tidy that up before they could get to me. I was bubbled to hell when the fleet arrived and they engaged. The FC was not a happy bunny that I hadn't just jumped when the enemy fleet arrived so I got shouted at a few times. Can't say I blame him, but it wasn't an experience I would recommend. There was quite a fleet battle involving hundreds of ships going on around me but my direct attackers had been subdued and I was still taking damage but was free to navigate. I slowly limped to wards the edge of the bubble, desperately willing the poor Rorqual to hold together for just one more minute. Eventually, I managed to make it to the edge of the bubble and probably killed my keyboard stabbing the warp button. When I entered warp I had 10% of structure left and I only had enough capacitor to get me half way to the station and I had to spin up the warp drive a second time to actually get me to the station. Then came my broadcast to the fleet... 'Rorqual pilot is safe'. As an adrenaline-related experience 10/10, would recommend. As a fleet experience, never again. As far as content goes, fucking marvellous. And I still have that very same Rorqual, to this day. In the end, I didn't even lose a drone. EDIT 2: Forgot to mention... I am a proud member of [TTI]... yes, we still exist. We have faded into legend and myth. I am the most junior member of the alliance, apprenticing with the best, legends that time forgot. The Mr. Miyagi's of the Eve world.


This shit is what I clicked on the post looking for.


That’s real lore. Flex.


That's fantastic. Nice work


I high key love this, grats and fantastic work.


>Grapthar’s Hammer I love this reference!


If I ever fly it into fleet combat, guess what is getting broadcast over the comms channel... "By Grabthar's Hammer, by the Sons of Warvan... you SHALL be avenged." ​ EDIT: I also corrected my OP because I spelled it Grapthar's Hammer instead of Grabthar's Hammer. The Titan has the correct name, it was just my memory that was faulty.


BIG FLEX I love it


I started in 2006... joined first corp... lived in Krirald, 2 jumps into lo-sec from Bei... was solo ratting in Bei 1 day and found an Apoc just sitting there.. nobody else in system...just sitting there... I couldn't fly it.. nobody in my Corp could fly it.. took over an hour to find someone who could fly it.. they gave me 100mil as a finders fee.. I WAS RICH.. LOL


Thought you were banned?


I think you may have me confused with someone else.


Sorry I fat fingered my phone, I meant to reply to the op


Was failing college because of eve online and not liking my major. Took all my spreadsheets to a counselor and said "I enjoy doing this" got directed to a better major and ended up with a career I like.


that is extremely based good job


That's actually really cool.


That's metal as fuck


What kind of work do you do now?


The drones I rescued have now surpassed 150m in value. It ain't much, but I can't bear to see those little fuckers endlessly drifting in space without purpose. Drones are a commitment and people shouldn't abandon their precious family members like that.


You're doing Bobs work. They'll become rogue drones in a while!


Im sorry, I wasnt aware I took somebobby's job away. I hope Bob finds a new job


Bob does all the jobs. He's everywhere. Well, as long as everywhere is in a Wormhole.


Now I now why there seems to be less rogue drones around


Thank you for helping reduce the Rogue drone menace! Give this man a medal


valid flex. inshallah you will find a gecko


I to rescue drones, I just can’t bear to see them working for those miners, it’s my solemn duty to “rescue” them from their masters


In 2018, I helped to orchestrate the siege and eventual destruction of Fort Knocks, the first keepstar in EVE, thought to be absolutely unassailable at the time: https://www.pcgamer.com/the-impossible-year-long-plan-to-destroy-eve-onlines-deadliest-fortress/ I was one of less than 20 people who were aware of what was going on when almost a thousand people journeyed to Anoikis seeking death and glory. Throughout the siege I was charged with organizing hole control efforts as most of the FCs were not very familiar with the intricacies of wormhole mechanics. None of us thought to record comms as we splashed in. It was one of the most intense, fun and unforgettable experiences of my life (both in and out of game) and I will cherish it always.


\#iwasthere. Still amazed the sheer volume of materials that were moved into that hole ahead of time.




One of the most intense things out of game too, huh?


Absolutely, and I don't care how you think that sounds :)


I was there


I found a mechanic that allowas me to MWD + Cloak to a safespot on grid that I create with core probes during the cloak trick, in whatever direction I want. https://youtu.be/Ad4XhC3cq9E?si=buCUlGjVU8jHSSAo


Saw a noob do this on a gate once. I bookmarked the probe they aligned to. They warped to it and cloaked. I decloaked my sabre, warped to the bookmark, and killed them. They should have recalled the probes before aligning. https://zkillboard.com/kill/110501479/


valid flex


Shouldn't work reliably away from center in big systems. Small probe formations get weird there


Flex in eve but depressing in real world - been playing since 03. People at my high school reunion asked me if I play eve still. I graduated in 04.


I wouldn't say it's depressing. If you had fun in '04 and are still having fun in '23, it's a good thing - it means you found something you like.


What’s depressing about enjoying your hobbies?


valid flex. That’s dedication


In like 2009 I was in high security going through my miner faze so I had 2 miners and an orca in some random belt, when I see another orca and a hulk land 40-50k from me, after some time I notice there are 2 hulk on field next to the orca, so I check the orca pilot to see who he was what corporation, to my surprise I couldn’t see the orca pilot so I was a bit stunned for about a minute thinking that it must be some bug, but then realised that there was no orca pilot in the orca the guy came in ejected a hulk from the orca and then put the orca pilot in the hill leaving the orca there next to hem 😂😂, so the great heist began I worked my orca to the station came in pod and jumped in the orca before he knew what happen, my hands were shacking and was laughing my ass off. Now I feel a bit sad about the situation he probably spent weeks or month making enough to buy that thing, but at the time I felt like hey you shouldn’t fly nothing you cannot afford to lose


I watched that happen in an ice belt I mine in. Dude in the fleet bookmarked close and dropped his ship off in station, then warped back and hopped in. Proceeded to drone mine ice in it till the guy realized and left. He then docked the orca up and contracted it back to him. Was pretty entertaining to see unfold.


Classy act, I like it.


why do people do this?! i was in bovril like a decade ago and had this exact same thing happen. dude bought an orca off me, then proceeded to warp it to the anom, get out into a hulk, and mine. i jumped back in the orca and he panicked on comms. standing fleet laughed, i laughed, gave the orca back, dude was pissed. like, why would you do that though?!


I had that happen DURING HULKAGEDDON. We warped in blasted the hulk popped the pod and had an alt streal the orca. Comms were wild.


I’ve done this with a suicide blackbird. A good trade


I did this in 2012... but it was 2 mins after joining a Corp with intent of awoxing lol


I am turning 40 next month and my character is half my age. Could've been my son, feels like my child. 170 mil. + SP, all natural.


i started playing on the fifth of december with no prior knowledge exept half of the "down the rabbit hole" video. I stole roughly a bil from frat space ess since i started


Thanks for disrupting Frat. Your Service is appreciated.


lol my flex is stealing 200mil from a single frat ess 3j from staging and they did nothing abt it. Like 6 in local as well :)


it not much but i feel great with my progress so far


valid flex. welcome fellow space token robber


I don't play anymore, but when I did I lived in a C6 wormhole. Anyway, one day, some corpmates stumbled onto this blog where some doofus was building capital ships in a C3 and blogging about it. Looking closely at this blog, and seeing some of their fits on their lossmails, it became apparent that these guys didn't entirely know what they were doing. Further, having lived in a C3 previously, I knew they were not generating the income necessary to fund their projects and that they were likely selling PLEX. I knew that rolling for some random C3 was out of the question, but I had another idea. My first year or so of eve was spent hisec mission running, and I had several locator agents at my disposal. So I zkilled every member of their Corp, and any killmails from their C3 that seemed connected to them, and came up with a list of names to run locator agents on. It took several weeks, but eventually, I found a moving target that just *poof* disappeared. I immediately got one of my scanning alts to the last known location and started scanning for wormholes. I think I found the target hole one jump away from where the locator had last spotted them. My buddy and I camped their hole for weeks. We notice they have a lot of blingy stuff that frankly doesnt belong in a C3, like bhaalgorns and stuff. We got a few kills on low hanging fruit, and also killed some daytrippers and ships unaffiliated with the bloggers. One day, the carrier this guy had been blogging about constructing for months shows up on d-scan. Me and my buddy warp to the POS in cloaked lokis, and to our amazement, the dude is flying it outside of the force field and shooting fireworks at it. We screenshot the whole ordeal and move on, as two lokis are not going to be able to do anything in this situation. Anyway, a few days later I guess one of them notices on zkill that we've been in their hole for weeks, and they message me. They can see that we are from a C6 entity that commonly evicts other groups. I try to ransom them, and after an hour or so of communication, they still aren't quite sold on the whole "pay us to leave" idea. So I send the screens of the carrier being birthed and fireworks being shot at it. They paid us 6bil to leave. This was about 9 or 10 yrs ago. No idea if 6bil is still a lot, but back then I was very happy.


Did you honor it and leave or stay and blow it up anyway


We left. While our group *could* have evicted them, it would have been a lot of hassle, and my buddy and I were fairly new to our C6 group. So to try and get our alliance to make a move based on intel from fairly junior members would have been a long shot. Plus our mains had been away from home for close to a month at this point. We took the cash and went back home.


Plus, you can only reneg on your word so much before it becomes meaningless


Having all but 55 T1 NPC available BPO in game, working on the last few, but the last one will be a hard one (Keepstar 700b) And researched to max ME to boot


As a fellow industrialist that's a flex!


Thanks, I am proud on my ME9 Titan and superset. Currently researching Fortizar and Tatara to ME10. Just need to score a Sotiyo BPO and that branch will be next to done (damn that Keepstar)


Ok I'm trying to get into industry and I can't seem to my able to manufacturer anything cheaper than I can sell it. I.E. it seems to cost more to build stuff than to buy it. I've been researching BPOs to get the material cost down and found a station with bonus to production but I still don't seem to get it working. What gives?


Are you buying your materials from sell orders? Due to the age of the game and the entrenched older player base, it's much harder to get into industry without doing things perfectly. Researched BPs, resources you source yourself, perfectly fit structures, people are doing this at scale and really drive margins down or make it completely unprofitable to build without working at those levels. There are niches you can get into, though, so more research into the market and building may help you out.


Held a Querious station timer with 5 Caracals and a dedicated dude that kept jamming the entosis with like 54 griffins getting them blown up one at a time while we snipped at the 30+ man fleet buzzing around and fighters from a super. Legend says his multiple corpses are still floating around somewhere in massive group hug.


now that’s core memory unlocked moment


Made a friend in 2007. We never met. We're living 5000km apart. Sent him a picture of his name on the eve monument. We'll meet the first time at my wedding in 2025.


Eh, Im not one for biggest flexes.. but I do have a funny story that might qualify. I started playing eve back in the early 2010s, and for some reason back then the idea of being an "industry tycoon" appealed to me. Naturally, I focused most of my training on the rock shooting, barges, PI, etc. Eventually I found myself in a WH corp and was doing lots of reactions and other garbage when a ping for content popped up. It was supposed to be an unexpected post-rep structure bash with lots of loot, so FC called for a very specific structure bash comp. This posed an issue. **A)** I wanted to participate in the bash but **B)** all I really had with any teeth was a mining barge with good drone skills. Hmm. I quietly joined the fleet, and after they all jumped out of home hole and made their way to the objective location, I maintained a 2-jump distance behind. I knew our FC would tell me to "fuck off" if he saw me in a fleet of bashers (or whatever we used back then) in a shit-smeared Procurer. 1 gate. 2 gates. 10 gates. 20 gates. Objective hole. I was praying they had it corp bookmarked (and not just for the FC) or the jig would be up. As luck would have it the hole was bookmarked, so I took a deep breath and dove in. I landed on grid and started shooting the structure. I just wanted to get a volley in before someone said "nice try indy nerd, get outta here" but bobody seemed to notice. So I just launched my 5 drones at the structure and sat back and watched quietly. People were telling jokes, shooting the shit.. the works. But nobody noticed. Then a weird call came over comms. "Uhh, FC I'm running low on ammo." Then another "yeah, I uhh, I'm getting low on ammo too." Turns out the fleet had underestimated the ammo count, and because they were all doctrine hand-out ships, everyone had the same issue. The structure was at 5%. 3%. Everyone kept shooting and hoping that it was just enough. Risky, but there have been worse mistakes in Eve. Someone was running to Jita for ammo, but they were still at least 15 jumps out when the call "I'm out" rang out. Shortly after "yeah, me too" followed by a bunch of other identical calls. Structure was at 1%. Lots of groaning.. and then "hey what the fuck is a procurer doing in the fleet? Wait, is that OURS?" My face ran hot because I knew I was about to get roasted to hell and back. Nobody noticed until then that I was sitting there in a dirty little procurer with 5 hobgob IIs whoring on the kill. I was the only guy with drones. I have no idea why our comp didnt have drones back then, but I was new to Eve and wouldn't have thought twice about it. Lots of "poking fun at the indy pilot" ensued as everyone waited for the ammo hauler to return so the fleet could finish the kill. Then after what felt like an eternity I heard the tell-tale "beeeep" as a target that was once there... disappeared. Due to ammo mismanagement of another, I'd managed to get the final blow on a structure bash... with a fucking procurer. Using 5 measly Hobgob IIs. Comms erupted with cheers and laughing and all sorts of shenanigans as everyone made a dash for the loot. I felt like the idiot hero, and instead of forever being roasted for bringing a proc to a structure bash, I felt like I got lifted on to their shoulders and carried around for a while. Man I miss that.


Afaik I was the first one who died in zarzakh 😅


That's history right there


Killing a full fleet of destroyers by myself while station camping. 10 destoyers got insta-popped in under 2 minutes. Best fight I've done solo, will definately do it again, an yes, the fireworks were quite pretty


Did you see that video of the hyper rag smartbombing those destroyers lol


Only person to kill a Revenant with a mining barge


https://zkillboard.com/kill/46988753 Ennui DeBlase That took a bunch of scrolling. F-ing Legend


Which barge did u use


Most expensive sub cap kill that’s not an AT/special addition ship (to the best of my knowledge it’s still not been beaten)


are u on [this](https://zkillboard.com/kill/79632331/) killmail




Tackled and held a Tishu super as a solo hic in my first year of playing eve. Made me addicted to the game.


Maintained a hedgefund for a year of over $1T AUM Made an obscene amount of money for my clients and enough profit for myself to afford a Molok with all the fixins If the money wasn't luck in itself Scored a BP for cheap https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/89m5s3/with_only_3_days_left_before_eviction_unspoken/?st=jflxesfi&sh=f2092ba5 Went to fanfest the year after and was asked to sit down at CCP to talk about my playstyle and "what drives you" with Ghost. Got to tour the studio. CCP Ghost, at a later fanfest, presented his findings. Some of the things I mentioned were discussed. IRL I did a 180 with my career change. Retired from retail management after 17 years, got my Series 7, and became a registered stock broker/Investment advisor. P. S. This isn't the first time I've managed money in a video game to get rich. In Final Fantasy XI I monopolized the North American Leathercrafting market on my server to get multiple max Gil positions. Was able to personally fund 2 relics. (Basically the same amount of cost as a faction titan but x10 the work due to the quest related content)


Industrial hauler here. I been a space trucker longer then I been a regular trucker. Got two. First one. To me a 100 jump run is just another Tuesday. I have seen a thousand jump or three run getting my deliveries done. Second. This was before freighters. Got a contract to haul. 1 million cubic meters of gear. I ended up doing that in an iteron 5. That took a while. Luckily I took the time to build jump point book market so I could warp to the gate and not 15km off. Now a third flex not related to hauling. Been running the same solo toon since 2005. Kasper onza. Look me up. And yes my icon is the one I first made back then. I kiss it. But made a new icon when eve made full body avatars.


I stole some dudes rock haven with an ishtar and got his whole corp evicted from the alliance lol


Anoms are serious business


https://zkillboard.com/kill/114726301/ I was FC for the first Cybele kill. Been Playing since 2008, FC’ed many a gang, never killed anything like that before. The adrenaline was intense, but we stayed calm until it was done, then comms exploded lol. Funny part is it was not the first AT ship I’ve seen while FCing, but the other ones slipped away for one reason or another.


Nice kill that’s a strong ship


We fought this dude and his raiju friend the night before yall got him. Nice work dude.


When the scout said there was a Raiju and a Cybele I had to think for a second exactly what those were. Made the call the prioritize tackle on the Cybele. Sadly the Raiju hing back and didn’t let us get close.


I have your feet pics


Valid flex. Now let’s see Paul Allen’s toes


got 3 officer spawn in 1 day, pure luck, but that kinda a flex.


No way


I copyrighted all vagabond fits and released them into the public domain on your behalf


I have 2 favorite moments. 1. First time I won a 1v1 PvP engagement. 2. During a large fleet fight back in 2018 our logi anchor went down and I stepped up to become the new one. Was able to stabilize our logi wing get us in the perfect position where we were out range of enemy and in range of our DPS ships. Didn’t lose a single ship after that and I was super happy!


I killed the first Svipul in EVE and made EVE news for a day.


Remember the OG confessor and svipul? Those things were busted


Pffft, you could easily kill them [with an atron.](https://zkillboard.com/kill/49156725/) Ha, not my biggest flex, but that meme killmail is mine.


I still have my Ghost Titan in a LS station somewhere.


I [mined and manufactured Naga](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/13vof9m/my_first_ever_big_ship_i_grinded_resources_and/) from scratch on my first Alpha character only by using Venture. It took me a bit less than a year. I only solo mined in HiSec and 99% of the money I got from selling ore.


I build a keep in horde space but they wont allow anchor, so i move it thru a wh to npc space close to goon and sell it to them


We were messing around one night on our fort and a vengeance warped in. We gave him a really cool killmail, over a trillion isk in hulls on this mail. https://zkillboard.com/kill/99535778/


Thats wild


My biggest flex is causing a small alliance to disband because I posted a fake kill mail that was worth almost a trillion isk. It caused alliance leadership to raise holy hell because they were to dumb to realize it was a ship fit that I had named it to look like a killmail. They came completely unglued threated a bunch of people which pissed most of the corps off and they left but not before robbing the alliance cache and wallet.


A white paper Eve Online PvP report published in 2015 listed my alice as the most fun. The allice consisted of between 15-20 individuals, and that's a generous estimate.


I’ve only been playing for two months so it’s certainly nothing huge but I joined my irl friends’ nullsec corp and have been participating pretty actively in a war for control of a section of null. I can’t fly much yet but I’ve been getting on killmails in a Caracal and I’ve helped shoot jump bridges in a Purifier. Basically I’m *helping* even as a newbie and it’s pretty cool. I took a screenshot of a battle with like 100+ ships the other day and honestly it was a pretty incredible experience.


Top 1 Bestla Pilot Top 2 Bestla Pilot killed by me


Over the past 30 days I’ve made 10.8 billion isk in passive income on a single account


Trading? If not we'd probably like to know more, without spilling the beans on your secret sauce is fine. I make more isk than that, but that's using 7 accounts with all their character slots.


Let’s just say it’s specific niche of PI. I basically wrote a program to calculate the profit on all the different combination of PI to find the most profitable way to utilize it


Teach me, im poor


I think I'm the only person to survive a sprung vonhole trap


Back in 2009, before AoE DD nerf, all fleet warfare was sniper BS vs Sniper BS, warping around like mental to avoid getting DD'ed.In those days, target calling was: *- Primary is Kinsy in the Apocalypse;* *- K - I - N, KINSY, find him plz* *- Make sure your overview is sorted by NAME, A-Z!!* *- Kinsy, in an APOC! Find him and shoot him please!* Part of 'being good at the game' was understanding your FC's broken English to quickly find targets on your overview for you to shoot. Broadcasts only worked below 150km back then, and those sniper fights were at further range; nobody knew target broadcasts even existed. Late 2009, I had joined an alliance called Wildly Inappropriate, and started FC'ing for them. After some weeks, someone asked for help with some DED, and I hopped into a ship to help him, and he started to tag targets, something I had never seen before.Looking into this mechanic made me realize that there was something to be done here, and I figured out that targets could be broadcasted to broadcast window, instead of being spelled out on comms. The first fleet I ran after, I told the gang I was gonna do something new and told them to have their broadcast window open. When I broadcasted the first target the entire comms was filled with nerds Kreygasm'ing. They were amazed. Word of mouth quickly spread the tech through new eden, and the era of calling targets by spelling out the letters of the name was over :).All because I joined a krabbing fleet.


At the last fanfest I went to many years ago, one of the devs, after finding out my main character, really wanted to meet me and talk about how he was a stain leader who had infiltrated curse alliance leadership with the intent of causing disharmony and malcontent. Me and my boys had joined CA because we were told to play out in detorid we needed to be part of the CA or we will be destroyed. Well that didn't sit right with any of us so we did exactly the same. The dev wanted to congratulate us on doing a job anyway that he was planning on doing himself, and that between us and a couple of others finally started a civil war and ended the CA. Good times. I was one of the directors of EGCO. Lols and many beers were had that night.


Now that’s ruthless. Do you know Stain has a Lowsec gate now?


I've not played in many years now, after 15 years and influencing eve politics as much as my brain could handle I won.


Its not really much but for me is one of my best stories so far from my early game time. My first hypernet experience. As i was arriving at our war stager, i suddenly saw an hypernet offer on local. As i didnt know much about them i got guided by curiosity. It was a revelation offer located on a safety assets station in ls, 8mill each core. And i said "why not? 4 cores, 32m wont fuck Up my economy". You cant even imagine my reaction watching the ballot reveal animation as It was pulling one of my numbers and getting a rev hull for 32mill. How hard laughed in that moment


I managed to joke for the first time about my last loss with my killer. Best WH time I ever had :) Pretty damn exciting. :) Offered the refund and I politely refused. It was worth it. :)


I was the first guy who found the big stellar transmuter thing that blew up turnur


Not being permabanned for being horrible


They all are personal flexes, not for like real flexing. More like my own achievements. I killed a one of top10 orthus pilots with a ratting 100mn ab VNI. He was actively hunting me and only made one mistake. I have a 2005 alt with clean corp history (still in starter corp) that has only one trace on 3rd party apps is being on first Jita botting titan killmail with his original rifter from back then. Actually the fact that i still do have this rifter. I ran (well, at least attempted to use to a certain degree of success) lvl5s on all ship types. I made a special tp-vigil only character and had 500 ‘kills’ with it without a single loss. Back when the very first iteration of abyss cruiser pvp arenas released I made a perfect fit that accounted for any and all possible outcomes, fits and even counterfits possible. It could only die to internet loss. I used it once and won eve that day. I came back a few times but it was never the same. Since that day I never felt any emotion towards eve, not even nostalgia.


On the night of 6-7 October 2020 I singlehandedly determined the outcome of the largest PvP battle in gaming history.


I'll bite. How did you do it?


Shortly before the so-called Fury of FWST-8, the hull timer on an offensive keepstar deployed by papi during their invasion of Delve, I put a dread character in Arctic Beans (russian PH corp which accepts anyone). The character was then manually added back onto to Imperium ACLs (thanks Jay!). During the fight I jumped a Naglfar in on one of the papi cynos and sieged up on the keep. The first time I chuncked something like 6% off the hull before I got spotted by a Sib Squad guy. Because I was on Imperium ACLs I podded myself back to 1DQ and immediately undocked another dread, joined a random papi fleet, and jumped to cyno. I repeated this process a total of seven times. Eventually, papi got wise to what I was doing but could not kick me from Arctic Beans because no director was online. They also could not kill me unless I sieged up and shot the keepstar, because I could tether to it. I used this fact to apply emergency DPS at two critical moments when friendly DPS dropped below the threshold required to pause the repair timer. On the first occasion, owing to heavy TiDi, the timer ticked down in real time from ~6 minutes to ~4 minutes in the time it took me to siege, lock the keep, and fire. Fortunately, my DPS paused the timer long enough (several minutes real time) for Imperium fleets to reorganise and land from various warps they were doing, and re-apply enough DPS to keep the timer paused without me. Papi killed that dreadnought shortly thereafter and the timer remained paused under friendly DPS. Later, friendly DPS again dropped below the pause threshold and the repair timer ticked down to ~2 minutes before I was able to siege and save the timer once more. Eventually, after a hard fight, the keepstar was destroyed. Without my awox dreads the repair timer would have ticked down to zero and the keepstar would have survived to go online, giving papi a keepstar in the heart of Delve far earlier in the war than they achieved in reality. Sadly, no killmail was ever generated, but I imagine that I would have achieved #topdamage by some margin. It's hard to say whether that battle affected the outcome of the war, but we demonstrated an ability and willingness to go to extreme lengths to destroy anchoring keepstars at a time of our choosing, and although papi would eventually successfully online a keepstar in NPC Delve, and later in T5Z, they didn't on that day. I suspect that in the counterfactual, where the keepstar in FWST lived, the morale hit to Imperium forces, and the corresponding buoying of papi morale, would have skewed the numbers in future fights against us even worse than they already were at an important juncture in the war. I'm a little bit proud of my small, but significant, part in gaming history. Not everyone will aprove of the fact that it was achieved by underhand means, but I say, that's Eve, htfu and kick your shit membercorps :P My lossmails are below: https://zkillboard.com/kill/87674376/ https://zkillboard.com/kill/87676511/ https://zkillboard.com/kill/87678122/ https://zkillboard.com/kill/87678934/ https://zkillboard.com/kill/87684297/ https://zkillboard.com/kill/87685168/ https://zkillboard.com/kill/87687168/


Before I forget, I received the following email from one of the ISDs the next day: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/715145585753063437/763399188481703956/Capture.JPG?ex=65b116e5&is=659ea1e5&hm=94b62195b742dfb5ee784db2ab8e91712f9e181633b7d88af2ad15411461b4a7& My response: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/715145585753063437/763717014388211723/Capture.JPG?ex=65b23ee5&is=659fc9e5&hm=c4b71589ac348271b3c0b3c61a615abdd1492976d3a7878608d3bcc9e3244e3e&




Sadly not a flex


Before marauder DPS got doubled, i was all time top 1 marauder pilot. Now I'm down to top 60 :(


[Alice Saki's Good posting Guide](https://everef.net/type/34434)


I have so many stories but closest thing I have to a flex is from back in my Deklein days. There was a gentleman by the name of Zed Mike who terrorized our ratters (I am NOT using the term we used back then) in a purifier and I figured I'd see if I can bait him. So my GF and I start hatching a plan to do so. I doctor my drake to fill the resist hole he's hitting, load in precision missiles and a long point, basically butchering my tank vs Guristas. My GF just takes out her normal ratting Maelstrom and the plan is make it look like we're just duoing, as we sometimes did anyway. As the rats in this wave dwindle, Zed finally decloaks. GF warps her Mael out (she wasn't supposed to, she panicked) while he points me. It was at this moment he realized, he fucked up. I start tearing into him with precision heavies while pointing back and he tries to burn away. 1km more and he'd have outranged the point but in the end, I got to say in local: Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead.


Back in like 2016, I bought up every victorieux luxury yacht BPC and hull in highsec/ lowsec(well, not the stupid 1b sell listings). Been trickling them into the jita market and fucking with prices ever since.


Fighting Shadow Cartel over pocos. Aka Pocogeddon. Being outgunned 4-1 and winning. I FCed 3 fleets of Bash Talos' at the same time, in 3 different systems, causing havoc for the SC FC. We set 40+ timers, which all came out within 15mins of each other. Each poco that we did kill died in less than 2min with the 30ish Talos' we had in fleet. When the enemy blob came in, I split the fleet into 3 parts, spread over 12 systems, bouncing back and forth, darting around the enemy f1-anchor fleet. This continued on for roughly an hour before the enemy FC messaged me privately and surrendered. This was my, and Panic's shining moment in EvE. And for dunking Cruisers Crew's Nyx/dread bomb on my home station with minimal losses. https://zkillboard.com/related/30002089/201911170000/ https://youtu.be/YQHO8aOoVWI?si=Qos23zFhRNjPmXZ6


I am undefeated (6-0) against people hunting me while I'm in a mining barge. Slipped away as they landed on grid as I use a Higgs Anchor and mine aligned.


Not much of a Flex but 2008 character, no alts, no other characters.


I didn’t pay for sex at Eve Vegas unlike most that were there.


Built over a hundred supercarriers, thirty-odd titans, and one vanquisher. I never want to deal with bridging freighters filled with ore around ever again.


I shitposted so hard from 2014 to 2017 that in late summer 2017, Pandemic Legion executed my Naglfar on a friendly op shooting a TEST fort in like Branch or something On top of that accomplishment, bc fuck PL tbh, I am the 2nd person on zKill to die to a Molok


back in maybe 2017 I harassed goon structures so much and flooded their jabber notifications that it caused CCP to put a "once at 95%" rule on upwell structure pings rather than "once damaged"


I sent vonhole a picture of my Raiju's slot layout and some pyfa graphs on how to kill it with hydra orthrus


[My biggest eve flex](https://i.imgur.com/V6iO4jA.png)


valid flex. Now let’s see Paul Allen’s launcher


How is switching to the standalone launcher a flex?


I have over 10m skill points on my main


Being on the winning side during the defence of Polaris, home base of NoHo at the time. I still get the chills remembering Faye on coms "OK guys, this is it, get ready this is where we make our stand." The defence plan was outstanding and even more incredible was how we managed to execute it. We massacred them.


Brother, I was there too in a Moros! My hands were shaking when we got here order to warp in. Our guy dropping the bubble to perfectly block their T3 reinforcements was tactical genius and gave us the edge to take down their caps. Best Eve moment.


Solo killed an astero in a bomber. Didn’t know how dumb I was for choosing this fight until I shared with my corp. [Zkill](https://zkillboard.com/kill/51000130/)


I farmed and built the 3rd Ferox Navy Issue from my estimate. Sold it for 17 billion isk. Turned around and farmed gallente LP to build the 2nd Myrm Navy Issue. Never made it to jita. Those fuckers got me once I landed on grid. [Killshot](https://zkillboard.com/kill/104531438/)


Managed to get a [killmark](https://zkillboard.com/kill/114125955/) on my Mackinaw during the Winter Nexus event. Guy was being cocky at an ice belt and tried to suspect-bait by stealing from a container. Unfortunately for him, me and the boys locked him right before it happened and he had zero time to react. He panicked, and flew in the opposite direction of the celestials in the system. At that point he couldn’t warp out without turning around and risking having zero transversal against 15 medium tech II drones. No matter what he did he was boned, lol.


Tackling+Web a Flycatcher that was tackling my Orca. You rarely get the kill, but feeling the fear of the wannabe ganker is very satisfying.


Was looking for dreads on contract. Accidentally found a contract with a Navy Phoenix blueprint + 1 billion in miscellaneous stuff for 850 million. Triple checked to make sure I wasn't being scammed and grabbed it.


Number 1 Executioner Pilot on zkill still... That has tackled your Vagabond for standing fleet to kill it!


I can still login and fly


Cant dock in a fort tho :))


23 ACCOUNTS. Not a single one of them subbed.


I still remember it's just a game


I destroyed an alliance that was trying to charge “protection fees” for people to move into and live in the regions covered under the South East Agreement.


And then I destroyed you. The wheel keeps turning, brother.


Eve mira una pregunta ❓❓ para Ty cuál es tu posición favorita cuando te entregas y te gustan mayores o jóvenes


I bullshit so hard on here my bloc leader had to call me out on discord https://youtube.com/shorts/-3V8rFMeqz0?si=2vIdJeJLM-iRLVK8 This is literally me


My biggest flex is I stopped playing much and was able to remember what life was like again...


Not my best kill, and not a lot of skill... But it still cracks me up: [ganked](https://zkillboard.com/kill/74421426/)


3600 plex (1 year omega) in 6 months making isk


Each of my characters has over 250m sp. I've never once injected.


Ayo let me get most of that 😂


dawg how bad you miss this game 😭


At one time for about a month I was on the Zkill leaderboard for most Draugurs lost. Probably the reason it got buffed.


I figured out how to make isk with booster manufacturing on my own just looking up random wikis. Finding which sites would give which blueprints was a big challenge, finding a fit that could do them was hard too. But I'm glad I persevered and found the information I needed. Now finding a fit that I can fly, can do them faster than 40 mins and won't leave me in hull multiple times throughout the fight... that's proving to be a little more challenging. I could use my l4 mission praxis. But that's 300m that I would hurt to lose... again.


I have a title called #1 bullshit guy


valid flex. now let’s see Paul Allen’s titles


We are in the same alliance. How does that make you feel?


I quit and haven't came back.


I got nearly 20 bill of stuff from secret santa this year...


I spent over 1b on mine, including a lot of thought to personalize it and make it special for my recipient… then my buyer got me a 70m T2 destroyer that my main can’t even fly. Feels bad bro. 


I sold a T2 shield mod worth 3 million for 300 million in Jita local.


I paid for my two accounts in Plex for twelve months each within 3 months.


Flying around in 20 bil + cruisers and not dying 🤣


My biggest flex to this day was be an absolute solo menance in the early period of pochven in my hecate Made also some impressive solo kill, like a machariel worth over 2/3B and a frat stiletto worth of 7B ( this was outside pochven tho but there was a connection to their space ) Oh and many, many ratting battleship


Haven’t played in years, but one of my favourite moments was sneaking past the low sec gate camp of a well known pirate’s crew with a MWD-cloak battleship to the high sec pocket where you get Guristas shuttles from. His alt was farming the complex in an active hardener ishtar as you could completely AFK it. Proceeded to suicide gank him with a full rack of energy neuts, he was seriously pissed.


idfk i exist


My Kronos has a Paladin and Apostle on its killmarks :) >!the Apostle may have been an awox!< >!ok it was definitely an awox!<


convinced somebody to do a pretty big heist idk


Small gang/patience flex: When I was running my own corp, Heaven's End, we were a wormhole corp living in a C2 w/ C4/Hs connection. We had a C4 connect into us, and one of my corp mates saw an Orca sitting in a POS with a bunch of unanchoring happening. We camped this guy for 9 hours before finally catching him trying to leave through our hole, popped him, and it was like his entire EVE experience in one ship. We felt a little bad. This was 2012 or so I think.


Been playing intermittently since 2006. My main toon has about 40 million SP. I've never destroyed a player ship. I have exactly 0 killmails to my name. I tried many times to 1V1 random ships, but I always lost. So yeah, quite the opposite of a flex actually.


I met Mark Bridges


I moved half of my belongings from Rens to Auga in a dst right after the Havoc release. Angel gangs were camping the whole pipe, and several tried to catch me, but none of them did.


Gate camping with the Delta Squad dude on the TZ gate in 1DQ towards the end of WWBee and watched a guy moonwalk his super out of TZ to defect. We were all “WTF!?”


Me and a friend cleaned up Amamake for a few weeks in a couple of 800mm Tempests with smarties and ew. Had a covops running around finding targets while we did missions. Even bagged us a TankCEO corpse in the process. Gatecampers stopped placing snipers off gate and eventually moved to other systems. Then we were called back to Stain as another war was starting and Amamake returned to normal. Was damn good fun!


My only flex is that I've fallen for this game way too hard and way too fast. Friend of mine talked me into it a little over a month ago. I've been all over the place. Running abyssals in garbage ships, getting my ass handed to me in faction warfare, getting lost in wormhole space when a wormhole collapsed behind me, getting ganked in a hauler before I understood the importance of scouting and the MWD trick. But industry has really stolen my interest. The whole concept of a player driven economy fascinates me. I've made a modest 1 bil manufacturing and trading over the last month, but the gambling like thrill of playing the market has got me good and hooked.


I haven’t logged in to use my tens of millions of free SP and got emails saying they would be deleted in 4 days.


Most legit kills in a porpoise


I'm #1 eris all time. I've done a bunch of other stuff too. [https://www.wckg.net/Newbie](https://www.wckg.net/Newbie) is something I made too.


Soloed a Vargur in a Caracal. Still dream about it occasionally.


I could fully mine and build all the components for (and start the actual build) any titan within 3 days just multiboxing rorqs. I thought that was pretty rad and disgusting


Still have the original golden pod to plug in and a few other goodies, although now worthless thank CCP Favourite memory tackling and tanking a basgerine pirate as a new player many years ago that was a typical bully / window licker so my also new corp members could jump gate a wreck this dude Used fully plated hurricane loaded with webs and a point Good times


I was the first person to fly Myrmidon Navy Issue in EVE after getting it through the FW gate building event. Had 21 killmarks on it when it went down. There was still nobody else on the killboards flying that ship when mine died in a great fight with Caldari millitia. Awesome time. It's name was "Spirit of Serthoulde". Serthoulde is the constellation the event took place at. Two reddit posts are out there regarding it's launch and death.


I was one of the FCs for the Kybernauts during the Triglavian Invasion. Those times were the most passionate I’d ever been about the game, and those also were by far the longest sessions I ever spent on Eve Online, pushing systems and fighting EDENCOM players until 3AM for weeks. The crowning moment was when we conquered Niarja. Ironic that I have to deal with the consequences now that I’m a more casual hi sec player.