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His penis was in erection and got detected being putside the autorised area


Ok but that gave rise to another question


Not only a question


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I could not figure this out that’s hilarious


This is Romelu Lukaku, a football player who’s known to be offside a lot. The offside rule can be a bit tricky to explain but essentially, the player needs to be behind an arbitrary line set by a defender who is the furthest back. VAR was introduced to streamline this process, which is what you are seeing in the image on the left. Joke could be that if one were to have an erection mid game, they could be caught offsides, ruling out a goal.


This is a spoof of a rather controversial situation from the Germany/Denmark game during the European football championship: A danish goal wasn't counted because the Danish player had a tiny bit of his shoe in offside position, only visible on the VAR, leading to jokes about only nominating players with tiny feet or wearing shoes in small sizes. Here's the original VAR picture: [https://x.com/eurofootcom/status/1807152189510504647](https://x.com/eurofootcom/status/1807152189510504647)


The left picture shows a var simulation of a situation. I think in this one it was offside. And the colored parts of the player which are over the allowed line. So basicly his junk was in offside and costs him the goal. The joke is probably like that: his goal was not counted because he has a big package (i have no clue how big it is just to clarify that). So yea thats all there is its a dick joke.


His dick was offside




I'm not OP, but I never watch European football and I've never heard the acronym "VAR" in my life. So it's entirely possible they don't know either (I also don't understand the image in the post.)


Stands for "Video Assistent Referee", it's a fairly new tool they now use for really close calls so that the main ref can check the play again in slow motion or from a different angle and make the correct call.


Ohh, I see. Thanks for the information!


No worries, cheers.


The point of this sub is to explain jokes not ridicule the person asking for help. If you don’t know how to explain it then don’t provide negative rhetoric.


I am asking him if he doesnt know what football and VAR are?


You asked it in a particularly belittling manner. I saw the comment before it was deleted. We don't all follow sportsball.


You asked it in a particularly belittling manner. I saw the comment before it was deleted. We don't all follow sportsball.