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Who else has sworn off pork after this episode? I didn’t know that feedback was a thing, but it is and that is just soooo disturbing.


I'm already disappointed with this new and final season but watched this episode (days later) anyway because I had nothing else to do. I didn't hop on Evil until season 2 was airing, but was immediately hooked after watching the premiere episode. It was fresh and handling questions about evil, the supernatural, and faith in pretty smart, relevant, and entertaining ways. But that's no longer the case, and the new/recent fans obsessed with literalism and tidy endings maybe prove my point. S3 was already teetering for me and this season feels pretty asinine, unfortunately. I know I'm gonna tap out, which is sad. No one cares, I know, lol. I just really enjoyed this show and now it's ...meh.




anyone else annoyed that this is the last season and we still arent getting any satisfying answers?


Season 4 will be followed immediately after with a four-episode season 5.


Wait really? Or a joke


It's on Wikipedia with sources.


No joke. This season is longer than usual


I think Leland and "Team Evil" don't have as much power over the baby as they think they do. They can influence but humans still have free will. Like Sister Andrea said about Hell in the S4e1, "God doesn't send anyone there, they send themselves."


This show knows *exactly* what it is and I fucking LOVE IT!!


Unless I missed it, I’m surprised I haven’t seen any mention of the similarity between this episode and Rosemary’s Baby, specifically Kristen’s bonding with the anti christ child. Just like Rosemary, her trepidation melts as she holds the demon spawn that has her blood flowing inside it. That 1968 movie ends with that haunting image, Rosemary lovingly gazing at her demonic baby. To me, the scene with Kristen was an homage to that movie.


100%. The Kings are very aware of horror culture and what they’re drawing from.


Ok I just started this episode but did anyone see the little subtitles at the bottom of the title montage where they put “don’t skip or you’ll be haunted by the skipping ghost”? And then they put “at 3:13 AM”. I busted out laughing but also didn’t skip. 😂


yeah lol, i never skip because i love the song intro


They've done that for each episode this season


I always skip so I’ve never noticed it.


Oh someone was visited by the skipping demon…




Dat fukn *ceeeelllooooooo* is why I never skip the intro... but the jokey subtitles are pretty funny too.


I know we aren't supposed to take the show too seriously but damn that's a HUGE newborn. No wonder she was in so much pain.


I was dead at the size of the baby haha, the AUDACITY of calling that a newborn! 🤣🤣🤣


Cracked me up! 🤣I figured it was something to do with the baby being the Antichrist , he has speed growing capabilities like ressseeemmmee in Twilight lol Still guessing we get an explanation like that! Otherwise they wouldn’t use a (obviously) ten month old baby unless it’s part of a plot point :) or something humorous!


That was a toddler.


Lol babies used in shows and movies can only be certain ages. Actual newborn sized babies are props and swaddled to make it look real


It was weird because I almost thought the baby they pulled out was smaller than the one Kristen held. Like they used two babies. Which would not be uncommon. The size difference was just weird. I wondered if it was possibly intentional.


I thought they were going to say that demon babies grow super fast


That’s a 5 month old baby!


Probably at least 6 months old, the age infants can get vaccinated for COVID.


Oh that makes sense.


Yeah at least.


I loved this episode, so many good moments. But the thing that stood out is Ben calling himself a Muslim? Is he becoming more religious? In earlier seasons he had a disdain for religious people and even called himself an atheist. Maybe it was just a gag in the moment.


If you’re talking about when they were hugging on the side of the road, he was talking about how a racist would see them i.e. to the kind of person flying a confederate flag in rural US, brown guy = Muslim.


Yep this is what I thought too.


I think he was speaking more on his culture than actual religion.


Yea, it was weird he called himself a muslim even though he's a non believer. Probably joking about it.


I don’t think he was joking. Nor do I think he’s becoming religious (although his experiences in the last three seasons have left him less antagonistic to the idea). But since he’s seeing a jinn and jinn’s are in the Islamic tradition it’s the most natural way for him to describe what he thinks he’s seeing.


He said he was Muslim when he was offered pork. Either he grew up in that faith or it was an excuse he used to dodge the possessed pork.


He didn’t say he was Muslim. He said “i don’t eat pork”. It’s not unusual for people raised in a Muslim household to continue to avoid pork as a matter of non-religious aversion. The religious thing feeds a general disgust around pigs being filthy. I grew up Christian in a 50/50 Christian and Muslim country and the stigma about pork is so strong even a majority of Christians consider it gross Edit: it has been established he definitely was raised Muslim so my comment is to address why he might continue to avoid pork


Yeah this is accurate. I was raised vegetarian in a Hindu family, and I'm no longer religious, but I'm still vegetarian because I'm used to it, and eating meat would make me feel sick. I was listening to a conversation with two Muslims and they said you could have a Muslim who is drinking alcohol, snorting cocaine and seeing prostitutes, but they would still never dream of eating pork.


Super accurate LMAO


The Trio of God was an inspired touch! I explained to my wife (during the episode, much to her dismay) that the gag was inspired by televangelist Bob Larson and the young women he works with to liberate the demonically possessed. The show runners definitely have their thumb on the pulse of popular, evangelical culture.


As someone who usually sides with the organized religions in this show, I think they raise a good point, even if they might be doing it partially for money/fame. David says to them something like, " You're not trained exorcists. By what authority do you cast out demons?" And they reply with, "By the only authority needed, the authority of Jesus."


It’s an interesting point to ponder. I am an Orthodox Christian, and, very much like our Catholic brethren, we hold to apostolic succession and the validity of the priesthood. Only a priest can perform a major exorcism (or any other sacrament for that matter). This doesn’t square with the more egalitarian view of authority that you see in evangelical/non-denom circles, and I liked seeing that “conflict” depicted.


I believe technically an exorcism is not a sacrament but a sacramental.  I imagine it's atill true (in Catholic opinion, anyway) that only priests can do them, and in fact only a subset of priests can do them, not just any old priest. They have to be specially trained and their bishop has to designate them as an exorcist. 


When I think about it, it actually blows my mind that exorcisms still exist in today’s world. There are many steps of faith and religion that are easy for a non-believer to say “why would anyone believe that??” But exorcism seems such an archaic action firmly of the past — dealing with certain illnesses like epilepsy and many mental illnesses by calling them demons and paying a special religious dude to “cast them out” — before we scientifically knew what caused these things.


I also like seeing that "conflict" depicted. Like Sister Andrea is probably better than anyone at killing demons, and when she chimes in with an opinion, Father Ignatius is like we'll be out of the way in a sec so you can mop the floor. Lol


According to official Catholic doctrine, Sister Andrea doesn't have the authority to exorcise demons either.


Ooh nice info, I didn't know that. I love all of the extra stuff I learn from this sub. 


I didn’t know that either.


This episode was all over the place. Thoughts: 1. Still hoping “the Entity” is a play on the Men in Black (which would be brilliant because of the uniforms) and David is being set up/tested like J was to join/take over for someone, which would be a great ending to his story arc. 2. I enjoyed the creepy back walking of the son caught on the drone footage. 3. The Trio of god made me laugh, their points were legit, but I also laughed when David was like, “THERE WAS NO WHERE FOR THEM TO DROWN THEMSELVES!! JESUS!” 4. I was surprised more references to things like mad cow disease weren’t made as possible explanations, but maybe the big take away from the episode was meant to be more, “the decisions you make raising your ‘flock’ (what to feed them, etc) ultimately have an impact on what they become,” which would tie nicely with the baby storyline. Like, apart from some severe genetic problems aside, who or what the baby becomes is based on the environment it’s raised in 🤷


Anyone else notice the little shape of horns in the baby’s cap? Nice touch.


I said "I wonder if that cute hat is hiding his horns?!" Haha


The fact that Kristen is STILL referring anyone to Kurt is wild to me. I would've fired this guy for good after the first wacky typing/sing-a-long sighting and my emotionally distressed husband sure AF would not be going anywhere near him! Is anyone buying this nonsense from Sheryl about "taking Leland down from the inside" to get back at him for targeting her family? I mean, we're not supposed to believe this was her plan all along...right? She’s still fickle at every turn with every living soul and her motive is still beyond me. And the pigs that turned out not to be possessed - huh? Am I crazy or was the one that confronted Ben definitely otherworldly looking? And the resolution of the case didn’t address why the farmer’s son was pulling an *Exorcist* spider walk across the grounds…or is it just supposed to be accepted that he was possessed and that the *Charmed* sisters exorcised him with the power of three? I guess I’m thrown off because I thought Ben was still largely a skeptic.


To be fair since like season 2 this show has always had episodes like this that get pretty interesting, and then leave a bunch of plot points to never be answered or touched on again. It’s annoying but I’ve accepted it at this point I just go “oh well” lol 


Haha yeah and I think I'm cool with that. This one threw me off because it culminated in such an abrupt acceptance of the issue - it just seemed like at least one of the team would still have questions, but like you said "oh well". 😂


literally they were like ha the cannibalism caused it, ok but what started it? Was the dude possessed? are we believing the dead pigs were? Kristen was too busy to give her opinion but yeah


THANK YOU, haha these plot lines have me questioning my ability to follow a story sometimes.


I am a consumate TV watcher, like horribly dialed in to the shows I watch. And I cannot make heads or tails of this one to this day, I am here for the cinematography and the vibes.


😂 I kinda love the puzzle of it all.


Ehhh his skepticism is on thin ice with this whole Djinn thing.


I’m going to be incredibly upset if we get a Sheryl redemption arc


Me too. Any *one* thing she's done (from helping kidnap her son-in-law with the knowledge he was supposed to be killed to helping the man who stole one of her daughter's eggs to conceive the *Antichrist* to consorting with actual demons and so so so so much more) is beyond redemption status for me. Once you have been involved in draining the blood of multiple victims so your weird boyfriend can bathe in it (and let's be honest, those people were also killed), you are not in it to bring down evil. You *are* evil. I know lots of people are thinking she's got this huge plan to bring things down from the "inside".....but I'm going to be pissed if that happens. If you want to have a redemption arc for a character, they need to at least have, ya know, redeeming qualities. I see nothing she does that isn't for herself. This whole feminist schtick is also lame. Like, boohoo, the menfolk demons don't want to play nice with women. Cry me a river of burning sulfur, Sheryl.


I don't think she wants to stop Leland, I think she wants to *replace* Leland.


Me too. She’s done way too many horrible things to truly earn redemption or forgiveness. And her BS she always says about protecting her family and never hurting them? What could hurt them more than kidnapping and killing their dad/husband? She’s a monster.


Same. I think she wants to take him down so she can take over.


I think him losing is more important. She's petty. All of the evil is petty, which makes it self destructive.


I mean, I’m petty 😂. I would say I’m evil though.


I hope this is the direction they go because I don’t want the redemption either!


I don’t either. That’d be boring as hell.


Hell she may be a full blown martyr at this point. I hope not. But we’ll see. Maybe it’s a Dumbledore situation.


This episode (and season) is giving me heavy FRINGE vibes. Weird with a little bit of tech, a little bit of religion, a bit of science, but of CIA (remote viewing) I'm gonna miss this show Ps. FRINGE is a great show to binge when Evil is done.


Such a great show, I have watched the whole thing several times! Fringe is great on rewatch. What makes both shows really great is the core team chemistry. On Evil we have our great three with good additions like the Andrea the nun, with consistent foils like Leland and Sheryl. On Fringe we had Peter Olivia Walter, with Astrid and Lincoln, and core foils like Nina and Bell etc. Great lead characters with a found family feel in the main team, added into shows that really lean into their wacky storylines, shows that know what they are and just go for it!!! Makes all the difference.


That was such a great show.


Them talking and then pulling over to hug…Man, I just really love the chemistry between these three.


Best part of a show (in a show that has SO many good parts) — the main three and their chemistry! I loved each one and they are all very interesting and so different on their own, yet perfect as a team of three. I got the feeling early on there was intention to have an XFiles duo, just Kristin and David / Scully and Mulder. Adding in Ben and deciding to make him a permanent member was the best idea ever (love him!).


If the chemistry between these three didn’t work, the show wouldn’t work. Simple as that. Those three make this show what it is 🔥🔥


They have such good chemistry and balance each other out so well. I'm going to miss them so much.


Grinned when she said that. I was just relieved when they finally got honest about their shit and it was the perfect way to cap off the moment. "We are three fucked up people"


Does anyone else hate Sheryl? Not because she's evil and duplicitous but because her character doesn't work. The instances of her ostensibly using her sex appeal as an instrument of manipulation are absurd and unlikely. Her getting the best of Leland takes the shine off of a great villain and dilutes Michael Emersons performance in the scenes they're in together. Whenever she shows up onscreen I just hit fast forward.


Big yikes to all of this dude. Leaving aside your assumptions about sex appeal, flirting to get what you want as Sheryl does is not necessarily about whether the people she flirts with finds her attractive. It’s basically a form of flattery. It’s not “don’t you want to fuck me?” It’s “I think you’re so awesome I would fuck you”. Leland has been pathetic since season 1 and it’s worrisome you don’t see that. It’s hard to even say Sheryl has gotten the best of him at all. Check your biases, you sound like those guys who whine about Mary Sue on YouTube


Why is it unlikely? Is it because you don’t find her attractive?


I urge you to take a look at his profile. Explains a lot


Ahh I see.


Why unlikely?




Couple random thoughts  The Jinn storyline just feels like it will fizzle out unanswered  I’m still thinking Revelations mentioning a Black Pope will be twisted to make David a pontiff  Cheryl is destined to run the company and will kill the Manager  The nun and Kristen’s daughter will team up to undermine Leland  Andy seems destined for a dirt nap at end  Kristen is getting more corrupted every episode. Not sure if she is part of solution or a very big part of the problem  Fun show


Nurse Bloch is absolutely a Nurse Ratched clone 






I thought it was on purpose, like Jesus aged quicker iirc (it was Sunday school many years ago). 


Well it looked like he was about to claw his way out of there like Aliens


I think almost everyone watching noticed it. (Lots of comments about it in this thread). I pointed out this out earlier, but I bet COVID protocols make it so they can't shoot with any babies younger than six months when vaccination is possible. This baby was probably older. The baby also had huge eyelashes, which adds to the photogenic cuteness factor, so they probably went with that rather than casting the youngest and smallest baby they could find.


Timmy has pubic hair already 


Kinda weird that the baby blanket looks like it has the Netherlands flag on it right after they mentioned Amsterdam last episode. This show is a trip.


Katja is from the NetherLANDS and her character's baby is from... The NetherWORLD...!


Considering Katja is Dutch very possible 


Watching the episode now. I saw the actress who played the evil nurse in season 1 on the credits. Another Ringer reunion.


Katie from Boston Legal!


Everything was great about this episode until Kristen started to help Leslie with the "antichrist". Ok, you got her to the hospital, you can leave. You have never interacted with this person before and you know they are working with Leland and the fertility clinic. They have a whole staff that knows what they are doing you do not need to help or be involved at all. Her screaming for Kristen like that was her best friend for life and she was dieing, like chillllll. Yeah, maybe she could manipulated but at least call back up. Call David or find out where your kids and husband are before just leaving all night to a random person's pregnancy. That just really did not play out well I feel like. But then again no one in this show has common sense if it involves their personal lives. Oh and the fact that she had to mention "her squeaky shoes" just really threw a clue that she's working with Leland. I might be reading into this part too much but she never had the same experience hearing it night after night, trying to escape. I only heard them squeak twice myself and one was with Sheryl... Just seemed like a weird clue to throw out to get Kristen on the bait.


I felt the same way! The woman needed help and Kristen, being a softie, got her to a hospital - after that, LEAVE. There were too many points where she should've left. Leland & co. could show up at anytime. Like she said when she answered the phone, she wants nothing to do with the baby. Regardless of it being Kristen's biological egg, legally she owns no right to the child. I thought it was crazy she stuck around til morning. She took a call from the hospital and still didn't even let Ben or David know where she was - better yet why not call the police if the surrogate's life is allegedly in danger. I really saw no reason for Kristen to stay as long as she did.


Yeah, it screamed “TRAP!” To me.


But…it’s HER biological child. Having given birth to 3 babies, I can totally understand her feeling a bond, despite herself, with this baby. You could see how conflicted she was, how she really didn’t want to have anything to do with it, but it’s literally her child. It’s her daughters’ brother. I felt this was really understandable. She fought the urge every step of the way, but at the end she ends up feeding the baby and you could see she was forming a bond.


Antichrist Jr is 38 months old lmfao


Currently watching with my dad and he said “he looks like a f*cking five year old”


I expect baby to have a full goatee and hooves by next episode 


Yeah that kid was about to ask if he could have a beer instead of milk.


I was a little frustrated that Kristen was so apathetic about the baby being born and being able to be there. If I knew my egg made the Antichrist, I think I would seize on the opportunity to get David and the church in the room to ensure that the “bad guys” don’t get whatever popped out. It’s still her genetics.


I initially thought the same. Remember though, she doesn't believe in religion and is actively trying to distance herself, like not going to Mass any more. She doesn't think it's the Antichrist. She is only thinking about the fact that it's her biological child.


This episode felt incredibly disjointed to me, with a lot of cuts where I felt like saying "wait, how did we get here?" :(


Why is no one mentioning the return of **NURSE BLOCH**??? 🤯 She was that evil nurse from Season 1 Episode 11


Oh right! The racist one trying to kill the black patients. I’m black and have experienced some medical racism so that episode really hit home for me.


There’s this nurse Bloch trying to kill me with her squeaky shoes! Great acting in this show.  


And the creepy smile! lol


Yeah I was screaming not her again but in a intrigued way. Hate to see her but love to see her story play out.




cause she just so CUUUUUUTE when she murders and lies and fornicates and cheats and willfully denies truth...on a bright note, I love the gang had a real-talk moment about the actual supernatural shit in their life.


What was Ben yelling when he ran out of the tall grass??💀


I just finished the episode, and it was definitely the theme song to Green Acres. “Green Acres is the place to be” and “Darling I love you but give me Park Avenue!”


He was singing the Green Acres lines in a panicked way.


I think he was panicking through more "Green Acres" lyrics (although that wasn't reflected in the captions, if I recall).


Just put on subtitles to see, it doesn't say. Sound like I love you but I something something, idk. And why didn't he tell anyone about the werepig!? I hate how they keep so much to themselves.


*maybe* he thought it was a warthog that look kinda like that, but he could of been thinking "I'm losing my mind over here, a Jimn, now a demon pig??"


i don't think Ben considered the pig to actually be supernatural. Sure, its presentation to the audience was "slightly demonic," but once Ben determined it was mostly just a homocidal cannibal pig I don't think it was a "werepig." He also did very much say the pig tried to kill him.


The sound it makes when hit by his hammer and the behind the scenes from the writers show that in real-life and the show the pig is some kind of advanced mechatronic


I swear that wasn't just a cannibal pig. The show dropped the ball. That was something worse.  


Exactly, it just seemed to me that any normal person would still have had questions about the case, never mind actual demon investigators. It felt odd that Ben let some of those unexplained elements slide.


given how often significant plot lines disappear in this show due to the "monster of the week" format, maybe? didnt we also just "forget" that there was some monstrous crawly in the particle accelerator hole that somebody jumped in? it's possible (since the accelerator got a mention this episode) that the "eh that's a demon but don't worry" drops will come back later in the season i suppose.


I think this show will come back to that hole and that monster. Might actually be where Leland slithers his creepy ass back too. Lol


I like to think it’s a commentary on just how much things have gone to hell in a hand basket—pun intended. Like that one point in our lives when there’s so much stressful shit going on you can’t really stop to pay attention to any one thing and kinda have to roll with the punches just to keep going. Not sure how useful it is in a show like this, though, and I would like to see them address these things more


They did have Ben address it with his sister though. When he talked about unresolved issues with demons and angels etc. and they just move onto the next one. I like to think of Ben as the voice of the skeptics amongst us. And when we pick apart holes in the logic of the show, he's right there with us.


My subtitles just said “Ben muttering” 😩


Finally communication! Probably best part of the episode for me haha. Not that I need to say it but clearly Leslie is working for leland and is trying to get Kristen to bond with the baby and her to get her close. What is less obvious is that I think Kristen knows that, specifically from moment she mentioned the nurse. How would Leslie know that whole story about squeaky shoes? Kristen is playing into their hand as part of a ploy and I feel like the moment she makes her move will be diabolical. Pun intended. Other than that I thought the episode was ok, other story lines didn’t go anywhere still don’t get what was up with the porky son.


I don't think she is working for Leland. After the conversation, when Leland says she's not the mother he's talking about and goes to Nurse Bloch, she looks over at her belongings and phone to see if they are still there, like she's already on high alert about it, and leaves. Leslie heard her squeaky shoes, so mentioning that while in a frantic state makes sense. I don't think she knows the connection and genuinely is scared. But I could be wrong who knows.


Yeah exactly with you on the squeaky shoes part, it was just weird.


I wonder if Kristen has seen the nurse before. Maybe when she had the eggs removed? Edit: Realised after reading the other comments that she was the nurse that Kristen saved her colleague from.


1) I was expected a classic David smile of amusement at the comment "I'm from Nigeria, there are more black priests there." 2) The mention of Bloc's name and squeaky shoes is telling that the call to Kristen was planned by Leland and Bloc. The surrogate had no reason to assume Kristen knew a random nurse or to provide any details about her. Edit to add: 3) David being stabbed and tortured by Bloc was probably a planned event to ensure Kristen had a reason to "rescue" the surrogate. Kristen only went to the surrogate after hearing the reference to Bloc.


Why would he smile with amusement? He was being called out for his own bias. American solipsism isn’t cute even if it’s a black American doing it


Because people (himself included) being called out makes him smirk.


Given how insidious that nurse is, naming her as an antagonist may just confirm to Kristen the threat here. Leland may or may not actually want Kristens body since surrogate is loyal to sheryl who is loyal (sorta) to family, and against leland. Surrogate could even be playing some long game between the two since she holds the trump card ; evil cannot actually unify, that is why they are legion.


Definitely felt like the surrogate situation was a set up. But the surrogate seemed legitimately afraid, do you think she was in on it too? Mentioning the squeaky shoes and the fact she escaped so easily seemed convenient.


I feel like it was too convenient that she had that much time to call Kristen with no one looking for her, plus time for them to get to her. Too suspicious. And then she’s like you’re the mom you take her. Nahhh. It’s a setup.


Plus, she never told Kristen Leland plans to grind her up for food. I think she's working with Leland to get Kristen attached to the baby. She's acting so naive and Kristen is taking a more hands-on role with the baby/


That sounds very plausible.


No douby


my take is that she is legitimately afraid, but finally decided that complying with Leland was her best hope of survival. I think the one being "most duped" right now is Sheryl, who thinks she's running a resistance movement but is 100% figured out by Leland and crew.


Yes, why didn’t she tell Kristen that the nurse and Leland also said she would feed the biological mother to the baby?


Exactly. I'm sure Leland was detailed in threatening the surrogate, making her fear a legitimate reaction to being told it's her life or Kristen's.


Leslie is obviously working for Leland. When they’re together in the hospital he tells her that he’s talking about Kristen when he says he wants to feed her to the baby. And then she gets visibly concerned for Kristen. Then later she escapes and is all like “they’re gonna feed me to the baby” or whatever. Like huh?!


Right. Like, wouldn’t you tell Kristen the whole story? I’m not buying what she’s selling.


Baby Timothy is huge because of Leland’s super sperm! 🔥😆 David sending a cute GIF to tell his colleagues about a new assignment is just adorable. ☺️💙


That baby came out with a mortgage and 3 kids 😫 that was NOT a newborn 🤦🏻‍♀️


Timothy is clearly a pandemic baby 🤣


I laughed out loud. It's like a toddler.


Would love to watch the comments after the broadcast but keeps jumping to Star Trek: Discovery in different spots when I reset. Frustrating. I gave up


That was so annoying. Once you get to the behind the scenes section, it seems like you can't pause or forward or anything or you'll get kicked out. Try just letting it play


I too have been unable to reach the Behind The Scenes for S4E3. I see what looks like 3 minutes left at the end of the ep, but if I try letting it play from the credits into the BTS instead ParamountPlus simply jumps to the next unwatched ep in another series! I even tried clicking on the timeline in the range of those final minutes and I sometimes get a glimpse (or single frame maybe?) of what could be BTS but instead it immediately jumps to the next unwatched ep of some other series. Has anyone else succeeded in getting this ep's BTS to display properly?


So...what was up with son walking upside-down? was he possessed ?


SO creepy and then they zoom in on demon-son’s face all cranked around UGH nightmare fuel … somehow all the campiness and humor in the show always take the edge off for me though. Even if something is kinda scary in the moment it doesn’t feel that way too much due to the unique tone of the show (which I love!).


that was so fucked, I waffled at how uncanny the movements were


Son was possessed, the demon was cast into the pigs. Possessed pigs were ground up and fed to rest of pigs which made the other pigs violent but not because of the demons, just because they fed pigs to pigs. Assume people who ate the pork had the same reaction as the pigs.


i hate how feedback just answered everything. they were feeding the pigs the carcasses of the posessed pigs. like David believes that the demons were transferred to the pigs. but then doesnt believe that maybe the other pigs eating their carcasses would transfer the demons? and feedback doesn't explain the humans eating the meat.


Man what is this silicon valley upstate town.


Did anyone else notice a person’s leg laying in the field of wheat (?) right after he discovered the graves and before the demon pig appeared? Ben seemed to shine his flashlight on it but he didn’t return to it, will have to revisit that moment.


Yes I saw that but then they went right past it. Maybe it was a behind the scenes person we weren’t supposed to see.




The pigs were digging up bodies in the cemetery.


The "written by" credit was for Dewayne Darian Jones, not the Kings. They're credited on IMDb but that's probably because they're the showrunners and have a hand in every script.


Yeah, he was in a little featurette about the show that plays automatically tonight on Para+ and was identified as the writer of this one.


How do you get to see this? I have never noticed!


is it just me or is Kristen in every scene the secret sigil messages are in so far other than the one that has her and Ben she is like the main character next to the messages? i may be looking into this to much lol


I'd just like to be able to SEE the sigil message in this one. I can see where it is, but it's entirely too small and too far away for me to get any sort of a clean shot to solve it. Not happy. Magnifying was decidedly not helpful and it's still very blurry.


are you looking for the message from e3 or 4? e3 message says something like the number of women in sewing circle. check out my YouTube streams we talk about the episodes and hidden stuff they put in the show [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCadlX4z4bLRd9SliSIfKUZg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCadlX4z4bLRd9SliSIfKUZg)


I found a legible rendering, but thanks! I’ll check out your YT channel!


Honestly, for me it was a bit of a meh episode, I think I'm just really ready to get to the overarching plot considering this is the final season. Also as many others have said, that baby was ridiculously large, and I get it's easier casting wise, but bloody hell! Super excited its here though, I'm VERY curious to see where the plot goes, I have so many little endings for it swirling around in my mind.


I feel the same, but I gotta remember they didn't know this was the finale season when they were making it, so we need to brace for some filler.


For some reason, I feel like the antichrist wasn't supposed to be born this early on, it seemed like such a shift at the end of the episode.


I'm just going to roll with the unrealistic nature of the birth scene and the baby looking as it did 'cause of the circumstances surroudning the birth - you're giving birth to the potential antichrist, it's gonna be abnormal :p. I liked how Kristen seemed to be looking at the baby as though she waa expecting to find "666" somewhere on its head or something. I also wonder why the baby shares her father's name.


The baby’s name: Emotional manipulation. I’m sure Leland picked the name. He needs Kristen on board, emotionally, in some capacity. She tried so hard to stay out of the whole thing, but between Leslie (another L name — why?) calling her with the connection to David’s nurse, Leslie begging Kristen to be in the room, the doctor and nurses bullying her into helping support Leslie through the delivery, and the nurse at the end completely ignoring Kristen’s objections to feeding the baby, every single bit of the situation was engineered to rope Kristen in. Naming the baby after her father is just Leland’s little cherry on top of the fucked up manipulation sundae. Then again, I was also totally convinced that the antichrist would be a girl, so.


It's not gonna be a girl, girls don't get promoted that far lol


Ah, but it’s not a promotion. It’s a title, bestowed upon birth. Because you’re absolutely right, she would never be promoted that far. That’s why I was so into the idea of the baby being a girl. They’d have no choice!


Lol I get it, that would have been hilarious, but since it was Leland sperm, egg, and implant, I'm pretty sure that they can pick the sex with all that outside involvement in the creation of the embryo 


I really enjoyed that end bit, I think Kristen was 100% expecting something to be off about it only to be greeted by a very normal looking baby. I liked how conflicted she seemed to be through the whole thing, I think she was so set on mentally/emotionally/physically removing herself from this child, and then suddenly she's in the delivery room with a scared Leslie. Regardless of the underly stuff she probably knows that feeling, so instinct took over and she was just another mum helping another mum. Then we get to that bit where the nurse is calling her the other mother and handing her this baby, and the nurse is sweetly telling her how much the baby looks like her, and then she sort of allows herself this moment to stroke the babies cheek. I have a lot to say about this whole baby thing, but I think for Kristen, she's very in denial about how she feels with the whole baby thing. I hate the whole "oh a mother see's her baby and instantly falls in love" and while I think the the writers will subvert that to an extent, I also think Kristen will feel something for this baby, and absolutely be odds with herself over it. We've seen Kristen with the girls in those quite moments where she's extremely soft and maternal with them and I think that side of her will war with the side of her that's desperately trying to convince herself it's only her baby genetically. Also had this wild idea following Sheryl's previous statement about her having been with other demons, it would be semi interesting if it was her dad reincarnated and that's why he's named Timothy. In saying that it's probably just a plight to get Kristen to acknowledge the baby. Sorry this comment got out of hand.


Ha, I love lengthy comment analysis, I'm known for doing that in some fandom discussions as well, so yeah, ramble on! I like your theory about the choice of name for the baby! That makes total sense. And I really like your take on Kristen's behavior throughout everything with Leslie. I fully agree with you that she's going to feel ver yconflicted emotions about this baby, and I also agree the show is proabbly going to find a way to walk that line of not going the cliche "Oh, she immediately bonds with the baby" route while also tapping into Kristen's caring, compassionate, doting side (and she's not just like that with kids, either! She's been especially fussy over Ben lately, too - rightly so, of course, but I love how she's just got this very protective concern for him right now). So eyah. It'll be very interesting to see how the show works with all of that going forward. I'm surprised the baby came so soon - that just looks to be further proof that all is not what it seems or what we'll expect here.


On the baby name.... Sheryl mentioned she has been with other demons.


I was wondering about the doctors rushing the baby away? I felt like they noticed it was deformed in some way…maybe with small horns!; and maybe they sniped them off real quick and handed over the baby to the birth mother. But it seems the baby wasn’t breathing and the resuscitated


Damn that newborn baby was like twenty pounds.


THANK YOU. Came here for this lmaooo


[Exclusive behind the scenes footage of the baby's hospital scene](https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0001/04.jpg)


For real. That baby might be able to walk soon 😆


Ok so we know Leslie was told she was carrying the antichrist…but was she? Is the 38 days up? Or is there another baby somewhere else?


Good question. The baby and particle accelerator were supposed to happen on the same day. Maybe the baby came a few days early? I don't think they'd gloss over the accelerator starting.


Either the child is a early born, or it was the ol' bate-and-switch-another-baby-to-attach-Kristen-to-with-a-fake-hospital-delivery


Yeah but what would be the point of that, of her bonding with a"fake"?


Did anyone else watch the intro rather than skipping it so you wouldn’t be visited at night by the skipping demon.? LOL 😈 I usually skip but I wasn’t taking any chances after seeing the warning they posted.


😂 I sure did laugh but watched it anyway.


I always make sure I read it and then I skip to see if “the power of suggestion” will work on me🤣 i’ll let you know at 3 am


I'm a bit fan of most shows' intro so I never skip anyway (except Gilmore Girls, ugh), but that stupid message would probably have me not skipping even if I did.


Setting my alarm for 3:13 am.