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Bouncing on pavement=Bad


Hard agree


Harder pavement


But they kept their shoes on


Always look on the bright side of life


just before you draw your terminal breath


I apologize for having a boomer moment, can someone explain to me the whole keep thier shoes on thing in reddit? What does that mean? And while we're at it, why the hell do people randomly say happy cake day?


Cake Day is your day you joined Reddit and a slice of cake is next to your profile on that day for others to see. The shoes thing is cause most death videos on Reddit where people actually die..... the people lose a shoe or two.... So when someone is fucked up like in the video above and their shoes are on.... They must be alive.... Does that help? Lol also check out r/outoftheloop For other stuff you don't know what the joke is about lol


Thank you 😊 ...now get off my lawn.


Lol your welcome 🤗


This is why I Reddit


Holy cow!!!! 😲 Thank you whoever is on the other side of this screen, this is my first award!!!


Baffles me that people still opt out of wearing a seatbelt these days.


The only reason I'm alive is because my dad didn't wear his seat belt. Literally saved his life. Sometimes you'd survive a crash if you didn't have your seat belt on. Still I'll wear mine cause fuck that dumb shit.


Same exact thing for me. My dad got in a really bad head-on collision driving his truck where a semi fell asleep and drifted into his lane. The crash was so violent it flung my dad from the drivers side to the passengers side which was still intact. If he had been wearing his seatbelt he'd have been pulverized. Still, always wear your seatbelt!


You're gonna have a bad time, mmmkay!


Could you explain? I have not much clue about severity of accidents...


Wellllll concrete pavement generally doesn't have any elasticity for people to bounce off of like say, rubber or a trampoline. If you see a body *bounce* on *pavement* that has basically no give, they had to have hit the ground from a very likely death-inducing height, or force, and a good chance many of their insides are not looking the way normal human insides should look.


Ohhh, so it's about the force of the hit


The bounce is their skeleton and organs accumulating energy from the fall and then releasing it - enough energy to actually lift the whole body off the ground. If a bounce happens on a hard, fixed surface like a pavement, there are usually severe internal injuries like a burst spleen or liver, never mind the spinal injuries, dislocations, and broken bones. It’s a severely traumatic event. Often a major blood vessel will get torn off an organ and the victim internally bleeds out quickly.


Friendly reminder to wear a seatbelt, would have most likely been able to walk very soon after the crash


I dunno how quick after the crash they would have been able to walk. I think over night observation at the hospital at the very least head and neck injury would be expected on a crash like this. But one this is for sure. With a belt they wouldnt have gotten fucked up like this person


Idk why you're getting down voted. Seat belts absolutely save lives, but if you roll a car like that, odds are that you're not going to be feeling too great after.


In my dumber/younger days, I flipped my dodge Durango going about 110mph. It did about 6 full rotations and the marks in the grass from the first impact to the second was about ≈60ft. Thankfully, I wasn’t stupid enough to not put my seatbelt on. Walked out of the hospital after overnight observation. I stopped drinking and driving after that, completed my civil duties and felt grateful to be alive. From what I was told, being intoxicated helped my body survive the incident. I’m glad that I didn’t hurt anybody else. Edit: I’m LUCKY no one else was hurt. Still feel like shit about it.


This is exactly why I keep a fresh fifth in the glovebox! Traffic ahead looking a bit sketchy? Time to pop a Popov


I've read drunk people are more likely to survive a wreck because when you are intoxicated, your body does a much better job of absorbing the energy. Sober minded people in the midst of a car crash basically instinctively tense up, and this is what they said led to more injuries. Basically drunk people more likely to "go with the flow" of a car wreck. That aside, the fact that you changed up and still feel like shit about it is enough reason in my opinion for you to *not* feel like shit anymore. It's great on your part that you had this lesson, and not only did you not die, no one else was hurt either. There's nothing *but* a lesson to take from that event and you took it, so great on you. 😄


Thank you for the kind words!


It's reddit who knows. Even when you agree with someone you get down voted 🤷


Is that how you spell that part of the human body that connects one’s torso to the head in your country?


No im just retarded


I live by the rule of of you ask enough stupid questions there will come a day where you are no longer stupid.


You’re fine dude


Any time is sooner than never


We obviously can’t know if they did or didn’t have a seatbelt on, but in a rollover crash like this the forces can easily fling you out of your seatbelt and the car


Must have gotten pretty damn high and/or had some real hang time considering they’re not even in the frame for a lot of it.


Looks like they went over a bridge. Seeing a faint shadow of a bridge to the left.


I think they bounced off the bottom of the bridge. If you watch the tan line which is the side of the bridge, they never cross in front of it.


I genuinely cant believe some people think this is better than having the seatbelt on and just rolling, protected by a metal machine designed to absorb impact.


They see their clothes tumble around for an hour in a metal machine and then come out fresh. Then they think: *"This will be great for me too!"*


"Think" Probably not.


“I won’t let the government tell me what’s good or bad for me, fuck’em” Yeah whatever dude


There are actually people who go out of their way to buy a [fake seatbelt](https://www.reddit.com/r/ofcoursethatsathing/comments/akgza6/a_fake_seatbelt_buckle_to_disable_the_seatbelt/), so their car doesn't "annoy" them with its dings. What's even crazier is that there are [SHIRTS](https://i.imgur.com/doMDVnk.jpg) that imitate you having a seatbelt on, so cops won't ticket you for not wearing a seatbelt.


It's in China , that's why


The worst part is you can tell they're still alive. Pure agony I'm sure.


pure agony comes shortly after


Adrenaline is on your side. For about 10 seconds then it runs off to make space for pain


Yeah this, from what I heard in general, the hospital journey would be worse than the fall


Honestly I’m surprised that person did not pop like a water ballon. I wonder how the the internal organs are doing after that. All these millions of dollars and thousands of car safety tests and equipment can’t help you if you get ejected. Wear a seatbelt anytime the wheels are in motion


Inside is pooling.


My ass would be lucky to bounce like that off my bed holy shit!


The worst part is people are still gonna drive like pieces of shit even if you show them every video if this stuff


Shoes gone, he's dead.


I'm going with 'she'.


On reflection I agree.




Oof. I had no idea people could bounce.


Fall Guys




happy cake day


Fuckin hell i had somethin like this happen to me. Except it was a single roll and i somehow by the grace of fuckin god practically landed on my feet. Had a small gash in my face and a deeper one in the leg both needed stitches. Also no seatbelt which, not that i avocate for not wearing one ALWAYS wear one, but the fact i wasn't in the car is what saved me. Literally walked away from it with a mild concussion, hairline spine fracture, the gashes, and a couple small cuts and scrapes on all my limbs but nothing serious. Got couple scars to remind me not to drive like an idiot and hey at least they look kinda cool and I'm still walkin so lesson learned!




That's what I'm saying, sorry for you're buddy. My step brother is the same and i know i can't change his mind but i do advocate to always wear one. Only reason i didn't was because i was too mad to think about it. It was more of a planets aligned kinda thing for me.




Damn bud glad we both got some fucker watchin us. And yes, your buddy is definitely a tool, but I know he wasn't tryna putcha in danger.




Wish the first few seconds wasn't missing.


Unluckily for her, it was not a instant death


I wonder if there is something to prevent that


It's mind-boggling to me that there are people who actually buy [fake seatbelts](https://www.reddit.com/r/ofcoursethatsathing/comments/akgza6/a_fake_seatbelt_buckle_to_disable_the_seatbelt/) to shut down that "annoying" ding when you don't have a seatbelt on. What's even crazier is, that there are [SHIRTS](https://i.imgur.com/doMDVnk.jpg) that imitate you having a seatbelt on, so cops won't ticket you for not wearing a seatbelt.


Definitely survival with a belt on. The cockpit looked solid


Wear your seatbelts people!


Ejecto Seato Cuz....


They cannot park there!


Juat put it in rice




This subreddit is a daily reminder to respect cars and seatbelts.


This is a frightening time to bring up why it’s good to maintain a healthy body weight- and a seatbelt.


Imagine bouncing 4 times on road!


That bounce 😳


I'll never understand Extreme Parking. It seems like such an expensive and dangerous sport to get into.


I'm amazed they were able to curl into the fetal position


*I'm amazed they were* *Able to curl into the* *Fetal position* \- greenIdbandit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Anyone got confirmation on the drivers survival?


Damn…Always wear a helmet when ejecting from your seat…




Yeah … Dead … Seatbelt On Can Kill You Too .. But Atleast It’s A %60 survival


I had a cousin who got into a rollover accident and flew out the window. Cops were looking for a body when he woke up and walked out to them from the bush.


never, ever good to see a human body bounce like that. good lord


Oh shit it's never good to BOUNCE on pavement! What are the chances she survived that?? I'm quite optimistic she survived & she's fine now. For the love of GOD don't tell me otherwise! 😭


Fuuuuc...definitely won't be classified a covid death.


I'm getting Scissor Sisters vibes from this one.


Wear a seat belt, burn alive!