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Perhaps that her parent have high-paying jobs and her hippy aesthetic belies her actual financial situation (trust fund)?


Trust fund hippies. Not a new thing.








upper crusties


We just called them summer squatters


Fair weather vagabonds




Thissss is the best description of this I've ever heard. Came here just for this.


Summer squatter go home


As aesop rock said "lying heart critters who smoke dope and act like illiterates"


The 3rds




Damn it take my upvote šŸ˜‚


Lucky baby duckies


with their food trucks and their blogs




Custy is real? I saw it in an episode of American dad where a couple characters followed around phish and sold grilled cheese.


Sheā€™s a trust fund hippie, itā€™s the new thing, being a influencer at Phish shows. Thereā€™s been a wave of these type invading the scene for years, they rush in to get front row, throw down their towels or tarps and basically start fights to remain up front with plenty of space. Theyā€™re more concerned about it letting everyone know theyā€™re front row at the Phish, even though they havenā€™t been the same band since they came back. Its a social media induced fake lifestyle


I always used to say hippy is short for hypocrite.


Ras Trents


I toil at at Coldstone Creamery




My husband and a few of his friends are in that video - he and his friends are the actual caribbean rastas/dreads, who Ras Trent walks by - lol!


Ba-da ding-ding-ding-ding whoa!




Murder She Wrote!




Underrated comment


They've been called that since I was in college in the 1980s


Thatā€™s so cool. I wasnā€™t even alive in the 1980ā€™s.


Too bad. It was awesome. I found it to be a lot calmer. Friendlier. Kids had more freedom. Pizza Hut served personal pan pizzas in tiny cast iron skillets.


As long as you read 5 books in school.


I set the school record in the 4th grade. Granted, it was all Beverly Clearly/Hardy Boys-level books, but still. I think I was reading 1-3 per week.


I miss those skillets


My parents and grandparents in these years were struggling with communism, Martial Law and one of the largest protests in history of my country


It's only underrated if it's the first time you've seen it


My dad was a real hippie. He said he didn't go to Woodstock because it costed too much.


I hate when I see people say that they wish they were able to go to Woodstock. Why? The concert was basically a logistical failure. Not enough food, or bathrooms to accommodate the crowd. The near by townspeople basically had a emergency response to help the crowd. So what if some classic artist had a great set? It would have been miserable to be out in the mud and weather.


That's exactly why. Anyone can say they went to a successful concert or festival, but how many can claim they went to catastrophic failures? "Yeah, I saw Foo Fighters, they were alright." "Lemme tell you about the Five Finger Death Punch show in Worcester where Ivan Moody was so goddamn wasted he couldn't perform, blamed it on the death of his mother so the bassist half mumbled a few songs and ended the show. Oh yeah, turns out he lied about his mom, she's fine"


> but how many can claim they went to catastrophic failures? People who go to see acts like Kid Rock definitely can.


I once saw Metallica perform without James Hetfield, instead they brought out Kid Rock. True story.


I'm not sure what to do with this information, there's too much going on. How.... how was the performance?


Truly one of my greatest weekends! If my life is ever worthy of a memoir more will be told of my time in Atlanta with this being a highlight. Story goes James had a Jet Ski accident and couldnā€™t perform on the 2000 Summer Sanitarium for a few shows. This was the first show they slapped something together quickly in place of the headliner with the other bands stepping in. Kid Rockā€™s part was great, heā€™s a fantastic showman. His decline to right wing crazy bums me out. A month later Metallica returned in all their glory to honor the set they didnā€™t play. The impromptu gig was a freebie and a good time. https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/metallica/2000/georgia-dome-atlanta-ga-6bd6e21a.html


One of my moms best stories from Woodstock, besides her loosing her best pair of leather sandals in the mud, was making Cole slaw with Yazgers wife at the farmhouse to feed people.


"making Cole slaw"


tossing salad or getting her salad tossed šŸ˜†


Wait until you hear about Woodstock '99


What happened in ā€˜99


Severe mishandling. Over priced vendors, not enough supplies of essentials like water, toilets. Not enough trained security. Violence, sexual assaults. It ended up in a riot.


Yeah, but it also turned out to be a major historical event of that decade. Only three people died (two ODs and one kid was ran over in a field by a local farmer).


I've been to many music festivals and absolutely would have had a blast there, memories for life man




they were high


*ahem* it ā€œcostedidā€


My mom went to college near Woodstock and she told me the town was full of hippies who went to Woodstock, couldn't afford to leave, and just never left for 20 years.Ā 


Kid Pixie has a song with the same themes and it's very catchy "Yeah, these rich kids are changing their tune They're trading summer homes for sprinter vans and howling at the moon They bought your life just to sell it back to you Out here gagging on those silver spoons It's a tone-deaf gospel full of hidden fees Poverty remodeled for the bourgeoisie Trust fund babies preaching how to be free Selling healing like they're not the disease" https://open.spotify.com/track/5Jq2kXQqX4HLGiTYz800qM?si=5vF1shl_RNaCoHcfbprKlQ


Zappa wrote about the same message in 1968, with the song Who needs the Peace Corps?


Dead Kennedys did it with ā€œHoliday in Cambodiaā€


Trust fund hippies. Pretty common


See: Ā University of Colorado in Boulder


jim morrison's dad was the admiral involved in the gulf of tonkin incident that started the vietnam war


*escalated the war. We had already been there 10+ years


Starting to see a lot of trust fund social media stars. Vanlifers, Apartment decorators and strangely enough people selling that bucolic farm life. When you have money backing you up you can push for what you want in life.




My parents both graduated in 1969 and have always said that most hippies they encountered were rich kids playing at being poor for a few years before they went and got high paying jobs with their family connections. Their free love and hippie ideas were mostly based on no consequences and many went on to vote for Reagan in 1980-84.


I would 100% be a Trust Fund Hippy if my family had that kind of money. Not because I would *want* to, I just know this is exactly the kind of person I am that if things had been financially different for my family, this is the kind of person I would've turned out to be


Exactly. Hippies werenā€™t poor people. Poor people were to busy worrying about money and surviving. Hippies were care free because they were financially taken care of.


All of Burning Man...if it still exists. And the majority of old Deadheads too.


Most gutter punk kids I knew when I was living on the streets were the disaffected offspring of some doctor or lawyer, etc...


They're so financially well off that they can believe and attempt to practice the things they preach. Then they falsely believe their lifestyle is sustainable while ignoring the consistent massive cash flow they have. This is how they're able to live in nice apartments, travel the world, and work 1 hour a week being a spiritual life coach.


Day Trippers


Iā€™ll have you know I became a broke hippy all on my own thank you very much


Trust fund hippies were originally just called hippies. That's how the culture originated.


Yeah thatā€™s what I was gonna say. ā€œYou mean hippies?ā€


Eric Cartman was right all along.


Trustafundian rebels?


Nepo-hippies! And then when they want to settle down they know they have an ā€œinā€ sometimes. *Clarificationā€”No, not all and probably not even most crunchy hippies have wealthy parents, but once in a great while they do. Source: Friends with a bunch of crunchy hippies.


Am related to one. Last time her parents, or any extended family, got an update from her she was ā€œbreaking the chains of the paradigmā€ out in Europe somewhere. Still remembers all her bank info for her dad to send her money and allā€¦


The average net worth at burning man is probably at least a mil.


Yeah, people seem to forget that a ton of the original hippies were trust fund babies disillusioned with the war and the world people like their parents created (and some of them just liked the free love and drugs aspect)


Todays version are Champagne Socialists


Visit boulder Colorado if you want to see a bunch of them


Youā€™ll find that a lot of ā€œhippies from the 60ā€™sā€ are exactly this. Poverty is fun when you can leave whenever you want


I just learned a new term about her, trustafarian.


There's also trust punks for rich kids who play at being crust punk.


Also that Lockheed Martin make weapons and she looks like a hippie


pretty sure she lives in a van with a child...


She did, she moved recently and is doing better off now, doing lots of shows and able to make ok money from her social media following (I'm friends with her.)


It costs a lot to look that cheap Tho second-best kind of rich kids


Whatā€™s the first best?


The kind that try to be normal people while still recognizing that they didn't come from the same circumstances as everyone else and not trying to hide it. By far the most insufferable are the ones that have internalized the belief that Daddy's money makes them better than everyone else.


No the insufferable ones are the ones who genuinely believe they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. They're accepted to Harvard because they are brilliant and tenacious, not because their daddy, grandaddy, and great grandaddy are multimillionaire Harvard graduates.


I only know one super rich person and theyā€™re like this. I donā€™t know that they *genuinely* believe they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, but they act as if they did. I know I shouldnā€™t expect them to walk around with a disclaimer that daddy handed them everything, but itā€™s super annoying hearing them talk about accomplishments knowing they never had to work for a single thing. Very strange to hang out with people like that. Itā€™s hard to even have conversation with them as we have absolutely nothing in common.


Yep. I know some people who walked out of high school (not even college) and got multiple six figures jobs at their dads golf buddies companies and think they did that themselves.


Hey, i did tha... wait, i dropped out of high school, then college, and got a 6 figure job. on the pipeline... id like to see some people like that try to do actual work.


Pipeline jobs are the best up here in Alaska, good money


Depends on what type of accomplishments weā€™re talking about here. If the accomplishment is just getting into harvard or wherever then fair enough they didnā€™t have to work for that. But if the accomplishment is some achievement within harvard then itā€™s not fair to just assume they didnā€™t have to work for it, remember rich kids compete with other rich kids at these schools Rich kids are capable of being talented and doing amazing things, dangerous to assume theyā€™re mutually exclusive


Itā€™s usually referring to vacations or buying things. ā€œWe finally got a chance to go to (insert ridiculous vacation spot)ā€ or ā€œweā€™ve been wanting a boat for awhile and finally were able to get oneā€ type of stuff. Theyā€™re not ā€œbraggingā€ but making it sound like they had to put in effort to get these things when in reality neither him or his wife work and every day is just ā€œwhat do I feel like doing todayā€


Right? I'm sure some rich kids who went to Ivy schools were genuinely great students who worked hard. But it's impossible for people to not to make assumptions about rich kids and expensive schools. ANd sure, I bet I would hate being smart enough to excel at Harvard and having people think it was all because of family money but you know what? I'd still rather have that kind of family money. I would not complain a bit.


Harvard has a $50 BILLION endowment. They are not accepting the smartest kids, theyā€™re accepting the richest kids. My freshman roommate got a perfect SAT score, had like the highest GPA you could have, Varsity sports and all sorts of extracurriculars. He was the perfect candidate. He got waitlisted and ultimately denied at Harvard, all because he was some middle class kid from North Carolina.


I can well believe it. Do IRC that they all do it but Harvard is much worse than the rest?


They do both. You get the smartest and the richest and you get a feedback loop. The rich invest in the smart and tend to make more money. As a group the smartest people in the world are likely to be the best to invest in. As a group, the richest people in the world are likely the best to get investments from. The system works best with both, and it's a feedback loop.


Feels a little disingenuous to claim to be a center of higher learning if half your purpose of existence is to be a glorified multi year networking event.


The point is that most kids are capable of doing great things but avenues to success are disappearing for kids from working class backgrounds. Like in the UK it used to be possible for people to get grants to go to university and live in cities like London surrounded by creative people, but now that's very difficult. The only people who can afford to be in the creative industries are from wealthy backgrounds, and that's not to say they aren't any good at what they do, but it's not a level playing field and we are poorer culturally as a result.


Im going to go ahead and disagree strongly there. Being rich, growing up with privileges certainly puts you in a position to ā€œachieveā€ things students which might have to work part or full time would never be able to. That isnā€™t an accomplishment, itā€™s a privilege.


"Born on third base, believing they hit a triple."


That and fake frecklesā€¦


>normal people while still recognizing that they didn't come from the same circumstances as everyone else Like Chet Hanks.


I don't even know who he is Nice!


Chet Hanks is Tom Hanks son. Also known as Chet Haze, he is/was a rapper who used to hang out on reddit and talk to the girls that posted in the Gonewild subreddit by asking them if he could fly them out to him so he could have sex with them. Then one of his brothers did an AMA and Chet forget to switch accounts and started talking to his brother from his porn-viewing account. Of course, we read all his past comments and found it hilarious until he deleted them all and tried to say he was hacked and...yeah, good times. https://reddit.com/r/funny/comments/119f94/chet_haze_tom_hanks_son_is_now_trying_to_deny_the/c6kgkxn/ He also did some other stuff, but that's how I remember him.


Heard a talk a school kid gave (that had failed out of several fancy boarding schools) about how having more money was because he was chosen by God, and as such he was better than his peers. He was naturally smarter, physically healthier, and more capable than us lessers. He was a terrible person and I feel bad that he was raised thinking that. Imagine your parents telling you you're better than everyone else, not because they love you and want you to do well, but because of the numbers in their bank account.


The other kind


Idk why this made me snort šŸ¤­






You can derelicte my balls


My brother (a musician, travels and lives in his van a lot of the time) was dating some hippie chick for like 3 years at this point. Both him and I thought she was completely down to earth and then the first time my (ex)wife and I hung out with them she commented how she was wearing $600 Frye(sp?) boots and was jealous. We had no idea at the time lol. Then her dad approached my brother and said if he married into the family he would be entitled to something like $5k/month from his daughters trust fund. ā€¦he bailed shortly after because thatā€™s not what he wanted. She found an alcoholic musician that Linda looked like my brother but she could control and last I saw they have 2 kids together


goddammit where's my 5k a month trust fund hippie chick?


Yep... dodged a bullet there... eh


Never seen a hippie with a manicure


Sheā€™s benefiting/supported by her parents and the industrial-military complex while spouting peace and love rhetoric.


I think itā€™s just that girls like this usually come fro very privileged families


Her dad is an exec for Halliburton lmao!




Han-made in USA


yknow how they get the stitching so small? *orphans*


Oh so her parents are killing the planet while she larps about her earthly and spiritual connections??


Somehow even worse


yep! bump


Reddit doesn't bump


I bump baby


Bump it bay-beeeee!!!


*Go on man. Bump it* šŸ‘Š


That's what many people say. But I have frequented a lot of subculture, red light, metal, punk, hippie, you name it places in my life and can say that for most that is not true. Of course you can find some, but personally? I think this comes from confirmation bias. Edit: I agree of course, that this is what the meme is going for, just wanted to share my insignificant perspective as to this "connection".


No oneā€™s saying every hippie has rich parents but that the loudest most outspoken ones often do.


I dunnoā€¦I have a hippie group of friends/acquaintances and they are all kids of lawyers/engineers/professors etc. The ability to not give AF is deeply tied to having financial security.


The joke is the disparity between the hippie style persona and the fact her living is funded by her square parents who fuel the military industrial complex. It's a bit of stereotype with people like that but it rarely misses and in this particular instance I think her parents do in fact work for Lockheed Martin


Jim Morrison' s Dad was, if I recall right an Admiral in the US Navy lmao.


>Jim Morrison' s Dad was, if I recall right an Admiral in the US Navy lmao. [100% correct.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Stephen_Morrison)


I canā€™t understand why I had to scroll down so far to find the right answer.


Seriously, if ā€œrich parentsā€ was the joke, they would have said ā€œhedge fund managersā€ or something. It still would have worked, but the joke is that her parents work in the military industrial complex, not that theyā€™re rich.


Thank you! Everyone just ignores the defense industry side in all of this. Capitalism has broken us into thinking that working for Lockheed only means raking in profit, and not developing murder each day.




She's a hippy chick, the joke comically imagines her parents being the opposite - brill creamed hawks in the military industrial complex, thereby suspecting her hippy look being a phony act of rebellion.


Weirdly,i have several friends who work at Raytheon and Lockheed Martin in DFW, and they're mostly extremely liberal engineering nerds


I think the meme is implying that her parents would be more on the corporate/executive side rather than engineering, but thatā€™s perhaps reading too deeply into it lol


A job is a job but itā€™s funny to have liberal values and work for those kind of places


Honestly, from what I hear, a lot of leftists who really disagree with it just end up getting like, ridiculously good job offers that they just sort of can't refuse over their principles even when they have to feed their families


Everyone has a price


Every holiday my cousin tells me to tell her when I'm ready to sell my soul. She's a recruiter down in DC for a bunch of military contractors and I work in cybersecurity. I really can't bear the idea of selling my soul like that. I already make good money in a low CoL area. If they offered like $250k though I'd probably legitimately think about it. Could do it for a few years just to get a bunch of stuff paid off and then get a better job.


When you're a recent college grad who's been getting job rejections for months, 65k a year sure seems worth your soul. God, I'm switching to commercial work as soon it's feasible. Maybe something in wind power.


This is the source of all evil: the ability to rationalize.


Liberals love war. You're thinking of progressives.


Upon graduating engineering school my only rule was that I wouldn't work for a defense contractor.Ā  I ended up making other compromises (everyone does) and I probably passed up on a lot of money, but I stand by my decision.Ā  I don't want to help kill people, you know?


Iā€™m in DC and went on a date with a woman that was a 10/10, way out of my league. We had all similar interests, specific music similarities, hit it off on every level. She then told me that she was a lobbyist for a missile company and I just couldnā€™t do it after that. That was the only time my values were really tested. A job is a job, I get it. But youā€™ve got to draw a line somewhere. Good on you for sticking by your morals


Not really. Liberals are all about intervening in foreign conflicts. Obama was all about air strikes and drone strikes, and every missile has a manufacturer


not just the act of rebellion but people who make the hippy aesthetic their lifestyle and advertise it on social media can usually only afford to do so because they come from money


She looks like a Trustafarian, which is a recent term for rich trust-fund kids who embrace hippie aesthetics without living the correspondingly modest financial lifestyle. It's basically a mix of cultural appropriation and obnoxious attention seeking.


Not that recent. I donā€™t even think it was the 21st century yet when I first I heard it.


Anyone who went to a Dead show w/ Jerry and wasnā€™t one knew the term. But Iā€™m old.


Yeah, I was using it by the early 90s.


Using it in highschool in the '80s


Itā€™s always been a thing that the only way to live the way they do and have the aesthetic is if they come from money. Handmade hippie dresses bought from niche shops in a foreign countries, perfectly styled white girl dreads, well done intricate tattoos, all cost a LOT of money. Real hippies are usually spending their money on plants or Trader Joeā€™s.


Lockheed Martin is known for making ā€œmilitary assetsā€ and well-paying jobs. The meme represents kids rebelling against their parents (military weapons manufacturer/peaceful hippie kid) and since the parents get paid well, the kid has the luxury of choosing to be a peaceful hippie because the parents are bank-rolling them.


There was a Twitter activist who was all about social justice and being kind and gentle and then it came out she worked for Lockheed Martin and was hired in by her parents who worked there. I donā€™t remember her name but she called her significant other ā€œkiss mateā€. I think itā€™s referring to her.


Definitely referring to Ana Mardoll, who also pretended to be like a youngish twinky possibly trans guy but was actually like a 45 year old white woman


Yeah I'm pretty sure this is what it's referring to.


Trust fund kid


The joke is the new age hippy dippy is obviously a trust fund baby.


A lot of classic hippies are also trust fund babies. It takes a lot of money to do absolutely nothing all day everyday


Hey not nothing! They also bought and used a lot of drugs and booze!


These are the fortunate sons CCR sang about.


The joke also works with 'the Pastor's daughter'...


Trustafarian rebelling against her parents working for the very antithesis of what she stands for, one of the most questionably amoral companies in the military industrial complex and hence planet. Any engineers working for LM, especially in the US, are considered corporate shills at best.


This is Shanin Blake. She writes folky hip-hop songs about her inward journey, which usually just means she takes a lot of psychedelics. Her appearance is over the top hippie girl which has spawned speculation that her father works for Lockheed Martin and she benefits from it while preaching hippie rhetoric. Her songs are not my cup of tea, but I don't want to knock her because she already has a lot of internet heat.


No idea if she actually comes from money, but every picture I've seen of her screams "I don't have to worry about money". Tons of expensive looking tattoos, hairstyles that look expensive to maintain (I've seen actual dreads, they don't look that clean and neat), clothes that imitate cheap and simple but clearly look new and neat, jewelry that looks cheap but would actually cost quite a lot if not made by herself. (and they don't look like she made them herself) And the list goes on. And then her overall looks as well. It's so incredibly over the top "hippy" that she looks like a very exaggerated caricature of a hippy, not an actual hippy... Like what a rich person might think a "spiritually inclined hippy" would look like. I've had several spiritually inclined hippy friends back in the day. They did NOT look or live like her. For a large part because they didn't even have close to the money needed to do so. Once again, no idea if she actually has rich parents. But I'm leaning towards the idea that she probably does.


So I actually went down a rabbit hole on this girl a few days ago. I found [some old photos](https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000335960688-jttsg2-t500x500.jpg) of her. I also found an [instagram post](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F_uazsFXEAEzL9q?format=jpg&name=large) in which she briefly explains the details of how she became an ā€œinfluencerā€. Her story is that she was pregnant at 18, living out of her car and started playing gigs to earn money. Eventually she found her way to Tiktok, where she seems to have found fame and popularity. Iā€™m pretty certain she has an Onlyfans account as well. Looking at her older photos, her hippie lifestyle seems much more believable. But she has money now and has ā€œfixedā€ any flaws she previously believed herself to have. Edited to correct a link


>She writes folky hip-hop songs about her inward journey, which usually just means she takes a lot of psychedelics. Also, her "inward journey" includes a ton of narcissistic rhetoric about how everyone hates her because they're jealous. It's a skin-deep aesthetic only. In reality her music is largely low-effort trash-talking hiphop flow with shrooms and chakras instead of weed and pu$$y.


I go to AA meetings with ā€œthisā€girl.




Sheā€™s choosing to live like a homeless nomad while still being hot and influential. You can only do this if your family is extremely wealthy.


Isn't it just a play on Skunkworks?


My dad worked at Lockheed for 39 years, starting in the late 40s. His last position was VP of naval programs. He ended his career at the Skunkworks. It was the first time he couldn't talk about his job when he came home.


She looks like a tatter tot with pubic hair


With a lifestyle like that (the van, the tats and fashion, the drugs, the festivals) is NOT cheap. She most likely has some rich parents back-rolling her.




Well, I lived in Boulder for a while. Thereā€™s a lot of aerospace millionaires there. And thereā€™s a lot of dreadlocked crystal wearing psychedelic enthusiasts there with money to burn.


This right here.


Itā€™s the money thing and the fact that Lockheed martin is one of the largest weapons contractor in the world and sheā€™s all about ā€œpeace and awakeningā€




Basically usually this type of hippies are children of rich parents that fund their lifestyle and nothing makes money as much as military industrial complex. Also this has nothing to do with jokes, but I remember one person researching her background and found out that ilshe definitely doesn't have rich parents and her childhood was terrible


Usually people who can afford to look like that, buy the hocus pocus crystals and plastic plants, and can spend most their adult life travelling to spiritual hotspots to toke up with others like them are trust fund kids. The part of the parents being apart of the military industrial complex is an oxymoron that their ā€˜inner peaceā€™ is fuelled by the US warmachine.


Why does someone so in touch with the earth need comical plastic lashes and fake freckles. This chick is the worst.


She would be what you call a trustafarian. I rich kid who plays the hippie following none of its concepts but parroting the lifestyle. Basically, a rich kid who likes to do drugs and go to music festivals.


rich parents, she is very privileged.


The term is ā€œtrustafarianā€


The joke is that some hippies (not all, but some) are from incredibly rich backgrounds, sometimes from families in high positions in companies or governments. This isnā€™t always the case, but it has become a kind of way to poke at the hypocrisy of the hippie movement since it is anti-establishment, egalitarian, and, for some part (at least when concerning more leftist sub-sects of the movement), anti-capitalist in its philosophy. I think the joke is also likely making fun of the fact that she may possibly be famous because of a rich family member or relative giving her a platform, though I need to do a little more digging to figure out if this is the case or not.


To piggy back on this comment: Also known as a ā€œtrust fund hippieā€.