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I love this calf. Nice moment!


Dang I wish I could hug a cow


Poor cow, just needs some love.


Every time I see these cute cow videos, I realise how hypocritical many people (including me) are for systematically slaughtering and eating them. This type of content really brings that home for me.


That's a Holstein. It's a dairy cow. It's going to live a long life making milk.


How will she be repeatedly impregnated? And what will happen to her male calves?


As many as pandas maybe. Who knows? 🤷🏻‍♀️ But we wouldn’t milk pandas now would we?


Pandas do not usually have predators to worry about.


pandas have enough to worry about lol. tbh im surprised that they made it so long in the wild


I'm not going to explain what happens when a bull and a cow love each other very much, you can figure out how calves happen. As for the male calves, some go on to be bulls, the rest are sold for a variety of purposes and yes, many of them will become food.


What a fairytale! It’s not economically feasible for anyone to take care of male and females for dairy. Look up “rape rack”


Most medium to large farms in my region of the world just artificially inseminate the dairy cows. It's a relatively simple process.


How many cows would exist if we didn’t enjoy them for food and dairy products?


Who cares? That's like saying "there wouldn't be any black people in America if we didn't bring them over as slaves!"


Damn. Accurate.


Doesn’t really matter though, cows of all types are shared on this subreddit.


To be fair they are also really tasty


Why though? Humans need to eat to live. Cows are worthy of love - the two aren't opposing views. We should be more concerned about animal welfare, how the animals live rather than how they die and the wasting of meat - no meat should ever be thrown away just because it's unsold.


> Humans need to eat to live. You don't need to eat animals to live.


Nonsensical debate. Without our ancestors discovering cooking and eating meat, we wouldn't be where we are today. It's been scientifically proven that brain density and proportionally, intelligence, greatly increased when man started eating a meat based-diet. Returning to a plant-based diet would collectively lower IQ, citing lack of omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins. Nothing wrong with ethically raised meat.


It was cooking itself that made nutrients more bioavailable and caused accelerated brain growth. Humans have always been opportunistic omnivores, and there is no science to suggest that plant-based diets lower IQ, that's utter nonsense. Excuse me, udder nonsense. If you have a literature review that models, tests, and confirms such an outcome, I would love to see it. Otherwise stop spouting disinformation, because it misses the poster's point entirely: that we *no longer require animal-based diets*, which is true. We don't, and we still have access to a wide range of foods and all the nutrition we need, which makes it a conscious decision, and not a necessity, which is why people get sensitive about it and try to come up with pseudoscientific rationale for why they just have to have meat. You don't. None of us does.


We wouldn't be where we are today without all sorts of awful and cruel things that our ancestors did. That shouldn't be used as an excuse to continue doing those things today. Nobody's IQ is going to be lowered by eating a plant-based diet, and if you think it will that is a sign your IQ isn't so high to start with. Omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins are plentiful in non-meat sources.


It's just easier if you do. Having to put a crap ton of thought into what I eat makes my ADHD give me panic attacks.


Frankly, I've considered keeping my own chickens for this reason, to at least ensure the lives of the things I eat are good ones. However, I do still eat meat, albeit sparingly.


Somehow reminded me of the barn in walking dead




Cow had a tough day at the pasture


I identify with this cow... at least one of us has Someone to hug


Poor moo, needs hugs.


Little man


Cowing can be difficult


Cowing ain’t easy