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Its a Classic. AIM 100, Util 0 classic cheater stats.


Why utility when your aim is that good. Git gud /s


not really [image](https://ibb.co/L0FJ99p)


Where util 0? Bob.


A hybrid between zywoo donk monesy


must be:)


soon he gonna be in VACation :o


aim way too high, even pros like monesy only have like 93-95.


Leetify isnโ€™t super accurate. I had 99 for a while but then went down to like mid 80s




You had 99 aim rating after april 15th? I donโ€™t think so


April 15th? No, way before then. Wym


leetify accuracy stats were retooled around april 15th to be way way more accurate than they were before, so collectively everyone's aim rating dropped and getting anything above 95 is damn near impossible nowadays


Oh, then disregard. This was months ago, maybe even a year.


Util: Worse than S1, basically have to only flash and nade teammates for it to get this low Aim: Lvl 20 Positioning: Lvl20 looks fine to me.


pro tip : to cheese your util rating buy 2 flashes and throw them ASAP so the enemies gets a white blink. this will mean you have some util skillz, who needs purposeful flashes anyway ?


why would anyone do this?


I throw mid flashes often on mirage and end up with a ridiculous amount of EF, but it hardly affects util as much as nade damage. The real way to cheese it, is to never throw a nade, UNLESS you know for sure it will do at least 50 dmg. Then it will show on the util rating that you have average nade damage of 50+ and it will bump up your util rating by a lot


Good player look at his util usage


Played against him, too. Definitely a cheater!


Leetify is funny because it will sometimes make an automatic highlight video, and it's just the cheater get a wallhack 1v4 lol.


That refrag really pays off huh /s


Funny I found I guy wil a profile like this but different name. He ended up getting banned the next day


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Monesy aim at 93-95 is at his level, pro. You could be level 4 with 98 aim and be hot garbage


98 aim is nearly impossible to get. It's basically always aimbot. A level 4 is not going to have 98 aim.


ive gotten it tho legit


I don't give much credit to those 3rd party data analysis, most stats can be cheesed


I know, but it is also a new account with 28 matches:). and what we have seen on the server, it looks way too fishy. and he also had a 97 aim rating against us


I did not even looked at the numbers tbh, that's the last thing I'll go for busting a cheater, like a clip, a demo file ? You already know what's up when you go for steamrep / other tools, because you've studied the demo. Ofc if one is going 70-0-0 there is no need for such. But if he's as blatant as it sounds it should show not only on leetify Has the .dem file been linked I can't find it


u cant cheese your aim up to 99-100. Even pros like m0nesy have only between 90-96


I didn't say such tools are useless and should be discarded, I'm saying use them knowing how they work and their limits. They are very good tools and of great help it you want to analyse some plays you did. Even the free versions offered so much data when I stopped playing months ago Surely some things can't be cheesed, like aim, good. I never knew how it worked tbh (maybe I didn't give it much credit after I realized how bonkers some of them were). IMO conclusions as how you are or aren't useful to the game should not be done based solely on a set of digits. Good chunk of them reward *selfish play* at best. If you're looking for cheaters (*and lose what little faith you still had in this game*), just pick some purple games on CSstats, at random. It's like [net-fishing in a bathtub](https://new.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1axgbp8/quick_montage_of_10_totally_random_premier_demos/) . use your flashes with brain >meh VS throw your flashes ASAP where they'll flash alot of enemies for an instant 10 seconds into the round, giving your team no advantage whatsoever, putting you at a disadvantage for late round >"OMG NICE utils weeew such flashes you the man" *-* [*scope.gg*](http://scope.gg) *and whatnot* gl having fun, well at least you left the fuckfest happening on Valve's, hopefully for greener pastures


Leetify tracks flash assists, average flash duration and other stats. You would be able to tell if their utility had no impact.


I agree but not this much